Научная статья на тему 'In-service training for civil servants in the context of ensuring the sustainable development of Ukraine (archetypal approach)'

In-service training for civil servants in the context of ensuring the sustainable development of Ukraine (archetypal approach) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Orliv Mariana Stepanivna

The problem of low level of functional competence of civil servants caused by the declarative character of the use of strategic, competence and individual-centered approaches in their professional and personal development is actualized. The aspects of organization of the professional development of civil servants taking into account socio-cultural and psychological-mental charac-teristics on the basis of results of the implementation of multi-phase program “Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness” as well as scientific research of the representatives of the Ukrainian School of Archetype are explored. It is substantiated that the main attributes of leadership in modern societies (charisma, participativity, and team orientation) necessitate the combination of individually-centered and system-oriented approaches in in-service training through the introduction of organizational learning and activity-based learning in public authorities, and the use of innovative democratic technologies for personnel development, including coaching, to ensure the effectiveness of their functioning. The questions of civil servants’ personal qualities assessment and formation of individual professional development strategies as well as individual programs of professional competence development based on its results are considered. It is argued that the modern system of in-service training for civil servants should ensure the formation of a competitive human capital as an intensive factor of the sustainable development of the state, based on the combination of the principles of human-centeredness and pragmatism. The essence of human capital at the individual, organizational and national levels is determined as the value which is accumulated in the result of investing (in a rational approach) and capable of self-growth. The prospect of further scientific developments is the study of the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the professional in-service program implementation for public servants at the request of authorities, taking into account the aspects which are considered in the article

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Актуализировано проблему низкого уровня функциональной компетентности государственных служащих вследствие декларативного характера использования стратегического, компетентностного и индивидуально-центричного подходов к их профессиональному и личностному развитию. Исследованы аспекты организации повышения квалификации государственных служащих с учетом социально-культурных и психологически-ментальных характеристик на основе результатов реализации многофазной программы “Глобальное лидерство и эффективность организационного поведения” и разведок представителей Украинской школы архетипики. Обосновано, что основные атрибуты лидерства в современных обществах (харизматичность, партисипативнисть и ориентация на команду) обусловливают необходимость сочетания индивидуально-центричного и системно-ориентированного подходов в повышении квалификации путем введения организационного и деятельностного обучения в органах государственной власти, использования инновационных демократических технологий развития персонала, в частности коучинга, для обеспечения эффективности их функционирования. Рассмотрены вопросы оценивания личностных качеств государственных служащих и формирования на основе его результатов индивидуальных стратегий профессионального развития и индивидуальных программ повышения уровня профессиональной компетентности. Аргументировано, что современная система повышения квалификации государственных служащих должна обеспечивать формирование конкурентоспособного человеческого капитала, как интенсивного фактора устойчивого развития государства, на основе сочетания принципов человекоцентризма и прагматизма. Определена сущность человеческого капитала на индивидуальном, организационном и национальном уровнях как накопленная в результате инвестирования (за рациональным подходом) ценность, способная к самовозрастанию. Перспективой дальнейших научных разведок определено исследование проблем обеспечения эффективности реализации профессиональных программ повышения квалификации государственных служащих по заказу органов власти с учетом рассмотренных в статье аспектов.

Текст научной работы на тему «In-service training for civil servants in the context of ensuring the sustainable development of Ukraine (archetypal approach)»

UDC: 35.088.6(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-336-345

Orliv Mariana Stepanivna,

PhD in Economics, Docent of the Department of Public Administration and Management, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska Str., 15, tel.: +38(067) 650 35 45, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130

Орл1в Мар'яна Степамвна,

кандидат економгчних наук, доцент ка-федри пyблiчнoгo управлтня та адмт-стрування, 1вано-Франтвський нацю-нальний техтчний университет нафти i газу, 76019, м. 1вано-Франтвськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел.: +38(067) 65035 45, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130

Орлив Марьяна Степановна,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры публичного управления и менеджмента, Ивано-Франковский национальный технический университет нефти и газа, 76019, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Карпатская, 15, тел: +38(067) 650 35 45, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-2130


Abstract. The problem of low level of functional competence of civil servants caused by the declarative character of the use of strategic, competence and individual-centered approaches in their professional and personal development is actualized. The aspects of organization of the professional development of civil servants taking into account socio-cultural and psychological-mental characteristics on the basis of results of the implementation of multi-phase program "Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness" as well as scientific research of the representatives of the Ukrainian School of Archetype are explored. It is substantiated that the main attributes of leadership in modern societies (charisma, participativity, and team orientation) necessitate the com-

bination of individually-centered and system-oriented approaches in in-service training through the introduction of organizational learning and activity-based learning in public authorities, and the use of innovative democratic technologies for personnel development, including coaching, to ensure the effectiveness of their functioning.

The questions of civil servants' personal qualities assessment and formation of individual professional development strategies as well as individual programs of professional competence development based on its results are considered. It is argued that the modern system of in-service training for civil servants should ensure the formation of a competitive human capital as an intensive factor of the sustainable development of the state, based on the combination of the principles of human-centeredness and pragmatism. The essence of human capital at the individual, organizational and national levels is determined as the value which is accumulated in the result of investing (in a rational approach) and capable of self-growth. The prospect of further scientific developments is the study of the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the professional in-service program implementation for public servants at the request of authorities, taking into account the aspects which are considered in the article.

Keywords: archetype, professional competence, system of in-service training for civil servants, professional development, personal development, cultural values, good governance, human capital, leadership.



Анотащя. Актуалiзовано проблему низького рiвня функцюнально! ком-петентносп державних службовщв через декларативний характер вико-ристання стратепчного, компетентшсного та шдивщуально-центричного пiдходiв у ix професшному й особистюному розвитку. Дослщжено аспекти оргашзаци шдвищення квалiфiкацii державних службовщв з урахуванням сощально-культурних та психолопчно-ментальних характеристик на основi резулыапв реалiзацii багатофазноi програми "Глобальне лщерство i ефек-тивнiсть органiзацiйноi поведшки" та розвщок представникiв Укра'1'нсько'1' школи арxетипiки. Обгрунтовано, що основнi атрибути лiдерства у сучасних сустльствах (xаризматичнiсть, партисипативнiсть та орieнтацiя на команду) зумовлюють необхщшсть поеднання iндивiдуально-центричного та систем-но-орieнтованого пiдxодiв у пiдвищеннi квалiфiкацii шляхом запровадження оргашзацшного та дiяльнiсного навчання в органах державно!' влади, вико-ристання шновацшних демократичних теxнологiй розвитку персоналу, зо-крема коучингу, для забезпечення ефективносп ix функцiонування.

Розглянуто питання ощнювання особистiсниx якостей державних службовщв та формування на основi його резулыапв iндивiдуальниx стратегш професiйного розвитку та iндивiдуальниx програм шдвищення рiвня профе-сiйноi компетентность Аргументовано, що сучасна система шдвищення ква-

лiфiкащl державних службовщв мае забезпечувати формування конкуренто-спроможного людського капiталу, як штенсивного фактора сталого розвитку держави, на засадах поеднання принцитв людиноцентризму i прагматизму. Визначено сутнiсть людського катталу на iндивiдуальному, оргашзацшно-му й нащональному рiвнях як нагромаджену в результат iнвестування (за ращональним пiдходом) цiннiсть, здатну до самозростання. Перспективою подальших наукових розвiдок визначено дослщження проблем забезпечення ефективностi реалiзацil професiйних програм пiдвищення квалiфiкащl державних службовщв на замовлення оргашв влади з урахуванням розглянутих у статт аспекпв.

Ключовi слова: архетип, професшна компетентнiсть, система шдвищен-ня квалiфiкацil державних службовцiв, професiйний розвиток, особистю-ний розвиток, культурнi щнносп, належне врядування, людський капiтал, лщерство.


Аннотация. Актуализировано проблему низкого уровня функциональной компетентности государственных служащих вследствие декларативного характера использования стратегического, компетентностного и инди-видуально-центричного подходов к их профессиональному и личностному развитию. Исследованы аспекты организации повышения квалификации государственных служащих с учетом социально-культурных и психологически-ментальных характеристик на основе результатов реализации многофазной программы "Глобальное лидерство и эффективность организационного поведения" и разведок представителей Украинской школы архетипики. Обосновано, что основные атрибуты лидерства в современных обществах (харизматичность, партисипативнисть и ориентация на команду) обусловливают необходимость сочетания индивидуально-центричного и системно-ориентированного подходов в повышении квалификации путем введения организационного и деятельностного обучения в органах государственной власти, использования инновационных демократических технологий развития персонала, в частности коучинга, для обеспечения эффективности их функционирования.

Рассмотрены вопросы оценивания личностных качеств государственных служащих и формирования на основе его результатов индивидуальных стратегий профессионального развития и индивидуальных программ повышения уровня профессиональной компетентности. Аргументировано, что современная система повышения квалификации государственных служащих должна обеспечивать формирование конкурентоспособного человеческого капитала, как интенсивного фактора устойчивого развития государства, на основе сочетания принципов человекоцентризма и прагматизма. Определена сущность человеческого капитала на индивидуальном, организационном и

национальном уровнях как накопленная в результате инвестирования (за рациональным подходом) ценность, способная к самовозрастанию. Перспективой дальнейших научных разведок определено исследование проблем обеспечения эффективности реализации профессиональных программ повышения квалификации государственных служащих по заказу органов власти с учетом рассмотренных в статье аспектов.

Ключевые слова: архетип, профессиональная компетентность, система повышения квалификации государственных служащих, профессиональное развитие, личностное развитие, культурные ценности, надлежащее управление, человеческий капитал, лидерство.

Problem statement. According to the strategy of sustainable development "Ukraine-2020" the goal of public administration reform is to build a transparent system of public administration, create a professional public service, ensure their effectiveness and ability to form and implement a holistic public policy aimed at sustainable social development and adequate response to internal and external challenges [1]. Therefore, one of the main criteria for assessing of the institute of public service, its compliance with European standar is the readiness of civil servants to implement the functions of public administration with the use of modern management technologies. However, the results of studies conducted by the Department of public administration and social development of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (more — NAPA under the President of Ukraine) and the Department of monitoring research of socio-economic transformations of Institute of economy and forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, showed that at the time of the adoption of sustainable development strategies and reform of public administration in Ukraine

the level of functional incompetence of civil servants reached values over 80 % at the time, as the level of readiness for the fulfillment of their functions at the level of "productive activity" did not exceed 4,7 percent [2, p. 10]. This situation was due to the fact that the competence-based and personality-oriented approaches in the professional development of civil servants were mainly declarative and were not integrated into all processes of state personnel management.

Now there is a lack of developments that would form a systematic view on the implementation of effective mechanisms and ways to influence the professional and personal civil servants in the system of training. In the context of ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, unlike the private sector (where business entities invest primarily in the development of specific competencies as long as it is beneficial to them), the training of civil servants should ensure the public good, including through the state order for its implementation.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of professional

and personal development of civil servants, effective management qualification were examined by M. Bilynska, A. Vasylieva, K. Vashchenko, A. Vo-ron'ko, L. Gogina, N. Honcharuk, V. Hoshovska, L. Dayilenko, D. Dzvin-chuk, V. Zahoeskyi, N. Izha, S. Ka-lashnikova, V. Kuibida, A. Lipentsev, V. Luhovyi, V. Miliaieva, R. Naumenko, L. Pashko, V. Ponedilko, I. Rozputen-ko, A. Rudenko, S. Seriohin, V. Ter-tychka, S. Hadzhyradieva and several other local scientists. Their development is implemented in the educational process of institutions of the system of training and used in the preparation of draft regulations, requirements and guidelines for the introduction of the standard of educational activities for training, competitive selection of candidates for vacant positions in government, the formation of training programs, the organization of formal and informal training, etc. However, the system of professional development of civil servants continues to develop fragmentary and does not provide the possibility of implementing strategic approaches to their professional and personal development.

The purpose of the article is to improve the approaches to improving the skills of civil servants, taking into account the socio-cultural and psychological and mental characteristics in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material. The key element and generator of institutional changes in society, including the institute of public service, is now the processes of self-identification, in the context of which there is a human personality. The affirmation of the

value of a person in society, in fact, entails appropriate institutional changes, which are embodied in the administrative reform as a transition from departmental to functional in public administration, the activities of civil servants and work with managerial personnel, including the assessment of their competence and functional readiness [2, p. 7-8]. Therefore, the modern system of professional development of civil servants in Ukraine is a dynamic component of the system of their professional training, which is characterized by organizational and institutional structures, relationships and processes that provide targeted personal and professional development of civil servants in accordance with the needs of the individual, authorities and the state.

The problem of ensuring the effectiveness of the system is the lack of effective tools to motivate civil servants to improve their skills, its planning and organization, taking into account the characteristics of the individual, as well as the creation of conditions for the development of its potential, taking into account national and mental factors and traditions. In this sense, the results of the multiphase research program "Global leadership and organizational Effectiveness" ("Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior", hereinafter — the GLOBE program), which was attended by about 150 scientists from 61 countries, and research representatives of the Ukrainian school of archetypes, deserve attention.

The GLOBE program is one of the largest international research projects on management, focused on the study of the relationship between social and organizational cultures and leader-

ship, which has made a significant contribution in the field of applied social Sciences. The project identified 9 important cultural aspects that can characterize the society in three directions:

1) what is important for society (future orientation, result orientation, avoidance of uncertainty, human orientation);

2) how to organize society (social collectivism, intragroup collectivism);

3) how society should interact (power distancing, assertiveness, gender egalitarianism) [3, p. 5-6].

In particular, for the societies of the USA, Great Britain, France and Poland, the most important values with different priorities are result orientation and human and intra-group collectivism (see table). Despite the fact that the actual values of the indicators differ significantly from the value estimates, the main attributes of leadership in these countries are charismatic,

participative and team-oriented leadership, and the least significant are self-motivated and autonomous [4].

The GLOBE program did not extend to Ukraine, but domestic scientists note that Ukrainian society in the organization of its life also traditionally tends to group actions, sometimes even by limiting individual preferences [5, p. 193]. This necessitates a combination of personality-centric and system-oriented approaches to improving the skills of civil servants, in particular the introduction of organizational and activity training. After all, according to the theory of social constructivism of P. Berger and T. Lukman [6], the result of intra-group interaction in the process of activity training is the formation of new knowledge as a social product, which after application and habitualization turns into competence, that is, the intellectual component of human capital. At this stage, its deve-

Results of the evaluation of cultural aspects characterizing the society

cultural aspects usa Great Britain France Poland

actual value value assessment actual value value assessment actual value value assessment actual value value assessment

Focus on the future 4,15 5,31 4,28 5,06 3,48 4,96 3,11 5,2

Result orientation 4,49 6,14 4,08 5,9 4,11 5,65 3,89 6,12

Avoidance of uncertainty 4,15 4,0 4,65 4,11 4,43 4,26 3,62 4,71

Focus on the person 4,17 5,53 3,72 5,43 3,4 5,67 3,61 5,3

social collectivism 4,2 4,17 4,27 4,31 3,93 4,86 4,53 4,22

Intra-group collectivism 4,25 5,77 4,08 5,55 4,37 5,42 5,52 5,74

The distancing of power 4,88 2,85 2,8 4,65 5,28 2,76 5,1 3,12

assertiveness 4,55 4,32 4,15 3,7 4,14 3,38 4,06 3,9

Gender egalitarianism 3,34 5,06 3,67 5,17 3,64 4,4 4,02 4,52

The table is compiled on the basis of source: http://globe.bus.sfu.ca/results

lopment does not require significant investments.

According to representatives of the Ukrainian school of archetypes, cultural values play a crucial role in the formation of social identity as a multidimensional psychosocial reality, which is recognized as a reliable means of harmonizing the internal life of society, the key to its self-acceptance and further development. Therefore, it is the archetypes that form the cognitive structures of people (attitudes, scenarios, concepts, images and prototypes), which predetermines their readiness to act in one direction or another [7, p. 60], including the development of professional competence, in the process of which it is necessary to take into account the extra-or introvert personality, its rationality or irrationality. In this sense, V. Petrenko formed a complex spatial model of management styles (based on three evaluation criteria — the orientation of the head to the task, partnership and himself), which allowed to determine those management styles that contribute to the implementation of the concept of proper intellect usage, and develop an algorithm for transforming the organizational group of people into a team under the influence of the leader [5, p. 185-196]. The use of the spatial model in the selection and evaluation of senior civil service personnel, their further training, as well as the introduction of organizational training is important to ensure the effective functioning of public authorities.

This approach was used in 20122013 by the Institute of advanced training of the leadership of the NAPA under the President of Ukraine in the process of competitive selection to the

Presidential personnel reserve "New elite of the nation" and the formation of a comprehensive program of professional development of persons enrolled in it. According to the Guidelines for conducting a survey of candidates [8] personal, business, creative and cognitive qualities and abilities were determined by the multifactor personal technique R. Kettell, the basics of which were developed in 1949, and today are in-depth and actively used in working with different categories of respondents in different countries. According to this method, the assessment of adaptation of the person is carried out on the basis of indicators of extroversion and introversion of personality — qualities discovered by K. Jung. But the problem is how to use these results in the process of further personal development.

Since the introduction of the concept of good governance in public authorities predetermines the need for the use of innovative democratic technologies for the development of personnel, a comprehensive program of professional development of persons enrolled in the Presidential personnel reserve was provided for coaching, which is an effective tool for improving competence and personal development. After all, with the help of coaching, a person's motivation is created, followed by the definition of specific steps of change and development, the nature and sequence of which depends on her personal characteristics, level of creativity, professionalism and the like. Thus, depending on the type of reference persons use 3 approaches to the organization of coaching and achieve its goals:

1) motivation to change + mentoring — for persons with external reference (who are more focused on the opinion of authoritative and experienced persons, objective results, accepted standards, etc);

2) motivation to change + independent search for solutions — for people with internal reference (who primarily focus on their own vision, opinion, position, and therefore more trust the conclusions that came on their own) and mixed reference;

3) motivation to change + a common search for solutions for persons with a mixed reference [9, p. 14].

The results of personal qualities testing should also be taken into account in the formation of an individual strategy of professional development and an individual program to improve the level of professional competence, according to article 49 of the Law of Ukraine "On civil service" is annually compiled by civil servants based on the results of their performance evaluation.

In determining the priorities of individual development, one of these strategies can be chosen:

1) development of weaknesses (acquisition of missing or improvement of poorly developed skills);

2) compensation of weaknesses by strengthening the strengths (improving already developed skills to further their active use in order weaknesses to be levelled out on their background);

3) integrated approach to development (the combination of the first two approaches in the given sequence, which requires more time, but is the most effective).

The strategy of individual development of the civil servant should

be formed with the focus on improving the level of professional competence and individual efficiency, taking into account the factors that affect its competitiveness and career growth. Accordingly, the modern system of advanced training of civil servants on the basis of a combination of principles of humane centrism and pragmatism should ensure the development of competitive human capital in the public sector, which is accumulated as a result of investment value capable of self-growth:

1) at the individual level — the value that is determined on the basis of professional competence, personal potential and social status of the civil servant;

2) at the organizational level — an intangible asset of the authority, the improvement or increase of which (in particular in the system of training) has a long-term effect. Its components are: the personal potential of employees; intellectual capital, which is formed through the development of professional competence; social capital — through their interaction; organizational capital — through the institu-tionalization of knowledge and synergy of intellectual and social capital;

3) at the national level — an intensive factor of sustainable development of the state, the main components of which are: the professionalism of government officials, effective technologies of their interaction and the system of institutionalized knowledge.

Decisions to invest in training activities for civil servants should be made in a rational manner, using the "benefits-costs" method, which includes an analysis of the achievement

of the planned results and all related benefits.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. In the context of ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine, the system of professional development of civil servants should focus on the formation of human capital at the individual, organizational and national levels, taking into account socio-cultural and psychological and mental characteristics.

The results of studies of foreign scientists show that the main attributes of leadership in modern societies are charisma, participation and team orientation. The result of intra-group interaction is the formation of new knowledge as a social product, which after the application and habitualization turns into competence, that is, the intellectual component of human capital. Therefore, professional and personal development of civil servants should be carried out in combination of personality-centric (to build human capital at the individual level) and system-oriented approaches (for the development of collective leadership processes and human capital at the level of public authorities). At the same time, it is important to ensure the systematic use of valid methods for assessing the personal qualities of civil servants and to take into account its results in the formation of individual strategies for professional development, the organization of non-formal training in public authorities. In this regard, the prospect of further research is the study of the problems of ensuring the effectiveness of professional training programs for civil servants commissioned by the authorities, taking into account the aspects discussed in the article.

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