Научная статья на тему 'The use of national corpuses of languages when studying lexicology at the University (from work experience)'

The use of national corpuses of languages when studying lexicology at the University (from work experience) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Devitskaya Zoya B., Ryabchikova Vera G., Rubleva Olga S., Zlobina Irina S.

The problem and the aim of the study. One of urgent problems of modern educational environment is the choice of effective methods that have a didactic potential in developing a linguo-cultural personality, forming foreign language communication and supporting practical creative activity of students. The authors of the research suggest to use the modern English corpus when studying lexicology in order to improve the quality of the educational process. It will determine trends of popularization of words in the language, intensify the practice of classifying neologisms for various reasons and contribute to the cognitive development of students. Research methods. Method of continuous sampling when using linguistic corpuses, descriptive method for choosing classifications of new units, component and distributional analysis in the classification of neologisms. The materials for the research are methods of corpus linguistics, language corpuses for studying individual phenomena belonging to a certain level of the language system, and the text as a whole. Dictionaries, grammars, texts, and recordings of spoken language of native speakers reflect certain aspects of the language, but do not contain sufficient information for specific practical use. Results. The authors systemized the conceptual apparatus for working with language corpuses: definition, classification and methods of translation. They showed didactic possibilities of language corpuses (BNC British National Corpus, Coca Corpus of Contemporary English (modern English corpus) for studying neologisms. Moreover, the authors discussed classification and translation issues for neologisms of thematic groups "education" and "science", taken from online dictionary. Finally, they developed a system for working with linguistic corpuses Conclusion. Studying language corpuses contributes to the solution of fundamental scientific problems of comparative lexicology, neology, typology, and cognitive linguistics (the role of the lexical component in forming the neologism meaning, phraseological activity of the word, interlanguage relations of multilingual neologisms, etc.). Working with linguistic corpuses, classification and comparative analysis of the studied neologisms allows to determine the importance of neologisms in the formation of the knowledge paradigm and reflection of the world in the human verbal thinking

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Использование национальных корпусов языков при изучении лексикологии в вузе (из опыта работы)

Проблема и цель. Актуальной проблемой современной образовательной среды является выбор эффективных методов обучения, обладающих дидактическим потенциалом в плане развития лингвокультурной личности, формирования иноязычной коммуникации и поддержки практической творческой деятельности студентов. Авторы предлагают при изучении лексикологии в целях повышения качества учебно-познавательного процесса использовать корпуса современного английского языка, которые позволят определить тенденции популяризации слов в языке, активизировать практику классификации неологизмов по различным основаниям и поспособствуют когнитивному развитию обучающемуся. Методы исследования. Метод сплошной выборки при использовании лингвистических корпусов, описательный метод при выборе классификаций новых единиц, а также компонентный и дистрибутивный анализ при классификации неологизмов. Материалом для исследования являются методы корпусной лингвистики, языковые корпуса для изучения как отдельных явлений, относящихся к определенному уровню языковой системы, так и текста в целом. Имеющиеся словари и грамматики, тексты, записи устной речи носителей языка отражают определенные аспекты существования языка и не содержат достаточного объема информации для конкретного практического использования. Результаты исследования. Систематизирован понятийный аппарат, необходимый при работе с корпусами: определение, классификация и способы перевода. Обоснованы дидактические возможности языковых корпусов (BNC Вritish national corpus (британский национальный корпус), Coca Corpus of Contemporary English (корпус современного английского языка) для исследования неологизмов. Выполнено обсуждение вопросов классификации и перевода для неологизмов тематических групп «образование» и «наука», отобранных из онлайн-словаря. Представлена система работы с лингвистическими корпусами. Заключение. Обращение к языковым корпусам способствует решению фундаментальных научных проблем сопоставительной лексикологии, неологии, типологии, а также когнитивной лингвистики (роль лексического компонента в формировании значения неологизма, фразообразовательная активность слова, межъязыковые отношения разноязычных неологизмов и др.). Работа с лингвистическими корпусами, классификация и сопоставительный анализ исследуемых неологизмов позволяет определить значимость неологизмов в становлении парадигмы познания и отражения мира в вербальном мышлении человека.

Текст научной работы на тему «The use of national corpuses of languages when studying lexicology at the University (from work experience)»

Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive19/19-05/ Дата публикации: 31.10.2019 УДК 378.16+81.37

В. Г. Рябчикова, З. Б. Девицкая, И. С. Злобина, О. С. Рублева

Использование национальных корпусов языков при изучении лексикологии в вузе (из опыта работы)

Проблема и цель. Актуальной проблемой современной образовательной среды является выбор эффективных методов обучения, обладающих дидактическим потенциалом в плане развития лингвокультурной личности, формирования иноязычной коммуникации и поддержки практической творческой деятельности студентов.

Авторы предлагают при изучении лексикологии в целях повышения качества учебно-познавательного процесса использовать корпуса современного английского языка, которые позволят определить тенденции популяризации слов в языке, активизировать практику классификации неологизмов по различным основаниям и поспособствуют когнитивному развитию обучающемуся.

Методы исследования. Метод сплошной выборки при использовании лингвистических корпусов, описательный метод при выборе классификаций новых единиц, а также компонентный и дистрибутивный анализ при классификации неологизмов. Материалом для исследования являются методы корпусной лингвистики, языковые корпуса для изучения как отдельных явлений, относящихся к определенному уровню языковой системы, так и текста в целом. Имеющиеся словари и грамматики, тексты, записи устной речи носителей языка отражают определенные аспекты существования языка и не содержат достаточного объема информации для конкретного практического использования.

Результаты исследования. Систематизирован понятийный аппарат, необходимый при работе с корпусами: определение, классификация и способы перевода. Обоснованы дидактические возможности языковых корпусов (BNC - British national corpus (британский национальный корпус), Coca - Corpus of Contemporary English (корпус современного английского языка) для исследования неологизмов. Выполнено обсуждение вопросов классификации и перевода для неологизмов тематических групп «образование» и «наука», отобранных из онлайн-словаря. Представлена система работы с лингвистическими корпусами.

Заключение. Обращение к языковым корпусам способствует решению фундаментальных научных проблем сопоставительной лексикологии, неологии, типологии, а также когнитивной лингвистики (роль лексического компонента в формировании значения неологизма, фразообразовательная активность слова, межъязыковые отношения разноязычных неологизмов и др.). Работа с лингвистическими корпусами, классификация и сопоставительный анализ исследуемых неологизмов позволяет определить значимость неологизмов в становлении парадигмы познания и отражения мира в вербальном мышлении человека.

Ключевые слова: неологизмы, онлайн словари, классификация, перевод, лингвистика, тенденции развития языка

Ссылка для цитирования:

Рябчикова В. Г., Девицкая З. Б., Злобина И. С., Рублева О. С. Использование национальных корпусов языков при изучении лексикологии в вузе (из опыта работы) // Перспективы науки и образования. 2019. № 5 (41). С. 203-214. doi: 10.32744^е.2019.5.15

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive19/19-05/ Accepted: 7 July 2019 Published: 31 October 2019

V. G. Ryabchikova, Z. B. Devizkaya, I. S. Zlobina, O. S. Rubleva

The use of national corpuses of languages when studying lexicology at the university (from work experience)

The problem and the aim of the study. One of urgent problems of modern educational environment is the choice of effective methods that have a didactic potential in developing a linguo-cultural personality, forming foreign language communication and supporting practical creative activity of students.

The authors of the research suggest to use the modern English corpus when studying lexicology in order to improve the quality of the educational process. It will determine trends of popularization of words in the language, intensify the practice of classifying neologisms for various reasons and contribute to the cognitive development of students.

Research methods. Method of continuous sampling when using linguistic corpuses, descriptive method for choosing classifications of new units, component and distributional analysis in the classification of neologisms. The materials for the research are methods of corpus linguistics, language corpuses for studying individual phenomena belonging to a certain level of the language system, and the text as a whole. Dictionaries, grammars, texts, and recordings of spoken language of native speakers reflect certain aspects of the language, but do not contain sufficient information for specific practical use.

Results. The authors systemized the conceptual apparatus for working with language corpuses: definition, classification and methods of translation. They showed didactic possibilities of language corpuses (BNC - British National Corpus, Coca - Corpus of Contemporary English (modern English corpus) for studying neologisms. Moreover, the authors discussed classification and translation issues for neologisms of thematic groups "education" and "science", taken from online dictionary. Finally, they developed a system for working with linguistic corpuses

Conclusion. Studying language corpuses contributes to the solution of fundamental scientific problems of comparative lexicology, neology, typology, and cognitive linguistics (the role of the lexical component in forming the neologism meaning, phraseological activity of the word, interlanguage relations of multilingual neologisms, etc.). Working with linguistic corpuses, classification and comparative analysis of the studied neologisms allows to determine the importance of neologisms in the formation of the knowledge paradigm and reflection of the world in the human verbal thinking

Key words: neologisms, online dictionaries, classification, translation, linguistics, language development trends

For Reference:

Ryabchikova, V. G., Devizkaya, Z. B., Zlobina, I. S., & Rubleva, O. S. (2019). The use of national corpuses of languages when studying lexicology at the university (from work experience). Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 41 (5), 203-214. doi: 10.32744/pse.2019.5.15



he research is relevant due to the following factors:

1. The development of mankind is accompanied by the creation of new items, discovery of new phenomena, new situations, changes in technology. We need a

erent name for each concept, object or process [10].

Neology is a part of linguistics, which deals with identifying and describing new words (spheres of their use, methods of formation, types of meanings, etc., comparing their meaning in different languages, setting trends in language development) [12]. One of the main terms of neology is "neologism". It describes a new word of the language [19].

2. The problem of the formation of new words is one of fundamental problems of lexicology. N. Z. Kotelova [15], V. I. Zabotkina [13; 14], N. V. Shamina [21], Yu. A. Melnik, E. A. Shtekhman [16] discuss principles of the formation of neologisms.

Scientists classified new words by a certain attribute, analyzed them from different points. Therefore, they determined the productivity of certain words [17]. However, the progress of science and technology requires rethinking of principles and the significance of new words in the language, their meaning and areas of application. It is necessary to constantly analyze and classify neologisms, as well as monitor trends related to their productivity [18].

3. Now neology has reached such a level that there are various dictionaries of neologisms.

Moreover, the available printed dictionaries and grammars, texts, and oral speech

recordings of native speakers do not provide all the necessary information for the correct translation and interpretation of concepts.

The highest point of development of linguistics realities are online dictionaries. They can incorporate all the properties of paper dictionaries, and also surpass them in quantity and in quality. The examples are the English neologisms dictionary WordSpy.com or the English slang dictionary UrbanDictionary.com. As a result, there is a need to form practical base for using such information catalogs. It is especially important for foreign language communication, support for independent creative activity, and translation practice.

4. Modern system of education requires formation of cross-professional competences, development of system thinking and multilingualism [20]. In this regard, the practice of classifying neologisms will be productive in terms of obtaining relevant information on neologisms in various thematic groups, providing mechanisms for translating neologisms into Russian, and also creating additional conditions for the cognitive development of the student and the formation of relevant competencies [5].

Thus, the reasons for the appearance of new words in modern English are significant fundamental theoretical base in neology; existence of many classifications; dictionaries and grammars, texts, speech recordings of native speakers, development of science, technology and the educational system itself. New words must be studied and compared, classified in the dynamics of their appearance. Relevant research activities have a strong interdisciplinary didactic potential, which should be used to develop a linguo-cultural personality and develop foreign language communication [9; 12; 14].

Therefore, the aim of the research is to study didactic possibilities of attracting corpus linguistic methods to form the basis of independent scientific activity.

The hypothesis of the study: working with the corpuses of modern English in the study of lexicology, the practice of classifying neologisms for various reasons will improve the

quality of education in terms of developing professional skills of foreign language reading, speaking / writing, critical thinking, and creativity.

Materials and methods

When studying the essence of the concept of "neologism", the principles of the formation of neologisms, when analyzing and classifying the innovations, determining trends related to the productivity of new words the authors used the method of analyzing the literature of foreign and domestic authors, the authority and scientific reputation of whom are recognized by the scientific community in the areas of comparative lexicology, neology, typology, and cognitive linguistics.

All new words are recorded in the dictionaries of neologisms. The science that is responsible for the lexicographical description of innovations in a language is called neography. Its components can be called: the entry of new data in the publications of explanatory dictionaries, which are a reflection of a living literary language; inclusion of supplements in existing versions of explanatory dictionaries; creation of specialized dictionaries of new words.

For the study of neologisms in the work the possibilities of the language corpuses of modern English were used. The corpus is a collection of texts on the Internet according to a certain principle [7], endowed with common features (genre, period of creation, author of works, language, etc.) [6]. The corpus also has a special search engine that allows you to find words or phrases in a specific context [2]. The purpose of creating such corpuses is to conduct a statistical analysis, test statistical hypotheses and linguistic rules in a particular language. The study in the corpuses was aimed at determining the frequency of use and time of use of words in speech [4]. The analysis of American Professor Mark Davis's corpuses allowed to select corpuses according to the following criteria:

• BNC - is one of the classic corpus of British English; first corpus containing 100 million words.

• COCA - is the American English corpus with the largest number of words, containing various texts in 25 years, from 1990 to 2015.

• NOW Corpus - is the corpus with the largest number of words from the above collection, it includes the most relevant texts from the news.

The development of neography contributed to the emergence of dictionaries of different types. But with the development of information technologies, dictionaries, which can take into account the whole experience of previous dictionaries, while being constantly updated, are beginning to appear - these are online dictionaries of neologisms. The study examines English neologisms taken from the WordSpy dictionary. Online dictionaries have the following advantages over the paper ones: short terms of fixing neologisms; the ability to track the date of the appearance of a new word and reflect it in the dictionary; means for classifying by categories; simplicity of work [1].

The descriptive method was also used when choosing classifications of new units, as well as the component and distributional analysis in the very classification of neologisms. When thingification the data, the method of sampling 117 neologisms of the thematic groups "education" and "science" from the online dictionary of neologisms WordSpy.com was used.

Empirical methods (observation, analysis of the results of students' course projects) were used to obtain relevant information on the formation of students' professional skills. 52

students were involved in the pedagogical experiment, of whom experimental (27 people) and control (25 people) groups were formed. They are senior students (third- ... -fifth-year students), whose average age was 21. The experiment was conducted in the framework of the discipline "Lexicology", the educational program specialization "Translating and Science of Translation" on the faculties of foreign languages of Kursk State University (Kursk) and Vyatka State University (Kirov).

Literature review

There are general and particular concepts of "neologism" in the language.

In Linguistic dictionary of terms T.V. Zherebilo suggests the following definition: "Neologism is a new word or a new meaning and a form of an already existing word, in the narrow sense it is a lexical or semantic innovation" [12]. Almost the same definition is proposed in the work of Yu. A. Melnik, E. A. Shtekhman: "Neologisms are new words that are fixed in the language" [16]. N. V. Shamina refers to neologisms as "innovations used by the majority of people who speak this language, but appeared in the language relatively recently" [21].

N.Z. Kotelova understands the concept "as proper new, for the first time formed or borrowed from other languages words known in Russian earlier, but either used limitedly outside the literary language, or gone for some time from active use, and now become widely used" and "derivative words that existed in the language potentially and were formed from long-ago formed words on well-known models in recent years "[15].

Neology has many areas that characterize the definition of neologism from different positions: derivational, stylistic, pragmatic, discursive, cognitive, lexical-grammatical, sociolinguistic, functional, cultural, and psycholinguistic [16; 3; 20]. According to Popova T.V. [19] in the study of neologisms psycholinguistic, structural, denotative, lexicographical, stylistic theories are significant.

The approach of T.V. Zherebilo should be noted, who singled out the following neologisms [12]: author's (or occasionalisms) - created by poets and writers; lexical - arising from productive word-formation models of the Russian language, borrowings, semantic - words from the active dictionary with new meanings; lexical proper - words that appear in the language with the development of science, technology, culture and other aspects of social life.

Summing up the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on research issues, it can be concluded that in a narrow sense, a lexical or semantic innovation is called the neologism [18]. In the broad sense of the word, the neologism can be lexical, derivational, phonetic, morphological and syntactic [20]. There are neologisms of the language and the author's new formations (individual neologisms). Taking the volume of the definition into consideration, many scientists began to approach the question of the interpretation of the concept of neologism, taking into account the choice of the trait for classification.

As one of the main classifications, the one proposed by V. Zabotkina can be considered, who distinguishes proper neologisms, transnominations and semantic innovations [13]. In the study, the different classifications were taken into account: E. A. Misuno's classification from the point of view of the formation [9], T. V. Popova's classification by the type of the language unit [19]; E. V. Merinova's classification from the point of view of word formation [10] and others.

The translation of neologisms is carried out according to various transformations, but not all neologisms have an adequate translation. However, almost everyone can be translated

using the description, thereby translating its meaning. A combination of translation methods is also popular among researchers for greater clarity and recognition in texts [8].

The history of neography includes the creation of a large number of dictionaries of new words, taking into account various classifications and transformations of translation. But the modern world, as they say ..., offers new ways to reflect innovations in the language with the help of online dictionaries of neologisms. They have advantages (for example, they react to changes in the language more quickly), but at the same time, according to B. Wolter, J. Yamashita [11], this direction requires additional activation. As an option for activation, the authors propose to use corpuses of modern English in the practice of training future specialist when studying lexicology. This will contribute to the creation of more detailed algorithms for studying new words according to various criteria.

_Research program

Experimental verification was carried out in the framework of the implementation of the course project by students on the discipline "Lexicology", t", the educational program specialization "Translating and Science of Translation". The main objective of the experiment was to test the interdisciplinary didactic potential of corpus linguistics methods, work with national language corpuses to develop professional skills and the foundations of scientific thinking.

At the preparatory stage of the experiment, a general assessment of the existing level of foreign language competence, the skills of scientific independent creative activity (the ability to analyze, compare, classify), translation practices and work with dictionaries was made. As an evaluative tool, the test containing the reproductive (to define the term neologism, to describe the ways of its formation in English); the task that requires the transfer of knowledge (to characterize the peculiarities of the translation of neologisms from English into Russian), as well as the research task (on the classification of neologisms) was proposed. Thus, it was possible to collect experimental data on 52 students, of whom experimental (27 people) and control (25 people) groups were formed. The sample was not random. In the experimental group, there were 75% of girls and 25% of boys.

Further, the students were asked to do the course project in course of which they:

1. studied the theory on the topic "Neologisms" (definition, classification and methods of translation); compiled a generalized classification of neologisms; identified the main options for the translation of neologisms into Russian;

2. got acquainted with the o-line dictionary of neologisms WordSpy, where they selected a group of new words for the further study; classified selected neologisms;

3. searched for selected neologisms in the language corpus to identify their popularity and duration of existence;

4. translated neologisms into Russian.

The evaluation criteria of the course project for both groups were the same.

Research results

Implementation of the course project involved four stages. The experimental group used linguistic corpuses of neologisms from the Internet, and the control group used traditional dictionaries of neologisms. At the first stage of work in the experimental group it was required to select neologisms from the WordSpy online dictionary. In the framework

of the continuous sampling study, 117 neologisms were selected by the categories "education" and "science", and their detailed analysis was carried out. Students noted that the dictionary provides data such as part of speech, etymology, the meaning of the word and its possible forms.

At the second stage, the analysis of classifications of neologisms proposed by different authors was carried out in both groups. The results of the work confirmed that each of the classifications has a specific direction. This feature allows to explore neologisms from different angles. As a result, 16 of the currently used classifications have been selected, highlighting various characteristics of neologisms. In a more detailed analysis, the sample was narrowed down to the 10 most important classifications.

As the main conclusion of the course research project students noted that some classifications overlap with each other. In order to reduce the percentage of repetition in classifications, it was decided to combine the most important criteria and create a generalized classification (presented in Table 1).

Table 1

Main criteria for the classification and types of neologisms

Criteria for the classification Types of neologisms

Way of formation Neologisms, formed by affixation, word composition, abbreviation, conversion, semantic derivation.

Type of the language unit Neolexemes, neophrasemes, neosememes.

Degree of novelty of the language unit Absolute and relative.

Type of denoted phenomenon Neologisms denoting a new, old, updated, disappearing or non-existing reality.

Structural feature Phonetic, semantic, phono-semantic

Way of appearance Innovations (derivational, semantic) and internal and external borrowings.

Condition of creating Anonymous, individually-authors.

Purpose of creating Bookish (terminological, stylistic), colloquial, occasional.

Nature of productivity Strong, weak.

Nature of the object of nomination Neologisms (classical and local), innovations.

At the third stage of the course project (to determine the frequency of use of neologisms, as well as assessing their current state and period of use), linguistic corpuses (BNC, COCA and NOW) were used. An example of the study for some neologisms is shown in Fig. 1.

At the fourth stage of the course project, the students performed the analysis of neologisms in terms of their translation. As conclusions, the students noted that not all neologisms have a direct translation into Russian, so it was necessary to find a translation for some of them in various sources. A descriptive translation was made for each of the neologisms, and then a search for direct translation was done.

The mark "excellent" was given in the case when the student showed systematic, deep and complete knowledge on the topic "Neologism", correctly applied linguistic terminology; independently analyzed factual material based on in-depth knowledge; knew theories, concepts, dictionaries and gave them a critical assessment; manifested in the work elements of scientific creativity; clearly outlined the goals and objectives of the classification; logically, consistently and convincingly defended the conceptual content of the topic; demonstrated a high level of knowledge and culture of thinking; stylistically correctly and exhaustively answered all additional questions.

No matchings - all words

1-10 matchings: freshmore. equity education, allergy bullying, dropout factory 11 matchings: freshman 15 35 matchings: flu day 95 matchings: digital native

No matchings: bullycide, bully proofing, car-schooling, dipstick,

dormcest, edubabble, educational mortgage, edupunk

1-10 matchings: allergy bullying, bullyproofing, dormcest, edubabble. edupunk,

equity education. 16 matchings: flu day, dropout factory. 26 matchings: bullycide. 89 matchings: freshman 15. 1177 matchings: digital native.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

No matchings: car-schooling, dipstick, freshmore, educational mortgage

Figure 1 An example of the study in linguistic corpuses

The mark "good" corresponded to those cases when the student had deep, but not always systematic knowledge on the topic; knew linguistic terminology and tools, but not effectively used them in all situations; knew the basic theories, concepts and dictionaries, but could not give them critical assessment; showed elements of scientific creativity in most parts of the work ; adhered to the goals and objectives of the classification; could not always reasonably defend the content of the topic; demonstrated the skills of creative independent thinking; correctly and logically answered most of the additional questions.

The mark "satisfactory" was given for works in which the students showed insufficiently complete amount of knowledge on the topic; used linguistic terminology, but could not always answer additional questions about the methods of translation; did not know the basic theories, concepts and dictionaries; made meaningful mistakes in the classification; in the results of the study there were stylistic mistakes, the students violated the written form requirement.

If the students showed only fragmentary knowledge on the topic; did not know how to use linguistic terminology; could not answer additional questions$ didn't know the basic theories, concepts and dictionaries; could not explain the findings; manifested non-independence when classifying and translating; in the results of the study there were stylistic mistakes, the students violated the written form requirement the project received the mark "unsatisfactory."

The results of the course project are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Experiment Results

Mark The number of testees (studentes)

Experimental group (27 students) Control group (25 students)

Before After Before After

5 0 8 1 3

4 3 10 2 4

3 16 7 15 13

2 8 2 7 5

Statistical differences in the levels of development of professional skills, the formation of the foundations of scientific activities in the control and experimental groups before and after the inclusion in students' research activities the practice of working with national language corpuses were evaluated using the Pearson x2 (chi-square) criterion.

Let us accept the following hypotheses: Ho: the level of foreign language communication and the skills of practical creative activity of students of the experimental group are statistically equal to the level of skills and abilities of students of the control group; hypothesis H1: the level of foreign language communication and the skills of practical creative activity of students of the experimental group are above this level of students in the control group.

We calculate the value of the statistic criterion before (x2 u J and after (x2 J of the

obs.1' obs.2'

experiment using the online resource http://medstatistic.ru/calculators/calchit.html. We choose the significance level a = 0.05. In this case, c = 4, which means that the number of degrees of freedom is v = c - 1 = 3. According to the distribution tables x2 for v = 3 and a = 0,05 , the critical value of the statistics is 7.82. Thus, we obtain: x2 u -, < x2 (1,53 <

' ' / obs.1 crit 1 '

7,82), and x2obs 2 > x2crit (8,33 > 7,82). According to the decision rule, this means that before the experiment the hypothesis Ho is correct, and after the experiment the hypothesis H1 is correct.


Thus, in the course of carrying out the tasks of the course project, the students systematized the conceptual apparatus required when working with the corpuses: they considered various approaches to the definition of innovations in the language, studied the classifications and methods of translation of the neologisms.

The discussion of classification and translation issues was carried out for innovations in the thematic groups "education" and "science", selected from the dictionaries of neologisms. The study on the translation of neologisms was built on materials extracted from the online dictionary of neologisms WordSpy. Further, 117 neologisms were selected using the continuous sampling method and a word search was conducted through the NOW, COCA and BNC corpuses. After that, an attempt was made to find the use of such words in Russian sources (books, news, Wikipedia, etc.). According to the results of the study, most of the studied neologisms (72%) do not have a translation and / or the phenomenon described by this word is not typical for Russia. For example, the neologism "pi-ku". Such new words can appear in subcultures, in certain professional spheres, but the word is currently not widely used. Thus, all words that do not have a simple definition fall into the category of descriptive

translation or direct inclusion. We note that these words can be attributed to two categories at the same time, because there is no clear separation among them. Innovations are often used together. Each neologism has a meaning, and on the basis of this, the translator can use direct inclusion, while providing a description of the word in the footnote and vice versa (for example, freshman 15). When translating this group of neologisms in other ways, they will be considered occasionalisms - words used once in a specific context. You can translate the meanings of neologisms and, if desired, introduce your own concepts

The field of science and technology refers more to terminological areas, so most of the words are translated in compliance with the standards (names of various sciences, learning technologies, etc.).

Detalization of categories in these cases is reasonable when using many words (about a thousand of neologisms), which will make it possible to derive more global and clear results. This study does not focus on maximally detailed categories of neologisms, it is intended to combine all existing classifications together and derive logical consequences.

On the example of the stages of the course project the system of work with linguistic corpuses is presented.

Performing the quantitative analysis of the results, we can conclude that after the completion of the experiment, 66.6% of the students in the experimental group had a high level of skills (marks 4 and 5), while initially this percentage was 11%. This indicates qualitative improvement in the training indicators of the testees of the experimental group. However, the level of skills in the control group also increased, but not so significantly: after the completion of the experiment only 28% of the students in the control group showed good results (compared to 12% before the experiment), the remaining, slightly more than 70% of the testees, were on average and low levels.

In general, the pedagogical experiment allows to conclude that work with national language corpuses allows not only to intensify the study of neologisms, but also increases the effectiveness of training in terms of the development of professional skills of foreign language reading, oral / written language, critical thinking, autonomy, creativity.


In many spheres of human life, new concepts are emerging, and, as the practice of work with the neologisms of the thematic groups "education" and "science" has shown, to inform citizens of other countries about them, a lot of translation experience is required. The value of the skills of the translator when explaining new words is difficult to overestimate, since it is his/her skills that determine the characteristics, category and emotional flow of the new phenomenon or event. Depending on how certain concepts are translated, people will associate them with words close to them, define this phenomenon or event for themselves. Work with national language corpuses should be included in the study of lexicology for students receiving the practice of foreign language communication. The interdisciplinary didactic potential of the relevant scientific activities is argued in the presented study.

In addition, the use of language corpuses allows us to solve the problems of comparative lexicology, neology, typology, and also cognitive linguistics. The results of the study showed that the majority of innovations are formed by composition. Also scientific terms are formed through affixation and semantic derivation.

Linguistic corpuses help to obtain data on several classifications, which are associated with the frequency of occurrence of words in texts. There are also words that are not recorded anywhere in the corpuses. Such formations can be attributed to occasionalisms, used in certain cases.

The search for data on neologisms was carried out in the linguistic corpuses BNC, COCA and NOW. According to the results of the study, we conclude that the NOW corpus contains more words than the others. The disadvantage of the British National Corpus is that it is not updated. However, it is this corpus which is the classic corpus and the first, which included 100 million words. When comparing the most commonly used words in the NOW and COCA corpuses, similarities were noted, which indicates the reliability of the data obtained and the state of the language in relation to these words.

It is noted that the majority of the neologisms do not have a translation in Russian. However, each word has its own meaning, which allows the use of descriptive translation.

Thus, work with linguistic corpuses, classification and comparative analysis of the studied neologisms allow to determin the significance of neologisms in the formation of the paradigm of knowledge and reflection of the world in the scientific activity of the man.


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Информация об авторах Девицкая Зоя Борисовна

(Россия, г. Курск) Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры романо-германской филологии Курский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6345-5526

Information about the authors

Zoya B. Devitskaya

(Russia, Kursk) PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology Kursk State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6345-5526

Рябчикова Вера Георгиевна

(Россия, г. Москва) Старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных и русского языков Российский государственный аграрный университет — МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7235-0761

Vera G. Ryabchikova

(Russia, Moscow) Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7235-0761

Рублёва Ольга Сергеевна

(Россия, г. Киров) Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков неязыковых направлений Вятский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7346-025X

Olga S. Rubleva

(Russia, Kirov) PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in non-linguistic areas Vyatka State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7346-025X

Злобина Ирина Сергеевна

(Россия, г. Киров) Доцент, кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков неязыковых направлений Вятский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0651-7858

Irina S. Zlobina

(Russia, Kirov) Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in non-linguistic areas Vyatka State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0651-7858

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