УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Babakulova Oh.B.
2 nd-year student of University of Economics
and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M.J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics
and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with the problems of sentence structure. It is known, that sentences are composed not directly out of words but of constituents which may consist of more than one word, called phrases. A phrase is an expression which is a constituent in a sentence and is the expansion of a head.
Argument, participant, person, complement, sentence structure, number.
Бабакулова Ч.Б.
Студентка 2 курса Университета экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
В статье рассматриваются проблемы строения предложения. Известно, что предложения состоят не непосредственно из слов, а из составляющих, которые могут состоять более чем из одного слова, называемых словосочетаниями. Фраза - это выражение, которое является составной частью предложения.
Ключевые слова
Аргумент, составляющий, лицо, дополнение, структура предложения, число.
Syntax is the study of sentence structure. Sentences are composed not directly out of words but of constituents which may consist of more than one word, called phrases. A phrase is an expression which is a constituent in a sentence and is the expansion of a head (i.e. key word). For instance, the constituent the king in (1), or the constituents my brother and an expensive car in (2) are Noun Phrases, abbreviated as NPs, because their key elements are the nouns (Ns) king, brother and car, respectively.1 It can happen that a phrase is realized by a single word, for example the NPs John, Mary and apples in (3) consist of the Ns John, Mary and apples, and nothing else. In (4) he is a special NP because its head is a pronoun rather than a noun.
(1) The king laughed.
(2) My brother bought an expensive car.
(3) John gave Mary apples.
(4) He went home.
(1)-(4) are sentences. The terms sentence and clause can be used synonymously. A sentence or clause is an expression which minimally contains a subject and a predicate, and which may also contain other types of elements, viz. complements and adjuncts. For instance, (1) consists of just a subject and a predicate. The NP the king is the subject, and the Verb Phrase (VP), composed of a single verb (V) laughed, is the predicate. A complement is a constituent whose presence is structurally "dictated" (required or licensed) by a particular word. The presence of the complement "follows" from the presence of the word which it is a complement of. For instance, in (2) above the NP my brother is the subject, the V bought is the predicate, and the NP an expensive car is a complement, more particularly adirect object, of the verb bought. An object is a particular kind of complement.
In (3) above the subject is the NP John, the predicate is the V gave, and there are two complements, the NP Mary, functioning as an indirect object, and the NP apples functioning as a direct object. In (4) the complement of the V went is the Adverb Phrase (AdvP) home, consisting of the single adverb (Adv) home.
The subject and the complement(s) together are said to be the arguments of the predicate. Arguments are the participants (entities) that are necessarily involved in the situation identified by the predicate. For example, in (2) the predicate bought has two arguments: the subject (somebody did the buying), and the object (something was bought). In English, subjects typically occur in the nominative case (I, he, etc.), whereas objects occur in the accusative case (me, him, etc.), but observable case-marking is restricted to pronouns. Another difference between subjects and complements is that, in English, verbs agree with their subjects in person and number but do not agree with their complements. Also, subjects in English typically precede verbs, while complements follow them. Used Literature:
1. Aitchison, J. (1978) Linguistics. 3rd ed. Teach Yourself Books. Hodder & Stoughton.
2. Newson (1996) Chomsky's Universal Grammar. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell.
© Ba6aKy^oBa H.B, 2023
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Bakirova Sh.A.
2 nd-year student of University of Economics
and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M.J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article deals with the problems of Semasiology which is a branch of Lexicology learning the semantic structure of words. And it has its methods of investigation applied here to analyze the lexical meaning of words.