Научная статья на тему 'Professional EDUOATiON and professional development as the composition of the state personnel policy of Ukraine'

Professional EDUOATiON and professional development as the composition of the state personnel policy of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kachan (Melnyk) Yana Vitalievna

The article clarifies the peculiarities of vocational training and professional development as components of the state personnel policy of Ukraine. It is proved that professional growth is the development of the profession in its entirety and variety, the growth of professional knowledge, abilities and skills, which leads, as a rule, to the recognition of the work results of by the professional community, the acquisition of authority in a particular kind of professional activity. It has been determined that improvement of the management quality and efficiency of executive bodies’ activity requires the training, retraining and qualification improvement of civil servants in order to obtain and deepen administrative, financial and economic, social and legal knowledge, as well as to improve professional knowledge and skills, obtaining a new specialty or qualification. based on previously gained education and practical experience. Therefore, the civil service professionalization is considered to be one of the priority tasks, without which it is impossible for Ukraine to integrate into the leading European states community. It is proved that the main areas of professional training should be as follows: providing a proactive character of training taking into account the prospects of the state development, improvement of tasks and functions of state authorities; introduction of the target orientation of education on the basis of observance of state educational standards, flexibility of all types of application, forms and methods of training, achievement of intensification and optimization of educational process; improvement of training and qualification improvement of the personnel reserve and newly appointed civil servants; expansion of training and retraining of civil servants in the specialty “Public service” and specialization in economics, law, as well as social, humanitarian and personnel policies; optimization of the network of educational institutions of different forms of ownership, which trains specialists for the civil service; introduction of distance learning, which will enable the expansion of the range of civil servants who professionally improve their qualifications uninterruptedly; providing a unified teaching and methodological management and coordinating the practical activities of all structural elements of the system. the introduction of distance learning, which will enable the expansion of the range of civil servants who professionally improve their qualifications uninterruptedly; providing a unified educational and methodological management and coordinating the practical activities of all structural elements of the system. It is revealed that the necessary condition for effective public administration is its professionalization. An important institution for the professionalisation of public administration is the system of vocational training of civil servants through training, retraining and advanced training using new forms and methods of training, educational mechanisms and technologies, taking into account the experience of developed countries of the world.

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Выяснены особенности профессионального обучения и профессионального развития как составляющих государственной кадровой политики Украины. Доказано, что профессиональный рост это освоение профессии во всей ее полноте и разнообразии, прирост профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков приводит, как правило, к признанию результатов труда профессиональным сообществом, приобретение авторитета в конкретном виде профессиональной деятельности. Определено, что повышение качества управления и эффективности деятельности органов исполнительной власти требует подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации государственных служащих с целью получения и углубления управленческих, финансово-экономических, социальных, правовых знаний, а также совершенствование профессиональных знаний и умений, получение новой специальности или квалификации на основе ранее полученного образования и опыта практической работы. Поэтому профессионализация государственной службы рассматривается как одна из первоочередных задач, без решения которого невозможно сделать реальным вхождение Украины в сообщество ведущих Европейских государств. Доказано, что основными направлениями профессиональной подготовки должны быть: обеспечение опережающего характера обучения с учетом перспектив развития государства, совершенствование задач и функций органов государственной власти; введение целевой направленности обучения на основе соблюдения государственных образовательных стандартов, гибкости применения всех видов, форм и методов обучения, достижения интенсификации и оптимизации учебного процесса; совершенствование подготовки и повышение квалификации кадрового резерва и вновь государственных служащих; расширение подготовки и переподготовки государственных служащих по специальности “Государственная служба” и по специализациям по экономике, праву, а также социальной, гуманитарной и кадровой политике; оптимизация сети учебных заведений различных форм собственности, осуществляющих подготовку специалистов для государственной службы; введение дистанционного обучения, что позволит расширить круг государственных служащих, профессионально повысит квалификацию без отрыва от работы; обеспечение единого учебно-методического управления и координация практической деятельности всех структурных элементов системы. Выявлено, что необходимым условием эффективного государственного управления является его профессионализация. Важным институтом профессионализации государственного управления является система профессионального обучения государственных служащих путем подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации с использованием новых форм и методов обучения, образовательных механизмов и технологий с учетом опыта развитых стран мира.

Текст научной работы на тему «Professional EDUOATiON and professional development as the composition of the state personnel policy of Ukraine»

UDC: 331.5:330.3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-4(19)-162-173

Kachan (Melnyk) Yana Vitalievna,

Ph.D. in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and management, Institute for Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, 03038, Kiev. Novovozzal-naya, 17, tel.: (044) 536-14-85, e-mail:yana. [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4078-7747

Качан (Мельник) Яна Вгталпвна,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри публичного управлтня та адмтктрування, 1нститут тдготов-ки KúBpie державноi служби зайнятостг Украгни, 03038, м. Кигв, вул. Нововокзаль-на, 17, тел.: (044) 536-14-85, e-mail: yana. [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4078-7747

Качан (Мельник) Яна Витальевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного управления и администрирования, Институт подготовки кадров государственной службы занятости Украины, 03038, г. Киев, ул. Нововокзальная, 17, тел.: (044) 536-14-85, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4078-7747


Abstract. The article clarifies the peculiarities of vocational training and professional development as components of the state personnel policy of Ukraine. It is proved that professional growth is the development of the profession in its entirety and variety, the growth of professional knowledge, abilities and skills, which leads, as a rule, to the recognition of the work results of by the professional community, the acquisition of authority in a particular kind of professional activity.

It has been determined that improvement of the management quality and efficiency of executive bodies' activity requires the training, retraining and qualification improvement of civil servants in order to obtain and deepen administrative,

financial and economic, social and legal knowledge, as well as to improve professional knowledge and skills, obtaining a new specialty or qualification. based on previously gained education and practical experience. Therefore, the civil service professionalization is considered to be one of the priority tasks, without which it is impossible for Ukraine to integrate into the leading European states community. It is proved that the main areas of professional training should be as follows: providing a proactive character of training taking into account the prospects of the state development, improvement of tasks and functions of state authorities; introduction of the target orientation of education on the basis of observance of state educational standards, flexibility of all types of application, forms and methods of training, achievement of intensification and optimization of educational process; improvement of training and qualification improvement of the personnel reserve and newly appointed civil servants; expansion of training and retraining of civil servants in the specialty "Public service" and specialization in economics, law, as well as social, humanitarian and personnel policies; optimization of the network of educational institutions of different forms of ownership, which trains specialists for the civil service; introduction of distance learning, which will enable the expansion of the range of civil servants who professionally improve their qualifications uninterruptedly; providing a unified teaching and methodological management and coordinating the practical activities of all structural elements of the system. the introduction of distance learning, which will enable the expansion of the range of civil servants who professionally improve their qualifications uninterruptedly; providing a unified educational and methodological management and coordinating the practical activities of all structural elements of the system. It is revealed that the necessary condition for effective public administration is its professionalization. An important institution for the professionalisation of public administration is the system of vocational training of civil servants through training, retraining and advanced training using new forms and methods of training, educational mechanisms and technologies, taking into account the experience of developed countries of the world.

Keywords: public administration, personnel policy, training, professional development, public service.


Анотащя. З'ясовано особливосп професшного навчання та професшного розвитку як складових державно! кадрово! пол^ики Укра!ни. Доведено, що професшне зростання — це освоення професи у всш ii повнот й рiзноманiтно-ctí, прирют професшних знань, умшь i навичок, що приводить, звичайно, до визнання резулыапв пращ професшним ствтовариством, придбання авторитету в конкретному ввдд професшно! дiяльностi. Визначено, що тдвищен-ня якосп управлшня та ефективносл дiяльностi оргашв виконавчо! влади потребуе шдготовки, перетдготовки та шдвищення квалiфiкацii державних службовщв з метою здобуття i поглиблення управлшських, фшансово-еко-

номiчних, сощальних, правових знань, а також удосконалення професшних знань i умшь, здобуття ново! спецiальностi або квалiфiкащ! на основi ранiше здобуто! осв™ i досвiду практично! роботи. Тому професiоналiзацiя державно! служби розглядаеться як одне з першочергових завдань, без виршення якого неможливо зробити реальним входження Укра!ни до сшльноти про-вiдних бвропейських держав. Доведено, що основними напрямами профе-сшно! пiдготовки мають бути: забезпечення випереджаючого характеру нав-чання з урахуванням перспектив розвитку держави, удосконалення завдань i функцiй оргашв державно! влади; запровадження цiльово! спрямованост навчання на основi дотримання державних осв^шх стандартiв, гнучкостi застосування уах видiв, форм i методiв навчання, досягнення штенсифжа-ц!! та оптимiзацi! навчального процесу; вдосконалення пiдготовки та шдви-щення квалiфiкац!"! кадрового резерву та новопризначених державних службовщв; розширення пiдготовки та перепiдготовки державних службовщв за спецiальнiстю "Державна служба" та за спецiалiзацiями з економжи, права, а також соцiально!, гумаштарно! та кадрово! полiтики; оптимiзацiя мережi навчальних закладiв рiзних форм власносп, якi здiйснюють пiдготовку спе-щалюпв для державно! служби; запровадження дистанцшного навчання, що дасть можливiсть розширити коло державних службовцiв, якi професшно пiдвищують квалiфiкацiю без вiдриву вщ роботи; забезпечення единого на-вчально-методичного управлшня та координацiя практично! дiяльностi всiх структурних елементiв системи. Виявлено, що необхщною умовою ефектив-ного державного управлшня е його професiоналiзацiя. Важливим шститутом професiоналiзацi! державного управлшня е система фахового професшного навчання державних службовщв шляхом шдготовки, перешдготовки та тд-вищення квалiфiкацi! з використанням нових форм i методiв навчання, осв^-нiх механiзмiв i технологiй з урахуванням досвiду розвинених кра!н свiту.

Ключовi слова: державне управлшня, кадрова пол^ика, навчання, про-фесiйний розвиток, публiчна служба.


Аннотация. Выяснены особенности профессионального обучения и профессионального развития как составляющих государственной кадровой политики Украины. Доказано, что профессиональный рост — это освоение профессии во всей ее полноте и разнообразии, прирост профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков приводит, как правило, к признанию результатов труда профессиональным сообществом, приобретение авторитета в конкретном виде профессиональной деятельности. Определено, что повышение качества управления и эффективности деятельности органов исполнительной власти требует подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации государственных служащих с целью получения и углубления управленческих, финансово-экономических, социальных, правовых знаний, а также

совершенствование профессиональных знаний и умений, получение новой специальности или квалификации на основе ранее полученного образования и опыта практической работы. Поэтому профессионализация государственной службы рассматривается как одна из первоочередных задач, без решения которого невозможно сделать реальным вхождение Украины в сообщество ведущих Европейских государств. Доказано, что основными направлениями профессиональной подготовки должны быть: обеспечение опережающего характера обучения с учетом перспектив развития государства, совершенствование задач и функций органов государственной власти; введение целевой направленности обучения на основе соблюдения государственных образовательных стандартов, гибкости применения всех видов, форм и методов обучения, достижения интенсификации и оптимизации учебного процесса; совершенствование подготовки и повышение квалификации кадрового резерва и вновь государственных служащих; расширение подготовки и переподготовки государственных служащих по специальности "Государственная служба" и по специализациям по экономике, праву, а также социальной, гуманитарной и кадровой политике; оптимизация сети учебных заведений различных форм собственности, осуществляющих подготовку специалистов для государственной службы; введение дистанционного обучения, что позволит расширить круг государственных служащих, профессионально повысит квалификацию без отрыва от работы; обеспечение единого учебно-методического управления и координация практической деятельности всех структурных элементов системы. Выявлено, что необходимым условием эффективного государственного управления является его профессионализация. Важным институтом профессионализации государственного управления является система профессионального обучения государственных служащих путем подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации с использованием новых форм и методов обучения, образовательных механизмов и технологий с учетом опыта развитых стран мира.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, кадровая политика, обучение, развитие, публичная служба.

Problem statement. The system of public administration in Ukraine has passed a long and difficult period of formation, which was accompanied by constant reform of the institute of public service and the transformation of principles and approaches to staffing. These principles are reflected in the state personnel policy, and their implementation ultimately leads to qualita-

tive changes in the personnel composition of public administration.

However, the analysis of numerous publications devoted to the study of state personnel policy from historical, political, sociological, legal positions reveals a plurality of views, approaches to assessing its status and effectiveness.

Analysis of recent publications on the subject. Many leading scientists

addressed professional training and professional development. Among the scholars who have researched these issues are: O. Obolenskyi, V. Oluiko, V. Skoryk and others. However, this issue requires further study, especially in the aspect of the study of vocational training and professional development as part of the state personnel policy of Ukraine, which led to the choice of the topic of this article.

Formulation of the objectives (goals) of the article. The purpose of the article is to find out the features of professional training and professional development as components of the state personnel policy of Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material of the study. The establishment of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, the development of the foundations of civil society, the European integration of Ukraine and administrative reform require for factors such as professionalism and competence to play a leading role in the activities of public authorities. The need to strengthen the efficiency of public administration, to make it open and transparent to society is relevant for modern Ukraine. It requires new approaches to solving the problem of staffing of public authorities with qualified specialists. The modern state personnel policy of the country is focused on professionalism and the adoption of the norms of democratic civil society should become an effective tool for the development of all spheres of its life. However, the analysis of the current situation shows that the current state of the personnel potential of the authorities and personnel work does not meet the requirements of the time. In particular, this applies to

the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. In addition, the existing legal framework does not fully allow for the development of a system of continuous training of civil servants.

Professional growth is the development of the profession in its entirety and diversity, the growth of professional knowledge, skills, which leads, as a rule, to the recognition of the results of work by the professional community, the acquisition of authority in a particular type of professional activity. Immersion in narrowly focused activities allows a person to become a unique professional and to be in demand in certain field of activity, to act as an expert, etc. To advance through the levels of the service hierarchy, it is necessary to develop new competencies that have not been involved before. Official promotion (career in the typical sense) is the expansion of responsibility and authority, moving up, moving from one level to another.

Therefore, the problem of providing public authorities with high-quality personnel of managers requires urgent consideration at all levels of territorial and sectoral management. This is the main task of reforming the professional training of civil servants.

Experience of formation and strengthening of the Ukrainian state testifies to significant achievements in the sphere of the state and formation of administrative personnel.

Over a historically short period of time, power institutions have been established and new democratic procedures for their functioning have been introduced, a legal system has been developed and a stable understanding of the benefits of life in an independent

state has been formed. Our achievements became possible thanks to the establishment of an effective system of public administration and filling it with professionally competent personnel of civil servants.

In today's changing world, the problem of training specialists for the public sphere is relevant from the point of view of ensuring the stable development of society and the country.

Training of civil servants should be advanced and aimed at the disclosure of the personnel potential of the civil servant.

This is the way O. Obolenskyi expresses his opinion, he emphasizes that society and the state need to prepare a new generation and improve the skills of already working managers and specialists of public authorities and local self-government, so one of the priority directions of socio-economic development of Ukraine should be the qualitative improvement of the system of training and advanced training of civil servants [1].

The public service now requires professionals, people who can make the life of society better, look strategically, predictably at public affairs.

Public administration personnel need constant and powerful training and professional support, because, according to statistics, public administration is a highly intellectual activity, slightly inferior to the share of workers with full higher education only in the field of research and development.

Improving the quality of management and efficiency of activity of enforcement authorities in need of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants for the purpose of

receiving and deepening the managerial, financial, economic, social, legal knowledge, and improving professional knowledge and skills, getting a new specialty or skill on the basis of previously received education and practical experience. Therefore, the professiona-lization of the public service is considered as one of the priorities, without which it is impossible to make Ukraine a real entry into the community of leading European states.

At the present stage, it is important that every civil servant, every official possess the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the difficult social, economic and political conditions of modern Ukraine. The development of new technologies, scientific and technological progress in general have caused major changes in the work of employees of state institutions and organizations, led to increased requirements for their professional qualification level.

The structure of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants shall provide continuity and obligation of training of all employees on condition of its organic connection with professional development of the personnel, planning and realization of career, professional achievements, promotion, assignment of the next rank, taking into account personal interests of the worker.

It is important to create such conditions in which both the state and each of its employees would be both interested in the professional development of all civil service personnel and the individual employee, to improve the efficiency of managerial work.

In the process of professional training of civil servants their preparation

for management requires special attention.

The main areas of training should be as follows [2]:

1. Ensuring the advanced nature of training, taking into account the prospects of development of the state, improving the tasks and functions of public authorities.

2. Introduction the purpose of the study, based on compliance with state educational standards, flexibility of all kinds, forms and methods of training, achievements intensify and optimization of the educational process.

3. Improvement of training and advanced training of personnel reserve and newly appointed civil servants.

4. Expansion of training and retraining of civil servants in the specialty "Public service" and specializations in economics, law, as well as social, humanitarian and personnel policy.

5. Optimization of the network of educational institutions of different forms of ownership, which provide training for public service.

6. Introduction of distance learning, which will make it possible to expand the range of civil servants, professionally improving skills on the job.

7. Providing a single educational and methodical management and coordination of practical activities of all structural elements of the system.

Professional development of a civil servant is a complex organizational process, which includes personnel analysis and determination of quantitative and qualitative needs for training, providing the educational process with content and methodology, efficiency and effectiveness of the results of training, retraining and improvement of quality.

To perform the professional duties, a civil servant must have not only specific knowledge, but also be highly professional, competent, able to determine the most effective ways and methods of implementing the tasks within the framework of regulatory authority, the ability to analyze and predict the development of situations, to make informed management decisions.

One of the most important criteria for the characteristics of specialists of various special training remains the level of their professionalism. According to V. Oluiko, professional development of civil servants should be carried out in two directions: professional qualification, professional and official [3].

The process of professional and qualification development on the basis of training and advanced training should be based on the following principles and principles:

The obligation provides that civil servants improve their skills constantly, including through training in the relevant educational institutions, as a rule, at least once every five years. The obligation of professional development for each civil servant follows from the basic principle of public service — professionalism. The volume and level of knowledge should provide civil servants with quality performance of tasks, duties at the level of modern requirements, which are constantly growing. To meet them, every civil servant is obliged to constantly learn, replenish, update and deepen their knowledge, improve skills and abilities.

The principle of professionalism of civil servants is the leading principle in the organization and functioning of the public service. This is not only one of

the main requirements that determines the formation and practical activities of staff, but it is also a necessary legal condition without which it is impossible to obtain the right to exercise official authority.

Planning is based on a systematic analysis of the composition of civil servants and studied needs of public authorities and their specialists in training and provides for the development, coordination and approval of schedules of training of civil servants in the relevant structures for the next academic year;

Differentiated approach-civil servants are employees belonging to different occupational groups, performing various functions in the system of public administration. Their professional development should be structured in such a way that employees performing the same or similar functions in public administration are enrolled before the training flows and groups. During the organization and methodological support of educational and information processes, it is necessary to purposefully take into account the need to form the levels of knowledge of specialists of different qualifications.

Continuity, and innovation — employee learning should be seen as a continuous process, not as the end result of a certain period of his life. After all, practically this knowledge becomes obsolete over time. An employee who does not systematically improve the professional level, does not enrich knowledge, works less effectively, because he uses outdated ideas, methods, means of work.

Therefore, the heads of state bodies, their structural units should constantly

take care of systematic improvement of the level of knowledge of civil servants, their competence.

Ensuring a humanistic, democratic approach-this principle requires the maintenance and development of intellectual and moral potential of employees, the full democratization of the educational process with their active participation.

The need for a humanistic approach is determined by the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine to the ethics of behavior of a civil servant. Ethics plays an important role in governance. The prerogative of reforming the state management structures is the creation of a new model of management culture.

The inextricable connection of the theory with the practical activities of the executive authorities — given that civil servants represent the state bodies among the citizens of Ukraine, people judge the work of these bodies and the state as a whole based on their actions, competence, purposefulness, it is important to increase the role of the theoretical and ideological side of their training.

Domestic and foreign experience in determining the content and organization of training. On the one hand, one should not ignore the domestic experience of working with personnel in general and the experience of improving their skills in particular, developed over the previous years by state bodies and various parts of the system of advanced training. Increasingly better, effective based on the past experience is appropriate given current conditions and real opportunities to adopt and apply in work.

It is difficult to overestimate the role in this experience of foreign countries with developed public service systems. Special attention should be paid to the practice of a differentiated approach to the organization of training of civil servants, software, distance learning; methods of teaching adult students, the use of technical means; strengthening the motivation of civil servants to improve their skills.

Training of civil servants is the education of the appropriate educational and qualification level of a specialist, master's degree in specialties aimed at professional activity in the public service, as well as training in graduate school, doctoral studies of the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, other educational institutions or research institutions in specialties aimed at professional activity in the public service.

Retraining of civil servants is the education of the corresponding educational qualification level of a specialist, master's degree in another specialty within, as a rule, the relevant branch of knowledge.

Professional development of civil servants is training to update and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively solve the problems of professional activity in the public service. The main types of professional development of civil servants, ensuring its continuity, are as follows: training in professional programs; systematic independent training (self-education); thematic permanent and short-term seminars; training in bodies, as well as abroad.

Professional training should purposefully shape the ability of civil ser-

vants to innovate, including regulatory, design, analytical, organizational and administrative, Advisory and control functions.

The formation of a system of continuous professional training of civil servants has become an urgent need and one of the most important factors in strengthening the state and the formation of socially-oriented market economy [4].

The strive of Ukraine to be in the European community requires the creation of a system of public administration and public service focused on the implementation of standards of real democracy, which are derived from the democratic institutional standards of professional activity of employees. The reform of the civil service implies the need to define and implement the standards of professional activity of civil servants on the basis of strategic planning of the activities of state bodies with the introduction of effective and efficient service to the needs of the population, individuals and legal entities. These standards are the basis for the provision of quality public services, service, as well as the formation and updating of the content of vocational training.

The improvement and effectiveness of the vocational training system can be achieved provided that vocational training and post-graduate education meet the requirements of education for a knowledge and information society, namely:

- lifelong education;

- education without borders based on information and computer technologies and complements traditional methods and technologies with new opportunities;

- education on creative learning models and individual educational trajectories;

- education that develops on the basis of fundamental knowledge.

Science cannot be separated from vocational training and postgraduate education. It is a single complex of formation of intellectual capital of state administration and local self-government.

It is necessary to ensure the applied nature of master's training, postgraduate education and research, differentiation of professional training of civil servants depending on the nature of their professional activities, the needs of the body and civil servant.

Ensuring the quality of training content requires:

- implementation of the system of studying the needs for training, taking into account the types of training and categories of students;

- ensuring the practical nature of the content of training by its focus on training students to effectively perform job tasks.

Vocational education should guarantee a positive change in the status of a civil servant. At the same time it should consider training in a magistracy to be the stipulated form of the next (once in five years) professional development.

Since the successful implementation of the content of training is determined by the professionalism of the persons involved in the implementation of the educational process, it is necessary to systematically improve the skills of the teaching staff of magistrates of public service through training in central and local authorities.

An effective solution to this problem can be achieved through the use of distance learning technologies in the telecommunications network of the public service. Distance learning allows one to adapt to the basic level of knowledge and specific learning objectives of each individual, to attract qualified professionals (which is not possible under other conditions), to provide access to educational material at a convenient time for the user, his remote participation in teleseminars and qualified teacher assistance. In addition to the traditional means of distance learning (distribution of information materials and tasks) there may be the organization of training through courses, distance learning allows you to organize business games, discussions, teleconferences, which greatly improves the quality of acquired knowledge and training specialist to independent and timely decisions and actions.

The introduction of distance learning into the system of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants and local government officials, and especially based on the methods of informative and communicative technologies, will not only cover the maximum possible number of students with training and improve their professional level, but also through the introduction of high technologies of information transfer to adapt them to the new conditions of development of "information civilization", its understanding and perception.

Thus, the effective functioning of the system of professional training of employees of public authorities, its scientific, educational, methodological, material and technical improvement,

the effectiveness of personnel policy at the regional level directly depend on the application of innovative models of educational institutions, the search and approval of new forms of professional training of management personnel.

Therefore, the necessary condition for effective public administration is its professionalization. An important institution for the professionalization of public administration is the system of professional training of civil servants through training, retraining and advanced training using new forms and methods of training, educational mechanisms and technologies, taking into account the experience of developed countries. This approach will allow a qualitative approach to ensuring the state personnel policy and will create conditions for the consistent renewal of the personnel of the state service of Ukraine.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Therefore, the understanding of the modern view at professional development allows us to consider training as its indispensable condition, and career growth as a possible and necessary outcome. Thus, the leading trend in the formation of the principle of professional development in the state personnel policy is the requirement to constantly improve the professionalism of the personnel through the professional development of civil servants, while the task of developing professional qualities was replaced by the targeting at the development of professional competencies and professional competence.

One of the strategic tasks of the state personnel policy at the present stage is the formation of highly profes-

sional staff of the public service. The implementation of this task should lead to qualitative changes in the personnel composition of state bodies.

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references -

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список використаних джерел -

1. Оболенський О. Ю. Державна служба Украши: реалiзацiя системних поглядiв щодо оргашзацИ та функщ-онування: монографiя. Хмельниць-кий: Подшля, 1998. С. 227.

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