Научная статья на тему 'On the question of higher education training applicants specialty“public management and administration”'

On the question of higher education training applicants specialty“public management and administration” Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Naumenko Raisa Andrііvna

The article іdentified the key priorities for training seekers of higher education in the specialty “public management and administration”. The article considers the concepts and general principles of state policy of Ukraine in the field of higher education. Characterized the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On Higher education”, such as: transparency, independence of higher education, priority of universal values, unity of the national educational environment, universal access to education, the principle of international integration of higher education, and democratic nature of education management and institutional autonomy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On the question of higher education training applicants specialty“public management and administration”»

UDC: 378:351

Raisa Andriivna Naumenko,

Doctor of science in Public Administration, Senior Fellow, Professor of the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine, 02156, Kyiv, Str. Kioto, 19, tel.: (066) 971 53 27, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9992-8922

Науменко Рагса Андривна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, старший науковий ствробтник, профе-сор кафедри менеджменту, Кшвський нащональний торговельно-економiчний утверситет, Украта, 02156, м. Knie, вул. Шото, 19, тел.: (066) 97153 27, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9992-8922

Науменко Раиса Андреевна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, старший научный сотрудник, профессор кафедры менеджмента, Киевский национальный торгово-экономический университет, Украина, 02156, г. Киев, ул. Киото, 19, тел.: (066) 971 53 2 7, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9992-8922


Abstract. The article identified the key priorities for training seekers of higher education in the specialty "public management and administration". The article considers the concepts and general principles of state policy of Ukraine in the field of higher education. Characterized the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher education", such as: transparency, independence of higher education, priority of universal values, unity of the national educational environment, universal access to education, the principle of international integration of higher education, and democratic nature of education management and institutional autonomy.

Keywords: higher education, higher education applicants, the principles of higher education, public management and administration.


Анотацiя. У статтi визначено ключовi прiоритети пiдготовки здобувачiв вищо! освiти за спецiальнiстю "Публiчне управлшня та адмшютрування". Розглянуто поняття i загальнi принципи державно! полiтики Укра!ни в га-лузi вищо! освгти. Схарактеризовано принципи, закрiпленi в Закош Укра!ни "Про вищу осв^у", таю як: вщкритють, незалежнiсть вищо! освгти, прюри-тет загальнолюдських цiнностей, едшсть нацiонального освiтнього простору, загальнодоступшсть освiти, принцип мiжнародно'i iнтеграцi'i та штеграцп системи вищо! освiти, а також демократичний характер управлшня осв^ою i автономнiсть освiтнiх установ.

Ключовi слова: вища освiта, здобувачi вищо! осв™, принципи вищо! освiти, публiчне управлiння та адмiнiстрування.


Аннотация. В статье определены ключевые приоритеты подготовки соискателей высшего образования по специальности "Публичное управление и администрирование". Рассмотрены понятия и общие принципы государственной политики Украины в области высшего образования. Охарактеризованы принципы, закрепленные в Законе Украины "О высшем образовании", такие как: открытость, независимость высшего образования, приоритет общечеловеческих ценностей, единство национального образовательного пространства, общедоступность образования, принцип международной интеграции и интеграции системы высшего образования, а также демократический характер управления образованием и автономность образовательных учреждений.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, соискатели высшего образования, принципы высшего образования, публичное управление и администрирование.

Target setting. Modern approaches to the formation of professional competencies of managerial staff in the context of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union lead to increasing the demands on the quality of higher education, in

particular the preparation of candidates on higher education in "Public Management and Administration".

It should be noted, that today the country is lacking personnel who understand the need for change in Ukraine, have analytical skills and can

adapt the regulations of the European Union to the Ukrainian realities. Contradictions are tangible and resulting in requirements and conditions of the labor market, and in the difficulty of harmonizing legislation in compliance with the standards of higher education and national professional standards, in particular "The Classification of Professions".

Analysis of recent studies and publications. The preparation of candidates on higher education in public administration is considered in the works of H. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, N. Honcharuk, V. Luhovy, O. Obolen-sky, V. Oluyko, L. Pashko, L. Prudyus, S. Serohin, and others. Scientists of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine are involved in the studies of certain aspects of the given issue. The analysis of studies on the training of professionals in the field of public administration shows, that the number of works are devoted to the study of international experience of university education.

Despite the significant contribution of Ukrainian scientists in the development of theoretical and practical aspects of preparing candidates on higher education with a major in "Public Administration", a number of problems in implementing a new major "Public Management and Administration" in the context of public administration reform in Ukraine remain unresolved.

The purpose of the article is to summarize the results of the analysis of positive experience of the formation of modern approaches to training candidates on higher education under the new major "Public Management and Administration" levels of training

"Bachelor", "Master", and "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhD), substantiating the possibility of using the European experience in university education.

The statement of basic materials. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" [3], the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 29, 2015, № 266 "On approval of the list of disciplines and majors, which are taught by candidates on higher education" [5] and the list of disciplines and majors, which are taught by candidates on higher education, approved by the MES of Ukraine dated 6 November 2015, № 1151, was introduced a new major "Public Management and Administration" in the area of expertise "Management and Administration".

The adoption of these documents has intensified the work on development and creation of new standards, programs, and training conditions for candidates on higher education and the definition of standards of public management and administration. But in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27 September 2016, № 674 "Some issues of reforming the system of professional training of civil servants and local government officials" [2] in the List of disciplines and majors, which are taught by candidates of higher education approved Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 29 April 2015, № 266, some of the amendments have been modified, in particular:

1) in position "07 Management and Administration" numbers and words "074 Public Management and Administration" should be deleted;

2) complete the list with the following position: discipline — 28 — Public

Management and Administration, and major — 281 — Public Management and Administration".

The primary task of universities is to develop and support managers-leaders who are willing to accept and implement changes in the system of public administration and local government on the basis of a new vision, and implementing innovative mechanisms of reformation transformation.

The feasibility of implementing in educational process of high school discipline "Public Management and Administration" is determined by the need of science-based training innovation and creative thinking competent professionals, who are able to carry out administrative tasks, associated with the intensive development of our country. It is aimed at curriculum MPA, focuses on the balance between the necessary theoretical knowledge and handling practical cases.

Therefore, today topical is updating the university curricula and directing the efforts of Ukrainian institutions of higher education to conduct classes and training on foreign language for public managers in order to master the communication skills by European standards for decent positioning the interests of Ukraine in the world. In Higher Education Development are observed the following trends: establishment of universities as centers of continuous professional education; increasing requirements for admission to higher education; change in terms of studying; increasing demands for quality teaching; availability processes of knowledge fundamentalization. These are in the first place: globalization, internationalization, regionalization,

commercialization, multiculturalism, social and professional mobility, integration of science, education and practice.

Reviewing the need for implementation a new major "Public Management and Administration" in higher education for bachelors and masters in order to obtain new skills, knowledge and ability on communication technologies, public forms of management, electronic communication, and anticorruption provides training for a new generation of professionals, capable of ensuring improvement availability and quality of administrative services, ensure the participation of experts to improve the quality of management decisions, representatives of civil society that will ensure efficient, transparent, open and flexible structure of public service.

The recently adopted Law of Ukraine "On higher education" gave impetus for to the creation of standards, new applications and new conditions for preparation for candidates on higher education and the definition of standards of public management and administration, competency-based approach and the use of best practices in international best practice. The law defines the requirements for the educational program: the amount of ECTS credits, a list of graduate competences, the normative content of training formulated in terms of learning outcomes, forms of certification, quality assurance system.

Creating new educational university programs intended to ensure the conditions for the formation and development of bachelors and masters of program competencies that will enable

them to work successfully in the field of public administration and management at the international, national, regional and local levels.

According to the new paradigm of public administration, the main areas of university training of public managers are identified: public policy analysis; economy governance; public service in public administration; international public administration and development.

As a possible model, it is proposed a two-step system of qualification levels under the "bachelor-master". The first stage in the academic plan must fully provide access to the second level of master training. Along with this, education at the master's degree entitles supplementary education and gaining a doctorate (Ph.D.). Continuity in educational practice is also provided methodically and with psychologically reasonable constructed programs and books, ensuring consistency from simple to complex in gaining knowledge, and organization of independent work of students;

• the principle of continuity of the process of higher education. The higher education system in Ukraine is based on the continuity, which is provided by internal unity of the educational structure and coherence of the degrees and stages of the educational process;

• principle of state support for training of specialists with higher education for the priority sectors of economic activity, areas of basic and applied research, scientific, pedagogical and educational activities;

• state support for educational, scientific, technological and innovation university activities, academies, insti-

tutes, colleges, including through the provision of benefits from taxes, duties and other compulsory payments to educational institutions, which carry out such activity. State budget funding provides scientific and technical activities at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine;

• facilitate the implementation of the principle of public-private partnerships in higher education;

• the principle of openness formation (development of academic freedom, organization of educational process, scientific research).

In the Article № 2 "World Declaration on Higher Education for the XXI century: approaches and practical measures" [1] is stated, that according to the Recommendations on the status of the teaching staff of higher education institutions, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1997, higher education institutions, their staff and students should "enjoy full academic freedom and autonomy, which are understood as a set of rights and duties, while being fully responsible and accountable to the community".

State policy in the sphere of higher education in terms of European integration to the European educational community is a combination of various measures, actions and decisions of public bodies aimed at implementation of large-scale reforms in this area, conducted by the Ukrainian government and in the interest not only for the officials involved in the system education management, university lecturers, but almost all Ukrainian citizens of different age groups (students, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, course

participants of various courses of further education, vocational retraining programs united by a common goal — the development of Ukrainian higher education.

The state is interested in the modernization of higher education, since this is directly related to not only the rights and freedoms of human and citizen, but also the successful development of the Ukrainian economy, social well-being of the nation, and national security.

The course on the priorities of higher education the state implements in the following areas:

• the creation of a developed legal framework, the formation of an independent branch of legislation in the field of education (normative component of public policy in education);

• formation of optimal organizational structure and management education (organizational and management components of public policy in education);

• preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel for education (human resources component of public policy in education);

• strengthening communication in education and science (academic component of public policy in education);

• development of international contacts and academic mobility (international component of public policy in education).

While organizing actions that are taken under the national education policy is used a programming method, the result of which is a system of programs for long-term development of higher education, developed at different levels (national, regional, munici-

pal, and level of educational institutions). This key program is certainly a national target program for the development of higher education, which defined the strategy of reforming the system of Ukrainian higher education and outlined the most important activities for its implementation.

Principles that the state must guide in the formulation and implementation of its educational policy, including the formation of legislation in the field of higher education, enshrined in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" [3].

• promote the sustainable development of society by preparing competitive human capital and create conditions for lifelong learning. This principle sets the framework within which is defined the content of education, are formed methods of education, and the most important educational policy settings;

• accessibility of higher education — this principle is one of the most important guarantee of the constitutional right on education. Everyone, regardless of gender, age, national origin, religion, place of residence, economic prosperity, has the access to higher education within the framework established by the law;

• independence of higher education from political parties, public and religious organizations (except for higher religious schools); this principle is the optimal distribution of functions in the management of education between public bodies and government institutions on the condition of university autonomy;

• the principle of international integration and the integration of higher education of Ukraine into the Euro-

pean Higher Education Area by maintaining and development achievements and progressive traditions of national higher school. According to the Bologna Agreement, we should talk about the use of transparent circuits and stages of training of specialists, which will be opened and comparable across countries [7]. Students are given the right to participate in forming the content of their own education path while adhering to the requirements of state educational standards of higher education.

Ukraine has chosen its path of au-tonomization of universities, defined by the Law "On higher education". Therefore, since 2014, the autonomy of educational institutions in Ukraine is one of the most important principles of the state policy in education. Under the autonomy of higher education institution in Law means autonomy, independence and accountability of higher education institution in making decisions regarding the development of academic freedom, organization of educational process, scientific research, internal governance, economic and other activities, independent selection and staffing [3].

Providing by higher education institutions basic academic freedoms is recognized as a generally recognized principle of education law and enshrined in several international instruments of higher education institutions. Giving universities autonomy, the law gave them a number of powers which they still have not owned. Management of the autonomous university and its organization, expanding autonomy creates new risks for them, which inevitably require improving the quality of management for institutes, univer-

sities and academies. Since there is a direct link between the legal status of universities and management system, then providing them broad autonomy drastically restructured their internal control system [4].

In the UNESCO Recommendation "On the status of scientific research workers" [6] is stipulated, that academic freedom should be understood as the free flow of information on the results, hypotheses and critical statements which are an integral part of the scientific process. Within the current legislation of Ukraine higher education institution develops and adopts of the statute, which fixed the basic provisions that regulate its activity. Universities have considerable powers in the field of organizational and personnel policy. However, realizing this competences, universities should be guided by established standards and quotas, determinable by the license.

Conclusions. Today the key priorities of university training for candidates on higher education in the field of public administration are the following: harmonization of standards of training specialists of the new major "Public Management and Administration" levels of training "Bachelor", "Master", "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhD) in terms of implementation the Law Ukraine "On higher education"; need to review complete range of existing programs and adapt them to the requirements of the content of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU; identifying key priorities in the formation of professional competence of management personnel at the present stage of modernization of public administration in Ukraine.

In addition, the effective area of practical vocational training of candidates on higher education in the field of public administration perceived setting up the practice of cooperation and partnership of government, local education authorities, business and rectors of higher educational institutions to employ graduates.


1. Atamanchuk H. V. Theory of the State Control: The course lectures. — M.: Legal literature, 1997. 86 p.

2. Some of the questions concerning the reform of professional training of civil servants and local government officials, decree: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Sept. 27. 2016. № 674 / Ukraine OfficialJournal, 13.10.2016 p., № 79, 79 p, dec. 264.7 Code Act 83357/2016.

3. The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" № 1556-VII, on July 1, 2014 /

Online resource: the official website of the Educational Portal — Available at: http://www.osvita.org.ua/pravo/ law_05/part_05.html (accessed 17 March 2017)

4. Malinovsky V. Y. State Management: Book. — 2-nd Edition, ext. and revised. — K.: Attack, 2003. — 576 p.

5. The list of disciplines and majors, which are taught by candidates on higher education: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on April 29, 2015. № 266 / Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2015 r., № 38, dec. 1147.

6. University autonomy — the key quality of Ukrainian education / Online resource: official website of press center of National University "Kyiv-Mo-hyla Academy" — Available at: http:// press.ukma.kiev.ua/index.php?option (accessed 17 March 2017).

7. The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999. Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education. — P. 3 // Available at: http://www.bologna-derlin2003.de/pdf/bologna_declara-tion.pdf (accessed 17 March 2017).

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