Научная статья на тему 'Substantiating the parameters of operating elements of the enhanced chisel-cultivator'

Substantiating the parameters of operating elements of the enhanced chisel-cultivator Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tukhtakuziev Absusalim, Toshpulatov Bekzod

The research results substantiating the parameters of loosening and arrow-typed claws are specified in the article. It is enhanced in a purpose to reduce the power-capability and increasing the quality of soil crushing by the chisel-cultivator.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Substantiating the parameters of operating elements of the enhanced chisel-cultivator»

Substantiating the parameters of operating elements of the enhanced chisel-cultivator

From here

t = œ -» L= H

A =H; C = H - L.

Taking into account (7) and (8) the formula (6) it will be copied in a following definitive kind:

Lt = H - (H - L) - e-' (9)

Formula (9) once again confirms the conclusion stated earlier about dependence deep diluted thickness in the course of concussion from speed of consolidation (vn ) a soil in these conditions.

(7) According to results of our researches it is possible to notice, that the quantity of factor of the dynamic consolidationtestifying

(8) the speed depends on many factors, most important of which are: conditions of initial density-humidity of a soil, value of plastic cohesion, coarse ground structure, and also intensity of concussion and character (on frequency and amplitude) this influence, etc.

At the same time for a substantiation of the difficult nature of factor vn special experimental researches and supervision are required.


1. Ivanov P. L. Soils and the bases of hydraulic engineering constructions. - Moscow, - 1985. - 352 p.

2. Rasulov H. Z. Seismic stability of the soil bases, - Tashkent, - 1984. - 192 p.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-3.4-111-112

Tukhtakuziev Absusalim, chief of the laboratory, Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, doctor of technical sciences, professor Toshpulatov Bekzod, competitor-scientific employee research, Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, (Republic of Uzbekistan) E-mail: [email protected]

Substantiating the parameters of operating elements of the enhanced chisel-cultivator

Abstract: The research results substantiating the parameters of loosening and arrow-typed claws are specified in the article. It is enhanced in a purpose to reduce the power-capability and increasing the quality of soil crushing by the chisel-cultivator.

Keywords: chisel-cultivator, operating elements, loosening claw, arrow-typed claw, chess-typed arrangement, track by track positioning, blocked-type cutting, free cutting, angle of incoming the loosening and arrow-typed claws into the soil, solution angle and seizure width of arrow-typed claw, energy costs, quality of soil crushing.

In conditions of our Republic the chisel-cultivators are the main technical means at pre-sowing soil tillage proceedings. However chisel-cultivators (CHK-3,0, CHKU-4 and others) being applied currently have higher power-capability, and by single running it often doesn't ensure the required quality in soil crushing. Pursuant to above we have developed the enhanced chisel-cultivator. It consists of framework with hang-up, supporting wheels and operating elements installed in three row onto the framework.

Differing from the existing ones the operating elements of the first and second row of developed chisel-cultivator are installed on the frame as rows at staggered sequence, and the operating elements of the second and third rows -trace by trace; in this case the operating elements of the first and third rows are installed (regarding the supporting wheels) to the same stillage depth, i. e. their tabs are mounted in the same horizontal plane; the operating elements of the second row are installed on the less tillage depth (i. e. above) rather than the operating elements of the first and third rows.

In the process of running the enhanced chisel — cultivator the operating elements of the first row interact with soil monolith, i. e. they run in the conditions of blocked-type cutting, and the operating elements of the second and the third rows in the process of work interact with soil layers, zones bordering the loosened operating elements of the first row, i. e. run in conditions of free (deblocked-type) cutting.

The main task of operating elements of the first row is to form lateral loosened zones in order for operating elements of the second row to operate in condition of free-typed cutting. Therefore they are made in the form of dual-edged flat wedge, i. e. in a form of narrow loosening claw with a flat working surface. In this case, firstly the soil is deformed to the side of field surface, i. e. in the direction of open surface, secondly volume of being deformed soil is reduced in conditions of blocked-type cutting. As it is well known, [1] both of those two factors lead to reduce energy (power) expenditures for soil tillage.

Operating elements of the second and third rows of the developed chisel — cultivator is made in a form of a three-edged wedge, i. e. in a form of the arrow-type claw, and in this case efforts spent for soil deformation and destruction, they will direct to zones side loosened by the operating elements of the first row and the result is a reduction in energy costs [1; 2].

Arrangement the operating elements of the first and second rows at staggered sequence on the framework, and the second and third rows trace by trace, as well as the installation of the operating elements of the second and third rows stepwise (throughout soil tillage depth), i. e., the installation of the second row operating elements is higher than the third row relatively the operating elements of the third ensures layer by layer soil loosening; and consequently it leads to improvement of the its crushing quality.

Section 9. Technical sciences

The main parameters of the operating elements of developed chisel - cultivator (see figure) are the following: ap - crushing angle of the loosening claw; ac - crushing angle of the arrow-typed claw;

bp - width of loosening claw; 2jc - solution angle of the arrow-typed claw; bc - seizure width of the arrow-typed claw.

Figure 1. The main parameters of the loosening (a) and arrow-typed; (b) claws of the enhanced chisel-cultivator

Crushing angle of the loosening and arrow-typed claws are

determined on the next formula obtained from the terms ensured movement and rising the soil formations tillage base on their working surfaces at minimum energy costs


or y =--


ap = a =

p c

arctg (^-q+fif+P+V -q -V q2+P^ - m)




m c


-tt-— ; p = ■

3nc - m

m = tg$ ;

27n 6n 2n 9n

n = 1 + tg; c = 2tg; f - angle of outside soil friction.

Seizure width of loosening claw is determined the exception terms of forming at the bottom of the layer cutting grooves with sealed walls being tilled by it, resulting in the deterioration of the physical and mechanical properties of soil and useless energy consumptions [3]. In this case the following dependence will be achieved:

(d + ctga )h

where — weeds friction angle on the arrow-typed claw blade.

When the terms (3) and (4) ofwing blades of the arrow-typed claws are ensured in each moment there will be interaction with the minimum number of weeds, and therefore the probability of plugging the operating element by them will be minimal.

Seizure width of the arrow-typed claw. In effort to determine this parameter from the conditions when the wing blades of the arrow-typed claws are fully in the conditions of free-typed cutting (as the energy costs for deformation and the soil destruction is reduced [1; 2]), the following dependence is obtained:


bc <2htg 1(ac+fi + p)cosyc,

bP *


0,1^ (1 + 3ctga + 0) - k k P


where h - tillage depth; T - specific resistance of soil to crumpling; kc - specific resistance of soil to move-off; k, d - non-dimensional coefficients depending from the physical and mechanical properties of soil.

Let's determined solution angle of the arrow-type claw base on formula [4]

2^ = y -t


where p - angle of soil internal friction.

Calculations by the formulas of (1) - (3) and (5) when y = 30°; d = 4,2; h = 0,2 m; Tm = 1,5-10 6 Pa; k =2-10 4 Pa; k = 2.5; y = 30° and p = 40° [3, 5-7] showed that crushing angles of loosening and arrow-typed claws at the developed chisel - cultivator must be 25°; width of loosening claws - not less than 6,1 cm; solution angle of arrow-typed claw - 60° and seizure width of the arrow-typed claw and not more than 38 cm.

So in effort to ensure the required soil tillage quality with minimum energy costs the crushing angles of loosening and arrow-typed claws at the developed chisel - cultivator must be 25°; width ofloosening claws - not less than 6,1 cm; solution angle and seizure width of the arrow-typed claw - appropriately 60° and not more than 38 cm.

1. 2.







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