Научная статья на тему 'Сoceptual foundations of human resources in public services: an archetypal approach'

Сoceptual foundations of human resources in public services: an archetypal approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Goncharuk Natalija Trohimivna, Pyrohova Yuliia Valeriivna

The essence of the concepts of “human resource management” and “human resource management in the public service” is defined. The problem tree has been considered, which has made it possible to distinguish three systemic problems that necessitate improvement of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine. The current state and problems of human resource management in Ukraine are analyzed. Attention is focused on the approach in which staff is not viewed as a cost factor that needs to be reduced, but is an essential resource that needs to be competently managed and create conditions for its development. It was noted that the main goal of human resources management in the public service sphere is the formation of high-quality human resources, ensuring the professional development of employees, encouraging and motivating staff to perform higher-level functions. It was concluded that in the public service it is necessary to improve the efficiency of human resources management services along with the growing role of the socio-psychological component of management and to define the conceptual framework for human resource management. According to the authors, the management of human resources in the public service should be carried out within the framework and on the basis of modern state personnel policy, realization of its goals, principles, standards and priorities, is an effective mechanism for implementation of the personnel strategy of the public authority, which can significantly improve its efficiency. It has been determined that human resource management in state bodies and local self-government bodies is broader in content than personnel management, which causes a transition from personnel management to human resource management. It was noted that the formation of an innovative model of human resource management in the public service sphere will contribute to the creation in Ukraine of a professional, stable, respectable, ethical, prestigious and highly efficient public service capable of responding to challenges and effectively fulfilling obligations to society and citizens of Ukraine.

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Определена сущность понятий “управление человеческими ресурсами” и “управление человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе”. Рассмотрено дерево проблем, что позволило выделить три системные проблемы, обусловливающие необходимость совершенствования управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы Украины. Проанализировано современное состояние и проблемы управления человеческими ресурсами в Украине. Акцентировано внимание на подходе, при котором персонал рассматривается не как фактор затрат, которые необходимо сокращать, а как важнейший ресурс, которым нужно компетентно управлять, создавать условия для его развития. Отмечено, что основной целью управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы является формирование качественного кадрового потенциала, обеспечение профессионального развития служащих, стимулирование и мотивация персонала к выполнению функций более высокого уровня. По мнению авторов, управления человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе должно осуществляться в пределах и на основе современной государственной кадровой политики, реализации ее целей, принципов, стандартов и приоритетов, что является эффективным механизмом реализации кадровой стратегии органа публичной власти, способным существенно повысить эффективность его деятельности. Определено, что управление человеческими ресурсами в государственных органах и органах местного самоуправления шире по содержанию деятельности в сравнении с управлением персоналом, что обусловливает переход от управления персоналом к управлению человеческими ресурсами. Сделан вывод, что в сфере публичной службы необходимо повысить эффективность работы служб управления человеческими ресурсами вместе с ростом роли социально-психологической составляющей управления и определить концептуальные основы управления человеческими ресурсами. Отмечено, что формирование инновационной модели управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы будет способствовать созданию в Украине профессиональной, стабильной, добропорядочной, этической, престижной и высокоэффективной публичной службы, способной отвечать на вызовы, эффективно выполнять обязательства перед обществом и гражданами Украины.

Текст научной работы на тему «Сoceptual foundations of human resources in public services: an archetypal approach»

UDC: 35.08

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-158-170

Goncharuk Natalija Trohimivna,

Doctor of Sciences on Public Administration, Professor, professor of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Department, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 49044, Dnipropetrovsk, Gogol Str., 29, room 316, tel.: +38 067 633 45 45, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687

Гончарук Наталiя TpoxuMieHa,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, заслужений дiяч науки i техт-ки Украгни, професор кафедри державного управлтня та мкцевого самоврядування, Днтропетровський регюнальний тсти-тут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, 49044, м. Днтропетровськ, вул. Гоголя, 29, к. 316, тел.: +38 067 633 45 45, E-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687

Гончарук Наталия Трофимовна,

доктор наук государственного управления, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки и техники Украины, профессор кафедры государственного управления и местного самоуправления, Днепропетровский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 49044, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Гоголя, 29, к. 316, тел.: +38 067 633 45 45, E-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2681-6687

Pyrohova Yuliia Valeriivna,

Ph.D. student of the 1st year of the Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 49044, Dnipropetrovsk, Gogol Str., 29, tel.: +38 067974 02 33, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454

Пирогова Юлiя Валеривна,

астрант 1-го курсу кафедри державного управлтня та мюцевого самоврядування, Днтропетровський регюнальний iнститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 49044, м. Днтропетровськ, вул. Гоголя, 29, тел.: +38 06 7 9 74 02 33, E-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454

Пирогова Юлия Валерьевна,

аспирант 1-го курса кафедры государственного управления и местного самоуправления, Днепропетровский региональный институт государственного управления На-

циональной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 49044, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Гоголя, 29, тел.: 067974 02 33, [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-9454


Abstract. The essence of the concepts of "human resource management" and "human resource management in the public service" is defined. The problem tree has been considered, which has made it possible to distinguish three systemic problems that necessitate improvement of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine. The current state and problems of human resource management in Ukraine are analyzed. Attention is focused on the approach in which staff is not viewed as a cost factor that needs to be reduced, but is an essential resource that needs to be competently managed and create conditions for its development. It was noted that the main goal of human resources management in the public service sphere is the formation of high-quality human resources, ensuring the professional development of employees, encouraging and motivating staff to perform higher-level functions. It was concluded that in the public service it is necessary to improve the efficiency of human resources management services along with the growing role of the socio-psychological component of management and to define the conceptual framework for human resource management. According to the authors, the management of human resources in the public service should be carried out within the framework and on the basis of modern state personnel policy, realization of its goals, principles, standards and priorities, is an effective mechanism for implementation of the personnel strategy of the public authority, which can significantly improve its efficiency. It has been determined that human resource management in state bodies and local self-government bodies is broader in content than personnel management, which causes a transition from personnel management to human resource management. It was noted that the formation of an innovative model of human resource management in the public service sphere will contribute to the creation in Ukraine of a professional, stable, respectable, ethical, prestigious and highly efficient public service capable of responding to challenges and effectively fulfilling obligations to society and citizens of Ukraine.

Keywords: public administration, public service, human resources management, public servants, public service personnel, personnel policy.


Анотащя. Визначено сутшсть понять "людсьК ресурси" та "управлшня людськими ресурсами на публiчнiй службГ. Проаналiзовано сучасний стан

i проблеми управлiння людськими ресурсами в Украшь Акцентовано увагу на шдход^ за яким персонал розглядаеться не як фактор витрат, як необ-хiдно скорочувати, а як найважливший ресурс, яким потрiбно компетентно управляти, створювати умови для його розвитку. Наголошено, що основною метою управлшня людськими ресурсами у сферi публiчноl служби е форму-вання яюсного кадрового потенцiалу, забезпечення професiйного розвитку службовщв, стимулювання та мотивацiя персоналу до виконання функцш бiльш високого рiвня. Визначено, що управлiння людськими ресурсами в державних органах та органах мюцевого самоврядування ширше за змютом дiяльностi порiвняно з управлшням персоналом, що зумовлюе перехiд ввд управлiння персоналом до управлiння людськими ресурсами. Зроблено ви-сновок, що у сферi публiчноl служби Украши необхiдно пiдвищити ефек-тивнiсть дiяльностi служб управлiння персоналом разом iз зростанням ролi сощально-психолопчно1 складово! управлшня та визначити концептуаль-нi засади управлшня людськими ресурсами. Наголошено, що формування шновацшно! моделi управлiння людськими ресурсами у сферi публiчноl служби сприятиме створенню в Укра1ш професшно!, стабшьно1, доброчес-но!, етично1, престижно1 i високоефективно1 публiчноl служби, здатно1 вщ-повiдати на виклики сьогодення, ефективно виконувати зобов'язання перед сусшльством та громадянами Украши.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння, публiчна служба, управлшня людськими ресурсами, публiчнi службовщ, персонал публiчноl служби, кадрова пол^ика, архетипний пiдхiд.


Аннотация. Определена сущность понятий "управление человеческими ресурсами" и "управление человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе". Рассмотрено дерево проблем, что позволило выделить три системные проблемы, обусловливающие необходимость совершенствования управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы Украины. Проанализировано современное состояние и проблемы управления человеческими ресурсами в Украине. Акцентировано внимание на подходе, при котором персонал рассматривается не как фактор затрат, которые необходимо сокращать, а как важнейший ресурс, которым нужно компетентно управлять, создавать условия для его развития. Отмечено, что основной целью управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы является формирование качественного кадрового потенциала, обеспечение профессионального развития служащих, стимулирование и мотивация персонала к выполнению функций более высокого уровня. По мнению авторов, управления человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе должно осуществляться в пределах и на основе современной государственной кадровой политики, реализации ее целей, принципов, стандартов и приоритетов, что

является эффективным механизмом реализации кадровой стратегии органа публичной власти, способным существенно повысить эффективность его деятельности. Определено, что управление человеческими ресурсами в государственных органах и органах местного самоуправления шире по содержанию деятельности в сравнении с управлением персоналом, что обусловливает переход от управления персоналом к управлению человеческими ресурсами. Сделан вывод, что в сфере публичной службы необходимо повысить эффективность работы служб управления человеческими ресурсами вместе с ростом роли социально-психологической составляющей управления и определить концептуальные основы управления человеческими ресурсами. Отмечено, что формирование инновационной модели управления человеческими ресурсами в сфере публичной службы будет способствовать созданию в Украине профессиональной, стабильной, добропорядочной, этической, престижной и высокоэффективной публичной службы, способной отвечать на вызовы, эффективно выполнять обязательства перед обществом и гражданами Украины.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, публичная служба, управление человеческими ресурсами, государственные служащие, персонал публичной службы, кадровая политика, архетипный подход.

Formulation of the problem. Modern requirements for public service personnel include the presence of, besides professional and business, high moral, ethical and personal qualities. That is why the issue of determining the psychological components of professional activity and the competence of public servants in the process of functioning of the public service attracts the attention of many scientists. The necessity to make the transition from the practice of personnel management to human resource management requires study of the theoretical sources and forming on its basis the new concept of modern human resource management in the public service of Ukraine.

The analysis of recent research and publications devoted to the issue of human resources management in the field of public service in Ukraine showed

that the socio-psychological aspects of human resources management were not fundamentally investigated, due to the complexity of this issue. Paying attention to the mentioned, it is possible to outline the main groups of scientific areas in which such studies were conducted.

The first group includes the scientific works of domestic researchers T. E. Vasilevskaya, N. L. Gavkilova, N. T. Goncharuk, S. D. Dubenko, N. A. Lipovskaya, N. R. Nizhnik, O. Yu. Obolensky, V. M. Oluijka, T. I. Pa-khomova, A. P. Rachinsky, M. I. Ru-dakevich, A. S. Sitsinsky, S. M. Seryo-gina, I. V. V. Shpekierenko and others, in which fundamental problems of development and reform of the public service are solved, that have theoretical and methodological significance for the study of socio-psychological factors

of management of human resources in the public service of Ukraine.The second group of works is devoted to the analysis of foreign experience of human resources management in the field of public service and the possibilities of its adaptation in Ukraine. These include, in particular, the works of Yu. Yu. Kizilov, V. I. Lugovoi, Yu. D. Polyansky, A. B. Poshtovyuk, L. L. Prokopenko, G. D. Stratienko, V. O. Chmigy and others. However, despite the considerable attention of scientists to the above mentioned issues, the multidimensio-nality and complexity of the analysis of these issues, the holistic study of the impact of socio-psychological factors on human resources management in the field of public service was not carried out, the conceptual foundations of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine with positions of the archetypical approach are not defined.

The purpose of the article is to define the conceptual principles of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine from the standpoint of an archetypal approach.

Presenting of main material. The necessity to improve human resources management is due, first of all, to the presence of a number of problems that have been characteristic of it for more than twenty years. Problems that need to be addressed in the process of human resources management are set out in a number of strategic regulatory documents, in particular, in the Strategy of the State Personnel Policy for 20122020, the Strategy of Civil Service Reform and Service in Local Self-Government Bodies in Ukraine for the period up to 2017, Strategies for reforming

the state administration of Ukraine for 2016-2020, Concepts of the introduction of specialist posts on reform issues, Concept of implementation of the information system of human resources management in public agencies, Concepts of reforming the system of vocational training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputy and deputy, officials of local self-government and members of local councils, the Concept of optimization of the system of central executive authorities [1-6].

All problems in dealing with public service staff are usually based on persistent contradictions between the basic scientific regulations, the requirements for working with personnel in the field of public service and the practical implementation of this work. The reason for these contradictions is both objective and subjective factors. Considering the problem tree, can be distinguished three systemic problems that necessitate improvement of human resources management in the field of public service of Ukraine. The main systemic problem is the lack of a Concept of Human Resource Management in the Public Service of Ukraine and a clear legal regulation of relations in the field of human resources management. The second systemic problem is the incompleteness of public authorities in the modernization of human resources services in the personnel management and transfer of their activities to a higher level — human resources management; the third is the low efficiency of personnel management in the public service system.

It should be noted that today the state authorities are insufficiently

equipped with specialists capable of analyzing the state of affairs in the respective areas of state policy, formulating political proposals, developing and implementing key national reforms, and the level of financial motivation of public servants remains insufficiently attractive on the labor market. This necessitates an increase in the efficiency of management activities of public authorities and improvement of human resources management in the field of public service.

Management activity of the personnel of the public authorities of Ukraine is characterized by a number of psychological peculiarities that depend on the current state of human resources management in public authorities. Management activity of public servants always provides for amateur and creativity of subjects and objects of management. The embodiment of management activity is the actions, operations performed by a public servant in the process of management, the implementation of managerial functions. This is the work of people between whom there are certain social and psychological relations. That is why the managerial actions are aimed at taking into account all the diversity of patterns and relationships that arise between the participants in the management process. They require the intelligent use of human resources in management: taking into account individual socio-psychological, psy-chophysiological, and motivational peculiarities of the individual, which will contribute to obtaining a significant social, economic and moral effect in the organization [7, p. 63-70].

The psychological component of human resources management in the field

of public service is defined as an element of social and individual identity, which includes values, norms, interests, needs, motives and arrangements that motivate public servants for certain actions and are a means of humanizing human resources policy. The conditions of social development, characterized by chaotic changes and unpredictability, require high levels of attention from the public servants, observation skills and effective communication (which are components of psychological competence) [8, p. 63-70]. Taking into account that the natural tendency of modern public management is the improvement of social development, logical analysis and intelligence can not remain the only tool for the adoption of state-management decisions in the personnel policy. To address the limitations of standard approaches to human resources management in public authorities of Ukraine, it is advisable to apply new staffing technologies based on actualization of intuition and awareness of the unconscious. Traditionally, most experts and managers pay attention only to the rational aspects of human behavior, while, according to scientists, the only rational approach is the recognition and understanding of the irrational motives of leaders that influence decision-making. Therefore, they see their task as helping managers in the development of emotional intelligence [8, p. 63-70].

The management of human resources in the field of public service at the present stage relates, first of all, to the development of a new organizational culture of public administration, which involves changing the role and place of public servants in the management sys-

tem. Contrary to the approach whereby staff are considered as a cost factor that needs to be reduced, it is necessary to implement an approach whereby staff are the most important resource that needs to be managed competently and create conditions for its development. Human resources management is based on strategic objectives and is not only an action that responds to problems, but also based on the principles of democracy, realism, creative orientation, justice, equality, openness, lack of discrimination, legality, individuality, humanism. Since changes in the management of human resources determine the requirements for their competence, the personal factor becomes more and more important and is a psychological component that brings in the system of public administration an individual color. On this basis, modern HR policy should direct managers to creative and independent search for the optimal solution.

Archetypes as a force of nature are manifested in the mental so that a person can project them to the surrounding world (nature, other people). An archetype, wherever he appeared, has a powerful motive force that always comes from the unconscious. Each of us is the bearer of the potential for development, individual mental capabilities. All this is in the field of archetype approach.

We join the opinion of Ukrainian scholars O. Yu. Amosov and N. L. Gav-kolov [9] concerning the concept of public administration, the principles of which are collective unconscious as a unifying factor of various social interests and life strategies of citizens in a society whose purpose is to pro-

vide socially-economic welfare of citizens.

Any organizations are created for the sake of realizing goals that are not related to the goals of people working in these organizations; people are considered as a means for achieving goals (personnel, personnel, human resources). The approach to people in an organization is determined either by public policy or by the management strategy for staff. Historical heritage has set the theoretical problem of the choice of an adequate conception of management and the practical problem of creating an appropriate governance structure that will ensure the necessary functioning of the state before the public authorities of Ukraine. After simplifying the departments of labor, social development, labor protection, and professional development, the process of managing people has not been singled out as a special management function. The specialized departments of the public authorities of Ukraine are engaged in wage labor issues, verify the availability of documents confirming the work experience and education received, but according to the composition and qualifications of working professionals, they do not solve the issues of stimulating labor motivation, do not carry out an analysis of the labor market, do not develop personnel policies and do not carry out human resources planning.

For the theoretical substantiation of human resources management processes, it is important to define the terms "human resources" and "human resources management in the public service". The term "human resources" characterizes the qualitative, meaningful side of the staffing or the entire staff

of the state body and includes the ability to creativity and the potential for comprehensive development of civil servants, organizational culture, ethics and moral reliability, improvement of team relationships, responsibility, motivation and incentives, etc. The term "human resources management" (Human Resources Management) originated in Western, American management, outlining the changes in the role and place of man in the labor process. This management function is determined as a "strategic and consistent approach to managing the most valuable assets of an organization: a person working there who collectively and individually contributes to solving the organization's task" [10, p. 35].

As for human resources management in the public service, it is the implementation of all management functions related to planning, selection, development, rational use, assessment, motivation and remuneration, and improvement of the human resources capacity of government agencies. Human resources management can also be considered as part of a state body's strategy, which involves the purposeful comprehensive provision of its functioning by the necessary staffing, as well as the creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions for its productive activity. The management of human resources in state and local self-government bodies is wider than the content of activities in comparison with personal management, and therefore, according to the authors, it's time for the public service to move from personal management to human resources management. Human resource management provides for regulatory, methodological, organizational,

informational, documentary and resource support for the human resources management system. The management of human resources in the public service can be considered as a self-functioning system, first of all — a system of personnel work, which includes real goals, tasks, priorities, mechanisms and technologies. The management of human resources in the public service should be carried out within the framework and on the basis of modern state personnel policy, the realization of its goals, principles, standards and priorities, and is an effective mechanism for implementation of the personnel policy of the public authority capable of substantially improving the efficiency of its activity [11].

In the conditions of the development of Ukraine as a democratic, law-governed state, the creation of an effective system of public administration, the constant search for new approaches to the formation of a professional public service, updating the content of activities and enhancement of the prestige of public authorities is becoming urgent. Analysis of the main theories of human resources management in the field of public service makes it possible to distinguish the following socio-psycho-logical features of this phenomenon: a strategic approach to human resource management; reorientation of the personnel management system to individual work with the personnel, wider use of individualistic values in the management of human resources; the focus on increasing the efficiency of long-term investment in human capital; orientation on the competence of public servants, which is a key element of the human resources potential of the public service [11-16].

It should be noted that the main directions of improvement of human resources management in public authorities are: definition of positions of public servants who are responsible for carrying out basic national reforms; introduction of the principles of public administration in the public service system through the effective implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", the adoption and the enactment of the new wording of the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies", financial stability of the reform of the system of remuneration of public servants; optimization of the number of employees in the system of public administration bodies in the conditions of decentralization of power in Ukraine; formation of structural units for personnel management in public authorities with a view to developing modern human resources management; creation of an integrated human resources information management system in the public service; modernization of the system of professional training of public servants [17].

The main objective of human resources management in the field of public service is to ensure the professional development of employees, stimulate and motivate staff to perform higherlevel functions. The evolution of management systems, particulary in human resources management, is characterized by a wide range of approaches related to the implementation of management impacts on personnel. For public service, this is quite complicated, because foreign models are not always adequate to the level of complexity and uncertainty of their functioning in the conditions of the transformation period.

To develop the Concept for improving human resources management in the field of public service, it is necessary to form a certain complex area that would assimilate a number of theoretical concepts and approaches that take into account objectively existing socio-economic conditions of functioning, problems and sector specifics, which will allow to independently choose acceptable methods of human resources management, focused on solving current problems and strategic directions of state development. Thus, in our view, the first step towards improving the quality of the personnel of public authorities should be recognition of the existence of this problem, the identification and use of the potential of all administrative bodies whose tasks include human resources management and development.

Today, human resource specialists have become specialists in a broader field. Each human resource specialist becomes a multi-disciplinary specialist. Human resources contain a set of socio-cultural and socio-psychological characteristics, and their difference is as follows: people (the staff of public power) are endowed with intelligence, and therefore their reaction to external action (management) is emotional-meaningful, not mechanical; the process of interaction between the subject of control and the object is two-way; having intelligence, public servants are capable of continuous self-perfection and development, which is the most important and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any organization; people choose a particular type of activity (production / non-productive, mental / physical), deliberately setting a goal [14; 18].

Human resources are the competitive wealth of any organization, and therefore the subject of management must provide all opportunities for the realization of their goals, create conditions for the implementation of motivational installations to work.

Conclusions. Modern foreign science is represented by all sorts of currents, schools, directions, concepts of human resources management, which are not always compatible with each other. According to specialists, there is no internal unity and logical connection in it. The analysis of existing theories shows that over the last hundred years there has been a profound transformation of the concepts of HR management from the level of the personnel department to the personnel management services and further — human resources management services. Human resources management in public authorities is a focused coordinated activity of managers and specialists in the formation and efficient use of human resources, which involves the development of a concept and strategy of personnel policy, principles and methods, and the formation of a human resources management system. The concept of improving human resources management in the public service of Ukraine should include a wide range of functions and activities of public authorities in relation to: selection, hiring and dismissal of employees, planning, providing staff with authorities, motivating their work, managing conflicts, assessing employees, training them, advanced training and retraining, management of the process of career advancement, personnel audit. Human resource management is both a science and an art of effective

human management in the context of their professional activities. The consistent change in the concepts of management in the labor sphere has led to the evolution of types of human resources management: from passive to reactive, and then to strategic system management of human resources. At the same time, in the field of public service, the effectiveness of human resources management services should increase, along with the growing role of the socio-psy-chological component of governance. The formation of an innovative human resources management model in the field of public service will contribute to the creation of a professional, stable, integrity, ethical, prestigious and highly effective public service in Ukraine capable of responding today's challenges, effectively fulfilling its obligations to society and citizens of Ukraine.


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