Научная статья на тему 'Neologisms in English language'

Neologisms in English language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ruzieva Nafisa Zarifovna

This article is devoted to the study of English Language Neologisms. Day by day life is changing and attitude towards the language is also becoming more important. Neologisms are newly born words. Most of them are terms. The layer of terminological neologisms has been rapidly growing since the start of the technological revolution. The sphere of the Internet alone gave birth to thousands of new terms which have become international.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Neologisms in English language»

значение для фразеологии современного английского языка имеет изучение пословиц как источника фразеологической деривации

Исследуя данную тему, можем прийти к такому выводу, что каждая структура и часть предложения и слова имеют разные понятия, когда они включены в состав предложения, и другое значение, когда они используются самостоятельно.

Список литературы

1. Арнольд И.В. Семантическая структура слова в современном английском языке и методика ее исследования. Л.: Просвещение, 1966.

2. Арсеньева Е.Ф. Сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц. Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 1989.


Ruzieva Nafisa Zarifovna - Teacher of the English Language, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FACULTY OF LIGHT INDUSTRY,


Abstract: this article is devoted to the study of English Language Neologisms. Day by day life is changing and attitude towards the language is also becoming more important. Neologisms are newly born words. Most of them are terms. The layer of terminological neologisms has been rapidly growing since the start of the technological revolution. The sphere of the Internet alone gave birth to thousands of new terms which have become international.

Keywords: new words, neologisms, barbarisms, foreignism, technological revolution, words of the year (WotY).

It is a well-known fact that the word-stock of any language is constantly changing and renewing. Old words die and new words appear. Before disappearing, a word undergoes the stages of being obsolescent, obsolete and archaic. The beginning of the aging process of a word is marked by decrease in its usage. Rarely used words are called obsolescent. To English obsolescent words belong the pronoun though and its forms thee, thy and thine, the verbs with the ending - est {though makest) and the ending -th {he maketh), and other historical survivals. Obsolete words have gone completely out of usage though they are still recognized by the native speakers (methinks = it seems to me; nay = no). Archaic words belong to Old English and are not Acognized nowadays. The main function of old words is to create a realistic background to historical works of literature.

Neologisms are newly born words. Most of them are terms. The layer of terminological neologisms has been rapidly growing since the start of the technological revolution. The sphere of the Internet alone gave birth to thousands of new terms which have become international (network, server, browser, e-mail, provider, site, Internet Message Access Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Microsoft Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, etc).

The Internet is an immense virtual world with its own language and its people, good or bad. Hacker means "someone who uses a computer to connect to other people's computers secretly and often illegally in order to find or change information". Spammermeans "someone who sends emails to large numbers of people on the Internet, especially when these are not wanted". Recent discoveries in biochemistry, genetic engineering, plasma physics, microelectronics, oceanography, cosmonautics and other sciences demanded new words to name new concepts and ideas. The vocabulary of our everyday usage is also being enlarged by neologisms. Bancomatj, means "a European system of automatic cash-ejecting machines". Bank card means "a small plastic card that you use for making payments or for getting, money from the bank".

The social and cultural reference of neologisms proves that they are more the products of our conceptual system and not simply meaningful language signs. They codify new cultural experience of society and provide evidence concerning the current trends of its development. For this reason by studying neologisms of a certain language we can learn about present-day cultural values, way of thinking and living of the community which speaks this language. [1. 146] For example, neologism couch commerce 'buying goods online from one's home' may indicate popularisation and wide-spread

occurrence of the Internet industry; staycation (from to stay and vacation) meaning 'a holiday spent in one's home country rather than abroad' may indicate current economic crisis which affects people's lives. The fact that neologisms are often chosen as the 'words of the year' (WotY) also adds to the advantages of teaching these lexical units to students. WotY is a set of assessments as to the word or expression which reflects the most important concept in the public sphere during a specific year. In the USA among the chosen words of the year were bushlips (1990), 'insincere promise of a politician, reference to «Read my lips: no new taxes" by then U.S. President George H.W. Bush', prefix e- [1, 146] 'as in e-mail or e-commerce', hashtag (2012) etc. (available at www.americandialect.org). Thus, by teaching neologisms one can demonstrate the vitality of the language.

Sociologists around the world claim there is a change in the perception of time in the 21st century. People seem to feel rushed, busy, there is a time-scarcity problem [2. 113]. Naturally, this change has been registered by language. In the English language there appeared such neologisms as hurry sickness 'an urgent and persistent need to feel busy or productive', timesuck 'activity which makes one waste his/her time', sightjogging 'visiting a foreign city by jogging around it'. The principle of language economy or the principle of least effort also helps speakers to save time to achieve maximum communication result.

In conclusion we want to add that in every sphere of our life neologisms are getting spread day bay day. Each person who studies foreign language must take into consideration that neologisms are also one part of the learning language, and it should be taught in a proper way, in order to understand each other and be appropriate during one's speech.


1. Simpson J. Neologism: The long view. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North

America, 2007. 28 (1). P. 146-148.

2. Urry J. Sociology beyond societies: Mobilities for the twenty-first century. Routledge, 2012.

P. 110-115.




Abstract: this article examines literary continuity in a more common formulation - the problem of the tradition of innovation, which is one of the main categories of modern literary criticism in methodological and methodological aspects.

Keywords: innovation, phenomenon, inflation, appearance, methodological approach, typical, expansion, gradually, implement, brittle plot, composition, archaic techniques.

Each artifact that later became a classic was once a new, fundamentally new phenomenon. But far from always its "innovation" was initially realized as its qualitative characteristic, as the meaning of creativity and its ultimate and only goal. Thus, "novelty" only at the beginning of the 20th century was established as a characteristic of "arch-modern" art. In Russia, such novelty was introduced by futurists (artistic innovators, as they were called) into the principle of behavior, was comprehended and developed in the articles of V. Shkalovsky "Resurrection of the word" (1914) and "Art as a reception" (1917). Now at a time distance is clearly visible; as "in this period the word" innovation ", imperceptibly began to fuse with the notion of "modernity".[2.155]

In fact, typical for the avant-garde art of attempting a "rabid rhythm" of style, a brittle plot and composition to catch up with a rapidly accelerating reality, gave rise to a kaleidoscope of new techniques, and gradually created the illusion that the change of techniques already in itself provides innovation. But, perhaps, inflation values, which experienced the twentieth century touched to a certain extent and art, in particular, ideas about the novelty of works of art. Mentally correlating the artistically valuable, first of all with a new "device" has generated in the minds of not only some writers, poets, but readers of the vain pursuit of the ghost of the "new", even more "new".

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