Научная статья на тему 'Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator'

Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, Imomkulov Kutbiddin Bokijonovich

In article are brought the results of the studies on development of the technological scheme of the work and schemes of the accommodation worker organ energy-efficient chisel-cultivator.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator»

Section 9. Technical sciences

Fig. 2. Corrosion of reinforcement, extracted from the carriageway slab in various years

Fig. 3. Reducing armature's cross-sectional area as a fraction of the original: AS0 — initial area of reinforcement (armature); A — sectional area of the armature after corrosion

Table 2. - The results of measuring the diameters of the valve during the operation superstructures in the conditions of salt corrosion are stored

Measuring number Change of rebar diameter, mm. Notes

1986 y. 1996 y. 2000 y. 2008 y.

1 11.8 9.6 6.7 6.2 Measurements without removing the reinforcement (armature)

2 - 8.5 - 5.9 Measurements with removing the reinforcement (armature)

As shown in Table 2 under the actual diameter of salt corrosion of reinforcement after 43 years of operation decreased almost 2-times. Fig. 3 shows a graph of cross-sectional area reduction valve during salt corrosion

Reducing the cross-sectional area of reinforcement in time dependence can be described by:


AT=A e 0-015 T,

sT SO '

where ASg — initial area of reinforcement; T — time in years from the start of operation.

As a result of the work developed the method of estimation of influence of salt corrosion of the concrete work and fittings. Depending on the definition proposed for reducing the strength of the concrete reinforcement, and the cross sectional area over time during operation.


1. 2.




6. 7.

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Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, leader of the laboratory

Imomkulov Kutbiddin Bokijonovich, senior scientific employee, The Research Scientific Institute of mechanizations and electrifications of agriculture, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator

Abstract: In article are brought the results of the studies on development of the technological scheme of the work and schemes of the accommodation worker organ energy-efficient chisel-cultivator.

Keywords: chisel-cultivator, worker organs, blocked cutting, hemi blocked cutting, unlocked cutting, rip perish paw, double-sided reversible ogival paw, unilateral ogival paw, tractional resistance, consumption fuel.

Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator

Among complex agricultural practices, directed on reception high harvest agricultural cultures, cultivation of ground plays the paramount role. Only under the high quality of the cultivation optimum conditions in ground for reception friendly plant lings, growing of the plants and accumulations of the harvest. Beside from this, qualitative cultivation of ground creates the prosperous circumstances for functioning (working) the sowing machines, promotes increasing to capacity of the labour, spare fuel, water and safety of the farm machinery.

At the same time it's necessary to note that cultivation of ground is the most energy-consuming operation in agricultural production. So, under the cultivation of cotton plant from the total expenses of the energy 50-60 % accounts for share of the processing of ground [1]. So reduction energy-intensity of machines and tools, applicable when processing of ground, is an important problem.

The quality and energy-intensity processing of ground first of all depends on perfection of the technological process of the work, designs ground-cultivated machines and tools, parameter their worker organ.

Chisel-cultivator CHK-3.0 and CHKU-4 in our Republic are the main instrument when preparation of ground to sowing of the cotton plant and other cultures. However because of imperfection of the technological process of the work and designs they have high energy-intensity and as a result low capacity. Considering be foregoing us organized studies, directed on development energy-efficient technological process of the work chisel-cultivator for the aim increasing of capacity of the labour and reductions of the consumption combustible-lubricants and other expenses.

It's known [2; 3] that worker organs soil-cultivated machines and tools depending on sites on frame and the forms worker to surfaces interact with ground in condition blocked, hemi blocked and unlocked cuttings.

When functioning in condition of the blocked cutting worker organ interact with layer, bounding with two sides by monolith of ground.

When functioning in condition hemi blocked cuttings a worker organ interacts with layer, bounding on the one hand flufferish (the previous worker organ by) by ground or open furrow, but with the other monolith of ground.

When functioning in condition of the unlocked cutting layer, processed by worker organ, border two sides flufferish by ground or opened furrow.

It's known [3-5] that when functioning in condition of the unlocked cutting tractional resistance worker of the organ in 1.5-2.5 times less, than when functioning (working) in condition blocked and hemi blocked cuttings. So for reduction energy-intensity processing of ground beside soil-cultivated machines number worker organ, interacting with in condition blocked and hemi blocked cuttings, must be possible less, but number worker organ, interacting in

condition of the unlocked cutting, as large as possible. Proceeding these is designed technological scheme ofthe work and scheme of the accommodation worker organ energy-efficient chisel-cultivator [6], submitted for drawing.

Fig.1. Technological scheme of the work and scheme of the accomodation worker organ of energy-efficient chisel-cultivator: 1 — ripperish paw; 2 — revelsible ogival paw; 3 — unilateral ogival paw

Beside designed chisel-cultivator worker organs are allocated on frame in two rows. Herewith, the worker organs first row interact with monolith of ground, i. e. work in condition of the blocked cutting, but worker organs second row interact with layer, bordering flufferish by worker organs first row by ground, i. e. work in condition of the unlocked cutting.

The main purpose worker organ of the first row creation lateral flufferish zones that worker organs second row interacted with ground in condition of the unlocked cutting. So they are executed in the manner of flat dihedral wedge, i. e. in the manner of narrow ripperish of the paws. Since herewith first ground is deformed toward its day surface i. e. aside open surface, and secondly decreases the volume deformed in condition of the blocked cutting of ground. These factors bring about reduction of the expenses of energy.

The worker organs second row are executed in the manner of dihedral (the intermediate worker organs) and unilateral (the extreme worker organs) trihedral wedge i. e. in the manner of double-sided and unilateral ogival paws and due to this they deform the processed layers aside flufferish (the workers organ first row) of the zones, i. e. they work in condition of the unlocked cutting. As a result fall energy-consumption on processing of ground since destruction layer ground, processed by workers organ second row, occurs in places first of all, where durability their minimum — along line of the least relationships.

Called on test have shown that energy-efficient chisel-cultivator in contrast with existing (CHK-3.0, CHKU-4) has in 1.33-1.39 times tractional resistance less and as a result consumption fuel on processing 1 ga. area decreases on 3.3-3.4 kg.


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6. Soil-cultivated tools: pat. FAP 00741 RUZ., MPK 8 A01V 35/00/Tukhtakuziyev A., Imomkulov K. B., Kalimbetov M. P. 20120062: has declared. 21.05.2012; publ.31.08.2012. Ballot. 8.

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