Научная статья на тему 'Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges'

Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, Abdulhaev Khurshed Gafurovich

This paper presents the results of research on the justification diameter and number of planks tapered roller rotary tiller new instrument for pre-processing of the ridges and the vertical load on it.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges»

Fig. 2. The determination diagram of row-spacing teeth width

The value of Kh coefficient is determined as the ratio of actual height of the combs Ah3 to the theoretical Ah, that is as following:


Kh "TT Ah



The implemented experiments in the period of earlier spring harrowing of the plowed fields at movement velocities from 1.2 to 2.0 m/s show, that depending on the movement velocity the coefficient value Kh varies within the range of 0.26-0.30. In this case, by increasing the movement velocity the coefficient value Kh decreases. It occurs mainly at the account of increasing the velocity of refused soil pieces dropping aside by the harrow teeth.

As, the developed harrow mainly is used in the soil preparation for sowing proceedings, the height of processing bottom unevenness must not exceed the allowed value [Ahaux ] ,that means the following:

Ah3<[Ah0„% ]. (3)

This condition, as follows from the term (1), there may be satisfied at the account of changing the values a and \//. However, an angle of the lateral soil shearing, basically depends on its physical-

mechanical properties and depending on the teeth parameters it changes to a several margins. Therefore more efficient allowed height of combs can be achieved at the account of changing the teeth row-spacing width teeth.

By applying the terms (1) and (3), there may be determined maximum allowable width of row-spacing teeth ensuring the condition (3):

= ~2 [Ahu* №. K,


This formula allows to determine the value a, at which the bottom ridgeness of the loosened layer doesn't exceed the allowed margin.

By putting into the formula (4) the digital values of an angle of the lateral soil shearing (32°), allowable height of combs (1 cm.) as well as determined values of coefficient experimentally Kh (0.26-0.30), let's determine that:

a = 42 - 48 mm.

Thus, in effort to ensure acceptable ridgeness of the soil layer loosened by the harrow the maximum value ofwidth ofthe soil teeth row-spacing should be 48 mm.


1. Patent of the Rep. Uzbekistan № FAP 00909. Harrow/I. B. Mamajonov, J. Muhamedov, A. Umurzakov, Sh.Kenjaboyev, D. Abduva-hobov//Bulletin - № 6. - 2014. - P. 258.

2. Klenin N. I., Sakun V A. Agricultural and land-improvement machines. - Moscow: Kolos, 1980. - P. 671.


Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, the Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of Laboratory, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Abdulhaev Khurshed Gafurovich, the Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, senior scientific employee

E-mail: [email protected]

Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges

Abstract: This paper presents the results of research on the justification diameter and number of planks tapered roller rotary tiller new instrument for pre-processing of the ridges and the vertical load on it.

Keywords: a instrument for processing of the ridges, frame with lifting gear, ripping claw, rotary ripper, ripper teeth, diameter and number of strips of the conical roller, vertical load on the rotary tiller, working depth.

Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges

It was developed the level of inventions developed a new instrument for pre-processing of the ridges, for the treatment of ridges along the entire profile before sowing [1, 48; 2, 53-54; 3, 176]. It consists (Fig. 1) of a frame with lifting gear, ripper tines set them rotating and tooth ripper. Loosening legs rigidly connected to the frame, and the rotary rippers and teeth — hinged respectively by means of parallelogram rods and spring loaded mechanisms.

In the process of loosening legs loosen the bottom of the furrows between the ridges, rotary tillers and teeth treated accordingly slopes and tops of ridges, bumps copying them. This ensures that the processing of ridges along the entire profile without flaws and creates a fine lumpy loosened layer that promotes the retention of moisture and the complete destruction of seedlings of weeds.

Fig. 1. Scheme of implement for volumetric presowing of ridges: 1 - framework with hung device; 2 - chizel point; 3 - connection rotary tiller; 4 - rotary tiller; 5 - spring guide rod; 6 - parallelogram mechanism; 7 - toothed ripper; 8, 9 - right and left tapered roller slat

The rotary tiller is designed implements from the right 8 and left 9 slatted conical rollers mounted on a common axis (Fig. 1), which in the process of manufacturing the slopes adjacent ridges.

This article presents the results of studies to determine the average diameter (Dz) and the number of bars (n) tapered roller rotary tiller and a vertical load (Q) on it.

The average diameter of the tapered rollers is defined such that at a meeting with clods of soil are swept over them are not dragging them along [4, 40-41; 5, 232-233]. At the same time the following expression (Fig. 2):

D > dk [1 + cos(0i + &)] + 2h z > 1 - cos( +^2) ' ( )

where: dk — diameter clods of soil encountered in the path conical roller slatted;

92 — respectively, the corners of the external and the internal friction of soil clods;

h — depth of immersion slatted tapered rollers into the soil.

Number of planks tapered rollers is determined by the circumference of their large base such that at least one strap was in full contact with the ground, and the following expression:

D + 0,5l sine -2h

n > 2nl



Dz + 0,5l sine

where: l — length planks tapered roller rotary tiller, m.;

£ — angle of the slats tapered roller rotary tiller to the axis of rotation, deg.

When the condition (2) during the operation ensures a reliable rotation of the tapered rollers.

Using the diagrams shown in Fig. 2, defined vertical load on the rotary tiller, which provides its penetration to a predetermined machining depth.

For immersion rotary tiller to a predetermined depth processing of vertical load Q applied to it, must be equal to the sum of the vertical components of the normal N and N2 are the forces acting on its strap roller, i. e.:

Q = 2 (N1 + N 2cosr)cose, (3)

where: t — angle between adjacent slats roller rotary tiller.

The normal force acting on the plank tapered roller rotary tiller can be determined by the following expressions:

N i = o^lt, (4)


N 2 = a 2lt, (5)

where: al and a2 — specific soil pressure on the strap roller rotary tiller; t — the thickness of the planks tapered roller rotary tiller.

Expressing al and a2 in (4) and (5) through the coefficient ofvol-ume collapse q0 soil predetermined depth h [4, 14-15; 6, 132-133],

,j , 360° and considering that, t =-, we get:

N i = q.hlt,


N 2 = qo

h - 0,5D I 1 - cos





Given these expressions, the expression (3) is as follows:

Q = 2q0 \ h +

h - 0,5D I 1 - cos




It cose. (8)

Calculations made by the formulas (1), (2) and (8) dk = 0.1 m., h = 0.05 m., f1 = 30° and 9=45°, q2 = 3-106 N/m 3, l = 0.32 m., t = 0.006 m. and £ = 30° [4, 14-15; 5, 164-166; 7, 22-23; 8, 121-122] showed that the average diameter of the conical rotary tiller slatted rollers should be at least 30 cm., the number of bars — at least 12 units and the vertical load on it — 0.74 kN.

Fig. 2. The scheme to determine the vertical load on rotary tiller: 1, 2 - left and right slatted tapered rollers; 3 - common axis


1. Patent RUz № FAP 00753. The device for the treatment of ridges and grooves between them/Tuhtakuziev A., Abdulhaev Kh. G. -Official Bulletin. - 2012. - № 9.

2. Patent RUz № FAP 00888. Rotary tiller/TuhtakuzievA., Abdulhaev Kh. G., Nuriddinov A. D. Official Bulletin. - 2014. - № 4.

3. Patent RUz № FAP 01071. The device for the treatment of ridges and grooves between them/Tuhtakuziev A., Abdulhaev Kh. G. -Official Bulletin. - 2016. - № 3.

4. Klenin N. I., Egorov V. G. Agricultural and land reclamation machines. - Moscow: Kolos, 2005. - 464 p.

5. Rudakov G. M. Technological bases of mechanization of cotton planting. - Tashkent: Science, 1974. - 244 p.

6. Burchenko P. N. Mechanical and technological bases of till aging a new generation of machines. - Moscow: VIM, 2002. - 212 p.

7. Sergienko V. A. Technological bases tillage mechanization between the rows of cotton. - Tashkent: Science, 1978. - 112 p.

8. Sineokov G. N., Panov I. M. Theory and Design of tillers. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1977. - 328 p.

Boboyev Gaybulla Gafurovich, Tashkent State Technical University, senior researcher of the applicant of chair "Metrology, standardization and certification" E-mail: [email protected]

Matyakubova Paraxat Maylievna, Tashkent state technical university, the Dr. Sci. Tech., professor of chair "Metrology, standardization and certification" E-mail: [email protected]

Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances

Abstract: In this article scientific-methodological bases of measuring electro-physical dimensions of grain products are investigated, which reflect primary producing structure and features of grain products — conceptions, principles, ways and algorithms of counting that provide demanded reliability, cooperativeness and exactness of technological information, projecting and implementing of measuring means.

Keywords: grains, humidity, converter, qualities, hydrometer, dielectric.

Satisfying people's demands for food much more abundantly and improving supplement in this field completely are considered as one of the most important issues as economic reforms are fulfilling successively nowadays. For implementing these tasks successfully, we should pay attention to important duties, especially such as preserving and reproducing grain products.

People usually grow grain products in rainy spring and hot summer days. Therefore, we cannot supply people with grain products without organising to gather harvest of these products and to preserve them appropriately in order not to waste them. As the quantity of growing grain products is increasing, the ways of preserving and

reproducing them are developing; new modern stores and reproducing factories are building simultaneously.

Wasting grain products can be diminished quite considerably, if growing, transporting, keeping and reproducing grain products are implemented with the help of achievements of science and technology, and, of course, advanced experience, which has been held all over the world until now [1].

According to the information of international organization of agriculture, the amount of squandering grain products is not more than 6-10 percent all over the world. It is one of the important tasks in to diminish this amount 1-2 percent year by year.

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