THE INVESTIGATION OF OCCASIONALISMS BASED ON ICONIC AND MODEM WORKS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vdovichenko Ya.S., Kudritskaya M.I.

This article is devoted to the study of occasionalisms and author's neologisms in modem English, their usage in various cult and contemporary works. The article reveals the connection between word-formative models, used in creating authors neologisms, and occasional words into the English language. The aim of the work is to determine the role of occasionalisms as a means of expression. The object of this study is occasionalisms in literary texts in English, and the subject of research is the features of the use of occasionalisms in literary texts. The definition of the role of occasionalisms has helped to show their significance and importance as means of expression in modern English.

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Б^л макала заманауи агылшын тшндеп кездейсок сездер мен авторльщ неологизмдерд1, оларды эртурл1 табынушыльщтар мен заманауи жумыстарда колда-нуга арналган. Ма^алада автордьщ неологизмдерш жасау ушш колданылатын сез едэу модельдер1 мен агылшын тшндеп кездейсок сездер арасындагы бай-ланыс ашылган. Жумыстьщ максаты - кейстриализ-мнщ сез Tipiceci ретшдеи релш аньщтау. Б^л зерттеу-дщ объекта - агылшын тшндеп эдеби шыгармаларда кездейсок сездердщ колданылуы, ал зерттеу нысаны - кейкализмнщ эртурл1 формаларын колданатын эдеби мэтшдер.


Данная статья посвящена изучению окказиональных слов и авторских неологизмов в современном английском языке, их использованию в различных культовых и современных работах. В статье раскрывается связь между словообразовательными моделями, используемыми при создании авторских неологизмов и случайных слов в английском языке. Цель работы -определить роль окказионализмов как средства выражения мысли автора. Объектом данного исследования является использование окказиональных слов в литературных произведениях, написанных на английском языке, а предметом исследования выступают литературные тексты, в которых используются различные формы окказионализмов.


This article is devoted to the study of occasionalisms and author's neologisms in modern English, their usage in various cult and contemporary works. The article reveals the connection between word-formative models, used in creating author's neologisms, and occasional words into the English language. The aim of the work is to determine the role of occasionalisms as a means of expression. The object of this study is occasionalisms in literary texts in English, and the subject of research is the features of the use of occasionalisms in literary texts. The definition of the role of occasionalisms has helped to show their significance and importance as means of expression in modern English.

Vdovichenko Ya.S.,

Kostanay State Pedagogical

University Named After U. Sultangazin, Kostanay City

Scientific Advisor: Kudritskaya M.I.,

Kostanay State Pedagogical

University Named After U Sultangazin, Kostanay City

Hesi32i сездер: кейсиализмдер, ъщтимал сездер, сезжасам, кез-дейсоц сездер.

Ключевые слова: окказионализмы, потенциальные слова, словообразование, случайные слова.

Keywords: occasionalisms, potential words, word-formation, occasional words.


A wave of occasionalisms has literally overwhelmed the modern literature recently. The number of papers, online articles, and even films where we might meet occasionalisms are growing day by day. Probably, such a rapid growth of individual author's words (this is also sometimes called occasional words) can be explained as a social problem that has arisen as a huge need of authors to express their ideas in their own way by using an extraordinary naming of everything new. A language such as English, which is known to be the national tongue of a huge number of countries all around the world, must reflect the diversity of its speakers in all aspects of its development. This holds true for the constant appearance of new words. Within the national versions of English, for example in Britain, or Australia, or the USA, or wherever the English language is the main communication environment of the culture and has to express all its aspects, so there are neologisms and occasionalisms which are purely local in origin [1, p. 145].

If we add new phrases and words to the language, for instance, old words put together in striking, irresistible and relevant new ways, and then the creativity of English speakers gets its due recognition. Nowadays, film makers, writers, and even politicians need a new rhetoric to describe and justify what is going on, and we all need that vocabulary [p. 146 ibid]. Occasional words are frequently found in fiction works. The authors use these words as lexical means of artistic expression. However, occasionalisms are also often used in a conversational context, in an informal setting with the goal is to express your emotions. Having seen an unusual word, we subconsciously stop, hold our attention on it in order to understand what it means, what it exists for, what meaning is put into it. Thus, the "creators" of the new words achieve their goal: the text is read and remembered due to its uniqueness.

The significance of occasionalisms.

English language is very sensitive to any

modifications happening in the social life of modern society and the appearance of new innovative elements and lexical units are the result of changes in the language structure. The topicality of our theme is preconditioned by the fact that every subsequent period of the language development produces an enormous number of new words or new meanings of established words [2, p. 128]. Most of them do not live long and they are not meant to live long, because some of them were invented to use at the moment of speech. The features of the occasionalisms' functioning in modern English cause a particular interest to researchers as an important aspect for comprehension and interpreting an English literature [3, p. 5]. The novelty of the theme is determined by the peculiarity of the educational methods of occasionalisms in English language in a humorous way with the enormous need to monitor the development of word-formative models of occasionalisms at present stage of the development of lexicology as a science. Since the occasionalisms arise continuously, it is impossible to talk about an exhaustive investigation of any aspect of their study. §

But apart from the fact that occasionalisms ^ seem to be very traditional, it is characterized §


by undoubted scientific perspective for <j

linguistics. For the full comprehension of § this seem, we need to have more theoretical

material and detailed studies of the features of g

occasionalisms. The relevance of this problem §

is also due to the fact that the same language c

fact can be considered in various phenomena s

of different levels of the language, so, for u

the most complete understanding of them, g

we need to find new approaches to properly o

investigate them [4, p. 145]. Occasionalisms o

reflect the development, the dynamics of o

language, thanks to its potential, researchers §

have the opportunity to see the language in s

action. The identification of the reasons of s

word creation allows you to define the value ^

function of these words as an important means g

of creation of author's style, characteristic of o

the writer [5, p. 5]. Also, occasional words §

are interesting as a phenomenon associated with the characteristics of perception and understanding of the new information. Occasional words refer to the so-called field of the untranslatable units, which lately has been the focus of many translation studies [6, p. 6]. This investigation gives an idea of the conditions of emerging and functioning of language and speech occasional units in the author's text, as well as in the description of modern trends in the development of word formation system of modern English language, identifying the relevant processes in its lexical system. Emotionality and expressiveness of English fiction or even series and films depends on those lexical means which an author chooses and this interesting phenomenon as occasional words refers to emotional expressive vocabulary. Language experts began to consider the problem of nonce words as a separate topic quite recently, probably, because of its abnormality and contradictive nature, although different authors' innovations have always been of great interest to many researchers [7, p. 15]. Various researches shows that the appearance g of new words in English language impacts the ® vocabulary acquisition that is one of the most § important needs of English language learners. ^ There are many ways to build vocabulary -§ thru practicing them in conversations, reading 3 good books, looking thru newspapers and w magazines, watching TV and videos or radio § stations, and listening to books and lectures on c tape and everywhere a language learner is able § to stumble upon a new word the context of u which he won't understand, at all [8, p. 102]. g So, our investigation is very important also for o the vocabulary acquisition.

Despite the fact that occasionalisms o have existed for many years, a huge interest g towards this theme has appeared relatively s recently. New occasional words and phrases s arise continuously all around the world, so o it is obviously impossible to say that they o are completely researched. The appearance o of occasionalisms is a continuous process g that requires a constant attention and study

[9, p. 254]. Sometimes this process slows down, sometimes it speeds up, but it never stops. Constantly forming new occasional units need a comprehensive description. This topic is always open for the further research. Moreover, a constant study of the emergence of occasional words should be provided to help people make a successful process of communication.

The definition and features of occasionalisms.

We should say that occasional words are usually called as the words that exist only in a specific context. These words are irrelevant, it means that they do not enter into the general usage, because they are created in any particular situation for the emotional coloring, they are also used only in a special case and at a certain point in time. It is worth noting that, in Latin occasion means "case", so these words are formed "randomly" in specific conditions of speech communication. Occasionalism is a word that was formed at some point of time and related to some case, as one of the types of occasionalisms [10, p. 562].

Occasionalisms are an absolutely new phenomenon that is related to the separate individuals, such as writers and publicists. That's why nowadays they are frequently called as individual or authorial.

There is the opposite concept of occasional, that is called as conventional, and this is everything that is accepted in this language group: the usage of words, phraseological phrases, grammatical constructions, etc. From which it follows that words are usually divided into two classes: "Canonical" words that are used in our everyday life, as well as literary words. "Occasional" words, that is, words that, as it's already said, created in a specific situation, with the help of impromptu. In linguistics, occasional words can be called differently, but they are not as common as the term "occasionalisms". These names are very interesting because they characterize the phenomenon under consideration with their point of view and, therefore, they are elucidated absolutely differently.


It should be noted that there are the following names of occasionalisms that exist in our time: individual words, author's or individually-author's neologisms, neologisms of the context, literary neologisms, one-time neologisms, egologisms and also homemade words, meteor words, impromptu words, etc [11, p. 152].

According to L.G. Lykov, the main difference from the usual (ordinary) words is that occasionalisms are characterized by the following features [12, p. 70]: belonging to speech, createability (irreproducibility), word-formation productivity, dispensability, contextual dependence, expressivity, nominal optionality, synchronous - diachronic diffusion, and belonging to a certain person.

The usage of occasional words in different authorial works.

English series and literary works are overwhelmed with occasional words and phrases. For example, you may stumble upon Phonetic occasionalisms in many foreign books; so, one of the parts of the action in the novel "Cat's Cradle" takes place in the tiny country of San Lorenzo. The prevailing dialect of English serves as a source for a number of phonetic occasionalisms, such as "hy-u-o-ook-kuh" - the word "hook" sounds in the local dialect. "Oh, sure," said the driver. "Anybody feed that crazy old man, anybody give him place to sleep, and they get the hook. Nobody wants the hook". He pronounced that last word: "hy-u-o-ook-kuh" [13. p, 166]. The phonetic occasional words also include the names of alien races found in the novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, for example, "Vogon"."Here is what to do if you want to get a lift from a Vogon: forget it. They are one of the most unpleasant races in the Galaxy..." [14, p. 144].

As for syntactic occasionalisms, a suitable example for illustration is the occasionalism of Douglas Adams "Electronic Thumb" that has already been mentioned above. "Besides the Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic and the scripts he had an Electronic Thumb - a short squat black rod, smooth and matt with a couple of flat

switches and dials at one end [p, 144, ibid]".

The most commonly used way of education is compression, the biggest number of which you can find the modern British series "Misfits". For example, the Derren-Brown-voodoo-mind thing demonstrates the fusion of the name Derren, the last name Brown, and the two nouns voodoo, mind into a single word. Occasionalism a five-and-a-half-inches of pleasure includes numeral blending and measure measures. The example of the sex-change-switch thing also demonstrates the compression of the three fundamentals of sex + change + switch and means gender change.

Several more occasionalisms were revealed that were formed by merging phrases into one definition, for example, a moving-the-bodies thing, in which the merging of three lexical units is traced: the moving noun, the article the and the noun body in the plural. And also Spider-Man-words (Spider + Man + Words). The I-am-gay thing, a combination of the personal pronoun I, the verb to be and the noun gay, is a merger of a simple sentence. The same can be said about Granny-Kill-Me occasionalism, where the granny noun, the verb to kill and the personal pronoun me in g the object case are combined into one word. ® Next, occasionalisms are created mainly from § two grammatical foundations. For example, <


a runner-guy represents the addition of the §

nouns runner and guy. Occasionalism panty- 3

sniffer is also created by the merger panty + w

sniffer. §

Occasionalism Mr. Freddie-he-is-a-riot- c

Flewerdow was created by merging the first §

and last names of Freddie Flewerdow, and the u


simple he-is-a-riot sentence. g

The surname of the main character Basset q is found in two occasionalisms: Gawdhelp- o

us-Bassett and the Guissie-Miss-Basset o


imbroglio, where in the first case the surname g is added with the phrase Gawd help us. In the s second occasionalism, the above surname Miss s

and the name of the hero Guissie are added, u


The first occasionalism can be understood as o


"crazy Basset", and the second clarification o of the relationship between Gassi and Miss g

Basset." In addition, proper names were used to form the occasional Glossop-Bellinger. The compounding method is used in the formation of occasionalism. Catsmeat, where two nouns are combined into one word. The occasional word legwear, which according to the context denotes the choice of clothing, is created by blending the two bases of leg and wear. Such an understandable and simple word as serious-minded is not fixed in the dictionaries, therefore it is occasionalism created by the compounding of the two fundamentals of serious and minded.

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Thereby, we can make a conclusion that occasionalisms became an important part of our life; we are able to meet them everywhere, starting from iconic books and ending with modern shows. They help the authors to express their opinion by using special combination of words and phrases the meaning of which it is difficult to understand out of the context. Occasionalism as a speech unit created by the author as a means of expressing speech to create an image has been actively used for several centuries. As a g means of expression in art, and especially in ® poetic speech, occasionalism allows not only § the author to create a unique image, but the < reader, in turn, gets the opportunity to see and § mentally create his own personal subjective 3 image or picture. And this means that we can S talk about the co-creation of the artist and § the reader. This shows the universality and

c perspectiveness of occasionalisms in speech.




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