For citation: Liao Mingzhe, Xu Qiao, Mei Shunqi, Zhang Huiru, Dai Yuguang. The influence of yoke on electromagnetic force during electromagnetic weft insertion // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (22)'2024 (DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2024.02) — EDN:
УДК 613.168
The influence of yoke on electromagnetic
force during electromagnetic weft insertion
Liao Mingzhe*1, Xu Qiao1, Mei Shunqi1'2, Zhang Huiru1, Dai Yuguang1
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China 2 Innovation Centre of Advanced Textile Technology(Jianhu Laboratory), Shaoxing, 312000, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Electromagnetic weft insertion technology has a broad application prospect in the weaving of wide-width textiles. Based on the principle of electromagnetic drive, this paper analyzes the factors that may affect the electromagnetic force. The electromagnetic weft insertion device without yoke is simulated by finite element simulation software. It is found that most of its magnetic field lines are diffused outwardly, the energy conversion efficiency is low and the electromagnetic force is unstable. Then a magnetic yoke is installed outside the drive coil. The results show that the magnetic field inside the drive coil increases significantly, the magnetic field line escaping to the outside decreases obviously, and the electromagnetic force received by the clip weft device increases and becomes more stable, which can effectively improve the efficiency of electromagnetic weft insertion.
Keywords: Electromagnetic weft insertion mechanism,Electromagnetic launch, Electromagnetic yoke
fe® si шт^штят^штш
mm1, tm1, тити, шт1, мш1
1 Пи 430073
2 (ШШШШ ФНШХ, 312000
E-mail: [email protected]
шт: ттт^штм^тт^шгтьтшш. штшш шшт, штвтшмтш. жтшшшшштштт\ шшштш. шшшхшшгш, шшшшш, т^шшт^ш-^шж шш, шШШЙШШ&ЩХ
0 Иш
шшшк, шхт, штжттшш, ^тмм&тмяш шшт&шш, шчш, шшшшшш.шштчш
Ш^Ш [1].
Ш^ИЙ^ПЩдаЯШШйМжЖ^^МЙ 2015 г/min fp 850r/min, Щ ^П^ЯМШ^ШМЙ 5.4m - 5.5m,
ш^шшштк вш^шшш&шш
ттттр^мышйшжшх^, тьтхшгтщш^
шшшшттш, 1974 ш&тш-^ш
яшяшът [2]. 2006 -шя^тяш [3].
discovery яшяяшш,
^ШшшЖ^Ш 400^/min [4]. ш.ш-хшшятшж&шя
[5], шт&шш&тшшш.
тшшштшт+ж [6]. E^I^ÄÖъшшАтшшш
^ЯЖЙМШЛШтТда [7][8].
шашмодш^йша^^н*^ ШШ, Ät
шш^аш^й, [9]; твд^а
шшшшшт, шь^^тешпшйт [10]; мшмм^
1 х^яа
штшытшш, ш
m ьшттшштяй:
F = V(m • В) (1)
^^ОДФ^Ш^ШФ^ШВ, ттйтттшш, МйШФ^Я ^ШДОЙНЙШЛ. тьш^шттжФйшш тштш, «етрш^^шл.
Figure. 1 Schematic diagram of electromagnetic weft insertion device
i, ^ffl^^ R1, R2,
^ l, 1 Bt, z
fa, [11], +
B(z) =
До nrnzi
R +
/L 4 «2+^2 2 + (f+Z) ,
Ri+/Ri2 + g+z)
(2- z) z n
R2+jR22 + g-z)
Ri+JRi2 + (f-z)
та^та^шт шь x ^ y am^it
# Z ^МЛ fz:
F(z) = 2TrrixfJ2JB(z)a-^dz (3)
r ^iswe, xm лшашлж (3) ^ШЗ^шпЖЙ а.
a = m = ™:lxnjzjB(z)a^dz (4)
т т ц.0 z~ -z v 7
v = f a = f jz+2 B (z) dz dt (5)
J0 m J0 Jz-i v J dz v '
Maxwell ^T^. M^I^M
# Maxwell2D ^
s^ffl, steel_1008 «4, copper
W4, Ssjjii^n^iffii®^ vacuum.
Figure 2. Simulation model without yoke
ет^Ши^ 1800 Ш, № 100A, 9mm, 30mm, ^^ 90mm.
8mm, -fog 90mm, Mrn^ 50g, 10m/s ЙШё^, Ш
On Selection Й^Н^ 0.5mm; On Selection ^ЖСТ^, Й^Н^ 1mm.
И 10ms, 0.5ms, Ш^^Ш^ШШМ^ШШИШЛ^^
Figure. 3 Magnetic field line distribution of electromagnetic weft insertion model without yoke
-- —
Figure 4. Electromagnetic force of electromagnetic weft insertion model without yoke
727.1N, 9ms
2.2 шмшчтштшшА
Maxwell2D ФЙ^Т^ШШ ЙМШ^Ж^, ШШШ
ШШ®^ steel_1008 ш, 8тш, On Selection ШсНШз 1mm.
as ^тш^жшш
Figure 5. Simulation model with yoke
Figure. 6 Magnetic field line distribution of electromagnetic weft insertion model with yoke
Figure.7 Electromagnetic force of electromagnetic weft insertion model with yoke
804.8N. ВДШШйШШШШ,
3 S
Ш, 2019(7):71-
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