Научная статья на тему 'Preparing public servants in European countries: archetypal approach'

Preparing public servants in European countries: archetypal approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
archetypal approach / archetypes / vocational training / continuous education / public servant / advanced training / model of training of public servants / архетипний підхід / архетипи / професійна підготовка / професійне навчання / безперервна освіта / публічний службовець / підвищен- ня кваліфікації / моделі підготовки публічних службовців

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Rohulskyi Oleh Ivanovich

The article describes the main components of the institutional framework of an archetypical approach to public administration. It is determined that the system of preparation of public servants is based on a chain of universal foundations of archetype, in particular, it is influenced by the principle of formation of personnel in the public service, formed on the basis of public opinion. Based on two basic principles relating to admission to public service, three basic models of training civil servants in the European country are defined: German. French and Anglo-Saxon We analyze each of the models and define the archetypes that influenced their formation and development. The advantages of each model are determined, in particular, the benefits are: the German model of training managers is the balancing between the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that a public servant receives during training, but as a disadvantage one can distinguish the orientation of preparation for legal orientation, which limits the ability to hold managerial positions for many employees The French model of professional training of public servants should include a well-balanced understanding of tasks, namely: decentralization and territorial organization of public services, communication, support of territorial communities, in-depth knowledge and understanding of the need for cooperation with institutions of the European Commonwealth, high-quality human resource management and orientation towards environmentally friendly innovations, such a model of training of public servants is holistic, costly and effective; The Anglo-Saxon model of training of public servants is its orientation towards the implementation of the concept of public administration and the individual approach to employee training, taking into account all the specifics of its activities, providing for the formation of personnel capable of solving specific problems. It is concluded that today in most European countries dominated by mixed models that include elements of different models.

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Наведено основні складові інституційної основи архетипного підходу до публічного управління. Визначено, що система підготовки публічних службовців спирається на низку універсальних основоположень архетипіки, зокрема на неї впливає принцип формування кадрів на публічній службі, сформований на основі суспільної думки. Спираючись на два основних принципи що стосуються вступу на публічну службу визначено три основні моделі підготовки публічних службовців у країнах Європи: німецьку, французьку та англосаксонську. Проаналізовано кожну з моделей та визначено архетипи, що вплинули на їх становлення та розвиток. Визначено переваги кожної з моделей професійної підготовки публічних службовців, зокрема: німецької моделі — балансування між теоретичними знаннями та практичними навичками, які отримує публічний службовець під час навчання, а як недолік — орієнтація підготовки на юридичну спрямованість, що обмежує можливість обіймати керівні посади для багатьох службовців; французької — чітко виважене розуміння завдань, а саме: децентралізацію й територіальну організацію державних служб, комунікацію, підтримку територіальних громад, поглиблене пізнання та розуміння необхідності співпраці з інституціями європейської співдружності, високоякісний менеджмент людських ресурсів та орієнтацію на екологічно чисті інновації, така модель підготовки публічних службовців є цілісною, не затратною й ефективною; англосаксонської моделі підготовки публічних службовців є її орієнтація на реалізацію концепції публічного управління й індивідуальний підхід до підготовки службовця, що враховує всю специфіку його діяльності, забезпечується формування кадрів, здатних вирішувати конкретні завдання. Зроблено висновок, що на сьогодні в більшості країн Європи переважають змішані моделі, що включають в себе елементи різних моделей.

Текст научной работы на тему «Preparing public servants in European countries: archetypal approach»

UDC 352:061.21

Rohulskyi Oleh Ivanovich,

postgraduate student, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, 65009, Odessa, Str. Genoeska, 22, tel.: +38 (067) 357 65 92, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604

Рогульський Олег 1ванович,

асшрант кафедрирегюнального управлт-ня та публiчного адмжстрування Одесь-кого регюнального irnmumymy державного управлтня, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезь-ка, 22, тел.: +38 (067) 357 65 92, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604

Рогульский Олег Иванович,

аспирант кафедры регионального управления и публичного администрирования Одесскогорегионального института государственного управления, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: +38 (067)3576592, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i14.117


Abstract. The article describes the main components of the institutional framework of an archetypical approach to public administration. It is determined that the system of preparation of public servants is based on a chain of universal foundations of archetype, in particular, it is influenced by the principle of formation of personnel in the public service, formed on the basis of public opinion.

Based on two basic principles relating to admission to public service, three basic models of training civil servants in the European country are defined: German. French and Anglo-Saxon

We analyze each of the models and define the archetypes that influenced their formation and development.

The advantages of each model are determined, in particular, the benefits are: the German model of training managers is the balancing between the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that a public servant receives during training, but as a disadvantage one can distinguish the orientation of preparation for legal orientation, which limits the ability to hold managerial positions for many em-

ployees The French model of professional training of public servants should include a well-balanced understanding of tasks, namely: decentralization and territorial organization of public services, communication, support of territorial communities, in-depth knowledge and understanding of the need for cooperation with institutions of the European Commonwealth, high-quality human resource management and orientation towards environmentally friendly innovations, such a model of training of public servants is holistic, costly and effective; The Anglo-Saxon model of training of public servants is its orientation towards the implementation of the concept of public administration and the individual approach to employee training, taking into account all the specifics of its activities, providing for the formation of personnel capable of solving specific problems.

It is concluded that today in most European countries dominated by mixed models that include elements of different models.

Keywords: archetypal approach, archetypes, vocational training, continuous education, public servant, advanced training, model of training of public servants.



Анотащя. Наведено основш складовi шститущйно!' основи архетипного шдходу до публiчного управлшня. Визначено, що система шдготовки пу-блiчних службовщв спираеться на низку ушверсальних основоположень ар-хетитки, зокрема на не!' впливае принцип формування кадрiв на публiчнiй службу сформований на основi сустльно!' думки.

Спираючись на два основних принципи що стосуються вступу на публiч-ну службу визначено три основш моделi шдготовки публiчних службовщв у крашах бвропи: нiмецьку, французьку та англосаксонську.

Проаналiзовано кожну з моделей та визначено архетипи, що вплинули на IX становлення та розвиток.

Визначено переваги кожно!' з моделей професшно!' шдготовки публiчних службовцiв, зокрема: шмецько!' моделi — балансування мiж теоретичними знаннями та практичними навичками, як отримуе публiчний службовець шд час навчання, а як недолш — орiентацiя пiдготовки на юридичну спря-мованiсть, що обмежуе можливють обiймати керiвнi посади для багатьох службовщв; французько!' — чiтко виважене розумшня завдань, а саме: де-централiзацiю й територiальну органiзацiю державних служб, комушка-цiю, пiдтримку територiальних громад, поглиблене пiзнання та розумшня необхщносл спiвпрацi з iнституцiями европейсько!' спiвдружностi, висо-коякiсний менеджмент людських ресурсiв та орiентацiю на еколопчно чи-стi iнновацiï, така модель шдготовки публiчних службовцiв е цшсною, не затратною й ефективною; англосаксонсько!' моделi пiдготовки публiчних службовцiв е ïï орiентацiя на реалiзацiю концепци публiчного управлiння й iндивiдуальний шдхщ до пiдготовки службовця, що враховуе всю специф^ ку його дiяльностi, забезпечуеться формування кадрiв, здатних виршувати конкретнi завдання.

Зроблено висновок, що на сьогодш в бшьшосп краш бвропи переважа-ють змiшанi моделi, що включають в себе елементи рiзних моделей.

Ключовi слова: архетипний пiдхiд, архетипи, професшна пiдготовка, професiйне навчання, безперервна освгга, публiчний службовець, шдвищен-ня квалiфiкащl, моделi пiдготовки публiчних службовцiв.


Аннотация. Описаны основные составляющие институциональной основы архетипного подхода к публичного управления. Определено, что система подготовки публичных служащих опираются на цепь универсальных основоположений архетипики, в частности на нее влияет принцип формирования кадров на государственной службе, сформирован на основе общественного мнения.

Опираясь на два основных принципа касающиеся вступления в публичную службу определены три основные модели подготовки публичных служащих в странах Европы: немецкая, французская и англосаксонская.

Проанализирована каждая модель и определены архетипы, повлиявшие на их становление и развитие.

Определены преимущества каждой из моделей профессиональной подготовки публичных служащих, в частности: немецкой модели — балансирование между теоретическими знаниями и практическими навыками, которые получает публичный служащий во время обучения, а как недостаток можно выделить ориентацию подготовки на юридическую направленность, ограничивает возможность занимать руководящие должности для многих служащих; французской — четко взвешенное понимание задач, а именно: децентрализацию и территориальную организацию государственных служб, коммуникацию, поддержку территориальных общин, углубленное знание и понимание необходимости сотрудничества с институтами европейского содружества, высококачественный менеджмент человеческих ресурсов и ориентацию на экологически чистые инновации, такая модель подготовки публичных служащих является целостной, а не затратной и эффективной; англосаксонской модели — является ее ориентация на реализацию концепции публичного управления и индивидуальный подход к подготовке служащего, учитывающий всю специфику его деятельности, обеспечивается формирование кадров, способных решать конкретные задачи.

Сделан вывод, что на сегодняшний день в большинстве стран Европы преобладают смешанные модели, включающие в себя элементы различных моделей.

Ключевые слова: архетипический подход, архетипы, профессиональная подготовка, профессиональное обучение, непрерывное образование, публичный служащий, повышение квалификации, модели подготовки публичных служащих.

Formulation of the problem. Integration of our state into the European community has necessitated a number of reforms and bringing the legislation in line with the standards of the European Union. In this regard, an important component of Ukraine's further development is the training of highly skilled public servants capable of implementing these reforms. Before the system of training public servants there is an important task — the preparation of new management personnel who must have the perfect knowledge of modern management technologies, understand the European integration processes and implement European standards in the system of public administration.

One of the ways to achieve the necessary results is the implementation of better foreign experience, in particular in European countries, in the training of public servants. The study of the peculiarities of the professional training of public servants and the identification of the main trends of its development in the countries of Europe are necessary for the development of solutions for reforming the national system of professional training of public servants.

Analysis of recent research. The

questions of preparation of public servants, among other things, and the possibility of using foreign experience, were researched by Ukrainian scholars such as V. Averyanov, A. Andrius-chuk, A. Burakovsky, N. Goncharuk, D. Dvinnchuk, S. Dubenko, V. Zagor-sky, M. Izha, N. Kolisnichenko, N. Li-povsky, A. Lipentsev, I. Lopushinsky, V. Lugovyi, E. Matviishin, O. Melnikov, T. Motrenko, N. Nyzhnik, O. Obolen-sky, V. Olujko, G. Opanasyuk, S. Seryo-

gin, V. Soroko, Yu Surmin, Y. Sharov, P. Shevchuk, A. Chemeris and others.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the basic models of training of public servants in Europe and to study the influence of archetypes on their formation and development.

Presenting main material. The concept of the use of an archetypal approach is a system of views on the interpretation of managerial processes as collectively subconscious [1, p. 473].

The institutional framework of an archetypal approach to public administration covers the following components: state, social contract treating civil society as a result of a convention of social phenomena (institutions), and law (law) [2].

Public administration as a whole and the system of preparation of public servants are based on a chain of universal foundations of archetype. First of all it concerns the idea of natural law, the idea of the state as the guarantor of natural law, the idea of constitution of the law and the state in the act of free expression of the person and the ideas of the people, who have sovereign right and power.

The idea of the people implies the existence of an influential public opinion, that is, the state of mass consciousness, which includes the attitude of people to the events and facts of social reality and the activities of groups and individuals, and is considered from the point of view of relations with social institutions or individuals [2].

The formation of the social subconscious can be explained by the existence of social interests, which consist of the needs of social groups, collectives, institutions, institutions, organizations and

individuals. Public interests are determined by the economic relations prevailing in this society [2].

The training of public servants in Europe is influenced by the principle of staffing in the public service, formed on the basis of public opinion. At the present stage, scholars are distinguished by two basic principles relating to entry into and service of the public service — the principles of career growth and competition.

The principle of career growth is based on the fact that entry is based on a competitive basis, and the promotion has clearly defined stages and is regulated centrally, while competition involves an open competition for vacancy positions [3]. Based on these principles, three basic archetype models of professional training of public servants in Europe: German, French and AngloSaxon can be distinguished.

We will analyze each of the models and define the archetypes that influenced their formation and development.

The German model for training public servants involves a distinction between politics and administration, which is based on the legal basis for defining these tasks [4, p. 210]. In Germany, the main requirements for public servants are vocational education and special training, the types and activities of which differ according to the level of public administration. Officials of elevated and higher levels must have higher education.

Under the influence of the collective unconscious in Germany, the idea that people belonging to a lawyer group "lawyer" have all the necessary skills for prosperity both in the structures

of civil society and in public authorities, more often than lawmakers. That is why it is considered that the manager should be a person with a professional education — a lawyer. If, at the time of entering the post of a higher category, the candidate has no legal education, he will receive it in specialized institutions within two years after he starts working on it. Because of this, most of the disciplines in the German model of training managers are legal in nature.

In addition, much attention is paid to internship, especially as regards managerial staff. An example of such an internship is the Federal Academy of Public Administration in BadenWürttemberg, where the training of the personnel reserve in the field of public administration and personnel management lasts fifteen months, six of which are allocated for internships, including three months in state bodies and three — in commercial structures, which often happens in the structures of governance of the European Union [5, p. 166].

The German model for training civil servants involves several forms of advanced training (advanced training for beginners, advanced training in specialty and position, advanced training for transition to higher-level service and advanced training for managers [6, p. 468]), which can be divided into two categories: the first is aimed at providing the appropriate level of knowledge among public servants, and the second — on their adaptation to change.

The benefits of the German model of training managers are the balancing between the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that a public servant receives while studying, but

as a disadvantage one can distinguish the orientation of preparation for legal orientation, which limits the ability to hold managerial positions for many employees.

Considering the French model of training public servants, one can find characteristics similar to those in German. An analogue of the German head of a lawyer is the head of a universal. Such a versatile person should have polyvalent knowledge and skills. He is able to fulfill his professional duties in any field of civil service, in particular administrative, control, inspection, economic, diplomatic and other. Twenty-seven months of study is used to prepare such specialists, which is proportional to periods of theoretical and practical training [7].

The French model encompasses different forms of training: advanced training courses, training related to the promotion of a public servant (preparation for professional competitions or competitions organized for those who serve on a particular post in order to enhance the rank or move to another corps), improvement of professional training, when a worker for self-study or scientific development that is socially beneficial, is temporarily deducted from the service to the reserve or receives a vacation for advanced training.

Concepts such as "continuous training" or "continuing vocational training" are relevant for this model. These include the training of a public servant to the first position (initial vocational training) and preparation throughout his career.

Internship is an important element of the learning process, and it takes a lot of time. It is imperative to have a

foreign internship, which allows the future official to learn how to assess the real situation in their country, to learn about another system and mentality, and another style of functioning. This is a French specificity that distinguishes the model under consideration from British and German [8].

The purpose of the qualification improvement in the French model of training public servants is that it is one of the main concepts of the approach to the "renewal of public service". Improvement of qualifications in the French model of training of public servants carries out two functions: their adaptation to new requirements and conditions of work and increase of an individual level of development of each employee.

M. Minenko in his studies highlights the following forms of advanced training of the French model [9]:

• improvement measures aimed at preserving or improving the professional qualities,

• ensuring the suitability of employees for changes in technology and administrative structures, cultural, economic and social changes and transformations that follow from them;

• arrangements for the preparation of competitions organized for officials who are already in office, as well as for professional exams and competitions, the purpose of which is to change the rank or body;

• adaptation measures covering two areas : adaptation to the first position (adaptation in the civil service) and adaptation to a new post (increase, change of the corps, etc.);

• vacations for preparation (the maximum duration of leave is three

years, but it can be divided and provided only for training with the consent of the state, provided that the agent will work for at least three years in the administration).

To the positive sides of the French model of professional training of public servants should include a well-balanced understanding of the tasks, namely: decentralization and territorial organization of public services, communication, support of territorial communities, in-depth knowledge and understanding of the need for cooperation with the institutions of the European Commonwealth, high-quality human resource management and orientation towards environmentally friendly innovations. Despite the large number of training institutions and centers of decision-making, the French model for training civil servants is holistic, costly and effective.

The founder of the Anglo-Saxon model of training for public service is Great Britain. For this state, the principle of competition is relevant. The training is aimed at using an interdisciplinary approach to developing training programs focused on future systems of thinking, communication skills, teamwork skills, autonomy and initiative.

Under the influence of archetypes in this model, the idea of preparing leadership skills for employees, their ability to adapt to changing environments was formed. This encourages the use of individual learning programs, taking into account the specifics of the functions and positions occupied by certain officials.

In the UK, there is no centralized training, the training of usually acting officials is conducted at the College of Civil Service. At the same time, there is

a wide system of seminars, conferences and educational courses organized by ministries and departments, whose statutes have at least a remote mention of the responsibility for the training of staff. For all the diversity of forms and methods of teaching common to them is theoretical training in an educational institution, preparation of graduation work on the project and acquiring practical experience.

Compared to the two above-mentioned Anglo-Saxon models, it is more oriented towards obtaining theoretical knowledge and the development of individuality. Internship is not of such a compulsory nature and does not last for a long period of time.

The benefits of the Anglo-Saxon model of training public servants are its focus on the implementation of the concept of public administration and an individual approach to employee training, taking into account all the specifics of its activities. Such training ensures the formation of personnel, devoted to solve specific problems.

As for training in other countries, they are mostly derivative from the above models, taking into account the traditions and values of the respective states. In the modern European space, there are many mixed models of training civil servants that include elements of archetypal models. A striking example is Poland, which combines the Anglo-Saxon and French models.

There are many different institutions in Poland that train public servants. Most of the training is planned, organized and funded decentralized and mainly depends on the efforts of the Director General in the ministry or central department. The choice of

the provider of educational services should be through public procurement, and the description of the tender offer should cover the general requirements that the provider of such services must answer. The training of public servants is mostly carried out by private sector institutions and, to a lesser extent, by universities or expert centers.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. After analyzing the basic models of training public servants in European countries, we can conclude that they were formed under the influence of certain political, social and cultural peculiarities and traditions of the countries where they are applied. In other words, it can be argued that they developed under the influence of archetypes, collective unconscious influence of society and its needs, state-management and political systems. There are three basic archetype models: AngloSaxon, German, and French.

However, with the development of European society more and more there is an interweaving of models of training of public servants. All this is due to cooperation in various fields, common interests and values, and the presence of cross-border cooperation, which creates the need to train specialists with the same knowledge and capabilities.

There is a tendency to reduce the influence of the collective unconscious on the model of training of employees, and, conversely, increases the influence of collective consciousness, that is, the understanding that for the achievement of certain goals, the association, exchange of experience, state-management culture and technologies are needed.

Further researches should find the reflection of the results of the search for

a transition between the reality of national and the supranational ideal and the construction of a unified, universal model of training public servants.

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список використаних джерел -

1. Краткий экономический словарь / под ред. А. Н. Азрилияна. — 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. — М. : Ин-т новой экономики, 2002. — 1088 с.

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6. 1щенко О. Актуальш питання кадро-во! политики на сучасному еташ / О. 1щенко // Вюн. УАДУ. — 2003. — № 1. — С. 5-11.

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7. Луговий В. Про принципи i тенден-цп пщготовки вищих керiвникiв у галузi державного управлшня (про-фесшно-методолопчний пщхщ) / В. Луговий // Вюн. УАДУ. — 2004. — № 2. — С. 5-13.

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