For citation-. Zhang Huiru, Xu Qiao, Cao Lican, Mei Shunqi. Structural optimization of ultra-wide width electromagnetic launch weft inserter based on magnetization theory // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (22)'2024 (DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2024.02) — EDN. https.//
UDK 613.168
Structural optimization of ultra-wide width
electromagnetic launch weft inserter based on magnetization theory
Zhang Huiru1*, Xu Qiao1, Cao Lican1, Mei Shunqi1'2
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China 2 Innovation Centre of Advanced Textile Technology (Jianhu Laboratory), Shaoxing, 312000, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The weft inserter is the core component of the piece shuttle loom, in which the weft inserter needs to hold the weft yarn and go through the process of launching, flying, braking and so on. In order to improve the acceleration performance of the weft inserter, according to the magnetization theory, it is proposed to increase the magnetic flux difference by adding permanent magnets to the weft inserter to increase the applied magnetic field force by comparing the position of the permanent magnet material in the weft inserter and analyzing the electromagnetic force on the weft inserter with the addition of the permanent magnet using Ansys Maxwell finite element software. The results show that the addition of a permanent magnet sheet at the end of the weft inserter increases the magnetic field gradient on both sides of the device and enhances the electromagnetic force.
Keywords: weft inserter; magnetic field force; electromagnetic launch insertion; optimized design
шт1*, шя1, w^rn1, mum12
i пш&ш, фн, m 430073
2 ФНт^, 312000
E-mail: [email protected]
ш, m ^т^й^шпжт тмшшъ, шжжда
щ ш^шшшштштштж, тшш-^я. жад^ш^ш
шх, шмш
ШЩ: шл ШШЧШ, tttt&it о Иш
штшшшк -щтшшшшшшш, шш, ш чш, шжш, жшхыштшш 12m [1;14]. тшл^шшшш
Я, Х^, «ШтШ^М^ [3].
ш^, хшттттлтрхжхгтт. шт
mm, i^m, ^хх«, шшщшнйм^йвшш. ш
[2] ШШМ JURGNES тяШ%ШтЖШ^\ттт
шттъх&т. шшш&шш, хтш-штш, лад^ i6m/s, шшшшх ш^&ш,, штшшт, шч\пш шт&ш^, жтшшшт^штвтттшиш, я^ш^шхй. шышштш&пмхяш [13]
GA731-380 тмтяшш^, шшти 7.5m ттшмтяш,
шшятт, ттшшшшшт%ттшт\ш, ^шшт^
да^ш, йй^т, пттштш, шш 90r/min, т^яш®
ж^шшш, шх.
mm, шш
шшшшшш, чшштттш. ^ттштшштш^, шшшйфшж, ефшж^ф^шйфй^
Д^ШЙ, ШШ, -ЩШШШ& [4;15]. Emad Owlia Щ&ХШ [5]
ш&ях^ш. [6] Ш&7ВМ& шшштттш. йй&й, штжтшттттштт т, тш^шшт,
ш7тпшжя. шши, и ш&шщшшшш
ттттш, шшштш^шшштжт^шштшт
щшшш [7]. т^тмшттт'йт\т№тт7тшт, # т±7шшшшшж [8].
шшшшш^шшяшъш, »^фх, ш^щш,
5.4m [9;16],
'\жшТ, 12m штяшшш.
^шшпшшш^ттшхтттшш, тттшш
IL, ^
tt [10]. Вй, ШШШМШШШШШШМШ& [ii;i7], ШШШШШ, ЯШЯШкШ Ansys Maxwell 2D, ^ШШШЩ«^
1 шмямятш
ш, шшшш1 ш. шшшя^хш DT4 ш, шштшшяя ш^шшшт&ш, йжшшр, шшшшштштшш
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the electromagnetic launch weft insertion
шш^шя^шпшмаш адш^штмлйадш, Ш 2. мл^шпшмаш^Ф^^йш^л, мл^,
ж^, ^ш^шшпж, з^одатж, ш
1 /дф g li в 1 1 1 1
1 ■ 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 -л
и и 1
®2 /шш^шшптш'&тттт
Figure 2. Segmented combination of ultra-wide width electromagnetic launch weft inserter principle
= (1)
F = BILsine =-^MlpLs = M XA<P (2)
M=--H (3)
F = jM(x + dx)S(B(x + dx) - B(x)) (4)
m mim^ ip Ls ^««rn^^.
3 si^m^m^
m, (2), m^mmmm
a ^nmmmmtmm.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. The weft inserter for Sulzer projectile looms: (a) The weft inserter housing; (b) The unidirectional weft inserter structure
# Maxwell2D + ^ШШШШШЫ, ШШЖШШт
copper, ШШШХ steel_1008 Iffi, тШШЖШШЩ^ vacuum.
Figure 4. Simulation diagram of electromagnetic launch weft insertion
шп®5. тътшт^шшттышшхтж & и, тшъшшп. ш-ттт, ?жш
тшшшшш(b) ад^ж^одшжт шшшшш, чтш
(а) жшшш.
(a) ^m^mrn^^mmm;
(b) 31 n^mm^x^trnrnrn
Figure 5. The weft inserter material configuration scheme:
(a) Large permanent magnet material at the front of the weft inserter
(b) Large permanent magnet material at the back of the weft inserter
Figure б. Force diagram of the weft inserter
ш7 ^ш^шпш^жшш^йй, жттп-тттшш
Ч№ШШШШ$1 NdFe ьшш^шшшшх NdFe ЙЙ^ЖШдаШ^
гх-^тттшт, штштшшмттжтшя.
®7 ^mnmmm^jtmw (c)
^ïffi^/J^NdFe (d) Figure 7. Configuration of different permanent magnets at the rear end of the weft inserter (c) Small piece of NdFe at the rear end of the weft inserter (d)
Figure 8/ Force diagram of the weft inserter
MX^m Maxwell 2D
mm, mm^ffi&fcMfimx ^mm^mmmmt im^-nrnxymimtimmim^mrnm,
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