UDC 351
Branitska Tetiana Romualdivna,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychological-Pedagogical Education and Social Sciences of the Communal Higher Educational Institution "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education", Vinnytsia, Hrushevs'ka str., 13, tel.: (0432) 55 65 68, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid.org/0000-0003-4503-3140 Братцька Тетяна Ромуальдiвна, доктор педагогiчних наук, 3aeidyea4 ка-федри психолого-педагогiчноï oceimu та сощальних наук, Комунальний вищий навчальний заклад "Втницька академiя неперервног освти", 21100, м. Втниця, вул. Грушевська, 13, тел.: (0432) 55 65 68, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid.org/0000-0003-4503-3140 Браницкая Татьяна Ромуальдовна, доктор педагогических наук, заведующий кафедры психолого-педагогического образования и социальных наук, Коммунальное высшее учебное заведение "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", 21100, г. Винница, ул. Грушевского, 13, тел.: (0432) 55 65 68, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid, org/0000-0003-4503-3140 Logutina Nataliia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages with Latin Course and Medical Terminology of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Pirogova str, 56, tel.: (0432) 67 29 30, e-mail: natalia,logutina@ gmail. com, https://ore-id. org/0000-0003-1029-5247
Логутта Наталгя Вол о д им upieua,
кандидат педагоячних наук, викладач кафедри тоземних мов з курсом латин-
ськог мови та медичног термтологй Втницького нащонального медичного утверси-тету ш. Миколи Пирогова, м. Втниця, вул. Пирогова, 56, тел.: (0432) 6729 30, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1029-5247
Логутина Наталья Владимировна,
кандидат педагогических наук, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка и медицинской терминологии Винницкого национального медицинского университета им. Николая Пигорова, г. Винница, ул. Пирогова, 56, тел.: (0432) 6729 30, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1029-5247
Abstract. The article analyzes and reveals the importance of education as a state, social, personal value for the development of society, as the basis of socioeconomic, spiritual, cultural, political development of society and its integration into the European and world community. The concept of state management of education as a type of professional activity aimed at creating conditions (organizational, personnel, material and financial, legal) life, functioning, development, improvement of educational institutions, improvement of the national education system to achieve this goal is generalized. It is established that the system of national education of independent Ukraine is an integral unity of state, municipal, private, corporate educational institutions of different directions and levels of accreditation. Significant differences in public administration of the education system in Soviet times and in independent Ukraine are analyzed. The content and significance of the conceptual principles of public administration of the national education system of Ukraine are revealed: the principle of statehood, scientificity, prognostic planning of public administration bodies and educational institutions, democratization, competence and professionalism of managers of educational sphere and optimization. The strategic tasks of the new structural organization "Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (UAPA)" are outlined. The structural components and levels of the state-public model of management of the national education system are determined: a) parliamentary-presidential; b) government-central; c) regional level (regional, city, district education departments); d) the level of direct management of educational institutions and the most educational: the powers of public officials at different levels; basic principles, leading directions of development of the national education system in Ukraine. It is proved that the optimal result of the activity of state administrators of the parliamentary-presidential and government-central levels is the creation of the New Ukrainian School. The basic principles of strategy and tactics of realization of educational and administrative innovations are substantiated; significant changes in the national education system, determined by the creation of the New Ukrainian School project (05-27.09. 2017), which will work
on the basis of partnership pedagogy, based on communication, interaction and cooperation between teacher, student and parents, and the development of the State Standard (August 21, 2018) training according to the programs of twelve-year complete general secondary education and the degree status of the school: primary school of the first degree — the beginning of classes from September 1, 2018; gymnasium — an educational institution of the second degree, which provides basic secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2022; lyceum — an educational institution of the third degree, which provides specialized secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2027.
The spectrum of the main competencies of the educated person, defined in the legislative documents of the educational branch for the purpose of development of the person, society on the basis of scientific knowledge is systematized, namely: free possession of the state language; ability to communicate in native (in case of difference from the state) and foreign languages; mathematical competence; competencies in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology; innovation; environmental competence; information and communication competence; lifelong learning; civic, social competencies related to the ideas of democracy, justice, equality of human rights, well-being and a healthy lifestyle, with an awareness of equal rights and opportunities.
Keywords: national education system of Ukraine; state management of education; improving the national education system; state-public model of national education system management, New Ukrainian School, competence.
Анотащя. Проаналiзовано та розкрито значення ocbí™ як державно!, сусшльно!, особистюно! цшносл для розвитку сощуму, як основи сощаль-но-економiчного, духовно-культурного, поличного розвитку сусшльства та штеграци його в европейську та св^ову сшльноту. Узагальнено поняття державного управлшня освггою як вид професшно! дiяльностi, спрямовано! на створення умов (оргашзацшних, кадрових, матерiально-фiнансових, пра-вових) життедiяльностi, функщонування, розвитку, удосконалення навчаль-ного закладу, удосконалення системи нащонально! осв™ для досягнення поставлено! мети. Встановлено, що система нащонально! осв™ незалежно! Укра!ни е цшсною едшстю державних, комунальних, приватних, корпора-тивних навчально-виховних закладiв рiзних спрямувань та рiвнiв акредита-ци. Проаналiзовано ютотш вщмшносп в державному управлшш системою осв™ в радянсью часи та в незалежнш Укра!ш. Розкрито змют i значення концептуальних принцишв державного управлшня системою нащонально! осв™ Укра!ни: принцип державносп, науковосп, прогностичного плану-вання дiяльностi оргашв державного управлшня i закладiв освгги, демократизаций компетентностi та професiоналiзму управлiнцiв освiтянською сферою дiяльностi та оптимiзацi!. Окреслено стратегiчнi завдання ново!
структурно! оргашзацп "Укра!нська Академiя державного управлшня при Президентовi Укра!ни (УАДУ )". Визначено структурнi компоненти та рiв-ш державно-громадсько! моделi управлiння системою нащонально! освiти: а) парламентсько-президентський рiвень; б) урядово-центральний рiвень; в) регюнальний рiвень (обласнi, MicbKi, районнi вщдши освiти); г) рiвень без-посереднього управлшня закладами осв^и та виокремлено: повноваження державних управлшщв рiзних рiвнiв; основнi принципи, провiднi напрями розвитку системи нащонально! осв™ в Укра!ш. Доведено, що оптимальним результатом дiяльностi державних управлiнцiв парламентсько-президент-ського та урядово-центрального рiвнiв е створення Ново! укра!нсько! шко-ли. Обгрунтовано основш принципи стратеги i тактики реалiзацi! освiтнiх i управлiнських новацiй; узагальнено суттевi змiни в системi нащонально! освгги, детермiнованi створенням проекту Ново! укра!нсько! школи (0527.09.2017 р.), яка працюватиме на засадах педагопки партнерства, в основi яко! е сшлкування, взаемодiя та спiвпраця мiж учителем, учнем i батьками, та розробкою Державного стандарту (21.08.2018 р.) навчання за програмами дванадцятирiчно! повно! загально! середньо! освiти та ступеневого статусу школи: початкова школа I ступеня — початок занять з 1 вересня 2018 року; гiмназiя — навчальний заклад II ступеня, який забезпечуе базову середню осв^у — початок навчання з 1 вересня 2022 року; лщей — навчальний заклад III ступеня, який забезпечуе профшьну середню осв^у — початок навчання з 1 вересня 2027 року.
Систематизовано спектр основних компетентностей освiчено! особисто-CTi, визначений в законодавчих документах осв^ньо! галузi з метою розвитку особистостг, сустльства на основг наукових знань, а саме: вшьне воло-дшня державною мовою; здатшсть сшлкуватися рщною (у разi вiдмiнностi вiд державно!) та шоземними мовами; математична компетентшсть; компе-тентностi в галузi природничих наук, техшки та технологи; шновацшшсть; екологiчна компетентнiсть; iнформацiйно-комунiкативна компетентнiсть; навчання впродовж життя; громадянсью, соцiальнi компетентности пов'яза-нi з iдеями демократа, справедливостi, рiвностi прав людини, добробуту та здорового способу життя, з усвщомленням рiвних прав i можливостей.
K^40Bi слова: система нацiонально! осв™ Укра!ни; державне управ-лiння освгтою; удосконалення системи нацiонально! освiти; державно-гро-мадська модель управлiння системою нащонально! освгти, Нова укра!нська школа; навчальний заклад; компетентшсть.
Аннотация. Проанализировано и раскрыто значение образования как государственной, общественной, личной ценности для развития социума, как основы социально-экономического, духовно-культурного, политического развития общества и интеграции его в европейское и мировое сообщество. Обобщено понятие государственного управления образованием как
вид профессиональной деятельности, направленной на создание условий (организационных, кадровых, материально-финансовых, правовых) жизнедеятельности, функционирования, развития, совершенствования учебного заведения, усовершенствование системы национального образования для достижения поставленной цели. Установлено, что система национального образования независимой Украины представляет собой целостное единство государственных, коммунальных, частных, корпоративных учебно-воспитательных заведений разных направлений и уровней аккредитации. Проанализированы существенные различия в государственном управлении системой образования в советские времена и в независимой Украине. Раскрыто содержание и значение концептуальных принципов государственного управления системой национального образования Украины: принцип государственности, научности, прогностического планирования деятельности органов государственного управления и учреждений образования, демократизации, компетентности и профессионализма управленцев образовательной сферой деятельности и оптимизации. Определены стратегические задачи новой структурной организации "Украинская Академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины (УАДУ)". Определены структурные компоненты и уровни государственно-общественной модели управления системой национального образования: а) парламентско-пре-зидентский; б) правительственно-центральный; в) региональный уровень (областные, городские, районные отделы образования); г) уровень непосредственного управления учебными заведениями и выделены: полномочия государственных управленцев различных уровней; основные принципы, ведущие направления развития системы национального образования в Украине. Доказано, что оптимальным результатом деятельности государственных управленцев парламентско-президентского и правительственно-центрального уровней является создание Новой украинской школы. Обоснованы главные принципы стратегии и тактики реализации образовательных и управленческих новаций; обобщены существенные изменения в системе национального образования, детерминированы созданием проекта Новой украинской школы (05-27.09.2017 р.), которая будет работать на принципах педагогики партнерства, в основе которой является общение, взаимодействие и сотрудничество между учителем, учеником и родителями, и разработкой Государственного стандарта (21.08.2018 р.) обучения по двенадцатилетней программе полного общего среднего образования и ступенчатого статуса школы: начальная школа I степени — начало занятий с 1 сентября 2018; гимназия — учебное заведение II степени, которое обеспечивает базовое среднее образование — начало обучения с 1 сентября 2022; лицей — учебное заведение III степени, которое обеспечивает профильное среднее образование — начало обучения с 1 сентября 2027.
Систематизирован спектр основных компетенций образованной личности, определенный в законодательных документах образования с целью развития личности, общества на основе научных знаний, а именно: свободное
владение государственным языком; способность общаться на родном (при отличии от государственной) и иностранных языках; математическая компетентность; компетентность в области естественных наук, техники и технологии; инновационность; экологическая компетентность; информационно-коммуникативная компетентность; обучение в течение жизни; гражданские, социальные компетентности, связанные с идеями демократии, справедливости, равенства прав человека, благополучия и здорового образа жизни, с осознанием равных прав и возможностей.
Ключевые слова: система национального образования Украины; государственное управление образованием; совершенствование системы национального образования; государственно общественная модель управления системой национального образования, Новая украинская школа; учебное заведение; компетентность.
Formulation of the problem. In
the social progress of mankind, education as a complex socio-economic phenomenon is an extremely important branch of cognitive-developmental, educational and labor activity. Education and science build the future of the individual, the state, humanity as a whole. "Education forms the intellectual, cultural, spiritual state of society" [1]. Education, along with health and life, is the highest value of human existence, as it is the driving force behind the development of personal abilities and the ability to create better living and working conditions. But education is not only a personal value, education is a state and public value.
In Ukraine, education as the basis of socio-economic, spiritual, cultural, political development of society, its integration into the European and world community is a state priority, as it contributes to the life and economic development of society.
In a market economy, civilizational globalization, demand for high stan-
dards of knowledge, competencies, a variety of educational services, creativity and creative approach to solving production problems, we see qualitative transformations of educational reality — "education without borders", global educational space that leads to renewal. education, to reforms, to change the tasks of education and its role. Increasing the role of knowledge, which is the driving force of economic growth on a global scale; development of information technologies, expansion of communicative interaction, intellectual capital determine the emergence of the global labor market.
Globalization processes in the world affect the education system directly — the growth of funding and indirectly — the harmonization of acquired knowledge and skills to the requirements of the changing global labor market. The modern school is not able to meet all the changes and challenges that globalization requires from the education system, because there is a problem of inequality of educational opportunities for children
from families with different economic status. After all, children must be prepared for a future-oriented life.
Educational reforms carried out in Ukraine, updating the paradigm of education, educational methods, use of information and computer technologies, demographic, ethnic changes, integration into the European educational space not only significantly affect the foundations of educational institutions of all levels of accreditation, but also require development new concepts, principles and technologies of national education system management.
Management of the education system in the state, finding ways to develop and improve it, bringing it into line with the set of social relations, national characteristics, political and economic processes is a pressing issue. The education system functions and is improved through management. "Modernization of management mechanisms is becoming an important means of educational development in Ukraine" [2]. Thus, the management of education, its reform in accordance with the requirements and challenges of today is an urgent problem.
The set of issues related to the development and formation of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) leads to the reform and the system of public administration of national education, which (management system) must respond flexibly to today's requirements and be in harmony with society.
The social determinism of the problem of public administration of the national education system, the importance of the educational industry, the role of education in the economy, in the life of society necessitated a special study of the basics of public adminis-
tration of the national education system of Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature showed that the problem of managing the national education system is actively and variously studied. The concept of strategic management, technology management of the educational environment is studied in the works of M. Bratko [3]. Conceptual principles, structure, functions, models of higher education management in Ukraine are developed in the works of M. Duduk, S. Krysiuk, P. Kudel, S. Maiboroda.
Peculiarities of the system of national education in Ukraine and its state management, pedagogical management,
0. Mykhailychenko considers and considers that management is a purposeful influence of a set of measures on the team in order to organize, regulate, coordinate, team activities for proper use of effort, time and financial support [4].
Scientific bases of general education management, problems of school management were investigated by G. Yelnikova, V. Grigorash; functions, forms and methods of activity of the head of the school — P. Drobiazko, G. Dmytrenko; state quality management of general secondary education — T. Lukina; issues of management of innovative development of a secondary school, management models, socio-cultural processes and technologies — L. Kalinina, M. Rudakevich.
Innovative processes in education are considered by a number of researchers — Yu. Babansky, Y. Gilbukh,
1. Zyazyun and others, as activities related to the creation and use of new elements of solving managerial and
pedagogical problems in the traditional management system. In the opinion of I. Bogdanova, V. Krychevsky, A. Pid-lasy, innovative processes in education are the result of a creative search for non-standard management solutions that ensure the quality of educational services.
Problems of theory and practice of education system management, in particular, forms, methods of work of the school director on the organization of educational and educational-cognitive processes were raised in the works by V. Bondar, V. Grigorash, B. Kobzar, Y. Konarzhevsky, V. Sukhomlinsky.
The purpose of the article is to acquaint, systematize and generalize the basics of public administration of the national education system in Ukraine; in the separation of functions, powers of managers of the educational sector at all levels of the model of public administration; in determining the impact of management activities on the development and improvement of the national education system in Ukraine.
Presenting main material. Education management is a type of professional activity that is aimed at creating conditions (organizational, personnel, material and financial, legal) life, functioning, development, improvement of the educational institution, in general, the national education system to achieve this goal. Public administration of the national education system ensures the streamlining of the educational sphere through forecasting, adoption, implementation of regulatory and coordinating decisions on the optimal operation of a holistic education system.
The system of national education of independent Ukraine, in our opinion,
is an integral unity of state, municipal, private, corporate educational institutions of different directions and levels of accreditation: nurseries, kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, special schools for people with special educational needs. needs that require correction of physical or mental development (sanatorium schools, social rehabilitation, training and rehabilitation centers), as well as out-of-school educational institutions of various directions — sports, art, cultural, technical, courses, higher education institutions — universities, academies, continuing academies education.
The art of professional management of the national education system in Ukraine on the basis of humane national consciousness, mutual respect between the ethno-national diversity of our state is based on conceptual laws, principles, management technologies, management models.
The management of the education system in Soviet Ukraine on the basis of the principle of "democratic centralism" was in fact command-and-control. In Soviet times, a centralized — pyramidal model of education management was built and brought to a certain level of perfection, the executive structure of which included: ministries of education (public education, secondary special, higher education); departmental ministries and educational institutions of various profiles and levels; Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) for evaluation and le-gitimization of scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff of high levels; Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (APS) as the main tool of scientific support of the educational process [5].
After 1991, when Ukraine became an independent state, there were significant changes in the national education sector, which determined the changes in the system of public education management. In independent Ukraine, a new structural organization, the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (UAPAPU), was established.
Public administration of the national education system in Ukraine is in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and is based on the following basic principles: a) the principle of statehood, which provides that the activities of managers at all levels of government aimed at developing independent Ukraine and national education; b) the principle of scientificity, according to which the model of education management is based on scientific theories of organization of multiface-ted activities in the field of education; c) the principle of prognostic planning of public administration bodies and educational institutions, taking into account the real conditions and opportunities; d) the principle of democratization provides for the optimal combination of initiative-subjective, collegial and administrative forms of organization of national education management; e) the principle of competence and professionalism of managers in the field of education; e) the principle of optimization means the need to use in the management of education such forms and methods of organization of activities, through which you can achieve the goal with minimal time and effort [6, p. 7].
Ukrainian theory of public administration of the national education system in modern conditions is under development and renewal, due to changes in socio-economic conditions of society, the transition to a market economy, the crisis of authoritarian management methods, the need to find an effective model of public administration.
The Constitution and Laws of Independent Ukraine on Education define the model of public administration of the national education system, the structure of which (model) includes several levels: a) parliamentary-presidential level, which determines the strategy of education development by adopting Laws on Education, Presidential Decrees; b) the government-central level of government is represented by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, which has planning, management and control functions; c) regional level (oblast, city, district education departments) of education management, which have transforming, organizational, executive, controlling functions; d) the level of direct management of educational institutions (rector, vice-rector, director, deputies) and the educational process itself (teachers, teachers, class teachers, educators), which have organizational, executive, supervisory functions.
The state national program "Education" (Ukraine of the XXI century) defines the state-public model of management of the national education system of Ukraine, highlights the powers of central and local government and public self-government to analyze and characterize the activities of educational institutions [8].
In the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine, the state-public model of education system management is supplemented by the need to take into account regional features, expand the autonomy of educational institutions, democratize management, take into account public opinion in making informed management decisions [9].
Public self-government and state-public administration in the field of education is carried out on the principles defined in the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017), Article 70, paragraph 8: a) the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms; b) the rule of law; c) mutual respect and partnership;
d) representativeness of public self-government bodies, public associations and other civil society institutions and the legal capacity of their employees;
e) the obligation to consider the proposals of the parties; f) priority of conciliation procedures; g) transparency, openness and publicity; g) the obligation to comply with the agreements reached; h) mutual responsibility of the parties [7].
According to Article 69, paragraphs 1, 2 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017), state control in the field of education is exercised by the central executive body to ensure the quality of education in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of education, proper quality of education and educational activities. The basic principles of the national education system in Ukraine are defined by the Constitution of Ukraine, article 6 [7]: — accessibility for every citizen of all forms and types of educational services provided by the state, including for people with special
educational needs, including inclusive local education residence; — equality of conditions of each person for full realization of his abilities, talent and comprehensive development; — humanism, democracy, priority of universal spiritual values; — organic connection with world and national history, culture and traditions; — independence of education from political parties, public, religious organizations; — scientific and secular nature of education; — integration with science and industry; — relationship with education in other countries; — flexibility and predictability of the education system; — unity and continuity of the education system; continuity, lifelong learning, diversity of education; — a combination of public administration and public self-government.
To move from the traditional model of the educational process in the system of national education, which was based on the assimilation and reproduction of information, information from any field to a model that will meet the needs of today, namely, comprehensive harmonious development of personality, when its competence is perceived as goods in market conditions, qualitative changes are needed not only in the forms, methods, means, content of education, but also in the mechanisms of state management of educational activities.
The Law of Ukraine "On Education" (№ 2145-VIII of 05-27 September 2017) as a basic law in the field of education defines the legal basis for the organization and operation of educational institutions, bylaws which do not narrow the content and scope of constitutional rights of citizens for education. The state "pyramid" of education management includes the following
components: the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports (MES of Ukraine); ministries and departments of Ukraine; Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (HAC); Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; local bodies of state executive power and local self-government bodies and education management bodies subordinated to them [7].
The Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports (MES of Ukraine) as the central body of state executive power in the field of education, as an element of the state "pyramid", carrying out strategic management, identified the main directions of national education in Ukraine: democratization, humanization of education; spiritual orientation; European standards, European level of quality and accessibility of education; social security of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff; development of society on the basis of scientific knowledge.
Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017) defines the range of powers of the MES from determining the general strategy of education, state educational standards, curricula, from accreditation of higher education institutions, certification, licensing to ensure the issuance of textbooks, methodological literature , to the certification of scientific and pedagogical staff, to the inspection and examination of educational innovations.
The Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017) approves the basic principles, provisions on the basis of which the strategy and tactics of implementation of educational and managerial innovations are determined. One of the main innovations is compulsory 12-year se-
condary education as a project of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), created on the principles of partnership, in which teachers listen to children's opinions, teach to think critically, not be afraid to express their opinions and apply knowledge in life. situations.
The new Ukrainian school will work on the basis of partnership pedagogy, which is based on communication, interaction and cooperation between teacher, student and parents. Students, parents and teachers, united by common goals and aspirations, are voluntary and interested like-minded, equal participants in the educational process, responsible for the end result — diverse, intellectual development of the student's personality, education of the Man of the Future [10].
Implementation of the New Ukrainian School project development strategy took place in accordance with the Government's decisions — adoption of the State Standard of Education for twelve-year complete general secondary education and school status (August 21, 2018): primary school of the first degree — classes start on September 1, 2018; gymnasium — an educational institution of the second degree, which provides basic secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2022; lyceum — an educational institution of the third degree, which provides specialized secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2027.
One of the priorities of NUS is to create a high-quality inclusive educational environment by opening firstgrade classes / groups in educational institutions where children with special needs study.
Establishment of the Coordination Council by the Government decision of 21.12.2018 to facilitate the implementation of the NUS project; signing a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Lego Foundation on the use of Lego constructors in 1st grades (November 26, 2018); international cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science and the American Board of Education; announcement of the project "Finnish Support" — a tender for the purchase of consulting services; Government decision on additional funding of educational institutions for internetization, computerization, purchase of school buses and cars for the IRC (September 3, 2019); The opening of a teacher training center for NUS at the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration is a small list of government decisions at the government-central level.
The activities of state administrators at the regional level and direct organizers of the educational process are aimed at implementing the strategy and tactics of state policy in education, improving national education, improving the efficiency and optimality of the educational process, achieving the European standard of education quality. Therefore, managers at all levels of the model of public administration of the national education system should be highly competitive professionals.
A professional civil servant is a person who has professional knowledge in the field of management, in which the culture and readiness for managerial activity is formed. The managerial functions of the head of an educational institution depend on the processes taking
place in the country, on changes in the socio-economic situation in the country and the strategy for the development of national education as a social system.
In particular, the main functions of the state manager are — the head of the educational institution: analytical, which consists in identifying and analyzing various problems of the educational institution (personnel, logistics, financial, team relations, etc.), objective assessment of the situation, the educational institution. and identifying trends in its development; planning, anticipation of effective activity of pedagogical collective and development of educational institution; organizational function is to organize the activities of the team (purpose, objectives, ways to achieve, deadlines); control — through monitoring of achievement of the purposes, comparison of standards, norms and a real condition of activity of scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical collectives. Public control, which has a humanistic character, stimulates successful activity, motivates the subjects of pedagogical interaction to self-development and self-improvement; the function of regulation is to adjust the consequences of control and allows you to maintain the system of the educational institution at the optimal level and streamline all subsystems [11].
Public administrators in the field of education must have the principles of strategy and tactics of management, be ready to use them effectively in their activities; know the patterns of development of the educational sector; laws, trends in innovation management and know the basics of business economics. The interaction of management entities should be in partnership, consolidating
different points of view to achieve the goal — the development of society on the basis of scientific knowledge, the acquisition of a wide range of competencies.
This range of basic competencies of an educated person is defined in the "National Doctrine of Education Development" [9], "State National Program" Education "(Ukraine of the XXI century") [8], in the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2014), "On Education" (2017), [7] in the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021" (2013) [12], in the conceptual provisions of the New Ukrainian School, namely: free possession in the state language; ability to communicate in native (in case of difference from the state) and foreign languages; mathematical competence; competencies in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology; innovation; environmental competence; information and communication competence; lifelong learning; civic, social competencies related to the ideas of democracy, justice, equality of human rights, well-being and a healthy lifestyle, with an awareness of equal rights and opportunities.
We believe that the most likely way to achieve a noble and meaningful goal for the individual, for society, for the state as a whole — personal development, society based on scientific knowledge, acquisition of a wide range of competencies — is teaching and educating children in the educational environment of the New Ukrainian School. on the basis of partnership pedagogy. Training in NUS takes place on the basis of the activity approach, introduction of integrative and project training.
The main task of partnership pedagogy is to overcome the inertia of thinking, the transition to a qualitatively new level of building relationships between participants in the educational process. This task is implemented in the joint activities of teachers and students, teachers and parents, which involves mutual understanding, common interests and aspirations for the personal development of students [10].
An important feature of NUS for students is the creation of an educational environment in which attitudes toward children change — respect, equality, child-centeredness, the desire to find the optimal individual approach and way to effective learning. In the process of learning, children will acquire key competencies as a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, thinking, attitudes, values, and other personal qualities that determine a person's ability to successfully socialize, carry out professional and / or further educational activities. Thus, a core of knowledge is formed, which will be superimposed on the ability to use this knowledge, as well as the values and skills that will be needed by NUS graduates in professional and private life [12].
Significant changes are taking place in the subject-subject, subject-object interaction between the teacher, the parents, the educational institution and the state. Parents can influence the educational process, as well as the use and control of finances (budgetary and charitable) by creating public self-government.
Educational institutions of the New Ukrainian School received more freedom and responsibility: personnel autonomy — appointment of deputies;
election of the school principal by competition for no more than two terms of 6 years; fixed-term contracts for principals and teachers; The Ministry of Education and Science offers standard training programs, but requires compliance with the State Standard on the volume and quality of knowledge; the teacher gets the freedom to: choose the author's teaching materials, methods, additions to the program or create your own; assessment of real achievements of students and determination of what children should know, be able to at a certain stage of learning; introduction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine instead of attestation of primary school teachers, their certification — voluntary professionalism check, which motivates, promotes professional and personal growth, as well as provides teachers with financial motivation — 20 % salary increase.
Conclusions. Thus, public administration of the national education system ensures the ordering of the educational sphere through forecasting, adoption, implementation of regulatory and coordinating decisions on the optimal operation of the integrated national education system in Ukraine, operates on the basis of humane national consciousness, mutual respect between ethnocultural diversity of our state. conceptual patterns, principles, management technologies, management models. Public administration of the national education system in Ukraine is in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and is based on basic principles: a) the principle of statehood, b) scientific, c) the principle of prognostic planning of public administration
and educational institutions, d) democratization, e) competence and professionalism of managers, e) the principle of optimizing the management of the national education system. The structure of the state-public model of governance of the national education system includes several levels: a) parliamentary-presidential level, which determines the strategy of education development by adopting the Laws "On Education", Presidential Decrees; b) government-central — represents the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, which has planning, management and control functions; c) regional level (oblast, city, district education departments) of education management, which have transforming, organizational, executive, controlling functions; d) the level of direct management of educational institutions (rector, vice-rector, director, deputies) and the educational process itself (teachers, teachers, class teachers, educators), which have organizational, executive, supervisory functions.
The impact of management on the development and improvement of the national education system in Ukraine, the implementation of educational and managerial innovations today is manifested in: the creation of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), approved by the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017); in the adoption of the State standard of education for the programs of twelve-year complete general secondary education and the degree status of the school (August 21, 2018): primary school of the first degree; gymnasium — an educational institution of the second degree, which provides basic secondary education; Lyceum — a third-level educatio-
nal institution that provides specialized secondary education One of the priorities of NUS is to create an inclusive educational environment by opening in educational institutions of the first degree classes / groups in which children with special needs study. The concept of the New Ukrainian School is the pedagogy of partnership. The main task of partnership pedagogy is to overcome the inertia of thinking, the transition to a qualitatively new level of building relationships between participants in the educational process. This task is realized in the joint activities of teachers and students, teachers and parents, which involves mutual understanding, common interests and aspirations for personal development of students noble and meaningful goal for the individual, for society, for the state as a whole — development of personality, society based on scientific knowledge, acquisition of a wide range of competencies.
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