sexist language. And we will cover all of these topics, along with many others - what social class and ethnicity might have to do with language use, why we do not always 'say what we mean,' the role of language in education.
But we would like to encourage readers to approach the study of sociolinguistics not as a collection of facts, but as a way of viewing the world around you. In sociolinguistics, we seek to analyze data so that we can make generalizations about language in society, but also to question both our findings and the very process of doing research. Take, for instance, the topic of nicknames. We could investigate this sociolinguistic phenomenon by surveying people about their nicknames and also observing or recording interactions in which they are addressed by close friends and family members. We might find, indeed, that the men in our study are often called nicknames, while the women rarely are. But we would like to go deeper than this generalization; why do we ask this question in the first place? Why do we assume that the categories of 'men' and 'women' are socially relevant? What is it about nicknames that makes using them, or not using them, significant social behavior? And even if most men are called by a nickname and most women are not, how do we explain the existence of individual men who do not have nicknames, and the individual women who do?
Thus, while in sociolinguistics we do analyze speech with the goal of making generalizations, we also question these generalizations and examine how they, in turn, influence how we use language. In short, sociolinguistics is not a study of facts (e.g., men call each other nicknames) but the study of ideas about how societal norms are intertwined with our language use.
We will come back to these points repeatedly: language, society, and sociolinguistic research findings must all be viewed in their social contexts, interpreted, and redefined. To begin, however, we will offer a starting point for discussing language in society. By society, we mean a group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes; this is a rather vague and broad term, and throughout this book we will be engaged in discussing how to draw meaningful boundaries around a group of speakers for the purposes of studying their language. We use the term language to mean a system of linguistic communication particular to a group; this includes spoken, written, and signed modes of communication. Used Literature:
1. Daniyeva M.Dj. The external structure of the text is a set of Properties connecting literary content with reality// Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research. India, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2023. - P. 11-17.
2. Graddol, D. (2004). The Future of Language. Science 303: 1329-31.
3. Harrison, K. D. (2007). When Languages Die. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Hayes-Rivas, J. J. (2004). One World Scientific Language? Science 304: 1243.
© flaHMeBa M.flw., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Egamurotova M. N.
4 th-year student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with one of the most actual problems of present day phonetics, that is the analysis
of the features of rising tones in both English and Uzbek languages. The actuality of the present investigation is grounded by the fact that the problems related to language and linguistic meaning are very important to understand the essential notions of the communicative linguistics and the theory of speech acts.
phonetics, intonation, rising tone, melody, syllable, complicated phenomenon, sentence stress, tempo, rhythm.
Эгамуротова М.Н.
студентка 4 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
Статья посвящена одной из самых актуальных проблем современной фонетики — анализу особенностей восходящих тонов как в английском, так и в узбекском языках. Актуальность настоящего исследования обоснована тем, что проблемы, связанные с языковым и лексическим значением, имеют большое значение для понимания основных понятий коммуникативной лингвистики и теории речевых актов.
Ключевые слова
фонетика, интонация, восходящий тон, мелодия, слог, сложное явление, ударение в предложении, темп, ритм.
Phonemes, syllables and words, as lower - level linguistic units, constitute a higher phonetic unit - the utterance. Every concrete utterance, alongside of its phonemic and syllabic structures has a certain intonation.
Intonation is an essential prosodic element of human speech. It shapes human speech phonetically and helps to express grammatical, semantic and emotional meanings of phrases or sentences. Intonation is a very complicated phenomenon and therefore its definition varies among linguists.
Most Russian and Uzbek phoneticians define intonation as a complex unity of speech melody, sentence stress, tempo, rhythm and voice timbre, which enables the speaker to express his thoughts, emotions and attitudes towards the contents of the utterance and the hearer. Speech melody, sentence stress, tempo, rhythm and timbre are all components of intonation. These are perceptible qualities of intonation.
Acoustically, intonation is a complex combination of varying fundamental frequency, intensity and duration.
Speech melody is primarily related with fundamental frequency, tempo - with duration. But there is no one - to - one relation between any of the acoustic parameters and stress, any parameter and rhythm. About the acoustic nature of voice timbre little is known as yet.
On the articulatory, or production, level intonation is a complex phenomenon. In the production of speech melody the subglottal, laryngeal and supraglottal respiratory nucleus regulate the subglottal air - pressure, which makes the vocal cords vibrate. An increase of subglottal pressure raise the pith of the voice, and its decrease lowers the pitch.
There is no single mechanism to which the production of stress can be attributed.
Further investigations are necessary to discover the articulatory mechanisms of the components of intonation.
The definition of intonation given above is a broad definition. It reflects the actual interconnection and interaction of melody, sentence stress, rhythm and timbre in speech.
A great number of phoneticians abroad, including Jones, Armstrong and Ward, Pike, Kingdon, Gimson, O'Connor and Arnold define intonation as the variation of the pitch of the voice, thus reducing it to just one component - speech melody. This is a narrow definition of intonation.
Used Literature:
1. Abduazizov A.A. Theoretical Phonetics of Modern English, T-1986, p.142
2. Alimardanov R.A., Pronounciation Theory of English, T-2009, p. 94
3. Daniyeva M.Dj. Comparative study of novel genre in modern prose. Научный электронный журнал «Матрица научного познания». Уфа, № 12-1/2023. - С. 395-398.
© Эгамуротова М.Н., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Ergasheva A.A.
4 th-year student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with the problems of Substantivation of Adjectives in Modern English which is actual because transposition of adjectives into the class of appellative nouns has its own expressive value. In colloquial English this is rather a frequent occurrence. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the obtained results of the qualification paper can be used as a theoretical material at the lectures on Stylistics, Lexicology, Literature and so on.
Adjective, substantivation, appellative nouns, frequent occurrence, expressive value.
Эргашева А. А.
студентка 4 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан