Научная статья на тему 'Professional competence of the social teacher as a priority for successful professional self-fulfillment'

Professional competence of the social teacher as a priority for successful professional self-fulfillment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
education / competence / professional competence / social teacher / category / professionalism / освіта / компетенція / професійна компетентність / соціаль- ний педагог / категорія / професіоналізм

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Spivak Yaroslav Olegovych

The categoryprofessional competence of social pedagogue” is analyzed in modern domestic and foreign researches and introduction of a competent approach in the system of professional training of future social pedagogues. The transition to a competent approach in education means reorienting the content from the process to the result of education, and the result of the formation of professional competence is the ability of a specialist to meet the dynamic conditions and demands of the labor market. The system of professional training of social educators involves the unity, interdependence and continuity of the system functioning and structural components, which is a prerequisite for the professional-personal formation of a specialist, supplementing and deepening vocational training, ensuring the possibility of lifelong learning, the transition of a specialist to a new, higher level of professional competence, variation and possibilities of intensification of these transitions.

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У статті проаналізовано категоріюпрофесійна компетентність соціального педагога” в сучасних вітчизняних і зарубіжних дослідженнях та впровадження компетентнісного підходу в системі професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів. Перехід до компетентнісного підходу в освіті означає переорієнтацію змісту з процесу на результат освіти, а результатом формування професійної компетентності є здатність спеціаліста відповідати динамічним умовам і запитам ринку праці. Система професійної підготовки соціальних педагогів передбачає єдність, взаємозумовленість, неперервність і наступність функціонування системних і структурних компонентів, що є необхідною умовою професійно-особистісного формування фахівця, доповнення і поглиблення професійної підготовки, забезпечення можливості навчання упродовж життя, переходу фахівця на новий, вищий рівень професійної компетентності, варіативності і можливості інтенсифікації цих переходів.

Текст научной работы на тему «Professional competence of the social teacher as a priority for successful professional self-fulfillment»

UDC 371.13 : 364

Spivak Yaroslav Olegovych,

Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogy, associate professor, doctoral student at the higher educational institution "Donbass state pedagogical university", 84116, Donetsk region, Slo-viansk, Str. G. Batiuka, 19, tel.: (050) 326 90 18, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8829-2236

Ствак Ярослав Олегович,

кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент, докторант державного вищого навчального закладу "Донбаський державний педаго-гiчний утверситет", 84116, Донецька область, м. Слов'янськ, вул. Г. Батюка, 19, тел.: (050) 326 90 18, e-mail: sgpi@slav. dn.ua

ORCID: 0000-0001-8829-2236

Спивак Ярослав Олегович,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, докторант государственного высшего учебного заведения "Донбасский государственный педагогический университет", 84116, Донецкая область, г. Славянск, ул. Г. Батюка, 19, тел.: (050) 326 90 18, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8829-2236


Abstract. The category "professional competence of social pedagogue" is analyzed in modern domestic and foreign researches and introduction of a competent approach in the system of professional training of future social pedagogues. The transition to a competent approach in education means reorienting the content from the process to the result of education, and the result of the formation of professional competence is the ability of a specialist to meet the dynamic conditions and demands of the labor market. The system of professional training of social educators involves the unity, interdependence and continuity of the system functioning and structural components, which is a prerequisite for the professional-personal formation of a specialist, supplementing and deepening vocational training, ensuring the possibility of lifelong learning, the transition of a specialist to a new, higher level of professional competence, variation and possibilities of intensification of these transitions.

Keywords: education, competence, professional competence, social teacher, category, professionalism.


Анотацiя. У статт проаналiзовано категорiю "професшна KOMneTeHTHicTb соцiального педагога" в сучасних вiтчизняних i зарубiжних дослiдженнях та впровадження компетентшсного пiдходу в системi професшно! шдготов-ки майбутнiх соцiальних педагогiв. Перехщ до KOMneTeHTHicHoro пiдходу в освт означае пeрeoрieнтацiю змicту з процесу на результат освгги, а результатом формування професшно! кoмпeтeнтнocтi е здатшсть cпeцiалicта вщ-пoвiдати динамiчним умовам i запитам ринку пращ. Система професшно! пiдгoтoвки coцiальних педагопв передбачае eднicть, взаeмoзумoвлeнicть, нeпeрeрвнicть i наcтупнicть функцioнування системних i структурних компонент, що е необхщною умовою прoфeciйнo-ocoбиcтicнoгo формування фахiвця, доповнення i поглиблення професшно! пiдгoтoвки, забезпечення можливосп навчання упродовж життя, переходу фахiвця на новий, вищий рiвeнь професшно! кoмпeтeнтнocтi, варiативнocтi i можливосп штенсифжа-ци цих пeрeхoдiв.

K^40Bi слова: ocвiта, кoмпeтeнцiя, прoфeciйна компетентшсть, сощаль-ний педагог, катeгoрiя, прoфecioналiзм.



Аннотация. Проанализированы категория "профессиональная компетентность социального педагога" в современных отечественных и зарубежных исследованиях и внедрение компетентностного подхода в системе профессиональной подготовки будущих социальных педагогов. Переход к компетентностному подходу в образовании означает переориентацию содержания с процесса на результат образования, а результатом формирования профессиональной компетентности является способность специалиста отвечать динамичным условиям и запросам рынка труда. Система профессиональной подготовки социальных педагогов предполагает единство, взаимообусловленность, непрерывность и преемственность функционирования системных и структурных компонентов, что является необходимым условием профессионально-личностного формирования специалиста, дополнения и углубления профессиональной подготовки, обеспечения возможности обучения на протяжении жизни, перехода специалиста на новый, более высокий уровень профессиональной компетентности, вариативности и возможности интенсификации этих переходов.

Ключевые слова: образование, компетенция, профессиональная компетентность, социальный педагог, категория, профессионализм.

Problem statement. In the present context, the process of professional education takes on particular significance as a factor of development of society throughprofessional development of each personality, which turns into a process of educators' gaining activity experience in order to achieve professionally and socially significant competences (competencies). Therefore, just the competency-based approach represents an effective methodology for building practice-oriented education in the 21st century.

Amid socio-economic transformations in Ukraine and the European development vector choice, the significance of the social sphere of contemporary Ukrainian society dramatically emerges full blown. Accordingly, requirements for professional training of experts in the social sphere, in particular, social teachers are becoming more severe.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Note thatresearchers pay considerable attention to the problem of professional training of social teachers. Overall, the problem of professional training of future social teachers is reflected in the scientific tenets of social pedagogy theory developed by I. Zvereva, M. Galaguzova, A. Kapska, L. Koval, I. Lypskyi, A. Mudryk, A. Ry-zhanova, L. Shtefan [1]; O. Bezpalko, H. Laktionova, V. Orzhekhovska, Yu. Polischuk, S. Savchenko, V. Teslen-ko have researched social care teaching work with children and youth in various societies [1]. Works by domestic scholars R. Vainola, L. Mischyk, V. Polischuk, V. Sorochynska, S. Khar-chenko are devoted to issues of professional training of future experts in

the social sphere [2]; such scholars as A. Aleksiuk, V. Andruschenko, V. Bez-palko, R. Vainola, V. Haluzynskyi, M. Yevtukh, L. Zavatska, I. Zvereva, I. Ziaziun, A. Kapska, O. Karpenko, T. Levchenko, L. Mischyk, N. Nych-kalo, V. Polischuk, T. Semyhina, I. Tru-bavina, N. Chernukha have studied general-theoretical issues of professional training and the content of professional education [3; 4]; A. Boiko, S. Honcharenko, I. Ivanova and others have engaged in researching the process of forming professional skills [5].

Such Ukrainian scholars as V. Bo-lotov, V. Serikov, A. Ovcharuk, O. Po-metun, O. Lokshyna, O. Savchenko, O. Trubachova, L. Paraschenko and others [6] have studied problems of the competency-based approach as a priority segment of professional training of specialists. Comprehension and interpretation of the foundational issues of the relationship of skills and competencies, development of the requirements for competence and their measurement are reflected in works by such foreign and domestic scholars as J. Raven, A. A. Khutorskoi [7], N. Bibik, L. Va-schenko, I. Yermakova, O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, L. Paraschenko, O. Po-metun, and O. Savchenko [8]).

The competency-based approach methodology in higher education is based on the conceptual thesis about the necessity to replace traditional reproductive teaching by creative and active one, which must facilitate not only gaining knowledge, abilities, and skills but alsopersonal development of student youth, formation of a system of sociocultural needs, and self-actualization and self-fulfillment of personality. The conceptual essence of the above-

mentioned approach lies in enabling students to master a clear-cut system of professional competencies, in using the specifics of the activity and person-centered approaches in contrast to the knowledge-centered approach as a condition for improving quality of training of specialists and modernizing higher education.

It is worth noting thatthe process of reforming the higher education system within the educational environment of Ukraine is related to development and introduction of the competency-based approach into the system of professional training of specialists. Building professional competence of future specialists is a qualitative indicator of performance of the higher professional education system. Building competence that reflects the training results, scale of values, system of motivation for a particular type of activity, as well as social and moral standards, personality characteristics of the specialist and his interaction with the social environment is the purpose and outcome of the educational process.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the category of "professional competence of the social teacher"in current domestic and foreign studies.

Basic material presentation. Note that thepolyparadigmatic nature of socio-educational activities calls forth applying a fairly large number of scholarly approaches to organization of training of social teachers. The content of training of future social teachers at universities is to create conditions for formation of a socially and professionally skilled personality the principal of which include acmeological, personal, personality-centered, activi-

ty-related, systemic, and competency-based.

Diagnosis of the status of professional training of social teachers goes to prove thattheoretical insights into development and introduction of the competency-based approach into the professional education system are underused toovercome contradictions between the constantly growing requirements of society for the level of professional competence of social teachers and the actual level of their professional qualifications; between the spheres of professional activities of social teachers and the specific field of their professional education; between the need of society to enhance the prestige of those engaged in socio-educational activities and their insufficient professional competence; between constant extension of spheres, functions, implementation of innovative technologies for professional socio-educational activities and the traditionally reproductive mode of operation of the system of professional training of specialists, between the actual capabilities of educational establishments and new educational needs of the participants in the educational process, educational services consumers [9, p. 82].

According to most researchers and practitioners, transition to the competency-based approach in education means refocusing the content from the process to the outcome of education, while building professional competence results in the ability (capacity) of the specialist to meet dynamic conditions and needs of the labor market, have hold appropriate potential for practical solution of professional problems, search of his own professional self within the

social structure of society. [3, p. 3442]. In particular, I. Zimniaya notes that the strategic thrust of modernizing the education content is focused on "competence" and "skills" [10].

Summing up the experience of contemporary scholars, it is worth arguing that it is reasonable to understand competency as a comprehensive integrated personality trait, whichdetermined the level of personal development and professional training that is the product of this process. This qualitative personal characteristic provides for not only structured sets of knowledge, abilities and skills but also attitudes, creative energies and analytical thinking, which enable the student's personality to pinpoint, identify and solve, regardless of the context, problems peculiar to a certain sphere of activity. Competence is built upon combination of mutually correlating cognitive attitudes and practical values, emotions, behavioral components, all that can be mobilized forvigorous activity of the graduate of a contemporary higher education institution [6, p. 45].

In the contemporary context, the concept of "competence" is in the midst of contemporary socio-educational science and practice, since it opens qualitatively new prospects for understanding the importance of education, life results of educational activities. The concept of competence is rooted in the idea of forming a competent person and specialist, who not only has necessary knowledge, professionalism, high moral standards but alsois able to act adequately in appropriate situationsap-plying this knowledge and assuming responsibility for a specified activity [11, p. 38]. Competence imposes high

requirements on autonomy of the personality, its ability to assume responsibility, capacity to act constructively, rationally, flexibly, aggressively, and creatively; on optimistic dedication to life, the ability to combine own personal self-fulfillment with the conditions of life in society.

The dynamic and contradictory nature of development of contemporary society imposes its requirements on successful personality integration, requires increasingly more efforts of an individual himself and provides for development of overall personality competence. Today, only that individual can meaningfully live and work in society who is able tomake independent choices and autonomous decisions. These and other conditions of social functioning of man dictate the need to acquire modern competencies, which enable to realize cognitive, spiritual-moral, creative, communicative and aesthetic potential of personal development. In the process of lifelong creative work, the nature and value of competence, which reflects cognitive, operational-technological, motivational, ethical, social and behavioral aspects, become obvious to the fullest extent possible. Competence reveals the degree of involvement of an individual in active action, the ability to effectively resolve a problematic reallife situationmustering for this purpose knowledge, abilities, experience, and values. Competencedoes not amount either to knowledge or skills; it can be considered as a possibility of establishing a link between knowledge and a situation, as an ability to find, reveal a procedure (knowledge and) suitable for a problem resolution [12, p. 102103].

Research into the problem of personality competence in modern theory and practice are in a greater degree are related to studying the phenomenon of professional competence. Analysis of the modern understanding of professional competence by different scholars allows regarding it asa body of knowledge and skills thatdetermine professional work effectiveness [13]; a body of professional knowledge and professional significant personality attributes [14]; a manifestation of professional and general personal culture [7].

Distinguishing the terms "competence" and "competencies," V. Kraievskii and A. Khutorskoi explain that competency means a range of issues in which an individual is versed and experienced, while competence is acombination of relevant knowledge and abilities in a particular sphere of activity enabling to effectively act therein [7, p. 56]. The functions of competencies in education reflect a social mandate for training of youths, are a condition for realization of personalized meanings of teaching, represent intersubject elements of the education content, enable to link theoretical knowledge to its use; and consti-tuteintegral characteristics of specialist professional training quality.

The system of professional training of social teachers provides for unity, interdetermination, continuity and succession of operation of system (value-based, meaning-based, functional, technological, professional-personal, regulatory-legal, activity-related, diagnostic-remedial) and structural (pre-professional, heterolevel professional and post-degree) components, which is a prerequisite for professional-personalformation of specialists, comple-

menting and deepening professional training, enabling life-long learning, transition of specialists to a new, higher level of professional competence, variability and possibility of intensification of such transitions[15, p. 12].

Most researchers consider the concept of "competence" asa research category, which describes man as a professional entity, his ability to successfully exercise his professional powers. Meaning-based analysis of the findings of theoretical and practical studies on the problem of professional competence of the social teacher indicates variability in understanding the essence, approaches to definition, structure definition, and technologies to build it in students-future social teachers. Let us cite definitions of professional competence by different authors-researchers in order to define common and distinct characteristics of this phenomenon.

Professional competence of the social teacher is defined as a set of interrelated personal qualities providing for a mastery of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, an ability to apply them in the course of professional activities, capacity to creatively resolve problems, take the consequences of his activities, as well as professional advancement through constant development, self-improvement and self-education [15, 14, 16, 2].

Professional competence is not only an integral part of the process of socialization (labor stage, professional socialization) of the individual but also an indicator of success of its course. Development of professional competence is an active process that lasts throughout man's working life and unfolds sequentially in accordance with professional

becoming of personality taking on new forms at every stage of professional development of the specialist. During its formation, it undergoes a number of stages: professional adaptation, professional identification, professional indi-vidualization and professional personification [13].

Analysis of the results of research in the problem of professional competence shows thatfor the time being the term "competence" in professional pedagogy is definitely theoretically substantiated in a general pedagogical sense, is mainly used in cases when it is about asuf-ficiently high level of skills and professionalism of the specialist. However, the specifics of socio-educational activities impose their specific requirements on formation of professional competence of the social teacher.

It is worth noting that professional competence of the social teacher is an essential component of professionalism, which includes knowledge and erudition,displays itself in successful-performance of professional tasks and enables an individual to be versed in issues of a certain area of public activity, competently resolve problems of his professional activities. The said phenomenon provides for the presence of those personal qualities, which enable to act responsibly and independently. An important aspect of understanding the theoretical content of the concept of competence lies in the fact that it-does notmean acquisition of a certain set of knowledge, professional skills in a certain specialty but a combination of the latter with developed specific abilities and qualities of personality,specific competencies,which, in the aggregate, will contribute to effectiveness of pro-

fessional activities of the social sphere specialist[8, p. 282-283].

An important task of operation of the system of professional training of the social sphere specialists is to form not just a system of special knowledge, skills and abilities of the specialist (social teacher) but exactly a system (certain set) of competencies as an in-tegrative system subject to the specific of professional activities (socio-edu-cational activities in society). Competence imposes strict requirements on personal autonomy of the social teacher, on hisability to assume responsibility, capacity to act constructively, rationally, flexibly, aggressively, and creatively; on optimistic dedication to life, the ability to combine his individuality with the conditions of life.

Conclusions. Consequently, based on analysis of the positions of research scholars on the problem of the competency-based approach, problems of professional competence of the specialist, it may be deduced that professional competence of the social teacher means a general ability and readiness founded on knowledge, skills, abilities, values, attitudes and experience, which enable using socio-educational customer management techniques, perform professional tasks in standard and nonstandard situations in the course of professional practice. Introduction of the competency-based approach into the process of professional training of social teachers means formation of a mix of professional competencies of the specialist — general-theoretical and practice-oriented, whichindisputably become the basis for and the priority vector of successful professional self-fulfillment


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