Научная статья на тему 'Features of professional development of physical training teachers in the conditions of post-graduate education'

Features of professional development of physical training teachers in the conditions of post-graduate education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Voitovska O.

The analyze of a scientific and educational literature was done in the article as to problems of professional development of physical training teachers of postgraduate education.It is given proper definition of concept «professional development of physical training teachers».It is indicated that in current conditions, the quality and level of preparation of physical training teachers does not fully satisfy the needs of the individual, society and state.A new Ukrainian society with its problems, require physical training teachers of innovative type, that combines spiritual and physical wealth, ability for creative collaboration that are intended to form, to develop and to bring up a new generation of Ukrainians.It is determined that the creation in the system of post-graduate education conditions for the actualization of teachers of physical training, the needs of forming motivation, values of orientations in their continuous professional development and to ensure organizational and methodological support and their movement to a high level of professional competence and professional self-realization of physical training teachers are important and actual tasks of post-graduate education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features of professional development of physical training teachers in the conditions of post-graduate education»

8. Петрович В. В., Петрович В. С. Гумашзащя позааудиторно! дiяльностi учшв / В. В. Петрович, В. С. Петрович // Гумашзащя та гумаштаризащя професшно! освгти: науково-методичний збiрник. - К.: 1СДО, 1996. - С. 118-121.

9. Резтченко О. М. Позааудиторна виховна робота у вищих технiчних закладах у другш половинi ХХ ст. та напрями становления нового поколшня спецiалiстiв / О. М. Резтченко // Проблеми iнженерно-педашriчно! освiти. - 2009. - № 24-25. - С. 461-466.

10. Уйамбаева Н. В. Змют, структура та особливосп оргатзацп позааудиторно! роботи майбутнього вчителя як складова його особистiсного самовдосконалення / Н. В. Уйсiмбаeва // Science and Education a New Dimension: Pedagogy and Psychology. III (36). Issue 74. - Budapest, 2015. - P. 69-71.


1. Vitvy'cz'ka S. S. Osnovy' pedagogiky' vy'shhoyi shkoly': Pidruchny'k za modul'no-rejty'ngovoyu sy'stemoyu navchannya dlya studentiv magistratury [Foundations of higher education: Textbook by module-rating system of training for graduate students], Kyiv, Centr navchalnoyi literatury, 2006, 384 p.

2. Gavry'lyuk O. Organizaciya pozaaudy'tornoyi vy'xovnoyi roboty' z formuvannya komunikaty'vnoyi kul'tury' majbutnix uchy'teliv (na materiali kursu «inozemna mova, profesijno spryamovana») [The organization of extracurricular educational work on formation of communicative culture of future teachers (based on the course "foreign language professionally-directed")], Proceedings of the National Academy of State border service of Ukraine, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 8385.

3. Kondrashova L. V. Vneauditornaja rabota po pedagogike v pedagogicheskom institute [Extracurricular work on pedagogy at the pedagogical Institute], Kyiv , Vysshaja shkola ,1988, 160 p.

4. Orlova O. Osoby'stisne samovdoskonalennya uchnya osnovnoyi shkoly': analiz kategorij ta ponyat'[Self-perfection of the pupil of the basic school: the analysis of categories and concepts], Zbirnyk naukovyx pracz Umanskogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universytetu, 2013, Vol.1, pp. 188-196.

5. Pedagogika vy'shhoyi shkoly': navch. posib. [Higher school pedagogics: textbook. manual.], Z. N. Kurlyand, R. I. Xmelyuk, A. V. Semenova ta in.; za red. Z. N. Kurlyand., Kyiv, Znannya, 2007, 495 p.

6. Pedagogichny'j slovny'k [Pedagogical dictionary], za red. M. D. Yarmachenka, Kyiv, Ped. Dumka, 2001, 167 p.

7. Petry'chenko L. O. Pidgotovka majbutn'ogo vchy'telya pochatkovoyi shkoly' do innovacijnoyi diyal'nosti v pozaaudy'tornij roboti: avtoref. dy's. ... kand. ped. nauk [The training of future primary school teachers to innovative activity at extracurricular work], Kirovograd, 2007, 20 p.

8. Petrovy'ch V. S., Petrovy'ch V. V. Gumanizaciya pozaaudy'tornoyi diyal'nosti uchniv [Humanization of extracurricular activities of students], Gumanizaciya ta gumanitaryzaciya profesijnoyi osvity: naukovo-metod. zb., Kyiv, ISDO, 1996, pp. 118-121.

9. Reznichenko O. M. Pozaaudy'torna vy'xovna robota u vy'shhy'x texnichny'x zakladax u drugij polovy'ni XX st.. ta napryamy' stanovlennya novogo pokolinnya specialistiv [Extracurricular educational work in higher technical institutions in the second half of XX cent. and directions of formation of new generation of experts], Probl. Inzh.-ped. osvity, 2009, Vol. 24-25, pp. 461-466.

10. Ujsimbayeva N. V. Zmist, struktura ta osobly'vosti organizaciyi pozaaudy'tornoyi roboty' majbutn'ogo vchy'telya yak skladova jogo osoby'stisnogo samovdoskonalennya [The content, structure and peculiarities of organization of independent work of future teachers as a component of personal self-perfection], Science and Education a New Dimension: Pedagogy and Psychology, Vol. 36, Issue 74, 2015, pp. 69-71.

УДК 37.015.31:374:7:796.071.4


[email protected] PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor, Drahomanov National Pedagogical University


The analyze of a scientific and educational literature was done in the article as to problems of professional development of physical training teachers of postgraduate education.It is given proper definition of concept «professional development of physical training teachers».It is indicated that in current conditions, the quality and level of preparation of physical training teachers does not fully satisfy the needs of the individual, society and state.A new Ukrainian society with its problems, require physical training teachers of innovative type, that combines spiritual and physical wealth, ability for creative collaboration that are intended to form, to develop and to bring up a new generation of

Ukrainians.lt is determined that the creation in the system of post-graduate education conditions for the actualization of teachers of physical training, the needs offorming motivation, values of orientations in their continuous professional development and to ensure organizational and methodological support and their movement to a high level of professional competence and professional self-realization of physical training teachers are important and actual tasks of post-graduate education.

Keywords: professional development, teachers of physical training, adult education, postgraduate education.


[email protected] кандидат педагоггчних наук, доцент, Нацгональний педагоггчний унгверситет ¡м. М. П. Драгоманова


Здшснено аналгз науково-педагог1чно1 лгтератури щодо проблеми професшного розвитку учителгв ф1зично'1 культури в умовах п1слядипломно'1 педагог1чно'1 освгти. Дано власне визначення поняття «професшний розвиток учителгв ф1зично'1 культури». Зазначено, що в сучасних умовах, ятсть i ргвень пгдготовки вчителгв ф1зично'1 культури не в повнш м1р1 задовольняють потреби особистостi, суспiльства i держави. Новому украшському суспiльству з його проблемами, потрiбнi вчителi фiзичноi культури iнновацiйного типу, що поеднують в собi духовне i фiзичне багатство, здатнiсть до творчо'1' спiвпрацi, як покликан утворювати, розвивати i виховувати новi поколiння украшщв. Визначено, що створення у системi пiслядипломноi освiти умов для актуалiзацii у вчителiв фiзичноi культури потреби формування мотиваци, цiннiсних орiентацiй, у 1'х неперервному професшному розвитку, та забезпечення органiзацiйно-методичного супроводу 1'х руху до високого рiвня професiйноi компетентностi та у професшнш самореалiзацii вчителiв фiзично'i культури е важливими й актуальними завданнями пiслядипломноi педагогiчно'i освiти.

Ключовi слова: професшний розвиток, учителi фiзичноi культури, освiта дорослих, пiслядипломна педагогiчна освiта.


[email protected] кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Национальный педагогический университет им. М. П. Драгоманова


Проведен анализ научно-педагогической литературы по проблеме профессионального развития учителей физической культуры в условиях последипломного педагогического образования. Дано собственное определение понятия «профессиональное развитие учителей физической культуры ».Указано, что в современных условиях, качество и уровень подготовки учителей физической культуры не в полной мере удовлетворить потребности личности, общества и государства. Новому украинскому обществу с его проблемами, нужны учителя физической культуры, инновационного типа, которые объединяют в себе духовное и физическое богатство, способность к творческому сотрудничеству, которые призваны формировать, развивать и воспитывать новые поколения украинцев.Отмечено, что создание в системе последипломного образования условий для актуализации у учителей физической культуры потребности формирования мотивации, ценностных ориентаций, в их непрерывном профессиональном развитии и обеспечении организационно- методического сопровождения их движения к более высокому уровню профессиональной компетентности и в профессиональной самореализации, являются важными задачами последипломного педагогического образования.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное развитие, учителя физической культуры, образование взрослых, последипломное образование.

Among the priorities of the state policy regarding the development of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education in the context of European integration of Ukraine, the problems of the continuous improvement of the quality of education, modernizing of its content and organization of educational process, implementation of educational innovative technologies are defined.

The theoretical model of «innovative person» tested in the world is taken for a benchmark. Innovative person is a person capable of work creatively, able to be competitive in modern conditions.

Accordingly, the teaching process should be directed towards the individualization of educational interaction, forming of the creative thinking of learners.

The main aim of postgraduate pedagogical education is meeting the educational and professional needs, professional development and professional enhancement of its professional status, ensuring that postgraduate's skills correspond to the changing conditions of professional work and social environment. In modern conditions, the quality and level of the training of physical education teachers do not fully correspond to the needs of the individual, the society and the state.

New Ukrainian society, with its problems, requires physical education teachers of a new type, who combine spiritual and physical wealth, ability for creative collaboration, capable of teaching and upbringing a new generation of Ukrainians.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Basic aspects of adult education were studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including N. B. Abashkina, S. G. Vershlovskyy, L. P. Vovk,

0. V. Gluzman, P. V. Gornostaev, O. V. Darynskyy, E. I. Dobrynskaya, S. I. Zmiyov, I. A. Zyazyun, V. I. Lugovoi, A. O. Lihotskyy, L. M. Lyesohina, V. K. Majboroda, N. G. Nychkalo, O. I. Ogienko,

1. V. Onushkin, N. G. Protasova, T. D. Shapochnykova, S. A. Sysoieva, M. Knowles, P. Jarvis, R. M. Smith, etc.

Scientists developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education (E. S. Vilchkovskyy, N. F. Denisenko, A. D. Dubogay, T. U. Krutsevych, O. C. Kutz etc.); it is considered the training of future specialists of physical culture and sport in the education degree system (E. A. Zakharina, L. V. Denisova, Y. O. Lyannoy, V. G. Omelyanenko, etc.).

Currently, scientists are actively investigating the problems of the professional training of physical education and sport teachers, new approaches to the development and improvement of physical education in Ukraine (O. U. Azhyppo, N. A. Belikov, P. B. Dzhurinsky, L. O. Deminska, M. V. Dutchak, E. A. Zakharina, A. P. Konoh, R. V. Klopov, O. C. Kutz, L. P. Sushchenko, A. V. Timoshenko, U. M. Shkryeptyy, etc.) and other countries (V. U. Ahyeyevyets, V. K. Balsevich, A. G. Barabanov, L. E Varfolomeyeva, B. I. Grigoriev, S. P. Evseev, S. D. Zheleznyak, V. F. Kostyuchenko, L. B. Kofman, V. V. Kuzin, V. A. Mahin, V. I. Maslov, L. I. Lubysheva, A. P. Matveev, G. H. Ponomarev, G. A. Stepanova, R. A. Cooper, R. Davis, G. Gehlsen, J. Wilkerson, etc.) are being developed.

The aim of the article is to analyze a scientific and educational literature in respect of the features of the professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education, to give a definition of «professional development of physical education teachers».

Today in Ukraine the new science of adult education is developing - andragogics (adult education), but practically adult education is based on traditional pedagogical principles, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of training. Postgraduate pedagogical education at the present stage of development is characterized by the diversity of organizational structures, content, forms and methods of adult education, due to the specific features of historical development, national traditions and priorities of the educational needs of future professionals.

However, the formed system is significantly affected by external factors: globalization of society, internationalization of education, the activities of international organizations that accumulate progressive pedagogical ideas and put forward immediate demands in respect of improvements. So is the formation of the common trends of adult education in the world educational space, that largely determines the directions of further reforming the national system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

As a positive factor, it should be noted, that the system of adult education in our country solves the following questions: in human design, this system develops rich human resources, the cultural level and human creativity; in socio-economic design due to adult education there is an alignment of social inequalities, efficiency of labor, professional mobility, job opportunities are increased. In this regard the communication system facilitates communication, including representatives of other cultures.

In communicative plan, adult education provides support and enrichment of social role and status of professional competence of the person, increases cultural training, helps to fulfill the individual in society, harmonizing the interests of the human and the society.

As the V. G. Kremen notes, «multidimensional functions and tasks of postgraduate education, which are implemented by the respective schools, are actualizing the necessity of the definition of conceptual foundations of the continuous professional development of citizens, constant renewal of objectives, content and learning concerning the needs of economic and social development of Ukraine, establishment of the democratic society» [2, p. 372].

It should be noted that postgraduate pedagogical education provides opportunities for the professional development of specialists, including teachers of physical education. The elements of the structure of postgraduate pedagogical education include: training professionals to obtain new teaching profession, related teaching profession, qualification according to the specific functional activities, further education, postgraduate, doctorate, self-education.

A teacher of physical education plays a key role in the realization of the social aims and tasks of physical education. A competent modern teacher of physical education should possess not only knowledge and skills in the professional sphere, but also promote healthy lifestyles, raises the motivation of children and adolescents to an active way of life and to different kinds of sport, motivation to be a creative personality, and to be receptive to educational innovation.

The work of a teacher of physical education should be based not only on knowledge, but also on specific professional pedagogical abilities skills. These include movement and teaching skills. Movement skills include techniques of exercising, and teaching skills - ability to teach students, plan physical education, organize physical training work.

A teacher of physical education in modern secondary schools, as B. M. Shiyan indicates «helps to solve the following main objectives in the system of scientific and technical work deepening of philosophical and pedagogical knowledge that facilitate to the development and renewal of Ukrainian secondary school; increase the level of theoretical and psycho-pedagogical training; organization of the study of new educational programs; ccurricula, educational state standards; systematic study, synthesis and dissemination of best teaching experience, the introduction of science teaching; enrichment of new pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of training and education; the common organization of the research teams that bring together researchers, educators, students and scientists; increasing the general level of professional pedagogical culture, helping for developing skills and personality traits necessary for a modern teacher » [8, p. 372]. Thus, the professional activities of teachers of physical education are based on comprehensive health study, education, educational tasks in the context of physical, mental, spiritual and social health

On the faculty of retraining and advanced training at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, the system of the retraining of specialists in physical education and sport involves studies the range of disciplines of professional, practical and science subject training.

Among the range of disciplines of science subject training, an important place is occupied by such subjects as «Morphofunctional and metabolic bases of physical education and sport» and «Biomedical bases of physical education and sport», which have great practical importance because they bring knowledge and skills of structure and functions of the human body, basic patterns that occur in the body during exercise and others. Academic discipline «Pedagogy» refers to the cycle of disciplines of psycho-pedagogical training. In the process of «Pedagogy» study future professionals get knowledge and skills about the principles, means, methods and forms of education in school, because physical education teacher is teaching students.

Today we believe, that the crucial issue is the rehabilitation of the young generation. Thus, the development and implementation in the learning process of training specialists in specialty «Physical culture» on course «Modern health technology» are important and necessary for comprehensive professional development of teachers of physical training in postgraduate pedagogical education.

During the professional retraining of physical education teachers it is important to form the motivation and value attitude of specialists to their future careers, personal self-improvement and self-development during the sessions and in the inter-session period.

The founder of adult education's science is M. Knowles, who noted in his researches that andragogics is the art and science of helping adults, who study, which should be applied differentially to different adults according to the situation [3, p. 245]. While training adults it is important to adhere

andragogical education principles which are different from the principles of student's training: a priority of self-study; the principle of joint activities; the principle of relying on experience; individualization of study; systematic training; context training; principle of mainstreaming learning outcomes; principle of training; the principle of educational needs; principle of mindfulness training. These principles have been formulated by S. I. Zmiyev [11, p. 161].

Among existing innovative pedagogical technologies active learning methods for adult learning are often used. The most famous of them are:

1) «brainstorming» is intended for discussion of issues in groups (the most important rule of collective mental activity is delayed evaluation of hypothesis, the lack of criticism during the production of ideas by participants of «brainstorm»);

2) simulation training (a game that allows to simulate the learning process);

3) role-playing game (modeling relationships in the team, and the role defines the rights and obligations of participants of the game, giving them psychological characteristics and thus protects the student from further criticism the results of analysis);

4) the problem solving lectures and seminars which students activity cognitive ;

5) analysis of specific professional situations or solving situational problems.

According to psychological theory of L. S. Vygotskyi and others, content of social experience is not absorbed by the transmission of information to person, but in the process of its own activity, aimed on items and phenomena of the world [10, p. 37].

While studying at the faculty of retraining and advanced training of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, physical education teachers acquire new knowledge for professional work and include in another activity - training. Two types of professional and training of activities have the same psychological structure.

For our research is important to consider the definition of «development».

In Philosophical dictionary the term «development» is defined as «irreversible, directed, regular change of material and ideal objects» [5, p. 537]. «Not every change is development; only the simultaneous presence of all the above listed properties (irreversibility, focus, pattern) identifies development among other changes» [5, p. 537].

N. G. Protasova points out that «the basis of modern leading ideas of postgraduate education should be in the holistic development and enrichment of the total culture of the teacher, that includes both professional and personal qualities of the specialists, needs, interests, opportunities to adapt and to be effective in dynamic present conditions» [6, p. 161].

As pointed L. E. Sigayeva «basis of postgraduate education is the concept of professional development, the essence of which is the continuous professional development, adequate professional and socio-economic conditions» [8, p. 255]. Academic notes that «teacher training is not limiting to the certain educational institution, and continues throughout the teachers professional activity» [8, p. 256].

B. H. Vaynola defines «professional development of the individual as a continuous, dynamic process involving to the profession, professional realization and self-actualization, which is based on the objective conditions of professional activity, during which there is qualitative improvement of the individual as subject-specific representative of the profession» [9, p. 17].

Professional development and development of teachers professional teacher's competence, said M. Morozova, «should be understood as a purposeful process of qualitative changes in professional knowledge, skills, motivation, professional and personal qualities of the teacher» [4, p. 7].

As M. G. Chobitko points out «professional and personal development of future specialist depends on «features of developmental space, including interpersonal (listener-listener, listener-lecturer), cooperative (common activity), technological (teaching and research activities) axiological (values, reflection, self-evaluation) relations» [1, p. 48].

In our research, «professional development of physical education teachers» is regarded as purposeful, continuous, dynamic process of integral personality changes associated with updating its positive forces of growth, development of creativity and forming a system of knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities and values orientation of the individual in terms of postgraduate pedagogical education are necessary for effective professional and self-identity. As a result of the professional development of future professionals can be achieved. A high level of professional competence should be developed throughout life.

Thus, the creation of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education conditions for the actualization of physical education teachers based on continuous professional, self-development, self-fulfillment and professional organizational methods to ensure their support for the self-movement of individual educational trajectory. It is one of the most important and actual tasks of adult education.

Analysis of scientific works showed the absence of clear theoretical and methodological approaches, a consensus of experts on professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education, which does not fully reflect as a whole educational system and demonstrates the needs of further development of this issue in theoretical, methodological and practical levels.

The effectiveness of the professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education depends largely on overcoming the contradictions that appear between the objective needs of society in qualified physical education teachers and insufficient development of content, forms and methods of professional development in a postgraduate teacher education; changes in the content of theoretical and practical training physical education teachers and insufficient formation of their professional development in the postgraduate education; lack of theoretical and practical development of pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the process of teachers professional development in postgraduate education and modern requirements to their training.

Resolving these contradictions requires rethinking the purpose, functions and tasks of the professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education, in accordance with modern requirements.

Conclusions. Therefore, we have analyzed the scientific and educational literature in respect of the features of the professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education. Based on the analysis of scientific and educational literature, it was given the definition to «professional development of physical education teachers».

It is determined that the creation of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education conditions for the actualization of physical education teachers need to increase motivation, values in their continuous professional development and providing organizational and methodological support in their movement to high level of professional competence and professional self-realization.

Prospects of further researches are seen in the development and implementation of the learning process of training specialists in specialty «Physical education» of special course «Modern health technology» which is relevant and necessary for comprehensive professional development of physical education teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

9. Vajnola R. H. Pedagogichni zasady osobystisnogo rozvytku majbutn'ogo social'nogo pedagoga v procesi profesijnoi' pidgotovky [Pedagogical principles of personal development of the future social teacher in the course of training]: avtoref. dys... doktora ped. nauk: 13.00.04 / Vajnola Renate Hejkii'vna ; Nacional'nyj pedagogichnyj universytet imeni M. P. Dragomanova. - K., 2009. - 46 s.

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Схщноевропейсъкий нащоналъний ушверситет iM. Леи Украшки


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