Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical and methodological approaches to the notion: “selection of public servants”: basic definitions'

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the notion: “selection of public servants”: basic definitions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
public service / service in local self-government bodies / public service / public servant / state authorities / selection of personnel / competition commissions / selection / selection of public servants / selection mechanisms / державна служба / служба в органах місцевого самовря- дування / публічна служба / публічний службовець / органи державної влади / відбір кадрів / конкурсні комісії / селекція / селекція публічних службовців / механізми селекції

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Andreev Vasyl Nikolayevich

The article analyzes the approaches to the concept of “selection of personnel”, “selection of civil service personnel”, “selection of personnel”. The author substantiates the expediency of determining the concept of the selection of personnel of the public service. The article defines the components of the concept of the selection of public service personnel: in particular, the involvement of staff, the definition of reasonable requirements for candidates for public servants, competitive procedures (mechanisms, methods), the selection (selection) procedure, and the formation of the personnel structure of the public administration system.

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У статті проаналізовано підходи до поняття “відбір кадрів”, “відбір кадрів державної служби”, “селекція кадрів”. Обґрунтовано доцільність визначення поняття саме селекції кадрів публічної служби. Визначені складові елементи системи селекції кадрів публічної служби, зокрема: залучення кадрів; визначення обґрунтованих вимог до кандидатів на посади публічних службовців, конкурсні процедури (механізми, методики); процедура селекції (відбору); формування кадрового складу системи публічного управління.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical and methodological approaches to the notion: “selection of public servants”: basic definitions»

UDC: 35.08 (082+083)

Andreev Vasyl Nikolayevich,

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kiev, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740

Андреев Василь Миколайович,

асшрант кафедри публгчного адмхнх-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академы управлтня персоналом, 03039 м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740

Андреев Василий Николаевич,

аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039 г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12,

-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740

theoretical and methodological

approaches to the notion: "selection of public servants": basic definitions

Abstracts. The article analyzes the approaches to the concept of "selection of personnel", "selection of civil service personnel", "selection of personnel". The author substantiates the expediency of determining the concept of the selection of personnel of the public service. The article defines the components of the concept of the selection of public service personnel: in particular, the involvement of staff, the definition of reasonable requirements for candidates for public servants, competitive procedures (mechanisms, methods), the selection (selection) procedure, and the formation of the personnel structure of the public administration system.

Keywords: public service, service in local self-government bodies, public service, public servant, state authorities, selection of personnel, competition commissions, selection, selection of public servants, selection mechanisms.


Анотацiя. У статп проаналiзовано пiдходи до поняття "вiдбiр кадрiв", "вщ-бiр кадрiв державно! служби", "селекцiя кадрiв". Обгрунтовано доцiльнiсть визначення поняття саме селекци кадрiв публiчно! служби. Визначенi скла-довi елементи системи селекци кадрiв публiчно! служби, зокрема: залучення кадрiв; визначення обгрунтованих вимог до кандидапв на посади публiчних службовцiв, конкурсы процедури (механiзми, методики); процедура селекци (вiдбору); формування кадрового складу системи публiчного управлiння.

Ключовi слова: державна служба, служба в органах мюцевого самовря-дування, публiчна служба, публiчний службовець, органи державно! влади, вiдбiр кадрiв, конкурснi комiсi!, селекцiя, селекщя публiчних службовцiв, механiзми селекцГ!.


Аннотация. В статье проанализированы подходы к понятию "отбор кадров", "отбор кадров государственной службы", "селекция кадров". Автором обоснована целесообразность определения понятия именно селекции кадров публичной службы. Определены составляющие элементы системы селекции кадров публичной службы: в частности, привлечение кадров; определение обоснованных требований к кандидатам на должности публичных служащих; конкурсные процедуры (механизмы, методики); процедура селекции (отбора); формирование кадрового состава системы публичного управления.

Ключевые слова: государственная служба, служба в органах местного самоуправления, публичная служба, публичный служащий, органы государственной власти, отбор кадров, конкурсные комиссии, селекция, селекция публичных служащих, механизмы селекции.

Target setting. Problems of personnel formation are key in all spheres of society's life, in the private and public sectors. Any decision is made and implemented by a person; the result and effectiveness of such activity depends on the quality of human capital.

In the system of public administration there are important reforms, that

affect the fate of specific people and society as a whole. Therefore, the quality of human capital, that functions in the system of public administration is especially important.

Analyzing the current stages of reform, it should be noted, that they are implemented poorly, not systematically, without taking into account

previous experience of conducting modernization processes and without identifying globalization and integration challenges.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of attraction, selection, and staffing in the public administration system are analyzed by ukrainian and foreign scholars, including Yu. Astakhov, G. Atamanchuk, V. Vesnin, O. Voronko, N. Honcharuk, O. Krushelnytska, V. Malinovsky, O. Obolenskiy, V. Oluiko, E. Okhots-kiy, O. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, S. Seryogin, I. Suray, O. Turchinov, F. Hmil, and the others. The mentioned authors analyze the concept of "selection of personnel", "selection of personnel for the civil service", consider the issues of a competent approach in the selection of personnel for the civil service, determine the basic mechanisms of selection of personnel for the civil service, the connection of personnel selection, evaluation and adaptation, determine responsibility frames at the time of entry and release and so on.

Thus, O. Turchinov [1] defines the concept of "professionalism of personnel", "professionalism" and connection of personnel professionalism with the selection of personnel, the quality of personnel activities, etc. O. Voronko [2] considers the selection of management personnel in the system of civil service, as well as problems with the formation of the leadership of civil servants. N. Makarenko [3] analyzes the main stages of psychological selection, defines the principles and methods of personnel selection. A. Marcinkiewicz [4] developed a methodology for pro-fessionally-psychologically selecting candidates for positions of judges, de-

fined the stages of such selection, analyzed the results of such selection.

At the same time, there is no systematic research on selection of personnel in the public service system, the concept of "selection of personnel in the public service system" is not considered.

Therefore, the main objective of the article is a comprehensive analysis of staff selection in the public service system, the definition of the main approaches to this concept, the justification of the components of selection of public service personnel.

Presenting main material. In the study, we will consider the concept of a public servant.

The notion of the "public servant" in the current legal and regulatory framework of Ukraine is not defined.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", the civil servant is a citizen of Ukraine, who holds the position of a civil service in a government body, another state body, its staff (secretariat), receives wages at the expense of the state budget and implements the established for this post powers, directly related to the execution of the tasks and functions of such a public authority, and also adheres to the principles of civil service [5].

The Law of Ukraine "On the service in local self-government bodies" states, that an official of a local government — a person, who works in local self-government bodies, has the appropriate official authority in carrying out organizational and administrative and consultative and advisory functions and receives wages from the local budget [6].

Thus, the public servant is a person, who performs functions of public ad-

ministration in accordance with clearly defined official duties, observing the legislation of Ukraine, received wages from the state or local budget, is accountable to and controlled by civil society and the state.

Now we have come to the definition of the concept of "selection of public servants". Scientists do not define the concept of "selection of public servants", but consider the concept of "selection of personnel", "selection of staff", "selection of civil servants".

Consider the concept of selection of personnel. So selection of personnel, including personnel of the civil service is:

• a system of measures, that ensure the formation of such a composition of civil servants, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of which would correspond to the goals and objectives of the civil service. In general, the selection of personnel — is identification, comparison, the ratio of the most common requirements inherent in the position or proposed by the organization, the field of activity with the characteristics of staff, a specific person. Selection is a multi-action, in which a person participates in practically the entire period of his active professional activity [1, p. 167];

• study of the psychological and professional qualities of an employee in order to identify his suitability for the performance of duties at a certain place of work or position and the choice of the aggregate of the applicants most suitable, taking into account the suitability of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities of the nature of activities, interests of the organization and its own [1, p. 134];

• a series of measures and actions undertaken by the enterprise or organization to identify from the list of candidates the person or persons, who are best suited for a vacancy [7];

• a system of measures and subjects of selection, that ensure the formation of such a composition of civil servants, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of which would correspond to the goals and objectives of the civil service. It is a complex personnel technology, that ensures compliance of human qualities with the requirements of the type of activity or position in the organization. It is implemented by special procedures [8, p. 65-66];

• the process of involving candidates with certain desires, skills and abilities and other personal characteristics on vacancies in organizations, as well as the establishment of a reserve list of relevant people, who applied for employment in an organization [9];

• a system of events, that enables them to identify the most suitable candidates for their individual qualifications and specialist occupations. Professional selection involves assessing the state of health, physical development, level of education, professional abilities, individual psychological capabilities of a particular person [10, p. 22].

In addition, the selection of personnel is a specially organized research process aimed at predicting the professional suitability of a person (candidates), based on the psychological properties available to her. This is a complex study of personality, that enables to determine and identify the degree and the possibility of psycho-physiological, socio-psychological suitability of can-

didates, through scientifically sound methods, conducted both for the selection of applicants for training in certain areas and specialties, requiring special qualities of an individual specialist (preferably for work in extreme conditions) [11].

The system of selection of personnel in the public service system includes many mechanisms and stages, including: psycho-physiological selection, medical selection, educational qualification selection, socio-psychological selection.

Thus, the researchers identified the main approaches to the concept of selection of personnel, including the selection of personnel for the civil service, determining the main stages of selection by public officials. However, there are no concepts of staff selection in the public service system.

If we analyze the concept of "breeding", then it is a science, that studies the emergence of new and improved existing varieties of cultivated plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms, that meet the needs of man and society [12]. Thus, selection of frames — a system of mechanisms, methods, that form innovative personnel, improve the staff composition.

In our opinion, the selection of personnel in the public service system is a personnel technology, that carries out a professional selection of specialists with the use of a range of methods, techniques and mechanisms in order to create an effective staffing capacity of the public administration system or to improve the existing staffing structure of public administration. The main mechanisms of selection should include psychological testing, tests on know-

ledge of the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, other normative legal acts, that are applied during the activity of the public servant, questionnaire methods, innovative selection methods (including role games, duties during programming)

The selection of public service personnel can be considered in a narrow and broad sense, in broad sense, as a personnel technology, that forms the innovative composition of the public service, in the narrow sense, as one of the technologies in the system of selection of public service personnel. In this study, we will consider in the broad sense.

A prerequisite for a successful selection of public service personnel should be: firstly, the activation of vocational guidance from the state authorities and local self-government bodies; secondly, the consideration by these authorities of the comparability of the possibilities of internal and external attraction and selection of employees; thirdly, taking into account the competence profile of the corresponding vacancies to the requirements set for the candidate; fourthly, knowledge of job requirements, that are vacant; fifthly, a deep, objective analysis of statements, all received proposals, personal cases of applicants; sixthly, the considered organization of preparation and holding of meetings of the competition commission [2, p. 45]; seventhly, the formation of an internal audit of personnel with a view to selection of the best specialists for the occupation of leading positions; eighthly, the objectivity of the passage of the selection mechanisms, the impossibility of influencing the selection of subjective factors.

In order to select persons capable of professionally performing official duties, a competition is held for the vacancy of the civil service in accordance with the Procedure for conducting a competition for the employment of civil service positions, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [13].

The competition is carried out taking into account the level of professional competence, personal qualities and achievements of candidates for occupation of a vacant position.

In Ukraine, the competition is conducted in compliance with the principles:

1) ensuring equal access;

2) political impartiality;

3) legality;

4) public trust;

5) non-discrimination;

6) transparency;

7) integrity;

8) reliability and conformity of testing methods;

9) coherence of application the testing methods;

10) effective and fair selection process [4].

The current legal documents define the stages of the competition, in particular, the main stages of the contest are as follows: making a decision on the announcement of the competition; announcement of the competition; acceptance of documents from persons, who wish to take part in the competition; verification of submitted documents for compliance with the requirements of the law; testing and determining its results; solution of situational tasks and determination of their results; conducting an interview and determining its results; conduct-

ing the calculation of the results of the competition and determining the winner of the competition and the second by the results of the candidate's competition; announcement of the results of the competition.

There is a separate order for selection of personnel for positions of category "A". According to the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", the selection of such candidates is carried out by the Commission on issues of the senior civil service corps [4].

Taking into account the analysis made to the constituent elements of the concept of "selection of public service personnel", the following should be considered: attraction of personnel (creation of conditions for the talented specialists to be willing to go for this vacancy), determination of reasonable requirements for candidates for public servants positions, competitive procedures (mechanisms, methods), selection procedure, formation of staffing of the public administration system.

The basic principles of the selection of public service personnel should include: the objectivity of breeding procedures and mechanisms, the impartiality of commissions, transparency in the selection of employees, the complexity of selection methods, the reliability of mechanisms, the reliability of the results of selection methods, the availability of these results, the transparency of contests and selection procedures, the legality of all methods of selection.

That is, the system of selection of public service personnel should be aimed at forming an innovative type of public servant, that would meet the real needs of society and serve the people of Ukraine.

Conclusions. The article analyzes the main approaches to the concept of "selection of personnel", "selection of the personnel of the civil service", it is noted, that the concept of "selection of public service personnel" is not used in scientific sources.

The concept of selection of public service personnel can be considered in a broad and narrow sense. In the narrow sense — this is the very process of screening unprofessional, unsuitable candidates. Broadly speaking, selection of staff in the public service system is a personnel technology, that carries out a professional selection of specialists with the use of a range of methods, techniques and mechanisms in order to create an effective human resources potential of the public administration system or to improve the existing staffing structure of public administration. The main mechanisms of selection should include psychological testing, tests on knowledge of the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, other normative legal acts, that are applied during the activity of the public servant, questionnaire methods, innovative selection methods (including role games, duties during programming).

The components of the concept of "selection of public service personnel" should include the following: attraction of personnel (creation of conditions for the talented specialists to be willing to go for this vacancy), determination of reasonable requirements for candidates for public servants positions, competitive procedures (mechanisms, methods), selection procedure, formation of staffing of the public administration system.

In the future, further intelligence is supposed to consider the question of selection mechanisms of public servants, to define the main competences of public servants, to study the foreign experience of introducing selection methods into the system of public service.


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