Движения танца бойкие. Одновременно напевается: «Хув-хув-хув». Это один из древних видов газели.В ранние времена дивана странники с мешком на плече ходили по поселкам. Когда кто-то болел, к нему для исцеления приводили странника, который исполнял газели, упоминая имя Всевышнего. Разновидность куштдепди под названием «Зедерат» также исполняется в паре или в группе. При его исполнении, когда танцор притоптывает правой ногой, одновременно движется и его правая рука. Движения танца «Зедерат» подражают движениям во время боя. Кораблям, находящимся в открытом море во время тумана, сложно найти путь к берегу. Люди на берегу исполняли куштдепди со звуками: «Айу-хей», молились о благополучном возвращении охотников и рыбаков, исполняя соответствующие газели: «Айу-хей-эй-эй, эй-ве-ей, йа Ресул, джан зедерат, йа Якутлы алемли ой зедерат». Это помогало морякам не потеряться в море, ориентируясь по звукам. Газели куштдепди, отображающие жизнь народа, его надежды и мечты - это зеркало его истории, моральных принципов, духовного мира. Разновидность куштдепди под названием «Хыммыл» подражает движениям и звукам морских птиц на берегу и исполняется радостно, ритмично, в основном, на торжествах. Газели «Хыммыл» исполняются горловым звуком со своеобразной интонацией. Разновидность куштдепди под названием «Хейневи» это танец, исполняемый по подражанию движениям потерявшихся птиц, ищущих своих собратьев. Разновидность куштдепди под названием «Уч депим» исполняется ритмично, притоптывая по три раза правой ногой, переставляют ее то вперед, то назад. Газели «Уч депим» исполняются со словами: «Аллей-аллей». Слова газелей «Уч депим» произносятся с паузами, с расстановкой. В Эпоху могущества и счастья куштдепди «Уч депим» исполняется фольклорными группами для воспевания и выражения гордости счастливой жизнью в нашей стране, и выражается такими строками: Разновидность куштдепди под названием «Бир депим» сегодня исполняется во всех уголках нашей страны. При «Бир депим» топают ногой только один раз, но более сильно. Газели исполняются с расстановкой. «Бир депим», в основном, исполняется в состязательной форме, и газели его также исполняются по очереди, в виде шуток. У каждого выхода свой мотив. В «Бир депим» мотив задается обычно повтором слов вроде: «Хоп-хоп-хоп так, куштдепди танцуй так». В книге «Туркменская культура» Наш уважаемый Аркадаг Гурбангулы Бердимухамедов отмечает: «В движениях, газелях, различных мотивах куштдепди отображается богатая история нашего народа, один за другим раскрываются слои его многослойного мира философии».
Список использованной литературы:
1. Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов. Туркменская культура. Ашхабад, ТГИС. 2015.
2. Махтумкули. Ашхабад,Туран, 2012 .
3. Мухаммет Гаймах Туркмен. Пыгаммбер тебипчилиги.Ашхабад,2005.
© Амандурдыева Г., Амандурдыева О., 2024
Гафурова М.А., старший преподаватель Байрамов С.К., преподаватель Акжаев А.Р., преподаватель Бабаева Т.Г., преподаватель Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана
nationality, language, tradition, and religion.
The fact that Magtymguly's works have been published several times in Turkmen and other languages of the world is proof that special attention is paid to him. The creative heritage left to us by our grandfather Magtymguly attracts the attention of the world community and all mankind. The reason for this is that Magtymguly was a person who praised the natural purity that embodies the whole human morality. Every person who understands this purity recognizes Magtymguly, regardless of his nationality, language, tradition, and religion. His words are recorded in his tongue. He wants to see himself in Magtymguly's creativity. He considers Magtymguly to be his guardian, and people who find answers to their questions in his work consider the master as their close friend. To say that the works of Magtymguly affect the human soul like a medicine or an ointment is not a revelation, but a recognition of the truth once again.
The words born from his deep understanding, sharp talent and wide vision are considered as a treasure that does not lose its value in every society, nation and time. The reason for this is that Magtymguly praised the purity, bravery, honesty, generosity in the minds of all mankind in a simple and clear language, and exposed the evils and evils and left us a legacy. It is not easy to understand the meaning of literal and figurative sentences in Magtymguly Pyragy's poems. This can be explained by a simple example. In other words, everyone interprets Magtymguly's well-known line "What a miracle: fire will come out of water" according to his own opinion and perception. People walking in the square, when it rains well in the spring, the world is full of rain, lightning flashes, and when they open their eyes, they see a fire that illuminates all the darkness.
During the 20th century, those who built a dam in front of the water stream, then directed the water flowing down from the height to the turbines, turned the wheels, and saw, heard, and read in the books that electricity was produced: "Despite living in the glorious 18th century, fire from water in a later period, that is, "He also knew that he could get electricity," he says. Some physicists and chemists say: "The great physicist wrote that line because he excelled in chemistry."
They know that chemical substances such as hydrogen and helium, when they are in liquid form, can react and cause a very strong explosion and fire." Astronomers and geographers also say that the Sun emits fire from liquids. The geographers added to the above: "Magtymguly knew geography and astronomy well and he knew that 90% of the Sun's composition is made of hydrogen and 10% of helium." They said that he knew that the two liquids of that day, in the event of hydrogen becoming helium element in a constant reaction, created fire, and that hydrogen could even turn into helium element and increase the fire. No plant can grow without water. Fire even grows in water without soil. It can also be said that Magtymguly saw the fire in the water, not the fire, and interpreted it as "power". All this is true. In all of them, the laws of nature find the right solution. Neither idea is refuted by science, nor by experience gathered through observation of nature. That is why the Turkmen people call their wise son Magtymguly Pyragy "Wiseman from the truth".
However, many of those who try to share these ideas and give a solution, do not pay attention to the line before the line given above and go back to the last line. As Akhmuhammet, a teacher of Turkmen language and literature, said, "Magtymguly himself explains what fire is caused by water in the lines after that line!" when he said, a thousand words. He says that Magtymguly "fire will come out of water" and emphasizes the place related to man:
A good son's tears flow.
Muff had a son, but it didn't happen.
The poet tries to determine the place of the individual in society and family. What does "fire out of water" have to do with good and bad sons here? If they have something to say, they can read another poem by Magtymguly:
This is the parable, man, you came to this place,
You slipped from your grandfather's waist and came to the plate.
One day your father made a mistake,
you were happy with Belt;
First you were water, you became blood,
after blood you reached the corpse.
- answers the lines. What leaks out of something? Of course, liquid, water, blood, etc. All of them (except mercury) are mostly water. If that is said, let's not think that "he foresaw that strong liquids would turn into fire, i.e. alcohol, gasoline, and others would be used as fuel." Let's take a look at the beginning. Then we will understand that Magtymguly is the universal law of the world nature of that mysterious line, and even though man is born under that law, he has different characteristics. We see that a part of the "fire" born from that water is capable of bringing prosperity to the parents, the nation, the country, and the whole of humanity, and that the spring and the river are inherited by the descendants, contributing to the development of the whole society and humanity. In the last line, the ash of a part of the "fire" born from that water is written as "There was no son in Muff ".
1. The state is for man! - Ashgabat, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. 2008.
2. Magtymguly. Poems. Volume I. - Ashgabat, 1992.
© Гафурова М. А., Байрамов С. К., Акжаев А. Р., Бабаева Т. Г., 2024
Гафурова М.А.,
Старший преподаватель
Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана
Бадырова Дж.Б.
Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана
Мухаммедова М.С.,
Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES
methodology of teaching, linguistics.
English language teaching methodology refers to the combination of teaching methods used by the teacher to teach English to children and the methods used by students to learn the language. The methods are designed based on the characteristics of this course. Let's look at the tasks of the teacher and the student of the method, which acts as a means of teaching and learning: 1. The first task of the teacher is to act as an organizer in the lesson. It is necessary to organize the introduction and explanation of the content of the new topic to the students during its study period. In particular, the teacher should constantly search for the appropriate use of instructional aids and games in organizing English lessons in elementary grades. Because it sets the student's tasks, more precisely, their familiarization with a new topic, and based on this, they train to perform language and writing tasks correctly, and if they stay, they will be able to use them independently in the future. It is also