Научная статья на тему 'Characteristic features of introduction of inclusive educati on in Ukraine'

Characteristic features of introduction of inclusive educati on in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
inclusive education / reformation of the educational system / pedagogical workers / psychological and pedagogical support of the child / correction of psychophysical development / adult education / інклюзивна освіта / реформування системи освіти / педаго- гічні працівники / психолого-педагогічний супровід дитини / корекція психо- фізичного розвитку / навчання дорослих

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kukharchuk Petro Mykhailovych, Kovrigina Liliya Mikhailovna, Kalinin Vadim Oleksandrovych

In this article an attempt to analyze the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine is made. The reform of the education system, providing equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is highlighted. The peculiarities of the inclusive form of education in modern Ukrainian school are revealed, which include the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development, to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child. The implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” on reforming the education system, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is characterized. The actual significance of the inclusive form of education in the modern Ukrainian school is revealed, which implies the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child. A shift of emphasis of the state’s social policy concerning disabled people towards the formation of public consciousness regarding their perception as equal members of society and the need to create conditions for those citizens to live life to the full, including education, is highlighted. Legally recognized the right of children with special educational needs to study in educational institutions at their place of residence. The issue of the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the children’s collective as soon as possible, starting from preschool age, is described. Within the education of adults the use of non-traditional forms and methods of work is described, which proved its efficiency and effectiveness. While preparing future pedagogical staff, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and other institutions involved in further training should include inclusive subjects in educational programs and educate psychologists and professionals to work with children with special educational needs. It is necessary to provide them with knowledge of special and social pedagogy, as well as tools and models of alternative learning with the use of workshop (an intensive educational activity in which adults learn through their own activities).

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Зроблено спробу аналізу запровадження інклюзивної освіти в Україні. Висвітлено реформування системи освіти, забезпечення рівного доступу до якісної освіти всіх дітей, включаючи дітей з особливими освітніми потребами. Розкрито особливості інклюзивної форми навчання в сучасній українській школі, що передбачає дитині, яка потребує корекції психофізичного розвитку, право відвідувати загальноосвітні заклад і готовності педагогічних працівників до психолого-педагогічного супроводу дитини. Схарактеризовано імплементацію Закону України “Про освіту” щодо реформування системи освіти, забезпечення рівного доступу до якісної освіти всіх дітей, включаючи дітей з особливими освітніми потребами. Розкрито актуальне значення інклюзивної форми навчання в сучасній українській школі якою передбачено для дитини, яка потребує корекції психофізичного розвитку, право відвідувати загальноосвітні заклади і готовності педагогічних працівників до психолого-педагогічного супроводу дитини. Висвітлено зміщення акцентів соціальної політики держави стосовно людей з інвалідністю у бік формування суспільної свідомості щодо сприйняття їх як рівних членів суспільства та необхідності створення для цих громадян умов для повноцінного життя, в тому числі здобуття освіти. Законодавчо визнано право дітей з особливими освітніми потребами на навчання в освітніх закладах за місцем проживання. Розкрито питання включення дітей з особливими освітніми потребами в дитячий колектив якомога раніше, починаючи з дошкільного віку. Схарактеризовано використання нетрадиційних форм і методів роботи, що на практиці довели свою ефективність та результативність в освіті дорослих. Готуючи майбутніх педагогічних працівників, інститути післядипломної педагогічної освіти та інші установи, які займаються підвищенням кваліфікації, мають включати в освітні програми інклюзивну тематику та формувати у педагогів психологічну та професійну готовність до роботи з дітьми з особливими освітніми потребами. Необхідно надати їм знання зі спеціальної та соціальної педагогіки, забезпечити інструментарієм та моделями альтернативного навчання, використовуючи воркшоп (інтенсивний навчальний захід, під час якого дорослі навчаються через власну активність).

Текст научной работы на тему «Characteristic features of introduction of inclusive educati on in Ukraine»

UDC 351.851.352:373.5.016: 37.091.214-053.5-056.24

Kukharchuk Petro Mykhailovych,

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Municipal Institution "Zhytomyr Regional InService Teacher Training Institute" of Zhytomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhytomyr, Str. Mikhaylivska, 15, room 14, tel.: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Кухарчук Петро Михайлович, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, професор кафедри сустльно-гу-маттарних дисциплт, Комунальний заклад "Житомирський обласний iнститут пiслядипломноï педагогiчноï освти" Жи-томирсь^ обласноï ради, 10014, м. Житомир, вул. Михайл1вська, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: kpmkpma@ gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Кухарчук Петр Михайлович,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, профессор кафедры общественно-гуманитарных дисциплин, Коммунальное учреждение "Житомирский областной институт последипломного педагогического образования" Житомирского областного совета, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 14, тел: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Kovrigina Liliya Mikhailovna,

candidate of philological sciences, head of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines Communal institution "Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" Zhytomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhytomyr, Str. Mikhailivska, 15, room. 14, tel.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211

Ковртна ЛШя Muxa^ieHa,

кандидат фiлологiчних наук, завгдувач кафедри суспшьно-гуматтарних дисциплт Комунальний заклад "Житомирський обласний iнститут пiслядипломноï педагогiчноï освти"Житомирськоï обласноïради, 10014, м. Житомир, вул. Михай^1вська, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211

Ковригина Лилия Михайловна,

кандидат филологических наук, заведующий кафедрой общественно-гуманитарных дисциплин Коммунальное учреждение "Житомирский областной институт последипломного педагогического образования" Житомирского областного совета, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211

Kalinin Vadim Oleksandrovych,

PhD in Philological science (theory and methods of professional education), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Innovations, Municipal Institution "Zhytomyr Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute" of Zhytomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhytomyr, Str. Mikhaylivs-ka, 15, room 20, tel.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482

Калтт Вадим Олександрович,

кандидат педагог1чних наук, доцент, зав1дувач лаборатори упровадження освттх т-новацй Комунальний заклад "Житомирський обласний iнститут тслядипломног пе-дагоггчног освти"Житомирськог обласног ради, 10014, м. Житомир, вул. Михайлiвська, 15, к. 20, тел.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482

Калинин Вадим Александрович,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий лабораторией внедрения образовательных инноваций Коммунальное учреждение "Житомирский областной институт последипломного педагогического образования" Житомирского областного совета, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 20, тел.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-120-135


Abstract. In this article an attempt to analyze the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine is made. The reform of the education system, providing equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is highlighted. The peculiarities of the inclusive form of education in modern Ukrainian school are revealed, which include the right of a child who

needs correction of psychophysical development, to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child.

The implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" on reforming the education system, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is characterized. The actual significance of the inclusive form of education in the modern Ukrainian school is revealed, which implies the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child.

A shift of emphasis of the state's social policy concerning disabled people towards the formation of public consciousness regarding their perception as equal members of society and the need to create conditions for those citizens to live life to the full, including education, is highlighted. Legally recognized the right of children with special educational needs to study in educational institutions at their place of residence.

The issue of the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the children's collective as soon as possible, starting from preschool age, is described.

Within the education of adults the use of non-traditional forms and methods of work is described, which proved its efficiency and effectiveness. While preparing future pedagogical staff, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and other institutions involved in further training should include inclusive subjects in educational programs and educate psychologists and professionals to work with children with special educational needs. It is necessary to provide them with knowledge of special and social pedagogy, as well as tools and models of alternative learning with the use of workshop (an intensive educational activity in which adults learn through their own activities).

Keywords: inclusive education, reformation of the educational system, pedagogical workers, psychological and pedagogical support of the child, correction of psychophysical development, adult education.



Анотащя. Зроблено спробу аналiзу запровадження шклюзивно! освгти в Укра!ш. Висв^лено реформування сисгеми осв™, забезпечення piBHoro доступу до яюсно! осв™ вах ддай, включаючи дтей з особливими осв^шми погребами. Розкриго особливосп шклюзивно! форми навчання в сучаснш украшськш школ^ що передбачае дитиш, яка потребуе корекци психoфiзич-ного розвитку, право вщвщувати загальноосв^ш заклад i готовносп педаго-пчних пращвниюв до психолого-педагопчного супроводу дитини.

Схарактеризовано iмплеменгацiю Закону Украши "Про осв^у" щодо реформування системи осв™, забезпечення piвнoгo доступу до якюно! oсвiги всiх дiгей, включаючи дггей з особливими oсвiгнiми потребами. Розкрито ак-туальне значення шклюзивно! форми навчання в сучаснш украшськш школ^

якою передбачено для дитини, яка потребуе корекци психофiзичного розвит-ку, право вiдвiдувати загальноосвiтнi заклади i готовности педагогiчних пра-цiвникiв до психолого-педагопчного супроводу дитини.

Висвiтлено змiщення акценпв сощально! полiтики держави стосовно людей з швалщшстю у бш формування сустльно! свiдомостi щодо сприйняття 1х як рiвних членiв сустльства та необхiдностi створення для цих громадян умов для повнощнного життя, в тому чи^ здобуття осв™. Законодавчо ви-знано право дтей з особливими освiтнiми потребами на навчання в осв^шх закладах за мюцем проживання.

Розкрито питання включення дiтей з особливими освiтнiми потребами в дитячий колектив якомога рашше, починаючи з дошкiльного вiку.

Схарактеризовано використання нетрадицшних форм i методiв роботи, що на практицi довели свою ефектившсть та результативнiсть в освт дорос-лих. Готуючи майбутшх педагогiчних працiвникiв, iнститути шслядипломно! педагопчно! освiти та iншi установи, яю займаються пiдвищенням квалiфiка-ци, мають включати в освiтнi програми шклюзивну тематику та формувати у педагопв психологiчну та професiйну готовнiсть до роботи з д^ьми з особливими осв^шми потребами. Необхiдно надати 1м знання зi спещально! та со-щально! педагогiки, забезпечити iнструментарiем та моделями альтернативного навчання, використовуючи воркшоп (iнтенсивний навчальний захщ, пiд час якого дорослi навчаються через власну активнiсть).

Ключовi слова: шклюзивна освiта, реформування системи осв™, педаго-гiчнi працiвники, психолого-педагогiчний супровщ дитини, корекцiя психо-фiзичного розвитку, навчання дорослих.



Аннотация. Предпринята попытка анализа внедрения инклюзивного образования в Украине. Освещены вопросы реформирования системы образования, обеспечения равного доступа к качественному образованию всех детей, включая детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. Раскрыты особенности инклюзивной формы обучения в современной украинской школе, предусматривающий ребенку, который нуждается в коррекции психофизического развития, право посещать общеобразовательные заведение и готовности педагогов к психолого-педагогического сопровождения ребенка.

Охарактеризована имплементация Закона Украины "Об образовании" по реформированию системы образования, обеспечения равного доступа к качественному образованию всех детей, включая детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. Раскрыто актуальное значение инклюзивной формы обучения в современной украинской школе, предусматривающей для ребенка, который нуждается в коррекции психофизического развития, право посещать общеобразовательные заведение и готовности педагогов к психолого-педагогического сопровождения ребенка.

Освещены смещение акцентов социальной политики государства в отношении людей с инвалидностью инвалидов в сторону формирования общественного сознания относительно восприятия их как равных членов общества и необходимость создания для этих граждан условий для полноценной жизни, в том числе получения образования. Законодательно признано право детей с особыми образовательными потребностями на обучение в образовательных учреждениях по месту жительства.

Раскрыты вопросы включения детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в детский коллектив как можно раньше, начиная с дошкольного возраста.

Охарактеризовано использование нетрадиционных форм и методов работы, которые на практике доказали свою эффективность и результативность в образовании взрослых. Готовя будущих педагогов, институты последипломного педагогического образования и другие учреждения, которые занимаются повышением квалификации, должны включать в образовательные программы инклюзивную тематику и формировать у педагогов психологическую и профессиональную готовность к работе с детьми с особыми образовательными потребностями. Необходимо предоставить им знания по специальной и социальной педагогике, обеспечить инструментарием и моделями альтернативного обучения, используя воркшоп (интенсивное учебное мероприятие, во время которого взрослые учатся посредством собственной активности).

Ключевые слова: инклюзивное образование, реформирование системы образования, педагогические работники, психолого-педагогическое сопровождение ребенка, коррекция психофизического развития, обучение взрослых.

Problem statement. The rights of the child at the level of all members of society "without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status" [1]. Article 20 of the law of Ukraine "On education" defines the mechanisms for the implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, where educational institutions form inclusive and/or special groups and classes for the training of persons with special educational needs. In the case of application of a person with special educational needs or the child's parents, such a group or class is formed obligatory. Educational institu-

tions with special and inclusive groups and classes create conditions for training persons with special educational needs according to the individual development program and taking into account their individual needs and opportunities. Persons with physical, mental, intellectual and sensory disabilities are provided with educational assistance [2].

At the present stage in the education system of Ukraine there are hidden unspoken forms of discrimination on the above grounds, which for decades have become such a social norm that went beyond the awareness of members of society. This is especially true for children

with special educational needs, who have long been isolated from society, studying in special residential institutions or in an individual form of education.

The implementation of article 20 of the law of Ukraine "On education" provides for the reform of the education system, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs. An inclusive form of education in a modern Ukrainian school, which implies a child who needs correction of psychophysical development, the right to attend educational institutions and the readiness of teaching staff to psychological and pedagogical support of the child, is of great importance.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problems of inclusive education in recent years have been the focus of many works of domestic and foreign scientists (A. Dyson, A. Millward, C. Clarke, D. Mitchell, S. Robson,T. Loreman, L. Danylenko, A. Kolupaieva, N. Kupustin, Yu. Naida, N. Svarnyk, N. Sofii, P. Trohanis, S. Yus-fin, E. Yamburg, E. Andreeva, V. Bond-ar, T. Iliashenko, A. Kolupaieva, N. Sa-bat, Ye. Yarska-Smirnova, O. Akimova, T. Sak, L. Savchuk, L. Priadko, etc.

Works among the research studies that have investigated the formation of readiness for work in inclusive educational space (I. Sadova, V. Sulym, I. Demchenko, E. Danilavichute). However, in our opinion, there is a search for inclusion studies related to the problems of children with special educational needs in the modern education system, training of teachers for holistic psychological and pedagogical support of the child.

The purpose of the article is to highlight and substantiate the problems of ensuring the right to quality education of children with special educational needs and the prospects of their solution in the modern Ukrainian school.

Presentation of the main material. The change of the educational paradigm to the humanistic model — "education for all, school for all", which is based on the concept of a holistic approach, opens the way to the realization of the rights and opportunities of each person and, above all, it is assumed equal access of children with special needs to quality education.

The shift in the emphasis of the state's social policy towards the formation of public consciousness regarding the perception of persons with disabilities as equal members of society and the need to create conditions for these citizens to live a full life, including education. The right of children with special educational needs to study in educational institutions at the place of residence is legally recognized.

In September 2017, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted amendments № 6437 "On amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On education" concerning the peculiarities of access to educational services for persons with special educational needs".

Now children with special educational needs, along with other forms of education (special, individual), can learn in an inclusive way along with healthy peers, not looking up from their natural environment. Parents have the right to choose an educational institution for their child. A child with special educational needs is enrolled to an inclusive class on the basis of the par-

ents' application and the conclusion of the specialists of the inclusive resource center. The school should ensure that appropriate conditions are created for each child to fully implement his or her potential, including children with special educational needs.

In the center of the "inclusive" school there is a child, regardless of health, physical or mental abilities, social status, family and the like. The education system adapts to the needs of any child. Adaptation takes place at the level of the physical environment, educational programs, teaching methods, implementation of an individual approach to each child, the use of personality-oriented technologies, differentiated teaching, etc. A child with special educational needs is trained under the condition of psychological and pedagogical support, which is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of specialists (teachers, psychologists, social and correctional teachers, parents, etc.).

The state promotes support for children with special educational needs by providing a Subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 14, 2017 № 88) [3]. The procedure and conditions determine the mechanism for granting subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs (hereinaftersubvention). The main manager of the subvention is the MOH. Subvention managers for local budgets are structural units on education and science, local executive authorities and local

self-government bodies, which are determined by the decision of the relevant local Council on such a budget in accordance with the legislation.

The subvention is aimed at providing state support to persons with special educational needs who study in special and inclusive classes of general secondary education institutions (except boarding schools, special schools (boarding schools), sanatorium schools (boarding schools) and educational and rehabilitation centers), namely children who are blind and with low vision, deaf and impaired hearing, with severe speech disorders, mental retardation, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with intellectual development disorders, with complex developmental disorders (including autism spectrum disorders).

The following expenses shall be paid at the expense of the subvention:

• carrying out (rendering) additional remedial and developmental classes (services), certain individual development program for students in inclusive classes and the working curriculum (individual education plan student) for students in special classes;

• acquisition of special means of correction of psychophysical development, which enable the child to master the curriculum. No more than 35 % of the total expenditure for each child of the relevant general secondary education institution, which needs state support, is used to purchase these funds. If the institution has several children with special educational needs with the same nosology, if necessary, it is possible to purchase special means of correction of psychophysical development for general use. The model list of special

means of correction of psychophysical development of children with special educational needs is approved by the order of the Ministry of education and science and posted on the official website of the Ministry.

In 2018, the subvention in the amount of UAH 100 000 thousand is sent to equip the offices of the inclusive resource centers to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with special educational needs (purchase of methodological, educational and software, items, materials and equipment, including long-term use) in accordance with the requirements approved by the Ministry of education and science[3].

According the order of MOH of Ukraine dated 01.02.2018 № 90 a position of the assistant teacher of an inclusive class was stipulated. In schools with education of children with special educational is necessary special classes for the learning process and conduct correctional and developing lessons, specific curriculum, introduced the post of teachers-speech pathologists (teachers, speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, teachers for the blind), other professionals with relevant training are provided.

In schools with education of children with special educational is necessary special classes for the learning process and conduct correctional and developing lessons, specific curriculum, introduced the post of teachers-speech pathologists (teachers, speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, teachers for the blind), other professionals are provided under load of at least 9 hours per week on the basis of norms at the rate of 18 hours per week) [4].

Teacher's assistant is introduced in schools where inclusive education is introduced to work with students with special educational needs at the rate of 1 rate per class in which such children study .In this way, mechanisms are introduced to fully ensure the rights of children with special educational needs to receive quality education at the place of residence.

At first we need to state a number of problems related to inclusive education, which lead to the fact that the inclusive processes in Ukraine is perceived negatively, even hostile by many people. This applies both to the children's group, which houses a student with special educational needs, parents of such students, and parents of healthy children, as well as teachers and the public at large.

The creation of a favorable climate in the school environment is a necessary condition for the success of the inclusion of a child with special educational needs in the environment of healthy peers, which means the acceptance and understanding of the child, the recognition of child as an equal member of the children's team. Only under such conditions a child with special educational needs will feel comfortable and will be able to learn. Unfortunately, there are often situations in educational institutions where a child with developmental disabilities is not accepted by peers. Without a doubt, this is an individual problem, which concerns the level of education of students, their tolerance, respect for other people (not only to people with disabilities, as well as elderly people, parents, animals, etc.). In modern reality, when the urgent need of the education system raises the prob-

lem of the formation of students' general cultural competence, which involves both the assimilation of the cultural historical experience of the Ukrainian people, and the formation of moral qualities (kindness, mercy, compassion, tolerance and the like), in connection with the loss of such qualities of today's young generation, who live mainly in the virtual world of illusions, formed by computer games, the Internet, television, education next to children who need protection and assistance, will create a real environment for the formation of such qualities, which will ultimately be beneficial for children with special educational needs and for their healthy peers.

In foreign and domestic science in recent years, there is a question of including children with special educational needs in the children's team as early as possible, starting from preschool age. Being all together in kindergarten, children of 3-6 years do not quite understand the difference between them, but they get used to each other, learn to live side by side, finding ways of interaction and mutual understanding. From an early age they begin to understand the hardships faced by people who have development problems, become sensitive to the needs of others, tolerant of human differences, learn to support each other, to interact positively. Coming to school, they already have certain social skills, formed in a diverse children's team, so the perception of children with special educational needs will not cause any problems. In school, this process will continue into adulthood as children with special educational needs, and their peers with a typical level of

development will go with formed in a diverse society life competencies.

Among the scientific researches the main provisions defining the essence of professional competence of the teacher in domestic science include:

• formation of competence, the basis — specialization (in-depth study of a specific field of activity;

• infer competence in the activities, however, not only it. Efficiency of activity, level of success of the solution of professional tasks is a criterion of competence;

• a person is competent if this person knows how to act successfully in a particular situation arising in the course of professional activity;

• the rapid pace of development of scientific information requires professional knowledge to be with a high level of generalization, universality, reflect the systemic relationships between different objects of reality;

• the structure of competence is a synthesis and organic unity of three types of professional knowledge, which determines the effectiveness and level of activity: theoretical (conceptual), applied and specific professional;

• competency as the information potential of the human personality has a unique character due to the individual theoretical and imaginative models of results-oriented frameworks. Therefore, the formation of professional competence is presented as the mastery of knowledge of means to achieve the goal, and as the mastery of means of design and implementation of activities in a personally unique way;

• competency is a relative concept: a person can be competent not in general, but in a specific area. The level of spe-

cialist competency depends on the diversity and complexity of the tasks that can be solved [5. p. 84-124].

It should be noted that the process of formation of such competencies should take place in a holistic manner both in school and in the family environment and in the circle of friends. Speaking about the school society, it is important to emphasize that the formation of a positive climate for students with special educational needs depends not only on the perception of their children's team, but also by teachers. Currently, the opinions of domestic teachers in relation to inclusive education have a wide range: some understand its advantages and believe in the need for inclusive education, see this as support for teachers and positive changes in the school system, others, on the contrary, are skeptical even to the idea of inclusive education, which causes them outright horror at the thought of the load that will fall on their shoulders. Elementary information ignorance, lack of knowledge of pedagogical technologies and the basics of psychology and correctional pedagogy, unwillingness to work in a team with other specialists, emotional rejection of children with different types of defects and mental unwillingness to include such children in the usual school activities are the main arguments of the position of teachers. If they are not yet against working with children with sensory impairments, children with autism spectrum disorders, behaviours, mental disabilities, teachers are not ready to accept it, because, in their opinion, despite the severity of the disorder, the child will not be able to get the full benefit of inclusive education, inclusion will entail an

additional burden on ordinary school teachers and students, and that due to too serious behavioural disorders the child can cause harm to others.

Let us recall V. Sukhomlynskyi: "Teacher begins with love for the child" [6]. What are the criteria to measure the love of a child entering a pedagogical institution or a teacher? Today, a graduate of a pedagogical University or College, having come to school, starts first the defense of his subject, considering it his main task, we often see how the teacher at school is perceived first as a "language specialist", "mathematician", "geographer" (because he loves his profession), and only then as a teacher-educator. We have teachers in school who see only their subject, the program, but not the child, teachers, for whom nouns, adjectives, discriminant, functions, and structure of the flower are more important than the child's feelings, his inner world, interests, aspirations and hopes. Is such a teacher ready to change from a defender of his subject to a teacher who is primarily interested in the child?

In our opinion, an inclusive form of education can be engaged by someone who came to school by vocation. As you know, today the pedagogical institutions of higher education select students, assessing their knowledge in the subjects, and not the love to a child, humanity, altruism, tolerance, willingness to understand and perceive the other, but namely these features are important for teaching activities in an inclusive space; society seems to have forgotten that teaching is primarily a vocation, creativity, not a craft.

The scientist Ya. Shven involves the use of non-traditional forms and me-

thods of work in adult education, which in practice have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. Preparing future teachers, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and other institutions that are engaged in professional development should include in educational programs an inclusive theme and form teachers' psychological and professional readiness to work with children with special educational needs. It is necessary to provide them with knowledge of special and social pedagogy, to provide tools and models of alternative training using — workshop (this is an intensive training event, during which adults are taught through their own activity). Summarizing the teachings of the German psychologist and psychotherapist Klaus Vogel, Ya. Shven offers a number of his practical ideas, techniques and techniques of dynamic adult education:

• brain as a complex adaptive system: organizing the educational process, it is necessary to take into account various aspects of mental activity of an adult: feelings, emotions, attention, perception, etc;

• psyche as a social phenomenon: self-identity depends on whether we feel belonging to others and whether there is an opportunity to interact with them:

• physiological factors: physiological characteristics (stress, food, etc.) affect the educational process. You should consider the most optimal time for learning — it depends on the individual and the natural biological rhythms and cycles (schedule a break, mini-break; olfactory considering the factors of perception of noise, odors, lighting, and so on.);

• "in search of meaning": during the workshop it is necessary to guarantee stability and trustfulness. The educational process should contain on the one hand, a certain provocation, and on the other — the possibility of "insights". That is why it is important for adult education to be interesting and to give the opportunity to manage own educational process, to produce an individual trajectory of personal and professional development;

• the need to search for departmental and new information: adults always try to find already known patterns, interpret new knowledge through their own experience, comprehend it. It is important to organize the educational process so that each student can draw own conclusions;

• the value of feelings in learning: it is necessary to carefully watch emotional climate in the group, which creates the possibility of open communication. Such interaction allows all listeners to speak openly about what is happening to them, their feelings and emotions. It is important to create an atmosphere of support, mutual respect and recognition in the group;

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• differentiation and generalization of information: a productive educational process should be organized in such a way as to form the skills of particles and to achieve the understanding of new information gradually. On the other hand, the parts and the whole are interconnected, so listeners should see the holistic process of what they master;

• features of adult attention: in addition, it is necessary to control the level of noise, light and temperature in the room-it is necessary to consciously use

symbols that have a positive impact on peripheral perception: posters, drawings, presentations (visual perception of information), music (audio perception of information), psychological exercises on interaction (tactile perception of information);

• conscious and unconscious learning: during active assessment, participants can comprehend the experience and understand how and why they learned;

• different ways to remember information: important and unimportant information is remembered in different ways. It is necessary often to repeat and practice the facts and skills that are mastered separately. The less information and skills are associated with relevant professional experience and knowledge, the more effort requires their content in memory. The learning process will be more effective if it involves "personal" memory-personal experience of the participant;

• the quality of understanding the information depends on how much it can be felt: during the training, you should take into account the processes of experience: use a variety of actions (demonstrations, projects, research, visual imagination, metaphors, role-playing games, dialogue, polylogue, keeping a diary, dancing, pantomime, etc);

• learning for life: students need to find incentives for learning. It's crucial to be able to have fun and feel productive as a group member. Therefore, it is important for adults that their spiritual needs are taken into account;

• interest and excitement in adult education: in the study group, an atmosphere conducive to "moderate" appearance, in which there is little fear and a lot of feelings should be created. Situ-

ational stress is inevitable: any training activates personal changes associated with uncertainty. Students will be able to withstand such uncertainty and develop a tolerant attitude to it;

• the uniqueness of the brain: the educational process should be varied so that all the listeners should be able to use their visual, auditory, emotional, verbal and non-verbal abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly give listeners the opportunity to choose to stimulate individual interest. You should choose training strategies and techniques to help each student of the group to optimally use the brain;

• theory of seven intelligences: Howard Gardner proposed the theory of "seven intelligences", opening up opportunities for the adult educators to create interesting and effective learning process. After all, intelligence is the ability to successfully respond to new situations and learn from your own experience;

• psychological characteristics of adult education: adults learn only what they are willing to teach; adults learn better what they really do; adults learn from their mistakes; adults learn more easily what they are familiar with [7. p. 12-16].

In order to ensure the right of children with special educational needs aged 2 to 18 years to receive pre-school and general secondary education, including in vocational education institutions and other educational institutions providing general secondary education, through a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development (hereinafter-a comprehensive assessment), the provision of psycho-pedagogical, correc-

tional and developmental services and ensuring their qualified system support is the education of institutions "Inclusive resource centers". They work in accordance with such principles as respect for and perception of the individual characteristics of children, respect for the best interests of the child, non-discrimination and violation of the rights of the child, confidentiality, access to educational services from an early age, interdepartmental cooperation.

Inclusive resource centers are created on the basis of one inclusive resource center for no more than 7 thousand children living in the territory of the united territorial community (district), and no more than 12 thousand children living in the city (district)[8].

The main requirements for the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education, according to scientists T. Gur, L. Chernikova, which should be provided in the system of postgraduate education of pedagogical education, include namely:

• the motivational component of professional competence of the teacher in the conditions of implementation of inclusive education is characterized first of all by acceptance of values of philosophy of inclusive education, humanistic orientation, positive motivation of professional and personal self-development. It is self-correctional, defines the functional unity of all other components;

• cognitive component involves a system of theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of inclusive education, namely, entity and inclusive education (principles, contents, forms, methods and the like), its dif-

ferences from other educational forms; the peculiarities of psychophysical development of children, psychological regularities and peculiarities of the age and personal development of children with features of psychophysical development; methods of psychological and didactic design of the educational process for collaborative learning of children;

• the constructive component of the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education consists of a system of special analytical and prognostic, design, correctional, pedagogical and communicative skills. According to these scientists, the main professional skills are: to create a developing educational environment, to provide social and pedagogical support to a child with special educational needs; to implement the principle of team approach in interaction with various specialists; to apply methods of forming a positive social and psychological climate in the classroom; situ-ationally respond quickly to problems that may arise in the child and quickly solve them; own methodological methods of adaptation of the curriculum to the special needs of the child; to carry out parity contacts with the child with special needs, etc;

• personal component system includes competencies which are the system forming which include empathy, reflectivity, cognitive openness, flexibility, self organization and the like. It is the ability to respond flexibly to the special educational needs of children with mental and physical development, as well as to find alternative forms of communication with such a child is considered one of the main professional

qualities of a teacher in an inclusive education [9. p. 114-115].

In accordance with paragraph 31 of article 48 of the Law of Ukraine "On general secondary education" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations and bodies of local self-government were ordered before until September 1, 2018, to provide:

• changing the type of subordinate boarding schools (except institutions of secondary education for children with intellectual disabilities) to a gymnasium, a lyceum in accordance with the requirements of this law with the preservation of boarding schools with partial or full content of students (pupils) at the expense of the founder (founders). The termination of functioning of boarding schools as a part of such institutions is possible only after the decision in accordance with the established procedure of the question of obtaining by pupils (pupils) of education and/ or receipt of the corresponding social services in the place of their residence (registration) or the residence (registration )of their parents;

• creation of regional (city — in the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol) resource centers to support inclusive education, as well as district, city (district in the cities) inclusive resource centers, including in the united territorial communities, through the reorganization of the existing network of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations [10].

Another urgent problem is the attitude to the inclusion of parents of children with special educational needs of

those people who are not always ready to send their child to an ordinary school next to children with a typical level of development, trying to protect their child from the outside world, fearing rejection, insults, ridicule from others, so for them the most appropriate is a special institution or individual form of education. Such parents of children with special needs have a number of established prejudices regarding education in general education schools, even inclusive ones. One of the main ones is the negative attitude towards children with special needs on the part of school teachers, parents of healthy children and children themselves.

As D. Velychko notes "in general, the prevailing opinion is that the society is not ready for an adequate perception of children with special needs. The more significant the problem of the child is, the more the child and the parents face a negative attitude on the part of both adults and children. That's why parents try to protect their children from psychological trauma and don't want them to act as "trainers" for the formation of public tolerance" [11, p. 48]. The educational work of schools, parents' committees, parents of children with special educational needs, public organizations and the state as a whole is of crucial importance for solving this problem.

Summary. Specifics of training teachers in the implementation of effective inclusive education system in Ukraine is possible on the basis of the interaction of several factors, primarily state support, improvement of legal support, improvement of methodological and personnel support of inclusive education, the transition of postgraduate pedagogical education from a didac-

tically-methodical orientation, provision of compensatory features, such as the improvement of professional competence and professional and personal development of a specialist [9, p. 122].


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