Научная статья на тему 'State administration of higher education in Ukraine'

State administration of higher education in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Petrenko Nataliia Aleksandrovna, Haidai Oksana Vasylivna

Structural and functional approach had been applied to divide administrative system into structure and studying of their functions. Functions and competence of administrative bodies in higher education in Ukraine had been analyzed. The aim of the research is to analyze the system of state administration organization of higher education institutions in Ukraine and ground the proposals for its improvement. It is shown that the state system of higher education is difficult. It includes national and regional levels. In addition, the powers are granted to the subjects that are not the authorities. The functions of state administration have been divided between sectoral competence and functional competence bodies. Ukraine has a complex system of public administration of higher education, which includes national and regional levels. Authorities were also given to actors who are not authorities. Functions of public administration are distributed among the bodies of sectoral competence and bodies of functional competence. An independent public body monitoring the quality of education, the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education, was created. Implementation of the principles of state and public administration by the system of higher education can create the proper legal conditions for the autonomy of higher educational institutions. Given the context of the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the issue of the powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of higher education becomes of particular importance.

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Применен структурно-функциональный подход, который предусматривает разделение управленческой системы на структуры и изучения их функций. Проанализированы функции и компетенции органов управления в сфере высшего образования в Украине. Целью исследования является анализ системы организаций государственного управления высшим образованием в Украине и обоснования предложений относительно ее совершенствования. Показано, что система государственного управления высшим образованием является сложной. Она включает общегосударственный и региональный уровни. Кроме того, властные полномочия предоставлены субъектам, которые не являются органами власти. Функции государственного управления разделены между органами отраслевой компетенции и органом функциональной компетенции. В Украине сложная система государственного управления высшим образованием, которая включает в себя национальный и региональный уровни. Полномочия были также предоставлены актерам, которые не являются властями. Функции государственного управления распределены между органами отраслевой компетенции и органами функциональной компетенции. Создано независимое государственное учреждение, контролирующее качество образования, Национальное агентство по обеспечению качества высшего образования. Реализация принципов государственного и государственного управления системой высшего образования может создать надлежащие правовые условия для автономии вузов. Учитывая контекст реформы местного самоуправления и территориальной организации власти в Украине, проблема органов местного самоуправления в сфере высшего образования становится особенно актуальной.

Текст научной работы на тему «State administration of higher education in Ukraine»

икономически Петренко Наталия Александровна, Гайдай Оксана Васильевна


UDC 354.32

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.BSR.2019.0303.0022


© 2019

ResearcherID: U-1227-2017 ORCID: 0000-0002-2867-6059

Petrenko Nataliia Aleksandrovna, doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department of public management and administration

AuthorID: 730891 SPIN: 3183-5971 ResearcherID: М-4563-2018 ORCID: 0000-0002-5331-2513

Haidai Oksana Vasylivna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor of department of public management and administration Uman National University of Gardening (20300, Ukraine, Uman, 1 Institutska Str., e - mail: [email protected]) Abstract. Structural and functional approach had been applied to divide administrative system into structure and studying of their functions. Functions and competence of administrative bodies in higher education in Ukraine had been analyzed. The aim of the research is to analyze the system of state administration organization of higher education institutions in Ukraine and ground the proposals for its improvement. It is shown that the state system of higher education is difficult. It includes national and regional levels. In addition, the powers are granted to the subjects that are not the authorities. The functions of state administration have been divided between sectoral competence and functional competence bodies. Ukraine has a complex system of public administration of higher education, which includes national and regional levels. Authorities were also given to actors who are not authorities. Functions of public administration are distributed among the bodies of sectoral competence and bodies of functional competence. An independent public body monitoring the quality of education, the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education, was created. Implementation of the principles of state and public administration by the system of higher education can create the proper legal conditions for the autonomy of higher educational institutions. Given the context of the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the issue of the powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of higher education becomes of particular importance.

Keywords: higher education administration, state administration of higher education, educational policy, structural and functional analysis.


© 2019

Петренко Наталия Александровна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой

публичного управления и администрирования Гайдай Оксана Васильевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры публичного управления и администрирования Уманский национальный университет садоводства (20300, Украина, Умань, ул. Институтская, 1, e - mаil: o.mityаy77@gmаil.com)

Аннотация. Применен структурно-функциональный подход, который предусматривает разделение управленческой системы на структуры и изучения их функций. Проанализированы функции и компетенции органов управления в сфере высшего образования в Украине. Целью исследования является анализ системы организаций государственного управления высшим образованием в Украине и обоснования предложений относительно ее совершенствования. Показано, что система государственного управления высшим образованием является сложной. Она включает общегосударственный и региональный уровни. Кроме того, властные полномочия предоставлены субъектам, которые не являются органами власти. Функции государственного управления разделены между органами отраслевой компетенции и органом функциональной компетенции. В Украине сложная система государственного управления высшим образованием, которая включает в себя национальный и региональный уровни. Полномочия были также предоставлены актерам, которые не являются властями. Функции государственного управления распределены между органами отраслевой компетенции и органами функциональной компетенции. Создано независимое государственное учреждение, контролирующее качество образования, Национальное агентство по обеспечению качества высшего образования. Реализация принципов государственного и государственного управления системой высшего образования может создать надлежащие правовые условия для автономии вузов. Учитывая контекст реформы местного самоуправления и территориальной организации власти в Украине, проблема органов местного самоуправления в сфере высшего образования становится особенно актуальной.

Ключевые слова: управление высшим образованием, государственное управление высшим образованием, образовательная политика, структурно-функциональный анализ.


The problem setting. Domestic and Foreign experts have concluded a number of problems in higher education of Ukraine. They are the following: the discrepancy of the structure of training specialists to the real needs of the economy, lower quality of education, corruption in higher education, isolation from scientific research, slow rate of integration into European and world intellectual space.

Ukraine has a complex system of public administration of higher education, which includes national and regional levels. Authorities were also given to actors who are not authorities. Functions of public administration are distributed among the bodies of sectoral competence and bodies of Балканско научно обозрение. 2019. Т. 3. № 3(5)

functional competence. An independent public body monitoring the quality of education, the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education, was created. Implementation of the principles of state and public administration by the system of higher education can create the proper legal conditions for the autonomy of higher educational institutions. Given the context of the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the issue of the powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of higher education becomes of particular importance [8].

Analysis of recent research and publications. Mechanisms of state administration had been deeply studied

by the Ukrainian scientists. In particular, the results of those studies are presented in the works of such authors as L. Pryhodchenko, R. Rudnytska A. Sydorchuk, A. Stelmach, and A. Fedorchak [1-22]. The issue of state administration of higher education are described in many publications of the following Ukrainian researchers: Yu. Belyaev, I. Vakarchuk, A. Gorbunov, L. Grynevych, V. Zhuravsky, M. Zagirnyak, M. Zgurovsky, I. Kaleniuk, O. Koziyevska, V. Kremin, V. Lugovyi, S. Nikolayenko, S. Serebryanskyi, T. Phinikov, A. Ermakov, I. Ivanyuk, O. Kuklin, T. Shestakovska,

O. Mityay, I. Gryshova, T. Shabatura, O. Naumov.

They widely cover the development of a national education policy, state bodies activities in education, staff, financial and logistical support of educational institutions. N. Bondarchuk, L. Tserich, G. Tovkanets, T. Finikov are the scientists, who concentrated their efforts on the comparative analysis of education policy in Ukraine and Europe. They offer practical measures to improve the administration of education in Ukraine, referring to the experience of European countries. O. Postupna, analyzing the basic mechanisms of implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in higher education in terms of educational sector reforming, proposed comparative characteristics of hierarchical administration of leading European countries - participants of a unified educational and scientific space [3,4].


The aim of the article is to analyze the system of state administration organization of higher education institutions in Ukraine and ground the proposals for its improvement.

Objectives are:

to analyze the functions and competence of the administrative bodies in higher education in Ukraine.

to examine the functions of state administration of higher education.

The research methods. Methodological basis of the research is the dialectical methods of cognition, the theoretical positions of the modern economy of higher education and the methodical principles of its regulation. In the process of research, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis and scientific abstraction - during refinement of the basic economic categories of scientific research; methods of logical generalization and classification - in the course of studying the peculiarities of public administration in the sphere of higher education; comparative and statistical analysis, correlation-regression analysis, index method and grouping method - in order to study the state and trends of public administration in the sphere of higher education in Ukraine, its financial and logistical support; system-structural analysis - during the development of directions for improving the mechanism of public administration in the sphere of higher education; induction and deduction, expert assessments - in order to develop ways of balancing labor markets and educational services; methods of graphic and economic-mathematical modeling - during optimization of public administration in the sphere of higher education.


The main material. Studying the higher education system in Ukraine, we used structural and functional approach. According to S. Fedorchenko and M. Rybina, this approach shows that "the studied basic structures perform certain functions within the administrative system or for higher order structures. The structural principle means the division of administrative system into structures. The functional principle is based on the fact that the purpose of each element significantly affects the nature of positions, roles and behaviors of political actors" [16]. Let us consider whether the reasons of transformations of some political phenomena localize in complication of structural and functional elements of the administrative system in higher education?

According to item 6 Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On education" the bodies that administrate in higher education are included into higher education system [3,4]. Broadly the system of such bodies is consisted of the following: 1) The Parliament of Ukraine; 2) The Cabinet of Ministers of 92

Ukraine; 3) central executive authority in the field of education and science (now it is the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine); 4) branch government agencies, which scope is the administration of higher educational institutions; 5) territorial authorities, and local governments which administrate higher education institutions; 6) The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and national branch academies of sciences, acting as the founders of the universities; 7) Local authorities in the field of higher education and research; 8) National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education [9].

So, first of all, it is a system of state bodies (government subjects) that develop education policy and administrate in higher education (positions 1-5). Second, it is the authority of public administration and control (positions 6-8). Analysis of state bodies system that develop and implement policies in higher education in Ukraine, reveals the meaning of public administration. Furthermore, it becomes clear the description of administrative and legal instruments of educational policy. It is important to consider these elements of the system in detail.

Table 1 - Classification of functions of state administration education

Basis of classifications Groups of administrative functions List of functions

On maintenance activity Universal (general) Definition: planning; organization: motivation and control

Providing functioning and to development of education Normatively-legal providing: organizationally-structural providing; skilled providing; financial providing; logistical support.

Productive-technological Operative management; innovative; marketing; international cooperation

Skilled Management a personnel; management a command; arbitrage; disciplinary; executive; psychotherapy

By the nature to activity Universal administrative Organizationally-prescriptive; consultative-deliberative; organizan onally-control; executive; regulatory

Management organizational by a collective Guidance by organization, establishment: management conflicts

Derivative (synthetic) Strategic; integration; representative; stabilizing; expertly-consultative

Social psychological Orientations; motivations, agitations; stimulation

Administratively -political and legal Realization of elucidative public policy; a receipt of legislation is on questions education; developments ofprognosis of development of education; realization of international cooperation; realization of constitutional right is to education; adjusting of economic connections is between the subjects of éducation, producers and consumers of educational services: to defence of interests and rights for the workers of education from the observance of labour legislation

Co-operating with the organs of self-government and public management Economic Development of strategy of development; realization of management strategy, development of management tactics

Social Pro vi ding o f implementati on o f op erative tasks

At the place of subject a management is in a management Strategic planning Tactical planning

Operative management

Source: [18-22].

In a table a 1 given classification of functions of management education is on the basis of maintenance, to character of activity, place of management subject in a hierarchy management. Each of such administrative functions has the sphere of actions and comes true by corresponding methods. For comfort of study these functions are examined separately, they closely constrained in practice, include actions that come true consistently. The table of contents and limits of function are determined by normatively-legal certificates (by laws, provisions).

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has powers established by the Constitution of Ukraine. They are divided into two groups: the general powers and those done only by adopting laws. As for the education system - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, according to their powers, exercises legislative and organizational functions, and parliamentary control. It takes the state budget (determines the funding of education), the tax system, taxes and fees (affecting subjects in the field of education). The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, according to Art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" [3], defines the state policy in the field of higher education that is implemented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and central executive authority in the field of education (Ministry

Balkan Scientific Review. 2019. T.3. № 3(5)

икономически науки

Петренко Наталия Александровна, Гайдай Оксана Васильевна ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ СФЕРОЮ ВЫСШЕГО ...

of Education and Science of Ukraine).

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has legislative, financial, organizational and control mechanisms of influence on higher education. Specifically, through the executive bodies the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine provides state policy implementationin in higher education. It organizes the development, maintaining and ensuring of the implementation of national programs on higher education development. Enables the creation of logistical support and other conditions necessary for the development of higher education. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine directly or through its authorized body supports founding of the universities. The government sets special conditions of training specialists for prior high-technology field under the government programs, and provides control over the observance of laws on higher education [2].

The central executive body in the field of e ducation (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) develops strategies and programs of higher educationdevelopment and submit them to the Government approval. Taking into consideration the fixed by Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" list of powers of this body, it has the power of strategic and tactical character. For example, it forms strategic directions of higher education development based on scientific and technological progress. It summarizes international and domestic experience of higher education development, carries out international cooperation in this field. It also creates a list of knowledge fields and a list of specialties. In addition, it is involved into the formation and implementation of state policy in higher education and training specialists with higher education, monitors and analyzes the needs of the local labor market, makes proposals on volumes and directions of state support for training specialists with higher education. It also provides analytical and predictive activities in higher education, determines its development trends, the impact of demographic, ethnic, socio-economic situation, infrastructure, production and non-production sphere. It gives licenses for educational activity on the basis of a positive expert opinion of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Ministry forms proposals and allocates state order for training specialists with higher education [6,7].

Other state bodies [3], which scope includes the administration of higher education institutions, are also involved in the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education and research. They participate in the training of professionals, educational activities licensing, performed by higher educational institutions, form the proposals and place the state order for training of specialists with higher education. These public bodies make the division of graduates, under their own administration, for further service (for higher military educational institutions). They carry out the employment in health care institutions (for higher medical education) under the state order. They also analyze the quality of the educational activities of higher education institutions. State bodies, which scope is the administration of higher military educational institutions (with specific conditions of education), military training units of higher education institutions, have the right to impose special requirements for the administration of the relevant higher military educational institutions. It should also be noted that the administration of highly spiritual institution shall take into account peculiarities of its activities in accordance with the law [10-12].

Local governments [3], with the scope of higher educational institutions administration, ensures the implementation of government programs in higher education. They study the need for specialists with higher education, make proposals for the volume of state orders for their training. They also serve the proposals on creating a network of universities, promote employment and social protection of graduates to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. They induce enterprises, institutions and organizations to solve the problems of higher education development.

National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is a permanent collegial body authorized for

implementation of state policy in the field of quality assurance in higher education. The agency assumes certain regulatory and supervisory functions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the functions of the Higher Attestation Commission and the State Accreditation Commission. This is a new institution in the system of higher education administration in Ukraine.

National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education has the following functions: 1) to form requirements for the system of higher education quality assurance, developing regulations on accreditation of educational programs and submit it for approval to the Ministry; 2) to analyze the quality of educational activities of higher education institutions; 3) to hold the license expertise, preparing an opinion on the possibility of giving a license to conduct educational activities; 4) to form suggestions for the list of specialties for training in higher education; 5) to form a single database of specialization at each level of higher education; 6) to conduct accreditation of educational programs; 7) to form the evaluation criteria of educational activities quality including academic achievements of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, which can be determined by rankings of higher education institutions of Ukraine; 8) to develop requirements for academic qualifications of persons receiving degrees, developing a procedure for the degree awarding by the specialized academic councils of higher education institutions (research institutions) and submit it for approval to the Ministry; 9) to develop the regulations on accreditation of academic councils and presents it for approval by the Ministry, accredits specialized academic councils and supervises their activities; 10) to accredit independent agency for evaluation and quality assurance; 11) to exercise other powers provided by the law [13-17].

But when the decision made by the central executive authority in the field of education requires the coordination of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, a central executive body in education has the right to decide independently, if the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education does not perform its powers in the terms defined by the law.

Founder (founders) of higher educational institution or authorized by him (them) body [3] approves the statutes of the higher educational institution, concludes and terminates the contract with the head of higher educational institution, oversees financial activities of higher educational institution, and monitors the compliance with the statute of the higher education institution.

As we see, Ukraine has a complicated system of higher education administration. At the national and regional levels of administartion the authority are carried out by the following bodies: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central executive body of state policy in the field of education, other government agencies that have subordinated higher education institutions, local governments, which scope is to administrate higher educational institutions.

Also powers have been granted to subjects that are not the state bodies. In particular, the system of higher education administartion includes National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National branch academies of science, higher educational institutions founders, self-governance bodies in higher education and science, independent institutions on assessment and quality assurance in higher education.

The functions of state administration are divided between the bodies of branch competence (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other state bodies governing educational institutions) and the body of functional competence (National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).

Considering the functions of state administration bodies, we can conclude that the dynamism of modern social life, including higher education, requires performing the functions of strategic planning.

Education is a key element in ensuring the sustainable

development of human potential. It is education that prepares a person for the complexities of modern life, provides him with the freedom of intellectual, professional and social choice.

Education as a type of economic activity occupies an important place in the national economy. In fig. 1 shows the gross value added of the type of economic activity «Education» during 2017-2018, which amounted to almost 5.0% in actual prices: 5.0% in 2017; 2017 - 4.6%; 2018 - 5,1%; 2017 - 5,4%. Gross value added according to the type of economic activity « Education « was twice as big as the gross value added, produced by the type of economic activity «Construction» - respectively: 3,3; 3.0; 2.8; 2.5%; as well as more than that produced by the types of economic activity «Information and Communications» - respectively: 3.0; 2.9; 3.0; 3.2% and «Professional, scientific and technical activities» - respectively: 2.5; 2.3; 2.9; 3.2% [5.22], which is presented in Table. 2.

0 -I-1-i-1-1

Education Construction information and Professional scientific

communication andtechnlcal

technologies activities

Figure 1. - Gross value added by type of economic activity (2017-2018)

Source: formed on the basis of: [15, 22]. To a large extent, the understanding that employee education has a positive impact on the level of profitability of a business leads to an awareness that investing employers in professional skills of employees is an important component of business development. Unfortunately, in Ukraine business expenses for vocational education do not always correspond to the tasks of socio-economic development of society. The reason for such a situation is equally the low qualification requirements of employers and the low quality of training of specialists with higher education.

Table 2. - Education in the structure of the Gross Domestic Product of Ukraine (for the period of 2017-2018, in actual prices, million UAH)

Year Issue in market prices Gioss domestic product Gross value added in education Net pro fit

total including in education Total including in education

2017 3 347 592 106 702 1 459 096 75 161 350 166 1132

20 IS 3 375 851 112780 1 522 657 81 745 368 737 157S

Source: [5.22].

Professionals with a higher education occupy a key position in the Ukrainian economy. The educational and qualification potential of workers in Ukraine is traditionally high. Thus, as of December 31, 2018, employees with a higher education accounted for almost 60% of the registered number of full-time employees of the Ukrainian economy, including 23.6% - with incomplete and basic higher education, 35.6% - with full higher education. For some types of economic activity, employees with higher education were the predominant category of employees, in particular, in financial and insurance activities - almost 88% of employees; government - 85%; science - 80%; information and telecommunications - 76%; museum and library activity - 75%; education - 73%, etc. [22].

Taking into consideration the context of the local government reforming and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the issue of powers of local government bodies in higher education takes a particular relevance. For example, it concerns the analysis of the situation and the formation of the order in terms of the needs of the region in professionals, involving higher education institutions in the development and implementation of territorial development 94

programs, expansion of their powers, the creation of regional educational and scientific-industrial complexes around higher education institutions for the selection, training and education talented and gifted youth for effective use of intellectual work in various fields. There is a need to establish a system of targeted training in the framework of a regional contract to meet the needs of the region and in areas designated by regional programs. Unlike the district administrations, local governments of the united communities are autonomous and have all the powers in the field of education. But the major challenge is their institutional weakness [14].

According to Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine L. Hrynevych, in terms of administration efficiency it is important to ensure a separation of powers that protects against duplication and irresponsibility and does not allow monopolization of higher education administartion [1].

Implementation of the principles of public administration of higher education system is able to create appropriate conditions for the legal autonomy of higher educational institutions. National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education can provide adequate social impact on the control of the quality of education, minimizing administrative interference by the executive power.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The structural and functional approach allows to analyze certain functions within the administrative system in higher education and shows that the reasons for the transformation of political phenomena localize in complications of structural and functional elements of the administration system. Ukraine has a complex system of state administration of higher education, including national and regional levels. Powers were also given to the subjects that are not the authorities. The functions of state administration are divided between bodies of branch and functional competence. National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is an independent public body that will monitor the quality of education.

Adopted in 2018 a new Law "On Higher Education" has changed the model of state administration, introduced new democratic conditions for the development of higher education in Ukraine. The Law demonopolized the system of ministerial control, eliminated the most bureaucratic mechanisms, excessive centralization and control in staff matters concerning the administration of higher educational institutions. Implementation of the principles of state-public administration of higher education system is able to create appropriate conditions for the legal autonomy of higher educational institutions.

Taking into consideration the context of local administration reforming and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the issue of local administration powers in higher education takes a particular relevance.


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Петренко Наталия Александровна, Гайдай Оксана Васильевна ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ СФЕРОЮ ВЫСШЕГО ...

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