Section 9. Technical sciences
Kunduzov Sodirjon Ayubovich, candidate of the technical sciences, chief of the laboratory, Uzbek State Centre for Certification and testing of agricultural machinery and technology in Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (UzGTsITT), Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Tulanov Isomiddin Atahanovich, senior scientific employee researcher, The research institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture (IMEA), Republic of Uzbekistan Kunduzov Kobildjon Ayubovich, candidate of the technical sciences, director «Mega-Mebiko» Llc Uzbek-Germany Joint Venture, Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract: The problems of research, development and testing of machinery and equipment cultivation of vineyards. Test's of some tillers for the cultivation of vineyards. The analysis of indicator's of technological machines process during the laboratory and field studies.
Keywords: Vineyards, machines and tools, cultivator, hoeing, laboratory and field testing, quality indicators, working depth, energy.
Design and creation of agricultural machinery is not possible It is known that the main characteristic features of the technique
without the test phase, which is the most decisive of their industrial and equipment for the cultivation of vineyards, in our conditions is
and economic feasibility. During the tests revealed not only the line their adaptability to a method of covering.
of agricultural machinery standards and the requirements of the stat- Currently, not all wine-growing holdings of special machines and
ed specifications, but also reveals the level of production. Efficiency tools are used, intended for the cultivation of vineyards. Therefore,
and nature of the requirements in the standards developed allow there are cases when using equipment designed for other crop sectors. us not only to determine the reliability and safety of the structure The use of this technique is not always justified because of the
of agricultural machinery, to assess their technical and economic lack of data on the optimal parameter and affecting the dimensional
parameters, but also at the same time reveal the nature of certain characteristics, the choice of mode of working parts, hardware and
phenomena occurring defects. tools. In addition, the relevant questions are to improve and develop
The work of the research and creation of machines and equip- machines that perform operations such as tillage between the rows
ment is engaged in several research, design, universities and institu- and shrubs (tree trunks) areas vineyards.
tions for the cultivation ofvineyards in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek State Embarked these questions indicates the urgent need to address
Centre for Certification and testing of agricultural equipment and the structural problems of the development of machinery and equip-
technologies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uz- ment and introducing them into production. bekistan (UzGTsITT) also conducted research in this area, namely, The main goal of the research is:
the tests are carried out to create and design of machines and tools - identification of the subject during the study of laboratory-
for the cultivation ofvineyards. field experiments and identifying dependencies and influencing
Section 9. Technical sciences
factors on the functioning of the laws of machines, tools and working body used in the cultivation ofvineyards;
- determination of the prerequisites and directions to justify the choice of method of cultivation in the cultivation of vineyards, allowing the use of these machines and technical equipment for soil cultivation between the rows and the areas between the bushes;
- identify and propose to develop an optimal design and technological scheme of machines and equipment for the cultivation ofvineyards.
After a preliminary determination of acceptable parameters and operating modes of the working bodies of the test program included testing in the vineyards in the production environment performance of machines and tools.
The overall objective of the research is:
- study of the conditions of work of technical equipment in the vineyards in the processing ofrow spacing in a single pass and preform technology with a number of machines, general purpose tools;
- identify the best structural and operational parameters of machines and equipment;
- produce production test, make samples of technical equipment and machinery;
- to determine the efficiency of the developed technology and technical solutions.
To accomplish these tasks, experts UzGTsITT together some test tillers were held with the engineers and designers of the Head Specialized Design Bureau JSC «BMKB-Agromash» used in the cultivation ofvineyards [1; 2].
During the tests were checked work machines performing in areas sheltered viticulture the most energy-intensive manufacturing operations.
One of the labor-intensive processes in the technology of cultivation is soil cultivation in vineyards. To make cultivation, cultivation between the rows and the continuous loosening soil the areas between the bushes bands were developed and tested cultivator's vineyard UK-3. Cultivators designed for loosening operations in the vineyards with row spacing of 2,5 m and 3 m. It may be aggregated with tractors of class 2 and class 3 or 4. The cultivator consists of a frame on which are installed a set of interchangeable working bodies with a flat cutting. Development cultivators produced with the use of technical solutions on the domestic element base.
Prior to the field test laboratory previously determined by the conditions of their realization: site characterization and plantations.
Analysis of the data given shows that the test condition's were typical for the area and characterized by low humidity and high hard-
ness of the lower layers of soil in the summer and autumn periods due to a lack (deficiency) of irrigation water.
When tested vineyard cultivators UK-3 was carried out, with a production test in the economic conditions in the vineyards tapestry type and in the vineyards no tapestries. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to evaluate the quality indicators of the machine [2].
Agro technical evaluation of cultivators vineyard UK-3, inter-row tillage and shrubs (tree trunks) areas vineyards, carried out at a speed of 3,91 km/h of movement of the unit in the vineyards tapestry type and in the vineyards no tapestry type at a speed of 6,0 km/h (on the technical task — 6,4 km/h):
- moisture content of the soil in the vineyards tapestry type was 3,7% and, respectively, in the vineyards without tapestry type 12,1% (on the technical task - 13-20%);
- the hardness of the soil in the vineyards tapestry type was 0,9 MPa, respectively, and in the vineyards no tapestry type 0,35 MPa (on the technical task of not more than 0,5 MPa);
- the depth of tillage operations on the cultivation of row spacing was 18,0 cm in the vineyards tapestry type and, accordingly, 18,5 cm tapestry type (under the technical project - 10 ± 2 cm);
- the depth of tillage operations when hoeing between the rows with processing areas between the bushes bands was 14,0 cm in the vineyards tapestry type and respectively 18,95 cm - without tapestry type (under the technical project - 20 ± 5 cm);
- cropping (destruction) of weeds in the area of the passage of the working bodies in the aisle between the rows hoeing operations amounted to 90,8% and, respectively, between the rows hoeing operations with processing areas between the bushes bands of 84% (on the technical task of not less than 80%);
- the width of the untreated strips in each row in the processing of the bushes was 16,4 cm (on the technical task of not more than 15 cm);
- distance from the treated part of the aisle to a number of axis for hoeing between the rows was 26,8 cm (on the technical task of not less than 25 cm).
Preliminary calculations have shown the use of cultivators UK-3 for row crop and tillage between the bushes in the cultivation ofvineyards to reduce energy consumption to an average of 1, 2 times.
According to the results of agronomic evaluation cultivator's tillage vineyard with vines between the bushes, UK — 3 basically meet the requirements of technical specifications of the project. Based on the analysis of the data, in the future plan's of the planned conduct an improved sample test ripper cultivator.
1. Protocol № 1-2016 laboratory and field tests of the cultivator Vineyard with vines between the bushes processing UK-3 soil. - AO «BMKB-Agromash» Accredited Test Agronomy Center - Tashkent, - 2016. - 14 p.
2. Act of laboratory and field tests of experimental orchard and vineyard machines of 27 July - 2016 carried out at the Research Institute for Horticulture, viticulture and wine making them. Acad. M. Mirzaev (continued studies of experimental models of machines for processing between rows of vineyards.) - UzGTsITT, «BMKB-Agromash», NllSViV them. Acad. M. Mirzaev. - Gulbahor, - 2016. - 4 p.