Routine Dialogues: Practicing simple daily conversations, such as ordering food or asking for directions, builds practical skills.
Task-Based Learning. Assigning tasks such as writing emails, filling forms, or planning events integrates language learning with practical applications.
Students gain functional language skills relevant to real-world scenarios. Songs and Rhymes.
Music aids memory and pronunciation. Songs with repetitive lyrics help learners grasp new words and phrases easily.
Adapting Methods for Different Learners
Young Learners. Use colorful visuals, simple songs, and interactive activities to hold their attention. Focus on phonics and basic vocabulary through storytelling and play.
Teenagers. Incorporate technology, social media, and pop culture references to make lessons relatable. Emphasize speaking and listening skills through group discussions and debates.
Adult Learners. Highlight practical applications such as workplace communication and travel scenarios. Use clear, structured lessons to build grammar and vocabulary gradually. Challenges and Solutions in Teaching English Challenge: Limited Motivation
Solution: Set achievable goals and celebrate progress to keep learners motivated. Challenge: Diverse Proficiency Levels
Solution: Use differentiated instruction, where tasks are tailored to individual learning needs. Challenge: Pronunciation Issues
Solution: Integrate phonetic exercises and audio resources to improve pronunciation. Conclusion. Teaching English can be made easier and more effective through creative, student-centered approaches. By integrating technology, interactive activities, and real-life applications, educators can simplify the learning process and make it enjoyable for students. These methods not only enhance language acquisition but also foster a positive attitude toward learning English, preparing students for global communication. References:
1. Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman, 2015.
2. Richards, J.C., & Rodgers, T.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
© Allanazarova O., Sadykova Sh., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Babakulova Ch. В.
4 th-year student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with the problems of Noun Phrases in Modern English. The actuality of the topic is
explained on one hand by the profound interest to the function of the various structural types of phrase in the literary text and in speech, and on the other hand by the absence of the widely approval analyses of the phrase structures of the semantic, stylistic, structural, distributional and statistical point of view.
noun, phrase, linguistics, prepositional phrases, structural features, comprehensive analysis.
Бабакулова Ч. Б.
студентка 4 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
Статья посвящена проблемам именных словосочетаний в современном английском языке. Актуальность темы объясняется, с одной стороны, глубоким интересом к функции различных структурных типов словосочетаний в литературном тексте и речи, а с другой стороны, отсутствием общепринятых анализов структуры словосочетаний с семантической, стилистической, структурной, дистрибутивной и статистической точек зрения.
Ключевые слова
существительное, словосочетание, лингвистика, предложные словосочетания, структурные особенности, всесторонний анализ.
Complex noun phrases contain three components: pre- modification, head noun and post-modification. We are to deal with these components in turn.
Like in the basic noun phrase, the head noun, first of all, is the central element and core component of the complex and phrase. It may be count or mass noun which dictates concord and ( for the most part) other kinds of congruence worth the rest of the sentence outside the noun phrase.
The second component of a complex noun phrase is pre-modification, also called pre- modifiers, including modifiers that stand before the head noun. Pre-modifiers can be closed-system and /or open-class items. Closed-system pre-modifiers are discussed in the structure of the basic noun phrases above. These items are optional in the complex noun phrases.
The third important component of complex noun phrase is post-modification, called post-modifiers, comprising all the items placed after the head. These post-modifiers are mainly realized by prepositional phrases, finite clauses (or relative clauses), nonfinite clauses, adjective phrases, noun phrases or adverbial phrases:
Apart from with there is a wide range of prepositions that can be used, and those having participle forms as in problems concerning the environment.
A prepositional phrase is a group of words including a preposition and a noun, pronoun, or group of words used as a noun. They are fragments that usually do not stand alone, except in commands like "At once!" or "On your feet!".
Two or More Phrases. When two or more prepositional phrases follow each other, they may modify the same word, or one phrase may modify the object in the preceding phrase: They arrived at the airport on time.
(Both phrases modify arrived: "at the airport" tells where and "on time" tells when.)
Chicago is on the northeast tip of Illions.
("on the northeast tip" modifies "is"; "of Illions" modifies "tip".) Used Literature:
1. Delahnty, G.P., Ganvey, J.J. (1994). Language, Grammar and Communication. A course for teachers of English. Mr. Graw- Hill, Inc. - 256 p.
2. Fries Ch. The Structure of English. London, 1951, - 124 р.
3. Swan M. "Practical English usage". - Oxford, 1980.- 268 р.
4. Даниева М.Дж. Язык выполняет коммуникативную функцию. НЭЖ Академическая публицистика. № 41. Уфа, 2023. - С. 181-185
© Бабкулова Ч.Б., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Bakirova Sh.A.
4 th-year student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with the problems of Intonation which is a branch of Phonetics learning the articulatory structure of words. And it has its methods of investigation applied here to analyze the intonational style is an extremely complex and heterogeneous phenomenon. Even a single speech act involves an extraordinary range of factors and could be considered from any different even conflicting points of view.
phonetics, intonation, stress, melody, voice, structure, style, delimitation.
Бакирова Ш.А.
студентка 4 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
В статье рассматриваются проблемы интонации, являющейся разделом фонетики, изучающим