Научная статья на тему 'Improving the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education of Ukraine'

Improving the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vavreniuk Sergii Anatolievich

This article reveals the features of improving the efficiency of public administration in the system of higher education in Ukraine. The author says that the modern process of reforming puts forward new requirements for the development of higher education in the country. In this regard, the public administration of education must rely on the existing situation and carry out improvements, coordinate and direct the activities of the education system through the adoption of appropriate regulatory documents. The article explains the reasons and strategic objectives for public administration, which determine the main directions of development of higher education, with the aim of improving its quality and achieving the international level of educational services. The author assumes that the effectiveness of the public administration process can be considered in three aspects the achievement of certain results in the development of the higher education system, the achievement of compliance of the actual results of educational activities with the planned results, the achievement of economic efficiency. Much attention is paid in the article to defining a strategy for creating organizational programs for improving efficiency in the activities of educational institutions. Thus, the author identifies various strategies, gives their main characteristics and points to the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy for the national education system. The author comes to the conclusion that the most effective can be an integration strategy, which aims to increase the level of information exchange, the use of knowledge within educational institutions by creating an organizational environment that will increase the level of education in general. In conclusion, the author says that for the implementation in Ukraine of a new system of government that is adequate to the society of market relations, it is necessary to establish effective relations between regional government education authorities and civil society organizations in general.

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Раскрыты особенности повышения эффективности государственного управления в системе высшего образования Украины. Очерчено, что современный процесс реформирования выдвигает новые требования к развитию высшего образования страны. В связи с этим государственное управление образованием должно опираться на существующую ситуацию и проводить упорядочение, координировать и направлять деятельность системы образования с помощью принятия соответствующих распорядительных документов. Объясняются причины и стратегические задачи для государственного управления, которые определяют главные направления развития высшего образования, с целью повышения его качества и достижения международного уровня предоставления образовательных услуг. Эффективность процесса управления может рассматриваться в трех аспектах достижение определенных результатов в развитии системы высшего образования, достижение соответствия фактических результатов образовательной деятельности плановым результатам, достижение экономической эффективности. Большое внимание уделено определению стратегии создания организационных программ повышения эффективности в деятельности образовательных организаций. Определены различные стратегии, их основная характеристика, а также достоинства и недостатки той или иной стратегии для системы отечественного образования. Обозначено, что наиболее эффективной может стать интеграционная стратегия, направленная на повышение уровня обмена информацией, использование знаний внутри образовательных учреждение на основе создания организационной среды, которая будет повышать уровень образования в целом. В заключении говорится о том, что для реализации в Украине новой системы государственного управления, адекватной обществу рыночных отношений, необходимо налаживать действенные отношения региональных органов управления образованием и организаций гражданского общества в целом.

Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education of Ukraine»

UDC: 378.014(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-4(19)-34-43

Vavreniuk Sergii Anatolievich,

PhD in Public Administration, Doctoral student of Educational, Scientific and Production Center of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevskaya, 94, (057) 700-31-71, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергш Анатолшович, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, докторант навчально-науково-виробни -чого центру Национального утверсите-ту цивгльного захисту Украти, 61023, м. Харкщ вул. Чернишевська, 94, (057) 700-31-71, e-mail:sergei-vavrenyuk@nuczu. edu.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант учебно-научно-производственного центра Национального университета гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, (057) 700-31-71, e-mail: sergei-vavrenyuk@ nuczu.edu.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906


Abstract. This article reveals the features of improving the efficiency of public administration in the system of higher education in Ukraine.

The author says that the modern process of reforming puts forward new requirements for the development of higher education in the country. In this regard, the public administration of education must rely on the existing situation and carry out improvements, coordinate and direct the activities of the education system through the adoption of appropriate regulatory documents.

The article explains the reasons and strategic objectives for public administration, which determine the main directions of development of higher education, with the aim of improving its quality and achieving the international level of educational services.

The author assumes that the effectiveness of the public administration process can be considered in three aspects — the achievement of certain results in the development of the higher education system, the achievement of compliance of the actual results of educational activities with the planned results, the achievement of economic efficiency.

Much attention is paid in the article to defining a strategy for creating organizational programs for improving efficiency in the activities of educational institutions. Thus, the author identifies various strategies, gives their main characteristics and points to the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy for the national education system.

The author comes to the conclusion that the most effective can be an integration strategy, which aims to increase the level of information exchange, the use of knowledge within educational institutions by creating an organizational environment that will increase the level of education in general.

In conclusion, the author says that for the implementation in Ukraine of a new system of government that is adequate to the society of market relations, it is necessary to establish effective relations between regional government education authorities and civil society organizations in general.

Keywords: public administration efficiency, higher education system, integration strategy, education management, higher education system reform.


Анотащя. Розкрито особливосл шдвищення ефективносп державного управлшня в CTcreMÍ вищо'1' освпи Украши.

Окреслено, що сучасний процес реформування висувае новi вимоги до розвитку вищо'1' освпи краши. У зв'язку з цим державне управлшня освпою мае спиратися на юнуючу ситуащю та проводити впорядкування, коорди-нувати та спрямовувати дiяльнiсть системи освпи за допомогою прийняття вщповщних розпорядчих докуменпв.

Пояснюються причини та стратепчш завдання для державного управлшня, яю визначають головш напрями розвитку вищо'1' освпи, з метою шдвищення його якосп та досягнення мiжнародного рiвня надання освггшх послуг.

Припускаеться, що ефектившсть процесу державного управлшня може розглядатися у трьох аспектах — досягнення певних результапв у розвитку системи вищо'1' освпи, досягнення вщповщносп фактичних результапв освиньо!' дiяльностi плановим результатам, досягнення економiчноï ефективносп.

Велика увага придшяеться визначенню стратеги створення оргашзацш-них програм шдвищення ефективносп в дiяльностi освпшх оргашзацш. Ви-значено рiзнi стратегй', ix основну характеристику, а також переваги i недол^ ки пе!' чи шшо!' стратегй' для системи вiтчизняноï освпи.

Визначено, що найбiльш ефективною може стати штеграцшна стратегiя, спрямована на шдвищення рiвня обмiну iнформацiею, використання знань

всередиш освпшх установ на основi створення оргашзацшного середовища, яке буде шдвищувати рiвень освiти в цiлому.

У висновку йдеться про те, що для реа^зацп в Укра!ш ново! системи державного управлiння, адекватно! сустльству ринкових вiдносин, необхiдно налагоджувати дieвi вiдносини регiональних органiв управлшня освiтою та органiзацiй громадянського сустльства в цiлому.

Ключовi слова: ефектившсть державного управлiння, система вищо! осв^ ти, iнтеграцiйна стратегiя, управлiння освпою, реформа системи вищо! освiти.


Аннотация. Раскрыты особенности повышения эффективности государственного управления в системе высшего образования Украины.

Очерчено, что современный процесс реформирования выдвигает новые требования к развитию высшего образования страны. В связи с этим государственное управление образованием должно опираться на существующую ситуацию и проводить упорядочение, координировать и направлять деятельность системы образования с помощью принятия соответствующих распорядительных документов.

Объясняются причины и стратегические задачи для государственного управления, которые определяют главные направления развития высшего образования, с целью повышения его качества и достижения международного уровня предоставления образовательных услуг. Эффективность процесса управления может рассматриваться в трех аспектах — достижение определенных результатов в развитии системы высшего образования, достижение соответствия фактических результатов образовательной деятельности плановым результатам, достижение экономической эффективности.

Большое внимание уделено определению стратегии создания организационных программ повышения эффективности в деятельности образовательных организаций. Определены различные стратегии, их основная характеристика, а также достоинства и недостатки той или иной стратегии для системы отечественного образования.

Обозначено, что наиболее эффективной может стать интеграционная стратегия, направленная на повышение уровня обмена информацией, использование знаний внутри образовательных учреждение на основе создания организационной среды, которая будет повышать уровень образования в целом.

В заключении говорится о том, что для реализации в Украине новой системы государственного управления, адекватной обществу рыночных отношений, необходимо налаживать действенные отношения региональных органов управления образованием и организаций гражданского общества в целом.

Ключевые слова: эффективность государственного управления, система высшего образования, интеграционная стратегия, управление образованием, реформа системы высшего образования.

Problem statement. Public administration as a specific type of activity of state bodies has been and continues to exist quite objectively. Its fundamental nature of the essence is the organizing influence on the part of the carriers of state-governmental powers on public relations and processes with the aim of streamlining, coordinating and directing them through various kinds of regulatory administrative actions in pursuance of laws and other legal acts of the state. In this understanding, public administration retains its value in the context of a general transformation of the role of the state in a newly civil society with its market mechanisms, standards of democratic and open government.

In modern conditions of reforming the education system, issues of public administration in this important sphere become significant. Effective education management is the key to prosperity, and education, as stated in legislation, is the basis of the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social, economic development of society and the state. In addition, an important problem of modernity at all levels of government is to increase its efficiency, this also applies to the management system in higher education.

The question of modernizing the management of higher education acquires particular urgency in the context of the integration of the national educational system into the European and global space. The existing model of education management does not fully meet the modern requirements of democracy, which provide for expanding the influence of public opinion on the adoption of adequate management de-

cisions, dynamic response to the needs of society, the redistribution of management functions between central and local executive authorities and local governments.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. Famous scientists G. Becker, E. Denison, J. Minser, T. Schultz devoted to the problems of public administration of the national system of higher education.

In the works of such scientists like L. I. Antoshkin, A. I. Butenko, V. M. Geitsa, A. A. Grishnova, A. Dmitrenko, T. A. Hare, I. S. Kale-nyuk, A. A. Kratt, V. Kremnya, A. P. Sologub, L. Yankovskaya highlighted some organizational and economic problems of the functioning of the higher education system. At the same time, the modern conditions for the functioning of higher education require the development of new mechanisms for the regulatory activities of the state in its management.

Purpose of the article. The purpose of this article is to highlight current methods to improve the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education in Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material.

According to many researchers, higher education plays a huge role in economic development. According to experts, the development of the state at the expense of the education system adds 40 % of the gross national product [1].

The solution of the priority tasks of the innovative socio-economic development of the state is impossible without reliance on the education of society. Higher education ensures the reproduction and development of the

innovative potential of the economy and democratic society. Global dynamic changes in socio-economic development determine strategic objectives and determine the main directions for the renewal and development of higher education in Ukraine, improving its quality and bringing it in line with the structure of the labor market needs. As a rule, persons who have received the best quality education at a higher education institution that has a high reputation are likely to have advantages in finding employment and receive a large starting salary.

Transformational changes in society, political crisis phenomena, economic instability of the state, the inability of state authorities to make effective management decisions on time to regulate the higher education system — all this leads to a decrease in the quality of services in the field of higher education. The quality of education in Ukraine today is significantly inferior to world requirements, which, in turn, negatively affects the state's innovative development and hampers its economic growth, and does not satisfy employers. This indicates that the mechanism of state regulation of the educational process is imperfect and ineffective. Therefore, there is a need to improve the state regulatory mechanism of the higher education system of Ukraine in order to increase the level of competitiveness of the national higher education system [2].

Management effectiveness in education can be considered in three aspects. First, it is the effectiveness of achieving a specific goal: the number of students, the number of PhDs and Doctors of Science among research and

teaching staff of educational institutions of higher education, the average score for entering higher education institutions. Secondly, it is the compliance of the actual results of educational or scientific activities with the planned one. First of all, it is compliance with the requirements of state educational standards, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and other regional standards governing the activities of educational institutions. Thirdly, it is efficiency from the point of view of profitability of a certain activity. For example, the utilization rate of training space, laboratory equipment and software.

Also, the effectiveness of educational institutions can be considered depending on the types of activities and their impact on the environment: economic efficiency, organizational efficiency, scientific efficiency, environmental friendliness, speed of transmission and information, innovative results of scientific research.

At the same time, exploring educational activities in the context of a project approach to the management of educational institutions can be considered efficiency as a combination of optimal payback periods and compliance with regulatory requirements [3].

However, the creation of organizational programs to improve the efficiency of educational institutions should be based on the choice of organization marketing strategy. For example, when choosing a leadership strategy in the educational services market, it is necessary to focus on the goal achievement indicator as the main performance indicator. In this case, important indicators of efficiency and in-

dicators will be the organization's share of the market for higher and additional education services (advanced training, retraining), the volume of research and development work performed.

When choosing a leadership strategy, the main indicator of efficiency will be the reduction of costs per unit of services sold. In this case, the effectiveness of educational activities can be improved by combining several groups in the process of conducting classroom instruction, as well as by partially replacing classroom work with distance learning, conducted in virtual classrooms.

The diversification strategy for the development of an educational institution provides for the introduction of a project planning system for educational services with determining the effectiveness of each direction to create opportunities for further transition to the implementation of a focus strategy involving concentration of resources in the most efficient areas.

In the case of choosing the strategy to reduce the cost of educational services through the integration of educational institutions, an important aspect of the development assessment will be indicators of organizational effectiveness, as well as indicators of cost reduction due to scale effects and sy-nergistic effect. In the conditions of the formation of a new domestic paradigm of education, based on the innovative development of the education system with insufficient state funding for most educational institutions of higher education, in our opinion, it is better to have an integration strategy. The reasons for the use of this strategy by most educational institutions of Ukraine, in our opinion, are:

• The integration of Ukraine into the international educational space with increasing competition in the market of educational services;

• Trends in the demographic development of Ukraine, characterized by a decrease in the number of pupils (the first higher education) and the excess of supply in the market of educational services for effective demand;

• Inadequate material and technical base of many universities for training at the level of educational institutions of leading countries of the world and implementation of large scientific projects;

• Economic inefficiency of training of incomplete groups in public educational institutions in many areas of training;

• Insufficient level of integration of science, education and business practices;

• Lack in many educational institutions of young highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers who have the necessary personal competencies for the development of education in the context of socio-economic reforms that provide for the development of en-trepreneurship in education.

The integration strategy can be implemented through the creation of consortia of educational institutions, both on an informal basis and in the form of a legal entity or university complexes with the participation of educational institutions of higher education, scientific institutions, research and educational centers and innovative enterprises.

In addition, this strategy may involve the unification of various organizations on a cluster basis, as well as the

formation of large educational centers by combining several educational institutions.

When implementing this strategy, the main problem is to maintain the necessary level of orderliness of organizational activity. This can be achieved not only traditional for our state by increasing the authoritarianism of management, but also through the introduction of modern organizational and economic mechanisms, such as knowledge management.

Knowledge management is an activity that allows you to transform all types of intellectual assets into higher productivity and efficiency, new value and increased competitiveness. Thus, knowledge management is a synthesis of personnel management, innovation and communication management using new information technologies in the management of organizations [4].

In general, determining the organizational and economic usefulness of the development of modern domestic education based on the implementation of an integration strategy in the form of creating a consortium, a university complex based on cluster integration and merging of several educational institutions, the following characteristic features of this form of integration should be noted:

• increasing the speed and efficiency of information exchange and the use of knowledge within organizations, especially educational institutions, while creating an appropriate organizational environment and developing corporate transparency;

• strengthening traditional and creating new relationships and forms of cooperation between educational insti-

tutions and other organizations within the association [5].

It should be noted that the introduction of the system of specialized education in educational institutions and applied bachelor degree in educational institutions can significantly accelerate the development of university complexes with their subsequent integration into cluster unions or even the creation of separate clusters based on university complexes.

It is assumed that educational institutions can be combined into network forms that involve the cooperation of personnel, material, technical, informational and organizational resources of several educational institutions, including primary, secondary, and higher education institutions. The natural center of such an association can be the relevant departments of the universities or units of educational institutions of higher education and specialized state commercial or scientific organizations that interact on the basis of a mutually beneficial partnership.

An important technological factor in the implementation of an integration strategy in the education system is the use of distance learning. The distance learning system will allow to attract to the integration into a university complex of institutions located in remote areas and rural municipalities [6].

Knowledge management in educational institutions in the implementation of the integration strategy is divided into several levels:

• the level of small labor collectives, united in certain structural units, organizations;

• the level of operational management of organizational units;

• level of organizational management;

• the level of inter-corporate interaction of organizations that are part of a consortium or university complex.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of the integration strategy by educational institutions in the context of the knowledge management system, in our opinion, are:

• an increase in the number of applicants entering higher education institutions that are part of educational institutions on a contract basis;

• an increase in the number of graduates of educational institutions that are part of university complexes or other educational associations employed in the specialty, including areas of the organizations;

• the increase in the number of graduate students, enrolled in graduate school, and PhDs from among the scientific and pedagogical workers entering the doctoral program, while maintaining the total number of dissertation councils;

• an increase in the activity of publications of scientific and pedagogical workers, including the use of a unified information base;

• increase in the number of contests and grants won by employees of educational institutions;

• reducing the cost of rental and utility payments of classrooms due to more efficient use of the integrated educational space and the introduction of distance learning technologies;

• the increase in the number of titles of books and journals in print or electronic form per student;

• reducing the number of scientific and pedagogical workers involved in

the educational process, by combining educational groups and the introduction of distance technologies, respectively, reducing the cost of labor.

Thus, the implementation of the integration strategy by educational institutions of Ukraine in the form of a consortium, a university complex, joining a cluster association while creating an appropriate organizational environment, strengthens the horizontal links between departments, contributes to the economic efficiency of education management.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Based on the need to implement in Ukraine a new management system that is adequate for society's market relations, the need to introduce diversified, flexible structures and mechanisms for managing education becomes even more relevant. The introduction of such mechanisms should be based on the principles of democratic governance, taking into account the needs of the labor market, the development of cooperation between government bodies of education and science in the region, business and the public with the participation of higher education institutions. Another important condition for improving the efficiency of public administration is the establishment of effective relations between regional education authorities and civil society organizations in Ukraine.

However, it is possible to realize this only if there are properly selected, trained and placed personnel, to effectively combine scientific, administrative and collegial, democratic management methods, to isolate and use the positive opportunities of civil society institutions. Managing the develop-

ment of the education system is effective only when the application of modern educational technologies, innovative teaching methods, the formation of relevant organizational structures and forms, the development of new economic mechanisms are carried out systematically, in unity and interaction.


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5. Isaenko T. V. (2016). Osvita dlya zbalansovanogoro zvitku: yevrope-jskij vimir [Education for Sustainable Development: European Dimension]. Ekolog. Visn — Ecological Bulletin, 2, 13-14 [in Ukrainian].

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1. Домбровська С. М. Яюсть освгш як одна i3 запорук вдалого державного реформування вищо'1 школи Укра1-ни / С. М. Домбровська //Актуальш проблеми державного управлшня, 2011. № 1. С. 149-154.

2. Вавренюк С. А. Проблеми та напрям-ки досягнення якосп освгги на еташ реформування вищо'1 освгги Укра1-ни / С. А. Вавренюк // 1нвестицш практика та досвщ. Серiя: "Дер-жавне управлшня". К. : ТОВ ДКС "Центр", 2018. Вип. 14. С. 79-83.

3. Вавренюк С. А. Европейские тенденции развития последипломного образования / С. А. Вавренюк // Polish journal of science. Польща (Варшава), 2018. Вип. 9. С. 29-32.

4. Весельська М. В. Змша структури професшно! дiяльностi держав-них службовщв у сферi освiти в контекст европейського вектору Украши / М. В. Весельська // Державне управлшня: теорiя та практика. 2016. № 1. С. 95105.

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6. Вавренюк С. А. Проблеми та напрям-ки досягнення якосп освгги на еташ реформування вищо! освгги Укра!-ни / С. А. Вавренюк // 1нвестицш практика та досвщ: науково-прак-тичний журнал, серiя Державне управлiння. К. : ТОВ "ДКС Центр", 2018. Вип. 14. С. 79-83.

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