Научная статья на тему 'Neologisms in the language of German press'

Neologisms in the language of German press Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lapenkov Denis S., Olejnik Olga V.

Constant appearance of new words in the language requires continuous systematic study of these lexical units. The subject of this work is neologisms in the German language of press. The objective is as follows: to identify the specific of the new nominations formation and their complex description on the material of the German press. The tasks of the research are: to study the features of neologisms of recent years, to trace the causes of their emergence, to consider the ways of their formation, to trace the criteria of registering them in dictionaries, to identify the role of neologisms in German press. The material for the study is the reports and articles of social and political newspapers and magazines: Spiegel online, Zeit online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Westfalenpost online. I n this work the following linguistic methods are used as tools: definition analysis, continuous sampling method, component analysis, linguistic description method, as well as considering the context in the analysis of the studied lexical units. The research of new nominations on the material of the German press allowed us to conclude that the revealed neologisms are mostly compound nouns, the percentage of other parts of speech among neologisms is small. This is due to the fact that innovations in the press are the result of messages compression, as well as a way of expressing the emotional and expressive coloring of the events in the social and political life of the Germans.

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Постоянное появление новых слов в языке нуждается в непрерывном системном изучении данных лексических единиц. Предметом исследования работы являются неологизмы в немецком языке прессы. Цель исследования: выявление специфики образования новых номинаций и комплексное их описание на материале немецкой прессы. Задачи работы: изучить особенности неологизмов последних лет, проследить причины их возникновения, рассмотреть способы их образования, проследить критерии регистрации их в словарях, обозначить роль неологизмов в сообщениях немецкой прессы. Материалом для исследования послужили сообщения и статьи общественно-политических газет и журналов: Spiegel online, Zeit online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Westfalenpost online. В качестве инструментария в данной работе были использованы следующие лингвистические методы: дефиниционный анализ, метод сплошной выборки, компонентный анализ, метод лингвистического описания, а также учёт контекста при анализе исследуемых лексических единиц. Исследование новых номинаций на материале немецкой прессы позволило сделать выводы, что обнаруженные неологизмы являются в основном сложными существительными, процент других частей речи среди неологизмов невелик. Данный факт обусловлен тем, что новообразования в прессе являются результатом компрессии сообщений, а также способом выражения эмоционально-экспрессивной окраски происходящих событий в общественно-политической жизни немцев.

Текст научной работы на тему «Neologisms in the language of German press»

DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2020-6-21-59-66 УДК 811.112

Neologisms in the language of German press Denis S. LAPENKOV, Olga V. OLEJNIK

Orenburg State University 13 Pobedy Ave, Orenburg 460018, Russian Federation ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8451-3556, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2325-3433, e-mail: [email protected]

Неологизмы в языке немецкой прессы

Денис Сергеевич ЛАПЕНКОВ, Ольга Викторовна ОЛЕЙНИК

ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный университет» 460018, Российская Федерация, г. Оренбург, пр-т Победы, 13 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8451-3556, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2325-3433, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Constant appearance of new words in the language requires continuous systematic study of these lexical units. The subject of this work is neologisms in the German language of press. The objective is as follows: to identify the specific of the new nominations formation and their complex description on the material of the German press. The tasks of the research are: to study the features of neologisms of recent years, to trace the causes of their emergence, to consider the ways of their formation, to trace the criteria of registering them in dictionaries, to identify the role of neologisms in German press. The material for the study is the reports and articles of social and political newspapers and magazines: Spiegel online, Zeit online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Westfalenpost online. I n this work the following linguistic methods are used as tools: definition analysis, continuous sampling method, component analysis, linguistic description method, as well as considering the context in the analysis of the studied lexical units. The research of new nominations on the material of the German press allowed us to conclude that the revealed neologisms are mostly compound nouns, the percentage of other parts of speech among neologisms is small. This is due to the fact that innovations in the press are the result of messages compression, as well as a way of expressing the emotional and expressive coloring of the events in the social and political life of the Germans.

Keywords: neologisms of the German language; the language of press; registering of the new words in dictionaries; types of neologisms; types of derivation

For citation: Lapenkov D.S., Olejnik O.V. Neologisms in the language of German press. Neofilologiya - Neophilology, 2020, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 59-66. DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2020-621-59-66

Аннотация. Постоянное появление новых слов в языке нуждается в непрерывном системном изучении данных лексических единиц. Предметом исследования работы являются неологизмы в немецком языке прессы. Цель исследования: выявление специфики образования новых номинаций и комплексное их описание на материале немецкой прессы. Задачи работы: изучить особенности неологизмов последних лет, проследить причины их возникновения, рассмотреть способы их образования, проследить критерии регистрации их в словарях, обозначить роль неологизмов в сообщениях немецкой прессы. Материалом для исследования послужили сообщения и статьи общественно-политических газет и журналов: Spiegel online, Zeit online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Westfalenpost online. В качестве инструментария в данной работе были использованы следующие лингвистические методы: дефи-ниционный анализ, метод сплошной выборки, компонентный анализ, метод лингвистического описания, а также учёт контекста при анализе исследуемых лексических единиц. Исследование новых номинаций на материале немецкой прессы позволило сделать выводы,

© Лапенков Д.С., Олейник О.В., 2020

ISSN 2587-6953. Neophilology, 2020, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 59-66.

что обнаруженные неологизмы являются в основном сложными существительными, процент других частей речи среди неологизмов невелик. Данный факт обусловлен тем, что новообразования в прессе являются результатом компрессии сообщений а также способом выражения эмоционально-экспрессивной окраски происходящих событий в общественно-политической жизни немцев.

Ключевые слова: неолэгизмы немецкого языка; язык прессы; регистрация в словаре новых слов; типы неологизмов; типы деривации

Для цитирования: Lapeiikov D.S., Olejiiik O.V. Neologisms in the language of German press // Неофилология. 2020. Т. 6, №21. С. 59-66. DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2020-6-21-59-66 (InEngl., Abstr. in Russian).

In press reports, of persuasive and evaluative kind, the use of new lexical units is a stylistic tool, since in modern media there is a trend to the manifestation of authorship, word creation, uniqueness, and self-expression of journalists. This trend is most fully realized through the creation of new lexical units. The language of the media quickly responds to changes in society. It can be stated that the language of the press develops and changes, forming the sphere of active functioning of the language, where a certain environment and favorable conditions for the creation of neologisms are provided.

Neologism is a lexical unit or lexical meaning that occurs at a certain period of time for the development of a language in a linguistic community, is spread, recognized as a language norm, and is perceived by the majority of native speakers as a new unit [1, S. 152]. Most authors define neologisms as words (or phrases) denoting a new reality (object or concept) that appeared relatively recently in the language [2-5].

All changes and transformations in modern life are reflected in the lexical stock of the language through the emergence of new words. Each new phenomenon, a new invention gets its name. This is the main reason for the emergence of new words. For example, Wcildbciden is a new trend, borrowed from Japan and denotes a stay in the forest or a walk through the forest, which, according to Japanese researchers, is an analogue of aromatherapy, strengthens the human immune system and eliminates depression. Wcildbciden - "forest bathing" is a literal translation of the Japanese concept of Shinrin Yoku. As a tourist trend, Wcildbciden has become relevant in Germany since 2018.

New social events are also reflected in the vocabulary. So, the "diesel scandal", which began in 2015, around large German automakers, who were accused of fraud with the level of ex-

haust from diesel cars, is the reason for the appearance of a number of new lexical units: Mogel-Motor. Mogel-Software - a motor and software that allows hide data on high levels of harmful substances in diesel exhausts; DieselFahrverbote - the ban on the entry of diesel cars; Diesel-Affäre, Abgas-Affcire - scam with diesel cars; Antobosse - the representatives of the auto industry, Autogipfel - car summit, E-Auto-Fabrik - production of electric vehicles. The Diesel-Fahrverbot lexical unit according to the German Language Society (GfdS) is the 2018 neologism1. Even Angela Merkel, who opposed the complete ban on diesel cars, was called in the press as Dieselkanzlerin.

According to H. Elsen, new words in the language of the press not only expand the vocabulary of the language, but also are the "pulse of time" (Zeitgeist), reflecting current events [6, S. 80].

But besides designating new phenomena, neologisms can designate phenomena previously known and having common names. In this case, the emergence of neologisms is determined by intralinguistic reasons, namely, the new nomination expresses the desire of the native speaker to expressiveness, spare use of the nomination and word-forming by analogy.

For example, the spare use of the nomination: Verhärtung der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit1 -tightening measures against long-term unemployment. Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit is not represented in the dictionary, but even at the moment of its occurrence, the word does not have a sign of novelty and is perceived as a usual, familiar

1 „Heißzeit" ist das Wort des Jahres 2018 // Spiegel online. URL: https ://www. spiege 1 de/kultur/gese llschaft/ heisszeit- ist-das-wort- des-jahres-2018-a-124 36 88.html (abrufen: 23.10.2019).

2 Arbeitslose Hartz-IV-Bezieher immer länger ohne

Job // GMX online. URL: https ://www. gmx.net/magazine/ po lit ik/arbe its lose-hartz- iv- bez jeher- laenger- j ob- 32 919734 (abrufen: 23.10.2019)._

lexeme. These neologisms include neoplasms, created on the basis of productive patterns of word formation in the German language.

The occurrence of expressiveness is actualized in the derogatory designation of false news in a lexical unit. Fake News: King (EU-Sicherheitskommissar) zufolge umfassen die Bedrohungen im Cyberspace etwa Hackerangriffe und Schadstoffsoftware, terroristische Onlinepropaganda bis hin zum Versuch, mit "Fake News" das Verhalten einer großen Zahl von Menschen zu manipulieren "und unsere offenen demokratischen Systeme zu einer Waffe zu machen, die sich gegen uns selbst richtet "3. - "According to King (EU Commissioner for Security), threats in cyberspace encompass, for example, hacker attacks and malware, terrorist online propaganda, as well as attempts to manipulate the behavior of large numbers ofpeople using "fake news" and "turn our open democratic systems into weapons directed against us "

For the concept of Fake News in German there are already lexical units Falschmeldung, Falschinformation, but the new borrowed lexical unit is designed to preserve the unusual and fresh nomination. Quite often popular politicians contribute to the popularization of neologisms. Thanks to Donald Trump, the lexical unit or "fake news" became one of the most popular in the public debate in 2017.

In the following example, the information function of neologism is combined with the function of influencing the audience, and the narrative imagery is combined with saving language effort: Der Politiker hat sein Büro angewiesen, Anrufe von ausländischen Ministern während Autofahrten nicht mehr durchzustellen. Der Grund: Es ist ihm peinlich, dass die Verbindungen immer wieder abreißen. Willkommen in der Funklochrepublik Deutschland [7]. - The politician instructed his office not to connect him over the phone with foreign ministers while driving. Reason: he is embarrassed that the connection is interrupted again. Welcome to Germany, the republic of zones where there is no radio connection.

According to D. Steffens and O. Nikitina, neologisms differ from the well-known, well-

3 EU-Kommissar geißelt „prorussische Desinformationskampagne" // Zeit online. URL: https://www.zeit.de/ politik/ausbnd/2018-01/russbnd-eu-kommission-falsch-information-verbreitung-eiTOpa (abrufen: 23.10.2019)._

established lexical units either by the novelty of form and meaning at the same time, or by the novelty of only meaning. According to this, two types of neologisms are distinguished: new lexical units and new meanings [8].

Semantic neologisms are represented by new meanings that evolve with words that exist in the language. E.V. Rosen notes that semantic neologisms are vocabulary units that, in addition to known meanings, have acquired some new ones [5]. For example, the verb knicken has undergone semantic changes. At the moment, in addition to the following semantic meanings (break, bend the knees, bend, form folds), this verb reveals a new meaning. Kannste knicken. This expression is used if something is impracticable and it makes sense to abandon this undertaking. Das kannst du knicken! It is used as a rejection of not quite serious intentions.

Neologism appears at a certain period of linguistic development in the communicative society, is distributed in it and is accepted as the language norm. The customization, lexicaliza-tion and integration are the main stages of the transition of the neologism into the vocabulary stock of the language.

Thus, the Duden editors increased the 27th edition of the dictionary by 5,000 words, the sale started in August 20174. In the dictionary of this publishing house from published in 1880, there were 27,000 entries, now there 145,000 of them.

To discover new lexical units, the Duden edition uses computer programs that "comb through" a large number of electronic texts and find previously unknown and unregistered words, which are new candidates for inclusion in dictionaries. According to the editorial staff, the text base for discovering new words has more than 5 billion word forms and consists of newspaper, magazine articles, texts of fiction, political speeches, technical instructions, etc., i.e. from texts of various styles.

According to most scholars (D. Herberg, M. Kinne, D. Steffens), it is the rationalization, lexicalization and integration of new lexical units that are the main criteria for distinguishing neologisms from occasionalisms [9].

4 Der Duden wächst um 5000 Wörter // Spiegel online. URL: https ://www. spiege 1 de/lebenundlernen/schule/ duden-bekommt-5000-neue-woerter-luegenpresse-tablet-futschikato-a-1161669.html (abrufen: 23.10.2019)._

Among the 5,000 words included in Duden dictionary there are many lexical units borrowed from the English language. Units such as Selfle, Tablet, Selflestick, Urban Gardening, Roadtrip, Jumpsuit. This is primarily due to the fact that many technical innovations were invented in the Anglo-American linguistic space. According to the editors, the dictionary is updated every 3-5 years. The last edition was in 2013, during this period there were quite a number of innovations. When a word is included in a dictionary, publishing staff are guided by the following criteria: words must appear frequently in various types of texts. Many adhere to this point of view that the word does not exist if it is not in the dictionary. Accordingly, among the newly registered words there are many complex nouns, such as Flüchtlingskrise, Mütterrente. In this study, the parameter to assign a word to neologisms is the fact that there is no registration of a lexical unit in the electronic version of the duden.de dictionary.

The new vocabulary found in the electronic publications Spiegel, Zeit and in the news on the Internet portal www.gmxde is represented mainly by nouns (95 % of the total sample), the remaining 5 % are distributed between adjectives (pixelig, multireligiös) and verbs {liken, facebooken, entfreunden, posten, tindern). This percentage confirms once again the characteristic nominal style for journalism.

The detected neologisms of journalistic style were analyzed according to their method of creation. Most of the discovered new words were formed by the composition of words (.Identitcitsstress). Among the discovered composite there are formations from three bases: Chemiewaffeneinsatz, Langzeitarbeitslose.

In the system of word formation at a certain stage in the functioning of a language, different types of activity and the formation of new words appear: productive and unproductive. The productivity of a word-formation type is the ability to serve as a model for the production of new words. The productivity or high regularity of these or other methods of word formation is determined by the animated processes of the development of the vocabulary of the German language.

The following methods of word formation find high productivity in the German language: the word composition, the word composition

with affixation, or the complex derivative word formation. Composition often forms nouns, sometimes adjectives, but nouns have this method of word formation prevailing.

Composition: Internationale Ermittler stören Onlinepropagan da des IS (Islamischer Staat). Polizisten aus mehreren westlichen Staaten sind gegen IS-Medien vorgegangen. Es sei ein wichtiger Schlag gegen die Terrormiliz gelungen, teilte Europol mit5 - International-investigators intervene in Islamic State online propaganda. Police from several western states opposed the Islamic state media. An important blow to the terrorist group was a success, Europol said.

Complex nouns in the press are, firstly, special lexical units for designating special referents (concepts); secondly, they consolidate information in a press statement; thirdly, they are text-forming, i. e. new constituents of complex nouns are active in further word-formation processes. By repeating these constituents, a textual context is created in a press article. For example, Gelbwesten-Bewegung, Gelbw esten-P roteste, Gelbwesten-Anhänger. The lexical unit Gelbweste itself is a semantic neologism, because before the spontaneous protest movement in France, this word meant only a yellow vest, and now the sign of protest and people who wear a yellow vest identify themselves as protesters, as participants of the demonstration [10].

Suffixal and prefixal derivation in a link with word combination (compound derivation): Arbeitslose Hartz-IV-Bezieher sind in den vergangenen Jahren im Schnitt immer länger ohne Job geblieben6. - Unemployed recipients of unemployment benefits II in recent years, more and more on average remain without work.

In the language of the press, a composition is productive, where borrowed components from English are used along with German components. The lexical units formed as a result of the combination of the foreign language and the

5 Internationale Ennittler stören Onlinepropaganda des IS // Zeit online. URL: https://www.zeit.de/politik/ ausfand/2018-04/europol-is-zerstoerung-propaganda-me-dien-kanaele-amak (abrufen: 23.10.2019).

0 Arbeitslose Hartz-IV-Bezieher immer länger ohne Job // Westfalenpost online. URL: https //www.wp.de/ wirtschaft/arbe its lose-hartz- iv-bezieher- immer- laenger-ohne-job-id214027353.html (abrufen: 23.10.2019)._

German component are called hybrid formations.

Monica Lewinsky denkt neu über ihre damalige Affäre mit Bill Clinton nach. Stein des Anstoßes ist die #MeToo-Bewegung7. - Monica Lewinsky reflects on the scam with Bill Clinton. The stumbling block is the movement # me too.

In this example, a single-word nomination saves speech effort, because #MeToo-Bewegung pushes out the verbose, descriptive and interpretive designation "# me too - a movement that spread on social networks in October 2017, condemning sexual violence and harassment, which became widespread as a result of the scandal and accusations of film producer Harvey Weinstein."

Borrowing of Anglicisms and empowering them with such vocabulary expression is a feature of the newspaper and journalistic style. With the help of anglicisms, the author tries to convey his attitude to the facts stated in the message. In the anglicisms of the following example, it is possible to consider irony as a means of indirectly assessing what is happening, which manifests itself in imitating the American way of life.

Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron genoss eine Hubschraubertour über die US-Hauptstadt, dinierte auf George Washingtons Plantage, pflanzte eine Eiche vor dem Weißen Haus und ließ sich bei einem Staatsbankett von 120 VIP-Gästen feiern. Die Bundeskanzlerin kommt zum "Working Lunch " [11]. - French President Emmanuel Macron enjoyed the helicopter tour over the US capital, dined at the George Washington Plantation, planted an oak tree at the White House and celebrated at a state banquet in the presence of 120 high-ranking guests. The Chancellor arrives at the "Working Lunch ".

Verbal neoplasms in the language of the press are few, but the derivational models by which verbs - neoplasms are created retain their productivity, {liken, facebooken, entfreunden, posten, tindern). For example: Entfolgen, entfreunden und löschen. Und bei anderen sozialen Netzwerken? Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter - weiterhin folgen oder entfolgen? [12] - Un-

1 Monica Lewinsky denkt wegen #Metoo neu über ihre Affäre mit Bill Clinton II WEB online. URL: https:// web.de/magazine/politik/monica-lewinsky-denkt-metoo-affaere-bill-clinton-32827894 (abrufen: 23.10.2019).

subscribe, delete from friends and delete. And how in other social networks? Instagram, snatchchat, twitter - still follow or unsubscribe?

As noted earlier, neologisms expressed by adjectives are far from being as frequent as nouns. Der Verlag steckt viel Geld in hippe und schicke Anzeigenwerbung [13]. - The publisher spends a lot of money on hippy and chic advertising through ads.

The lexical unit hipp is not registered in Duden electronic dictionary, but judging by the context, it occurred by contamination from the interjection hipp, which is interpreted as an exclamation of glee and celebration. This unit can also be associated with qualities characteristic of hippies and in this context can be translated as hip or challenging others.

The unproductive patterns of word formation in the language of the German press include syllable reduction and affixal derivation, which are represented by few examples:

GroKo will Langzeitarbeitslosen neue Perspektive geben. Die Regierungskoalition hat Vollbeschäftigung zum Ziel erklärt. Sie will also auch Menschen, die lange arbeitslos waren, neue Perspektiven geben [14]. - The big coalition wants to give people who have been in the status of the unemployed for a long time a new perspective. The ruling coalition has set a goal of achieving full employment. Thus, it also wants to give new perspectives to people who have been unemployed for a long time.

GroCo (large coalition) should be understood as a coalition between the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the block of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU).

Suffixal derivation with the suffix -er: Snapchatter - are people who use snapchat.

Most new words are gradually moving into the main vocabulary of the language. M. Kinne believes that before a new word belongs to the main vocabulary of a language, it has to go through four phases: the emergence, active use, codification and inclusion of the word in the dictionary [15, S. 86]. Therefore, the concept of neologism is not static, but rather has a procedurally dynamic character.

According to F. Gerlach, this process of entering a new word in the main vocabulary can last up to 10 years [16]. There are cases when, literally overnight, thanks to the apt word of a

journalist, a neologism becomes known to all segments of the public. This happened to the word Jamaika-Koalition in 2005. This lexical unit denotes a coalition of the three German political parties, the CDU/CSU, the Free Democratic Party, and the Green Party. The origin of the word is associated with the national flag of Jamaica, the colors of which correspond to the party colors of the CDU/CSU (black), the Free Democratic Party (yellow) and "The Green" (green). Having fulfilled its communicative role, the named event loses its relevance, and the new word can be completely forgotten.

In 2017, the new lexical unit Jamaika-Aus replaced the Jamaika-Koalition. This lexical unit was chosen German neologism in 2017 by the German language community (Gesellschaft fur deutsche Sprache). This neologism reflects special difficulties in the formation of the government after the elections in the Bundestag 2017, but also draws attention to interesting word formation. The substantive adverb Aus of colloquial origin indicates the end, the failure of the coalition of the three political parties in Germany, the CDU/CSU, the Free Democratic Party and the Green Party.

Thus, we may state that neologisms always occur where new objects or facts need to be named and are characterized by the fact that they are perceived by speaker as unfamiliar and new for some time. These are stylistically marked lexical units with a novelty effect. If a new word begins to be used very often, its novelty is erased, and if a new word goes through the registration process in dictionaries, it ceases to be a neologism.

The use of the new vocabulary in the newspaper-publicist style is a peculiar trick to hook the reader and push him to read the information presented. The new word is able to emphasize the originality of the text. The creation and functioning of neologisms in the language of the press is pragmatically justified, because they are an effective technique for updating the expressive function of the German language. The predominance of complex nouns among neologisms is due to the spread of rating, which serves as a logical compaction (compression) of the utterance. In this case, new nouns can express the content of entire sentences.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

13. Felder E. Willkür im Duden. Spektrum online, (hi German). Available at: https://www.spektrum.de/ kohmnie/willkuer-im-duden/1494781 (accessed 23.10.2019').

14. Rövekamp M. Wie die Groko Langzeitarbeitslosen helfen will. Der Tagesspiegel online, (hi German). Available at: https://www.tagesspie^l.de/wirtschaft/sozialer-arbeitsniarkt-wie-die-groko-langzeitarbeits-losen-heIfen-will/20948862.html (accessed23.10.2019).

15. Kinne M. Der lange Weg zum deutschen Neologismenwörterbuch. hi: Teubert W. Neologie und Korpus. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1998, pp. 63-110. (hi German).

16. Gerlach F. Die Welt der Neologismen. Goethe Institut online. (In German). Available at: https://www. goe-the.de/de/spr/mag/ 20364473.html (accessed 23.10.2019).

Информация об авторах

Лапенков Денис Сергеевич, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков. Оренбургский государственный университет, Орский гуманитарно-технологический институт (филиал), г. Орск, Оренбургская обл., Российская Федерация. E-mail: [email protected]

Вклад в статью: анализ литературы, перевод с русского на английский язык.

ORCID: https://orc id.org/0000-ООО 1- 8451 - 35 56

Олейник Ольга Викторовна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков. Оренбургский государственный университет, Орский гуманитарно-технологический институт (филиал), г. Орск, Оренбургская обл., Российская Федерация. E-mail: [email protected]

Вклад в статью: идея, поиск и анализ научной литературы, написание статьи

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2325-3433

Конфликт интересов отсутствует.

Для контактов:

Олейник Ольга Викторовна

E-mail: [email protected]

Поступила в редакцию 06.11.2019 г.

Поступила после рецензирования 04.12.2019 г.

Повторное рецензирование 27.12.2019 г.

Принята к публикации 14.01.2020 г.

Information about the authors

Denis S. Lapenkov, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department. Orenburg State University, Orsk Humanities and Technology Institute (the branch of), Orsk, Orenburg Region, Russian Federation. E-mail: [email protected]

Contribution: literature analysis, translation from Russian to English.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8451-3556

Olga V. Olejnik, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department. Orenburg State University, Orsk Humanities and Technology Institute (the branch of), Orsk, Orenburg Region, Russian Federation. E-mail: [email protected]

Contribution: idea, scientific literature search and analysis, manuscript drafting.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2325-3433

There is no conflict of interests.

Corresponding author:

Olga V. Olejnik

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 6 November 2019

Reviewed 4 December 2019

Second peer review round 27 December 2019

Accepted for press 14 January 2020

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