Научная статья на тему 'Ensuring quality of education as a priority area of public policy'

Ensuring quality of education as a priority area of public policy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Hrabovenko Natalia Valeriivna

The article considers the main approaches to ensuring the education quality as a priority direction of public policy, which were reflected in the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, namely: • development of a systematic approach to public quality management based on international standards and principles; • development and implementation of integrated public administration systems; • participation in international, national, regional and sectoral competitions of educational quality; • participation in international comparative studies of educational quality (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS, etc.); • active use of a set of methods and tools of quality management. It is found that the only approach to understanding the essence of the “quality of education” concept remains unclear to date. This is explained by the complexity of the category “quality” itself, the diversity of interpretations of its components that control quality; inconsistency in the understanding of the education quality criteria by the subjects of educational policy (the state, employers, recipients of education, educational institutions, etc.). The views on the meaning of the education quality in the scientific circulation are summarized in the following paragraphs. The article concentrates on the views on the education quality meaning in the scientific circulation. The most important components of the quality of education are defined, namely: quality of values, goals and norms; quality of conditions; the quality of the education process, which can be divided into the quality of its content and the quality of educational technology; quality of education result. The basic functions of public quality management are: to plan, to maintain motivation, to control and to improve. It is emphasized that the implementation of these functions is possible under the conditions of applying a comprehensive approach, which involves the formation of a quality management system. It is emphasized that the basic principles on which the quality management system of higher education institutions should be created, maintained in working condition and constantly improved are the following: orientation on the recipients of educational services, responsibility of management, competence of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff, procedural approach, systematic approach to quality management, quality monitoring, decision-making based on documented facts, mutually beneficial relationships with partners.

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Рассмотрены основные подходы по обеспечению качества образования как приоритетного направления государственной политики, которые нашли отражение в Национальной стратегии развития образования в Украине на период до 2021 года, а именно: • развитие системного подхода к государственному управлению качеством на базе международных стандартов и принципов; • разработка и внедрение интегрированных систем государственного управления; • участие в международных, национальных, региональных и отраслевых конкурсах качества образования; • участие в международных сравнительных исследованиях качества образования (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS и т. п.); • активное применение комплекса методов и инструментов управления качеством. Установлено, что до настоящего времени не существует единого подхода к пониманию сущности понятия “качество образования”. Это объясняется сложностью самой категории “качество”, разнообразием толкования составляющих, которые управляют качеством; несогласованностью в понимании критериев качества образования субъектами образовательной политики (государством, работодателями, учащимися, образовательными учреждениями и т. д.). Приведены существующие в научном обороте мнения относительно содержания качества образования. Определены важнейшие составляющие качества образования, а именно: качество ценностей, целей и норм; качество условий; качество процесса образования, которое можно разделить на качество содержания образования и качество технологии образования; качество результата образования. Рассмотрены основные функции государственного управления качеством: планирование, обеспечение мотивации, контроль и улучшение. Отмечено, что реализация этих функций возможна при условии применения комплексного подхода, который предусматривает формирование системы управления качеством. Подчеркнуто, что основными принципами, на базе которых должна быть создана, поддерживаться в рабочем состоянии и постоянно совершенствоваться система управления качеством, являются следующие: ориентация на потребителя образовательных услуг, ответственность руководства учебных заведений, компетентность педагогического и научно-педагогического состава, процессуальный подход, системный подход к управлению качеством, мониторинг качества, принятие решений на основании фактов (информации), взаимовыгодные отношения с партнерами.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ensuring quality of education as a priority area of public policy»

управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. e-mail: [email protected]

UDC: 351:37

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-44-55

Hrabovenko Natalia Valeriivna,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, docent, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 050 158 92 22, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8896-1292 Грабовенко Наталiя Валерйвна, кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент, про-фесор кафедри публiчного адмжструван-ня, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фроме-miecbrn, 2, тел.: +38 050 158 92 22, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8896-1292 Грабовенко Наталья Валериевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедр публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +38 050 158 92 22,

ORCID: 0000-0001-8896-1292


Abstract. The article considers the main approaches to ensuring the education quality as a priority direction of public policy, which were reflected in the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, namely:

• development of a systematic approach to public quality management based on international standards and principles;

• development and implementation of integrated public administration systems;

• participation in international, national, regional and sectoral competitions of educational quality;

• participation in international comparative studies of educational quality (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS, etc.);

• active use of a set of methods and tools of quality management.

It is found that the only approach to understanding the essence of the "quality of education" concept remains unclear to date. This is explained by the complexity of the category "quality" itself, the diversity of interpretations of its components that control quality; inconsistency in the understanding of the education quality criteria by the subjects of educational policy (the state, employers, recipients of education, educational institutions, etc.). The views on the meaning of the education quality in the scientific circulation are summarized in the following paragraphs. The article concentrates on the views on the education quality meaning in the scientific circulation.

The most important components of the quality of education are defined, namely: quality of values, goals and norms; quality of conditions; the quality of the education process, which can be divided into the quality of its content and the quality of educational technology; quality of education result.

The basic functions of public quality management are: to plan, to maintain motivation, to control and to improve. It is emphasized that the implementation of these functions is possible under the conditions of applying a comprehensive approach, which involves the formation of a quality management system.

It is emphasized that the basic principles on which the quality management system of higher education institutions should be created, maintained in working condition and constantly improved are the following: orientation on the recipients of educational services, responsibility of management, competence of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff, procedural approach, systematic approach to quality management, quality monitoring, decision-making based on documented facts, mutually beneficial relationships with partners.

Keywords: quality, quality of education, state education quality management, monitoring of education quality, principle of education quality management.



Анотащя. Розглянуто основн шдходи щодо забезпечення якосп освпи як прюритетного напряму державно! полпики, яю знайшли вщображення у На-щональнш стратеги розвитку освпи в Укршш на перюд до 2021 року, а саме:

• розвиток системного шдходу до державного управлшня яюстю на базi мiжнародних стандарпв та принцитв;

• розробка i впровадження штегрованих систем державного управлшня;

• участь в мiжнародних, нащональних, регюнальних i галузевих конкурсах якосп освпи;

• участь у мiжнародних порiвняльних дослщженнях якосп освпи (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS тощо);

• активне застосування комплексу методiв та шструменпв управлшня яюстю.

З'ясовано, що до тепершнього часу залишаеться невизначеним единий тдхщ до розумшня сутносп поняття "яюсть освпи". Це пояснюеться склад-шстю само! категори "яюсть", рiзноманiтнiстю тлумачення ii складових,

яю управляють якiстю; неузгодженiстю у розумшш критерив якостi освiти суб'ектами освпньо! полiтики (державою, роботодавцями, здобувачами ocBi-ти, освiтнiми закладами тощо). Наведено iснуючi у науковому обiгу точки зору щодо змiсту якостi освпи.

Визначено найважливiшi складовi якостi освгги, а саме: якiсть цiнностей, щлей i норм; якiсть умов; яюсть процесу освiти, яку можна подшити на якiсть Ii змiсту i якiсть технологи освiти; якiсть результату освгги.

Розглянуто основнi функци державного управлшня якiстю: планування, забезпечення мотиваци, контроль i покращення. Наголошено, що реалiзацiя цих функцiй е можливою за умов застосування комплексного шдходу, який передбачае формування системи управлшня яюстю.

Пiдкреслено, що основними принципами, на базi яких мае бути створена, шдтримуватися у робочому сташ i постiйно вдосконалюватися система управлшня яюстю закладiв вищо! освпи, е наступнi: орiентацiя на споживача освпшх послуг, вiдповiдальнiсть керiвництва, компетентшсть педагогiчного та науково-педагогiчного складу, процесуальний шдхщ, системний пiдхiд до управлшня яюстю, монiторинг якостi, прийняття ршень на пiдставi задоку-ментованих факпв (шформаци), взаемовигiднi стосунки iз партнерами.

K^40Bi слова: якiсть, якiсть освпи, державне управлiння якiстю освiти, мониторинг якостi, принципи управлiння якiстю освпи.




Аннотация. Рассмотрены основные подходы по обеспечению качества образования как приоритетного направления государственной политики, которые нашли отражение в Национальной стратегии развития образования в Украине на период до 2021 года, а именно:

• развитие системного подхода к государственному управлению качеством на базе международных стандартов и принципов;

• разработка и внедрение интегрированных систем государственного управления;

• участие в международных, национальных, региональных и отраслевых конкурсах качества образования;

• участие в международных сравнительных исследованиях качества образования (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS и т. п.);

• активное применение комплекса методов и инструментов управления качеством.

Установлено, что до настоящего времени не существует единого подхода к пониманию сущности понятия "качество образования". Это объясняется сложностью самой категории "качество", разнообразием толкования составляющих, которые управляют качеством; несогласованностью в понимании критериев качества образования субъектами образовательной политики (государством, работодателями, учащимися, образовательными учреждениями

и т. д.). Приведены существующие в научном обороте мнения относительно содержания качества образования.

Определены важнейшие составляющие качества образования, а именно: качество ценностей, целей и норм; качество условий; качество процесса образования, которое можно разделить на качество содержания образования и качество технологии образования; качество результата образования.

Рассмотрены основные функции государственного управления качеством: планирование, обеспечение мотивации, контроль и улучшение. Отмечено, что реализация этих функций возможна при условии применения комплексного подхода, который предусматривает формирование системы управления качеством.

Подчеркнуто, что основными принципами, на базе которых должна быть создана, поддерживаться в рабочем состоянии и постоянно совершенствоваться система управления качеством, являются следующие: ориентация на потребителя образовательных услуг, ответственность руководства учебных заведений, компетентность педагогического и научно-педагогического состава, процессуальный подход, системный подход к управлению качеством, мониторинг качества, принятие решений на основании фактов (информации), взаимовыгодные отношения с партнерами.

Ключевые слова: качество, качество образования, государственное управления качеством образования, мониторинг качества образования, принципы управления качеством образования.

Formulation of the problem. According to many foreign and domestic scientists, heads of educational institutions, the XXI century will be the century of quality in all its manifestations: from quality of work and products to quality of life. Today, quality covers all spheres of human activity and is the main factor of social order, it is fundamental for understanding the essence of human existence and for the development of the spiritual culture of society. It is no accident that in recent years the quality of products and services has become a characteristic of highly efficient labor, a source of national wealth, a sign of a developed economy, and the quality of life is recognized by the international community as one of the most

important features that determines the development level of the country.

One of the most important components of the life quality is education. Many countries in the international community believe that education is the key to social development. Therefore, the problems of improving the existing approaches to public education quality management at all levels play a special role in contemporary socio-cultural conditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Issues of education quality assurance were researched by K. Ishikawa, V. Kachalov, V. Kalnei, O. Kononko, E. Korotkov, T. Lukina, V. Nuzhdin, M. Potashnik, V. Panasiuk, N. Seleznova, S. Shishov and others.

Some aspects of public administration of educational quality were covered by J. Delor, J. Harrington, V. Hutmacher, and A. Schleicher.

The objective of an article is to identify the main approaches to ensuring the education quality as a priority area of public policy.

Presentation of the main research material. The main task of the state educational policy is to ensure high quality of education on the basis of maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the actual and perspective needs of the individual, society and the state. This principle was reflected in the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 25.06.2013 № 344/2013. The goal of modernization is to create a mechanism for sustainable development of the education system based on:

• ensuring state guarantees of accessibility of high-quality, competitive education in accordance with the requirements of innovative sustainable development of society and economy;

• ensuring the personal development of a person in accordance with their individual abilities, needs based on lifelong learning;

• creation of conditions for improving the quality of complete general secondary, vocational and higher education;

• providing the education system with highly qualified personnel, their support by the state and society;

• improving the system of national monitoring and evaluation of education quality;

• focus on humanization, greening and computerization of the education system, implementation of innovative information and communication technologies into the educational process;

• managing the development of education based on the division of responsibilities between the subjects of educational policy; improving the mechanisms of involving civil society institutions and public in the education management and its updating [1].

Addressing the abovementioned objectives is largely related to the study of innovative approaches to public quality management in the field of education. The main approaches can be attributed to:

• development of a systematic approach to public quality management based on international standards and principles;

• development and implementation of integrated public administration systems;

• participation in international, national, regional and sectoral competitions of educational quality;

• participation in international comparative studies of educational quality (TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS, etc.);

• active use of a set of methods and tools of quality management: statistical methods, self-assessment of the educational institutions activity, the method of "deployment of quality function", a system of balanced indicators, etc. [2].

However, before proceeding to the consideration of necessity, nature and possibilities of implementing these approaches in the field of education, it is necessary to disclose the meaning of the "education quality" concept. To date, the only approach to understand-

ing the essence of this concept is uncertain. The diversity of interpretations of the education quality meaning is explained by the complexity of the category "quality" itself, the diversity of the "education" concept interpretation, its components that control quality; inconsistency in the understanding of the education quality by the subjects of educational policy (the state, employers, recipients of educational services, educational institutions, etc.).

According to the American specialist in the field of quality management J. Harrington: "Quality is a funny thing. Everyone talks about it, everyone lives with it, and everyone thinks they know what it is. But only few understand what it means" [3]. In the table 1 some "education quality" concept definitions are given.

Definitions, shown in the table do not exhaust the current view of the education quality meaning. However,

all of this diversity can be put into the following groups:

1. The education quality as an absolute mark. In this meaning, the quality of education is synonymous with excellence; it is an absolute sign of compliance with certain requirements. According to this approach, the quality of education is difficult to measure because "excellence" is an abstract and subjective category. Therefore, this approach is not widespread in recent years.

2. The education quality as a set of attributes. In this meaning, the education quality is derived from any measurable quantitative parameter of the educational service. However, this approach is too narrow as it does not reflect the importance of educational service to its consumer.

3. The education quality as compliance with the purpose. According to this interpretation, quality characte-

Table 1

Approaches to define "education quality"

Author Definition

s. shishov, V. Kalnei [4] a social category that determines the status and effectiveness of the education process in society, its relevance to the needs of society in the development and formation of civic and professional competence of the individual

M. Potashnik, V. Nuzhdin, V. Panasiuk, K. Ishikawa, N . seleznova and others [5] The degree of needs satisfaction and achievement of certain norms, standards, goals (of a person, society, state) that are normatively approved

V. Kachalov, T. Lukina [6] the set of education qualities, which determines its ability to meet the society needs in relation to the training of qualified professionals who have the necessary personal abilities and qualifications

o. Kononko [7] Balanced conformity of a certain educational level (general secondary, vocational, higher, etc.) to the numerous needs, goals, conditions, approved educational norms and standards which are established to identify the reasons for this conformity violation and to manage the process of the established quality improvement

rizes the ability of education to fulfill its social functions.

4. The education quality as compliance with standards. This traditional (normalized) approach has long been the most widely used in education. According to this approach, the quality of education is defined as compliance with the requirements and conditions of state educational standards.

5. The education quality as an object of managerial influence. According to this characteristic, the quality of education is considered at the same time from the standpoint of the educational system quality, the educational process quality (as a process of consumption of educational services provided) and individual quality of graduating students as a result of the educational system activity according to his scholarship and formation of socially significant values


6. The education quality as a degree of satisfaction of the needs of consumers and other stakeholders. It is this approach that becomes relevant in today's market conditions. This definition of the concept of "quality" was in fact borrowed from the manufacturing sphere and extended to the field of education. The market formation for edu-

cational services and the emergence of competition between educational institutions have led to the need for a clear focus on consumers of educational services. The concept of education quality as a satisfaction degree of the needs of consumers and other stakeholders is in many aspects similar to the definition of quality contained in the international standards of ISO 9000 Series 2008 (MS ISO Series 9000: 2008) and defines quality as the degree to which the totality of its own characteristics meet the needs [8]. Based on this interpretation of quality, the most meaningful, in our view, is the approach proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, according to which, in particular, the quality of higher education is treated as a set of characteristics of the educational process that determines the consistent and practically effective formation of competence and professional conscience. This is a certain level of knowledge, skills, mental, physical and moral development that graduates of the educational institution have achieved in accordance with the planned goals of education and upbringing. [9]. The most important components of education are summarized in figure 1.

Fig. 1. The constituent education quality

The quality of values, goals and norms determines the level at which the quality of educational services, training and education is measured, and which reflects the needs of different consumer groups — both the recipients of education, potential employers, the economy of the country, society, and the educators.

The quality of conditions is characterized by the level of material and technical base, social infrastructure of the educational institution; qualification of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff; the intellectual potential of pupils and students.

The quality of the education process can be divided into the quality of its content and the quality of education technology. The quality of education content reflects the level of educational and methodical support, content of educational programs and work programs of disciplines. The quality of education technology determines the level of modern technologies usage in the educational process.

The quality of educational result reflects, in our view, the definition given by E. Korotkov. In his opinion "the education quality is a set of characteristics of professional conscience, which deter-

mines the ability of a specialist to successfully perform his professional activity in accordance with the economy needs at the present stage" [5].

Therefore, the state management of the education quality involves managing of all its components.

Education quality management is an activity aimed at meeting the quality requirements of education recipients and other parties. The most important functions of quality management are planning, motivation, control and improvement. Their relationship is shown in figure 2.

Quality planning in an educational institution is a process of setting goals in the area of educational activity, identifying the necessary operational processes and the appropriate resources to achieve them.

Quality assurance is an activity related to the necessary organizational mechanism formation for education quality management.

Quality motivation is a process aimed at increasing the interest of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff of an educational institution in quality assurance and improvement.

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Quality control is an activity aimed at ensuring that the conditions, con-

Fig. 2. Functions of quality management

tent, and results of educational process meet the needs of educational services recipients, employers, society etc.

Quality improvement is a process focused on ensuring the ability of an educational institution to meet the education quality needs and characterizing the level of implementation of different types of innovation in educational activities.

The implementation of the above functions is possible only if an integrated approach is adopted, which involves the formation of a quality management system.

The need for such a system is due to a number of circumstances, the most important of which are:

1. Internationalization of education, its functioning in the common European educational space. Ukraine has signed the Bologna Declaration which in particular stresses the need for the quality assurance system further development at the level of higher education institutions, national and European levels. The communiqué of the Ministerial Conference on Higher Education entitled "Creating a pan-European Higher Education Area", which was held in Berlin on 19 September 2003, emphasized that, in accordance with the principle of institutional autonomy, the primary responsibility for ensuring the quality of training rests with each institution of higher education.

In this regard, the Ukrainian higher education institutions are facing the problem of entering the world educational space according to international quality standards. However, there are challenges, one of which is related to the need for authoritative confirmation of the quality of the educational servi-

ces provided. A certain solution to this situation is the introduction and further certification of the quality management system of educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 90012008. In Western countries, the certificate of compliance with this standard is recognition that the education system management is based on the application of effective methods and tools to ensure the quality of educational services.

2. Competitiveness increase between higher education institutions in the educational services market. This statement is emphasized by two points:

• firstly, in the 1990s, in response to the growing demand for higher education, a large number of institutions, primarily private, were opened;

• secondly, according to the current demographic situation in Ukraine analysts predict that the number of places in the existing higher education institutions will become equal, and may even exceed the number of high school graduates. In this regard, the quality of specialist training is becoming one of the key factors for the competitiveness of higher education institutions.

3. Shift to a comprehensive assessment of the activities of higher education institutions, which combines the procedures of licensing, certification, state accreditation on the basis of the approved list of indicators of higher education institutions contains, in particular, indicators of the availability and efficiency of the internal quality management system functioning.

4. An effective quality management system allows to regulate the workflow at all stages of the educational process, to eliminate duplication of individual

functions, to clearly identify resources, the results of the educational process, to constantly improve the activities of the higher education institution based on the interests of recipients of educational services.

These circumstances led, firstly, to the expansion of higher education institutions in the areas of activity for the creation and implementation of internal quality management systems, built using different approaches. Therefore, the urgent task today is to develop a

unified approach by the state to the formation of a quality management system in a higher educational institution.

The purpose of establishing a quality management system for higher education institutions is to ensure that they have a competitive edge in the educational services market in accordance with the mission and national education quality policy.

Table 2 sets out the basic principles on which the quality management system of higher education institutions

Table 2

Principles of education quality management

Principle The meaning of the principle

Recipient-oriented education Higher education institutions should meet the needs of recipients of educational services (the state, employers, students) and other stakeholders and help ensure that the quality of these services meets their expectations

Responsibility of management The management of a higher education institution sets common goals and creates a mechanism for achieving them. The management creates an environment in which the scientific-pedagogical staff can be fully involved in the achievement of the educational institution's goals

Competence of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff Pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical composition at all levels is the educational institution activity, and its involvement in the quality management process allows the use of professional abilities for the benefit of the educational institution

Procedural approach An effective way to achieve results is to manage resources and activities as processes using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology [8]

A systematic approach to quality management Identifying, understanding and managing the system of interdependent processes in order to achieve quality goals contribute to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational institution

Quality monitoring The constant aim of the educational establishment is to constantly monitor quality

Decisions based on documented facts (information) Effective decisions are based on the analysis of facts and information, which implies the creation of an effective system for collecting and analyzing information about all aspects of the educational institution and its relations with the "external environment"

Mutually beneficial relations with parties The ability of the educational institution and its partners to create value is enhanced by mutually beneficial relationships

should be established, maintained, and continually improved. These principles are broadly in line with the basic principles of general quality management as outlined in the international standards of the ISO 9001 Series 2008 (ISO ISO 9001: 2008) [8].

The principles presented in Table 2 can be implemented according to different levels of quality management in higher education institutions.

In addition, the educational activity of a higher education institution is inherently a multi-structural system. Therefore, the quality of education should be determined by the quality of the entire set of processes. Based on this solution, the task of multicriteria assessment of the education quality becomes too complex a problem that requires the development of multilevel indicators. This is a priority of the state education policy. Currently, the evaluation of the quality of education is envisaged in two directions: external evaluation of the results of educational activities of the institution of higher education by stakeholders and internal evaluation, which is determined by the effectiveness of the internal quality assurance system [11].

International practice shows that the quality of education can be judged by certain indicators. The most common educational indicator systems are the Educational Indicators of the Council of Education of the European Union, Educational Indicators of the International Advisory Forum on Education for All, UNESCO Educational Indicators and more. Certain educational indicators are part of an integrated assessment of a country's social development across different monitoring

systems, including the so-called Human Development Index used in UN reports and World Development Indicators as defined by the World Bank.

Conclusion. The lack of a theoretical and methodological solution to the problem of the education quality management causes unresolved problems in the practical development of this issue. To the prospects of further exploration in this direction we include the conceptual justification of the education quality management process.

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