For citation: Xu Bin, Chen Jia, Shmatov Alexander, Lygdenov Burial, Mishigdorzhiyn Undrakh, MeiShunqi. Water jet loom development status and technology outlook // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (22)'2024 (DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2024.02) — EDN:
UDK 677.05
Water jet loom development status
and technology outlook
Xu Bin1*, Chen Jia1, Shmatov Alexander1,2, Lygdenov Burial1,3, Mishigdorzhiyn Undrakh1,4,
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China 2 Zhejiang Pinuo Machinery Co., Ltd., Shaoxing, 312000, China 3 Zhejiang Tianxiong Industrial Technology Co., Ltd., Shaoxing, 312000, China 4 Innovation Centre of Advanced Textile Technology (Jianhu Laboratory), Shaoxing, 312000, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. As a modern weaving equipment that uses water jets to pass warp yarns through weft yarns, the water jet loom has been widely used in the textile industry for its high efficiency and low energy consumption, especially in the production of light and thin fabrics and synthetic fabrics, which has shown significant advantages. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of the weft draw-in of the water jet loom, energy saving technology and intelligent control system development status is discussed in depth, revealing its technical progress in adapting to the needs of different widths. In recent years, water jet looms have made significant breakthroughs in automation control and wastewater treatment and reuse, effectively reducing the difficulty of loom operation and the labor demand of enterprises, and significantly improving the production efficiency and environmental protection level. This paper also looks forward to the future development of water jet looms, and advocates that water jet looms should continue to increase investment in research and development, and constantly improve the adaptability of water jet looms to different production needs, improve the efficiency of weft entry and continuous innovation in the multi-shuttle mouth technology, in order to meet the increasingly diversified needs of the modern textile industry.
Keywords: Water-jet loom; Dynamic Characteristics of Leads; Wastewater treatment and reuse; Development prospect
mm1*, mm1, ми^^шишл12, тштяяшя1-3, жшшФямжтт14, ття1А
1 пш&ш, фя, m 430073
2 ФЯШХ, 312000
з фя!яш, 315000
4 ФЯтХ, 312000
F-mail: [email protected]
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йййжжм. тшшшшшшшшттяшштштш
шш, ^шшйтйш^хдап^мздхш^, м^ш^т^ш^от
шшк шмхшшш
ШпШШШШ, Шм^ШедйХМй^МййШ^. ШП: ФШШ; ШШШ; ^/ЖМШ; ^Мйй
^ЖЙШ^ 20 «2 50
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хтшк ыжштжттш [1] [2],
ттшшшшш^ нв^ тг1тшшмттт'\жт1жмтшшхгтя. шш
тшш, тштмш^гтштттштш. шп, шжщыишттшшшъ, н^, ш¥ш&
шштшшъхшш^шшш^гш, ^ш&тхшъ
штшш, шшшшштя ш, ^ншйт^шяйм^пшвт
1200 ШТШФШШШЙШШ, фйш^. ш, ттжтшш 1.5 ш з.б шш&шмшшй^г
шж, шшштшшй^тшштм. rfjwi0 ^н
®1 Ш^В^ RFJW10
шжШ [б]
Figure 1 Shandong Rifa RFJW10 Water Jet Loom [б]
: *
й^, ШЯ-ШШШШЖШМ JW82 яяж, ШЛ
шйшшжв^шт 1000 н ^■шм^тшшш JW82
ж^шшйжшшйшмж жшшпйшмйм
JW82 [7]
Figure 2. Qingdao Tianyi Red Flag Spinning Machine JW82 Water Jet Loom [7]
шштш, ткшшшш&ш тшш. Фтш^штукшттшш, тшшштя шшйтйшл^ж шшшлт^гъ». ттшшшшшштя, &
тшшшшш^. й^/кшжй««, Фтшштшт
штяштжшштжшшшшш хп тш^гтшФшшмш. шттшшт, шшш
m g-wmmmm^mMb®
Table 1. Comprehensive comparison of economic performance
of various types of weaving machines
шжшж тчш штш тшш
1000-2000r/min 1300-2000r/min 200-700r/min 400-600r/min
шп 0.8-2kw/h 1.5-3kw/h 0.5-0.8kw/h 0.8-1.5kw/h
iMrnm^m^ шт rn, ш^шт, ттттт, %
rn, шш, шш мт, шш шт, ш
75-90^И 90-100^ 80-90^ 80-90^
mm Wrn mm ФШ
м м mm ФШ
тш^тжттж, шШШШ ш, ттттшшпшч^, шш&тш^&шъшп. ш
шшй, жшйт^щм+жкмййшж, ш^т^йздшш.
^ШЖ^Ш^Кй^нШ. М!^ 4.0 ЙЙЙЖ, ^Ж^^ШЖ-^^
йшшш, шй^«. й^,
шммша^шкл, дшж-^ш^ШШй^-
ж, 1шт ^ш^^м^^йшй^й^.
йам, ¿тмшшадшж.
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