РОЗВИТОК СИСТЕМИ ПіДВИЩЕННЯ КВАЛіФіКАЦії ВЧИТЕЛіВ У США Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Voіtovska Oksana

The history of the formation and development of the American system for improving the qualifications of school teachers is analyzed in the article. It is stated that from the very beginning continuous education has developed in two directions: as a pedagogical concept, a paradigm and as a phenomenon of practice. It was determined that the development of the teacher training system was not equal and straightforward, but was a process full of real changes that included different stages. Among them, it is possible to conditionally distinguish three stages: from the 40s to 60s; from the 60s to 80s years of the XX century; from the 80s to the present. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources, it was concluded that within this system there were two main forms of teacher training: training in courses (long-term or short-term) at universities and colleges and advanced training that was organized at schools, namely, at the teachers’ work place. It has also been proved that the formation of modern teacher training system was greatly facilitated by studies conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Education. It has been established that the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (USA) has developed standards that the applicants for the position of teacher must meet. It is determined that solving problems of recruitment and preservation of perspective pedagogical staff, comprehensive support of young teachers, and effective administrative and pedagogical support for their professional development are key areas of US educational policy in recent decades.

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Развитие системы повышения квалификации учителей в США

Проанализирована история становления и развития американской системы повышения квалификации школьных педагогов. Определено, что процесс развитие системы повышения квалификации учителей не был равномерным и прямолинейным, а был насыщен реальными изменениями и включал разные этапы. Среди них можно условно выделить три этапа: 1940-60-е годы; 1960-80-е годы; с 1980 г. по настоящее время. На основе анализа научных источников определено, что в рамках этой системы было две основные формы повышения квалификации учителей: обучение на курсах (долгосрочных или краткосрочных) при университетах и педагогических колледжах и повышения квалификации, которое организовывалось непосредственно в школах. Доказано, что формированию современной системы повышения квалификации учителей в значительной степени способствовали исследования, которые проводились под эгидой Национального института образования. Определено, что Национальным советом по аккредитации педагогического образования США разработаны стандарты, которым должны соответствовать претенденты на должность учителя. Установлено, что американская система повышения квалификации ориентируется не только на то, чтобы дать педагогам какую-то дополнительную сумму современных знаний, но прежде всего на стимулирование их познавательной активности, творческих поисков, личностного роста. Сделан вывод, что решение проблем набора и сохранения перспективных педагогических кадров, комплексной поддержки молодых учителей, эффективного административного и педагогического сопровождения их профессионального становления является ключевыми направлениями образовательной политики США в течение последних десятилетий.



УДК 37.018.46(73)

DOI 10:25128/2415-3605.18.1.15


ORCID: 0000-0002-1814-5895 [email protected] PhD (Candidate) in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

9 Pyrogova str.9, Kyiv



The history of the formation and development of the American system for improving the qualifications of school teachers is analyzed in the article. It is stated that from the very beginning continuous education has developed in two directions: as a pedagogical concept, a paradigm and as a phenomenon of practice. It was determined that the development of the teacher training system was not equal and straightforward, but was a process full of real changes that included different stages. Among them, it is possible to conditionally distinguish three stages: from the 40s to 60s; from the 60s to 80s years of the XX century; from the 80s to the present. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources, it was concluded that within this system there were two main forms of teacher training: training in courses (long-term or short-term) at universities and colleges and advanced training that was organized at schools, namely, at the teachers' work place. It has also been proved that the formation of modern teacher training system was greatly facilitated by studies conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Education. It has been established that the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (USA) has developed standards that the applicants for the position of teacher must meet. It is determined that solving problems of recruitment and preservation of perspective pedagogical staff, comprehensive support of young teachers, and effective administrative and pedagogical support for their professional development are key areas of US educational policy in recent decades.

Keywords: advanced teacher training, continuing education in the USA, adult education.


кандидат педагопчних наук Нацюнальний педагопчний ушверситет iMeHi М. П. Драгоманова

вул. Пирогова, 9, м. Кшв


Вказано, що на сучасному emani розвитку iнформацiйно-комунiкацiйних технологш, коли eci знання, у тому чист nрофeсiйнi, швидко стають застаршими, тшьки неперервний професшний розвиток дозволить вчителю бути компетентним i ефективно працювати. Освima протягом усього життя е nровiдним принципом освimи ХХ ст. Постшне оновлення та розвиток знань вимагае тдготовки та niдвищeння квaлiфiкaцii вчителя нового поколтня, здатного адекватно розвивати сучасш змти в сусniльсmвi. У сmammi проанал1зовано iсmорiю становлення й розвитку американсько'1' системи niдвищeння квaлiфiкaцii шюльних neдaгогiв. Зазначено, що неперервна освima розвивалася з самого початку в двох напрямках: як neдaгогiчнa концenцiя, парадигма i як феномен практики. Визначено, що розвиток системи niдвищeння квaлiфiкaцii вчиmeлiв не був рiвномiрним й nрямолiнiйним, а був процесом, насиченим реальними змтами, який включав рiзнi етапи. Серед них можна умовно видшити три етапи: 1940-60-mi роки; 1960-80-mi роки ХХ ст.; з 1980 р. донит. На основi aнaлiзу наукових джерел, визначено, що в межах цei системи кнувало двi основнi форми niдвищeння квaлiфiкaцii вчиmeлiв: навчання на курсах (довгострокових або короткострокових) при унiвeрсиmemaх i neдaгогiчних коледжах та niдвищeння квaлiфiкaцii, що оргaнiзовувaлось безпосередньо у школах, тобто за мкцем роботи

педагогiв. Також доведено, що формуванню сучасног' системи тдвищення квалiфiкацii enumenie значною мiрою сприяли до^дження, як проводилися nid eгiдою Нацюнального тституту освти. Було встановлено, що Нацюнальна рада з акредитацП neдагогiчноi освти США розробила стандарти, яким nовuннi вiдnовiдаmu претендентам на посаду вчителя. На niдсmавi анал1зу наукових джерел встановлено, що американська система модерн1зацИ орieнmована не тшьки на те, щоб дати учителям ятсь додаmковi сучаснi знання, але, насамперед, на стимулювання ix тзнавальног акmuвносmi, творчих пошуюв, особuсmiсного зростання. Зроблено висновок про те, що вuрiшeння проблеми набору й збереження перспективних neдагогiчнux кадрiв, комплексног niдmрuмкu молодих учumeлiв, ефективного адмiнiсmраmuвного i neдагогiчного супроводу 1'хнього професшного становлення е ключовими напрямами освтньог nолimuкu США протягом осmаннix десятилть.

Ключовi слова: niдвuщeння квалiфiкацii вчumeлiв, неперервна освта в США, освта дорослих.


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Национальный педагогический университет имени М. П. Драгоманова

ул. Пирогова, 9, г. Киев



Проанализирована история становления и развития американской системы повышения квалификации школьных педагогов. Определено, что процесс развитие системы повышения квалификации учителей не был равномерным и прямолинейным, а был насыщен реальными изменениями и включал разные этапы. Среди них можно условно выделить три этапа: 1940-60-е годы; 1960-80-е годы; с 1980 г. по настоящее время. На основе анализа научных источников определено, что в рамках этой системы было две основные формы повышения квалификации учителей: обучение на курсах (долгосрочных или краткосрочных) при университетах и педагогических колледжах и повышения квалификации, которое организовывалось непосредственно в школах. Доказано, что формированию современной системы повышения квалификации учителей в значительной степени способствовали исследования, которые проводились под эгидой Национального института образования. Определено, что Национальным советом по аккредитации педагогического образования США разработаны стандарты, которым должны соответствовать претенденты на должность учителя. Установлено, что американская система повышения квалификации ориентируется не только на то, чтобы дать педагогам какую-то дополнительную сумму современных знаний, но прежде всего на стимулирование их познавательной активности, творческих поисков, личностного роста. Сделан вывод, что решение проблем набора и сохранения перспективных педагогических кадров, комплексной поддержки молодых учителей, эффективного административного и педагогического сопровождения их профессионального становления является ключевыми направлениями образовательной политики США в течение последних десятилетий.

Ключевые слова: повышение квалификации учителей, непрерывное образование в США, образование взрослых.

Introduction. At the present stage of the development of information and communication technologies, when all knowledge, including professional, is quickly becoming out-of-date, only the continuous professional development will enable the expert to be competent and operate efficiently. As we defined in the previous researches, education throughout life is a leading principle of the XX century education. Constant updating and development of knowledge require training and professional development of a new generation of teachers, capable of developing adequately to contemporary changes in society. That is why the professional education and training of teachers should be continuous and consistent with new strategies and goals of education. [3, с. 79]. In this regard, foreign experience, first of all American, deserves a special attention, because exactly in this country experience on the organization of continuing education of teachers was accumulated.

An analysis of recent studies and publications shows that the US education system is a constant subject of research. This problem was dealt with both domestic and foreign scholars, namely: N. A. Biryukova, I. K. Voitovich. V. M. Volodko, I. V. Gavrish, O. V. Gluzman, Y. V. Guletska, T. M. Danylyshchyna, L. I. Zavialova, M. V. Znybitska, M. V. Nagach, P. Pukhovskaya, O. A. Romanovsky. A. A. Khatiushina,. L. N. Schuster E. P. Cubberley, G. Leclerc, R. E. Peterson, L. H. Schuster and others.


The aim of the article is to analyze the history of the establishment and development of the American system of continuing education and teacher training.

Historically, the idea of continuing education is primarily connected with the humanist views philosophers, teachers of the past, their aspirations to the society and the system of education, where the personality, their desires and abilities, the versatile development fall into the focus of attention. In many respects, these ideas retain value for the modern society, taking into account its realities and requirements. With the development of the productive forces of society, technology, and the complication of the relations of the participants in the common working process, the requirements of social production and working are objectively increasing to the training of personnel, its fundamentalism, and mobility, the ability of specialists to update their knowledge and experience independently and efficiently, and increase their professional competence.

Continuing education has developed from scratch in two directions: as a pedagogical concept, a paradigm and as a phenomenon of practice. Until now there is no unity in the views on the origin time of this idea and its authorship. In the literature there are three main points of view.

The first belongs to the supporters of the «ancient» origin of the idea of continuing education (X. Hummel, A. V. Darinsky, etc.) who believe that it is as old as human society itself. Supporters of the second point of view associate the emergence of this idea with the modern era, which is characterized by active processes of development in the spiritual, social, industrial and scientific and technical spheres (O. V. Kuptsov, V. G. Osipov, etc.). The third point of view we adhere to is that the idea of continuous education has a long-standing origin, appeared a long time ago, and the phenomenon itself has emerged recently (A. P. Vladislavlev, G. P. Zinchenko, etc.).

The forerunner of contemporary notions of continuing education is Y. A. Komensky, whose views grew up on the basis of the Renaissance pedagogical thought. That was the first time when he spoke not only about the schools with which we traditionally associate education (mother tongue, language school, gymnasium, academy), but also about «schools of maturity and old age», in which the main textbooks are «life, work, experience».

At the same time, the beginning of the educational practice, which created the conditions for general education throughout life, laid the foundation for universal education in the era of Enlightenment (in Prussia - 1819 year in the UK - 1870 year). This, on the one hand, was a consequence, on the other hand, it was an incentive for the industrial revolution of the IX century, which in turn stimulated the development of adult education as a consequence of the changes that were taking place in science, technology, socio-economic relations and the spiritual sphere of life of society. For this period, there was a start of the practice of elementary education among adults, which accompaned the process of developing organizations for the dissemination of knowledge and self-education. Realizing this idea, R. Owen created a «New Institute for the Education of Nature» in New Lanark (1816), which included kindergartens and nurseries (children from 1 up to 6 years old), elementary school (from 6 up to 10 years), evening schools for working children (from 10 up to 17 years) and adults.

According to A. A. Khatiushina, «the analysis of the development of the system for the advanced training of pedagogical personnel in the United States showed that the leaders of the political and business world of this country earlier than in other countries understood that long-term economic prosperity, as a prerequisite, required an effective system of retraining and improvement of teachers' qualification» [5, p. 140]. However, A. A. Khatiushina points out that «the progressive development of the system of advanced training was not equal and straightforward, it was a process full of real changes that included various stages; among them there were three stages: from the 40s to the 60s years; from the 60s - 80s years of the XX century; from the 80s years to the present» [5, p. 62]. Each stage in the development of the system of professional development, as A. A. Khatiushina emphasizes, «had its own specificity, which was due to the peculiarities of socio-economic and cultural development of the country, the requirements of society to school» [5, p. 62].

N. A. Biryukova notes that «although the term» adult education «was firstly used in Europe at the end of the XIX century, but it was virtually unknown in the United States until 1924 year; educational organizations engaged in adult education were separated and, moreover, did not even have the general name of the activities that they conducted; The fixing of this term in the United States is linked to the programs of the World Association of Adult Education and the Carnegie Corporation, which led to a series of conferences on adult education, where the American Association for Adult

Education was founded» [1, p. 123]. Until now, N. A. Biryukova points out that «this is the main organization for collecting, classifying and disseminating information and services in adult education in North America [1, p. 123]. In 1928 year, by Edward Thorndike of Columbia University, as N. A. Biryukova observes, «a report was published entitled» Adult Learning «with the results of research on adult learning abilities; it turned out that when we are getting older, a person does not have a weakening of mental and cognitive abilities. Other researchers who followed the study also studied teaching technologies that activate the cognitive activity of adult students. Now, along with lectures, the main forms of training were group discussions, excursions, films and classes with the use of various audiovisual means» [1, p. 123].

According to E. P. Cubberley, «the first stage (40-60 years) of the development of the US advanced training system was decentralized: the state practically did not finance or controll education; in some colleges, universities, there were teacher training courses, but they were initially paid everywhere; most of the courses did not deal with professional education, but the increase of the special-subject level of low-skilled teachers (R. Bolam, E. Henderson) and everything was reduced to a detailed study of new aspects, programs, textbooks, laboratory manuals. For this reason, all courses were of a highly specialized nature» [7, p. 34].

According to N. A. Biryukova, «during the Second World War in the United States, highly qualified specialists were needed to carry out military orders, and at the expense of training and retraining of workers and the successful execution of military orders, Americans strengthened their economies. This was facilitated by the adoption in 1944 year of the law on the retraining of veterans of war, which provided scholarships to former military personnel, which gave them the opportunity to enter higher education institutions» [1, p. 124].

E. P. Cubberley notes that «at that time, teacher training was seen as a kind of compensatory education that enabled school workers to acquire knowledge missed during higher education; it was practically implemented in the following way: some universities had paid courses at which teachers were promoted; however, the salary prevented many teachers from attending. In addition, a number of universities and colleges of pedagogy functioned summer courses, but their total number was small; and in general, most of the courses were not concerned with improving the qualifications of school teachers, but raising the level of low-skilled teachers» [7, p. 75].

With regard to general pedagogical and socio-psychological issues, who were given very little attention, as far as in this period dominated the view that the profession of a teacher was considered as «quasi-professional», in other words, a profession requiring special knowledge, in addition to knowledge of its subject.

In the postwar period, the time has come for technical and economic progress. The economy has developed, new enterprises have been created, the labor market has increased, science and technology have rapidly moved forward, new specialties have emerged, and so on. It has contributed to the development of adult education as a national social movement and a powerful instrument of national politics. Thus, in the United States, at that time, about 30% of the population received higher education, while in Europe there continued to dominate an elite education system that allowed to get higher education not more than 5% of the population.

As N. A. Biryukova points out, «in the 50s and 60s years of the XX century the first programs of continuing education for women began to appear in the United States, and after the spread of hundreds of such programs, they began to be introduced in colleges and universities; the key services of these programs are consultancy, career guidance, seminars, workshops, work in a few groups, information on the market vacancies, special courses on professional and career growth, etc.» [1, p. 125]. For example, the scientist says, «educational programs for divorced women and single mothers were organized, which offered not only opportunities to receive or continue education, but also financial assistance, assistance in finding work and even child care» [1, c, 122].

According to Y. S. Pravditseva, «on the basis of the analysis of historical and pedagogical literature of the USA it was found out that by the end of the 50s and early 60s years, the task of improving the qualification of US teachers was exclusively the competence of local education authorities; in accordance with this, the necessary funds for retraining and improving the skills of teachers, came mainly from local sources. Under such a decentralized system of school education in the United States, not all school districts had enough funds to implement effective teacher training programs, and in the part of districts due to the relatively low standard of living, this work was not


carried out at all. At that time, the improvement of the skills of teachers was seen as a kind of compensatory education, which enabled school workers to acquire knowledge that was missed during the acquisition of higher education» [4, p. 58].

Thus, in the second stage (60s-80s years) there is a formation of a system of postgraduate pedagogical education. It took place through the organization of new forms of advanced training (various short term studies and long-term courses at universities and colleges), as well as the formation at the federal and local levels of the state apparatus of management, funding, designed to contribute to the centralization and coordination of work, which was held by the teachers of the country to improve their qualifications (Bureau and Agency for Certification Training, National Institute of Education, National Science Foundation).

In the early 60s of the XX century, the American community realized the need to revise the existing teacher training system, raising the teacher's profession to a qualitatively new level, which was primarily due to the practical requirements of the rapid development of the pace of scientific and technological progress.

As L. H. Schuster points out, «at that time in the country there was a growing need for skilled scientists, engineers, service workers, an increase in the number of highly-skilled administrators, doctors, teachers, businessmen, etc.; educated people were also demanded in the military-industrial complex; the need to meet the new requirements for the training and retraining of specialists stimulated the implementation of a serious restructuring of the entire education system; with the necessary prerequisite for the successful implementation of the planned changes in the school of global character, which in their scale significantly differed from those changes that had been repeatedly held in the past, it was a significant increase in the role of teachers in society» [13, p. 12].

In the 60s years of the XX century, the United States earlier than other countries realized that social and technological progress, first and foremost, depended on the people themselves on how they were trained and educated, in other words, on how the school works and what level of professional qualification a teacher has. Evidence of this was the permanent school reforms carried out in this country, starting in the 60s years of the XX century.

Analysis of scientific literature has shown that the process of restructuring the teacher qualification system in the United States cannot be called simple and painless. After all, the implementation of retraining and improving the skills of teachers was complicated, on the one hand, the lack of the necessary material base, and on the other hand, the presence in the schools of the United States a significant number of low-skilled teachers in teaching and general education were serious gaps. According to statistics, in the 1960s and 1970s years, about 2100,000 teachers worked at US schools (of which 1,200,000 were in elementary schools and almost 900,000 in secondary schools), but not all of them had the appropriate pedagogical education. It should be noted that in those days, young people acquired a pedagogical education, usually in teacher colleges, pedagogical schools at universities and colleges of the humanities and natural sciences. In turn, the lack of pedagogical education in many teachers negatively affected the quality of secondary education in the United States. In addition, the low prestige of the profession of a teacher, low salaries, and difficult working conditions at the school led to the fact that not all graduates who received higher pedagogical education were arranged for work at school.

As M. Strain points out, «in American schools of that time, young teachers of mathematics and natural sciences were especially lacking, because graduates of these specialties had the opportunity to find another, more highly paid job» [14, p. 516].

The need for retraining American teachers has become increasingly apparent as the US schools began to introduce new programs and textbooks in physics and mathematics from the 1960/61 year school year, from the 1962/63 years on biology, and from the 1964/65 years -on chemistry. As soon as a number of schools began transitioning, to new programs and urgent acquaintance with them, it immediately turned out that there was no clear system of teacher training for the country, even more their retraining, and the existing practice suffered from extreme dispersal of forces and means, lack of effective coordination and general principles of organization. In these circumstances, the federal government of the United States had to take a number of active steps and make changes to the current practice. So, since 1958 year, the United States have adopted several federal programs for the development of schools and education. An integral part of them is measures for retraining and raising the level of education of teachers.

In a number of education laws adopted by the US Congress in that period, the «National Defense Education Act of 1958 year: public law 85-864» of 1958 stands out in its first place. [15]. This formulation of the tasks of the American school in the law gave a certain orientation not only to the activities related to the work of the secondary school (the introduction of new courses in physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry, foreign languages in schools, an increase in the number of secondary school students studying these subjects, intensifying work with gifted children, etc.), but also organizing work on retraining teachers. With the help of funds provided from the federal budget, it was intended to begin, first of all, with the retraining of teachers who teach, so to speak, «strategic» subjects. In particular, the issue of retraining and raising the skills of teachers is devoted to several articles of the law.

The «Higher Education Opportunity Act of 1965 year: Public Law 110.315» [9], adopted in 1965, provided for the expansion of the role of colleges and universities in the United States by raising the skills of professionals of various profiles, including teachers. According to this law, higher educational institutions of the country's higher educational institutions began to receive funds from the federal budget for seminars, practical classes in their laboratories in order to familiarize specialists of different fields with the results of the latest research and new scientific data.

The Law on Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965 year (Public Law 89.10) [8] identified the further development in this direction and in fact created the basis for the broad intervention of the federal government in the system of professional development, laying it upon its functions that were previously the prerogative of local authorities. The law foresees, in particular, the allocation of funds for creating in the school districts special agencies for the improvement of the skills of teaching staff. The functions of these agencies were defined as following: to provide assistance and advice to public authorities such as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare; provide information, professional counseling and other services for the upgrading of qualifications by local education authorities and schools to develop local programs on a particular issue; to promote the dissemination of positive experiences by collecting information on innovative projects; to publish manuals and recommendations, as well as hold conferences and seminars on the issues of advanced training; coordinate work and assist schools, universities and colleges in planning and developing programs for retraining and raising the skills of school staff.

As G. Leclerc points out, «since 1970 year there has been an intensive return to the idea that education is of a continuous nature and should not be associated with periods of childhood and youth; although opportunities for adult education were minimal, and new knowledge and information accumulated so quickly, it was permissible to concentrate all the studies at a young age - the beginning of a life course. The idea of continuing education become so popular those years that it was talked about as revolutionary» [10, p. 32].

R. E. Peterson notes that «despite the fact that the federal government spent between 13 and 20 billion dollars on adult educational programs (according to data from 1973), despite federal support for continuing education, the United States did not have clear policies, clear goals and definitions of continuing education» [12, p. 64]. Therefore, in 1976 year, according to the scientist, «it was decided to conduct a comprehensive study of the state of affairs in the field of continuing education, which resulted in the law on continuing education (Lifelong Learning Act)» [12, p. 64].

Speaking about the importance of lifelong learning, as R. E. Peterson remarks, «the author and developer of the law, Sen. W. Mondale, noted that all of us, regardless of age, are confronted with a number of situations and should be able to use education so that it helps us to resolve these situations» [12, p. 64]. The idea was widely supported. American society has set itself the goal of making lifelong education accessible to all citizens, regardless of their background or professional training, gender, age, disability, social status, ethnicity, or economic circumstances.

As A. W. Chickering notes, «by introducing the Law on Continuing Education in October 1976 year, the US Congress officially proclaimed the importance of continuing education for the country; the act became a sort of manifesto about the need for continuing education, which defined continuing education as «a process through which individuals continue to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities throughout their lives», and emphasized that important educational undertakings at work, at home, through official or informal organizations are achieved by traditional or non-traditional methods or through self-education» [6, p. 80].

The implementation of the Law on Continuing Education was passed through 19 different types of programs. Nothing left out of attention, in the field of this law, there were issues of financing continuing education; search for opportunities to study outside of educational institutions; analysis of barriers to continuing education; analysis of the activities of the relevant local, federal and state structures; study of educational needs of adults; the role of higher education institutions in implementing the new concept in life. The adoption and promotion of this law clearly demonstrates the public interest in the idea of the continuity of education.

As W. M. Leiter points out, «it is important that the law was initially implemented during the period of the J. Carter presidency (1977-1981 years); researchers in the history of the presidency in the United States are unanimous in the opinion that the well-being of the nation is directly linked to a strong, adequate presidential personality. America saw different presidents: the «impossible» presidents, who posed a threat to social stability, and good («effective» presidents), in which the progress of the nation was particularly felt. J. Carter belongs to the last category» [11].

In the second half of the XX century, N. A. Biryukova points out, «a new direction was defined for the development of adult education, which was considered not only as a compensatory, adaptive and corrective expenditure of school and other previously received education, but as part of continuing education. At this time that the idea of continuing education in the United States was marked as a key one» [1, p. 122]. In connection with this new approach, the scientist notes, «In 1978 year, the «Act on Continuing Education» was adopted, in which the main postulate was proclaimed that the advanced function of education is to equip each individual with the ability to overcome the violation of the continuity of their work and deal with uncertain situations. Under this law, continuous education was understood as a program, service, project designed to meet the needs of citizens in education, which is constantly changing throughout life and includes general, post-secondary education, advanced training, etc., as well as programs for people of the third age and with disabilities» [1, p. 122].

In the 70s and 80s years in the United States, many research studies of various aspects of theory and practice of continuing education were conducted. According to the results of the conducted research, it was recommended to create a new segment in education, aimed at servicing so-called «new students» - students or non-traditional students. There were also studies of existing educational programs in the system of continuous education, studying the mission of educational institutions, professional standards, financing, education of adult students, informing the population about existing programs, eliminating the gap between supply and demand, and taxation issues.

In general, I. K. Voitovich points out that thanks to the adoption of the law on continuing education, «the United States managed to change the state policy towards education, comprehensively developed the concept of lifelong learning, reformed universities and colleges, making them accessible to the adult population; developed a lot of new programs, studied the features of an adult student; raised the prestige of libraries and showed their role in the system of continuous education. In other words, they bend every effort to ensure that the idea of the continuity of education worked, and that the continuous education itself became not only a reality, but also turned into a profitable business. The Law on Continuing Education of 1976 year played a leading role in this» [2, p. 7].

In the 80s years of the XX century, A. A. Khatiushina points out that «American experts in the field of raising the skills of teachers came to the understanding that the teacher-master must not only possess pedagogical technologies, but also possess high personal, moral, intellectual, socially significant qualities; in this regard, the American system of advanced training is oriented not only to give teachers some additional amount of modern knowledge, but above all, to stimulate their cognitive activity, creative searches, personal growth [5, p. 90]. Equally important, the scientist says is «the involvement of teachers in the knowledge of social psychological phenomena, the principles of influence on the social and psychological spheres of the life of the school team, the encouragement of activity, initiative, innovation, which stimulates interest in creative work and contributes to increasing their professional skills» [5, p. 90].

Thus, the third stage (80s years and to the present time) is aimed at improving the teacher's training system: diversifying the educational process, processing new educational methods, establishing feedback in the «teacher-student» system. Taking a course on the preparation of a creative active teacher encouraged the search for new approaches to improve the professional qualifications of teachers. The purposeful analysis of teachers' training programs concerning the aspect of the above

mentioned problem has revealed several basic approaches to training in the process of professional development of teaching staff: behavioral, personal (biogenetic, functional, cognitive).

Basing on the analysis of scientific sources, we can conclude that the key areas of US educational policy over the past decades are: solving the problems of recruiting and retaining promising pedagogical staff, comprehensive support for young teachers, and effective administrative and pedagogical support for their professional development. When the law came into force of the United States Act «No Child Left Behind Act (2001)», teachers are required to annually demonstrate high academic performance, which, in particular, is manifested in the successful passing of standardized state testing by students. The law requires that every American teacher has to be a «highly qualified teacher» and meets the following requirements: 1) possesses, at least, a bachelor's degree; 2) successfully passed state certification / licensing and received permission to conduct pedagogical activity; 3) proved that he / she knows the subject he teaches.

In the course of the study, we have established that the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (USA) has developed standards to which the applicants must meet the teacher's position. In accordance with these standards, they must demonstrate: a) profound knowledge of the subject; b) thorough methodical and general pedagogical training; c) practical skills; d) information competence; e) the ability to analyze and reflect, the ability to establish relationships in order to improve their own professional activities and increase the efficiency of the educational process; e) leadership abilities; e) personal qualities necessary for working with students: justice, empathy, benevolence, tolerance, etc.; g) ability to cooperate with colleagues, school administration and parents of students; h) active civic position. Educational standards in the United States require teachers to continuously and systematically analyze their own activities and gain new theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities, in other words, the ability to study throughout their lives. In order to improve the professionalism of teachers in the United States, various programs for improving their professional training (in colleges / universities) and support at all stages of professional activity are implemented.

Consequently, on the basis of studying and analyzing the history of the formation and development of the American system of raising the skills of school teachers, one can conclude that within this system there were two main forms of teacher training: 1) training in courses (long-term or short-term) at universities and pedagogical colleges; 2) qualification improvement, which was organized directly at schools, in other words, at the teachers' work place. It has also been proved that the formation of a modern teacher training system was greatly facilitated by studies conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Education.


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6. Chickering A. W. The Modern American College: Responding to the New Realities of Diverse Students and a Changing Society. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, 1981, p. - 296 p.

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8. Elementary and Secondary Education Law of 1965: public law 89.10 - official ed. -Washington, 1965. - 58 p.,

9. Higher Education Opportunity Act of 1965: public law 110.315. - official ed. -Washington, 1965.

10. Leclerc G. Non-stop learning (A Utopia for our times?) // UNESCO Courier. Feb 1991. P. 39 (2)., - 39 p.

11. Leiter W. M. General Survey Texts on the American Presidency, 1983-1987: A Political Science Selection // Presidential Studies Quarterly. Vol. 18. № 3. 1988. P. 637-668. [електронный ресурс] режим доступу: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40574519.

12. Peterson R. E. Lifelong Learning in America: An Overview of Current Practices, Available Resources, and Future Prospects. USA: The Jossey-Bass Series in Higher Education, 1979., - 293 p.

13. Schuster L. H. Higher Education in the United States / L. H. Schuster // Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa. - Vol. 3 - № 2 - 2001. - P. 3-15.

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14. Strain M. In Defense of a Nation: the National Defense Educational Act, Project English, and the Origin of Empirical Research in Composition / M. Strain // Jac journal - 2005. - Vol. 25.3. - P. 513-532.

15. The National Defense Education Act of 1958: public law 85-864/ - official ed. - 1958. - P. 1580 - 1605.

Стаття надтшла в редакцт 14.02.2018 р.

УДК 378. (046.4 + 048.2) DOI 10:25128/2415-3605.18.1.16


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