UDC 373.3/.5.014
Somova Tetyana Vasylivna,
graduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of the Municipal Higher Educational Institution "Vin-nytsia Academy of Continuing Education'', 21100, Vinnytsia, vul. Hrushevskoho, 13, tel.: 097 3269621, e-mail: somovatetyana@ gmail. com, https://ore-id. org/0000-0002-4701-6830
Сомова Тетяна Bacujiitma,
астрантка кафедри управлтня та ад-мтстрування Комунального вишрго на-вчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервног освгти", 21100, м. Втниця, вул. Грушевського, 13, тел,: 097 3269621, e-mail: [email protected], https:// oreid.org/0000-0002-4701 - 6830
Сомова Татьяна Васильевна,
аспирантка кафедры управления и администрирования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", 21100, г. Винница, ул. Грушевского, 13, тел.: 0973269621, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4701-6830
Abstract. The presented research reveals the essence of the phenomena of state-public and public-state management of general secondary education, organizational mechanisms of public-state management, covers the genesis of scientists' views on these phenomena, analyzes the state of use of organizational mechanisms in practice, develops conceptual foundations of design and public-public administration, technologies of their implementation, the model of organizational mechanism and scientific-methodical support of its application is revealed, the interrelation between style of management and introduction of organizational mechanisms of public-state management in activity of establishments of general secondary education is proved. The urgency of the research problem is determined by the need to significantly restructure the
education management system, in particular, the search for new open and democratic models of governance, broad public involvement in the educational and management process. The research presented in the article in such a way that it can be used as a methodological recommendation for heads of general secondary education institutions and representatives of management structures and for self-education and in advanced training courses for managers or in the process of preparing a reserve of managers. It is established that the model of structural and public support assumes the presence at each level of the subordination vertical of management of ZZSO of the corresponding public structure and its resources.
Its main task is to carry out an independent examination of the state of this area of education and dialogue with the authorities to balance the interests of the public and relevant authorities, which results in balancing the requirements and resources of the state and the demands of citizens.
Keywords: public administration, public administration, general secondary education.
Аннотащя. Розкрито сутшсть феномешв державно-громадського й гро-мадсько-державного управлшня закладом загально!' середньо'1' освгги, оргашзацшних механiзмiв громадсько-державного управлшня. Висв^лено генезис поглядiв учених щодо цих феномешв, проаналiзовано стан вико-ристання оргашзацшних механiзмiв у практищ, розроблено концептуальш засади конструювання та запровадження оргашзацшних механiзмiв громад-сько-державного управлшня, технологи ïx реалiзацiï, розкрито модель орга-шзацшного мехашзму та науково-методичний супровщ його застосування, обгрунтовано взаемозв'язок мiж стилем керiвництва й впровадженням ор-ганiзацiйниx меxанiзмiв громадсько-державного управлiння у дiяльнiсть за-кладiв загально!' середньо!' освiти. Актуальшсть проблеми дослiдження ви-значаеться необхщшстю суттево!' перебудови системи управлiння освггою, зокрема, пошуку нових вiдкритиx i демократичних моделей управлшня, широкого залучення громадськост до осв^нього та управлшського процесу. Дослiдження можуть використовуватися як методичш рекомендацй' для ке-рiвникiв закладiв загально!' середньо!' освiти та представниюв управлiнськиx структур, так i для самоосв™ на курсах шдвищення квалiфiкацiï керiвникiв чи в процес пiдготовки резерву керiвниx кадрiв. Встановлено, що модель структурно-громадського супроводу передбачае наявшсть на кожному рiв-ш субординацiйноï вертикалi управлiння ЗЗСО вщповщно!' громадсько!' структури та iï ресурсами. Основним завданням е здшснення незалежно!' експертизи стану цiеï дiлянки осв^ньо!' галузi та ведення дiалогу з владни-ми структурами для збалансування штереав громадськостi та вiдповiдниx
оргашв управлшня, результатом яких виступае збалансування вимог та ре-сурсiв держави i запитiв громадян.
Ключовi слова: громадсько-державне управлiння, державно-громад-ськоске управлшня, заклад загально! середньо! освiти.
Аннотация. Раскрыта сущность феноменов государственно-общественного и общественно-государственного управления учреждением общего среднего образования, организационных механизмов общественно-государственного управления. Освещено генезис взглядов ученых относительно этих феноменов, проанализировано состояние использования организационных механизмов в практике, разработаны концептуальные основы конструирования и внедрения организационных механизмов общественно-государственного управления, технологии их реализации, раскрыто модель организационного механизма и научно-методическое сопровождение его применения, обоснованно взаимосвязь между стилем руководства и внедрением организационных механизмов общественно-государственного управления в деятельности учреждений общего среднего образования. Исследования могут использоваться как методические рекомендации для руководителей учреждений общего среднего образования и представителей управленческих структур, так и для самообразования на курсах повышения квалификации руководителей или в процессе подготовки резерва руководящих кадров. Установлено, что модель структурно-общественного сопровождения предполагает наличие на каждом уровне субординационной вертикали управления ЗЗСО соответствующей общественной структуры и её ресурсами. Основной задачей является осуществление независимой экспертизы состояния этого участка образования и ведения диалога с властными структурами для сбалансирования интересов общественности и соответствующих органов управления, результатом которых является сбалансирование требований и ресурсов государства и запросов граждан.
Ключевые слова: общественно-государственное управление, государственно-общественное управление, заведение общего среднего образования.
Problem statement. The strategic tasks of reforming education management in Ukraine envisage the moderni-
zation of the management system and the transition from the administrative-bureaucratic to the public-state level.
The relevance of the research problem is determined by the need for a significant restructuring of the education management system, in particular, the search for new open and democratic management models, wide public involvement in the educational and management process. Despite 20 years of experience in reforming and transforming the education system in Ukraine, state-administrative methods and mechanisms in the management of the educational sector still prevail, despite the proclamation in the National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine and the Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021 of the transition to the state — public administration, democratization, decentralization of management, a clear delineation of management functions along the entire vertical, ensuring the self-government of the IGSE in the context of decentralization.
Analysis of recent publications on the subject. The theoretical basis of the research is formed by the foundations of the theory of management of educational systems and the essence of management mechanisms according to the conceptual foundations of mechanisms of public administration by G. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, V. Lugovoy, N. Protasova, L. Parash-chenko, etc.; scientific foundations of the management activities of the head of the educational institution V. Bondar, N. Vasilenko, V. Maslov, L. Kalinina, V. Pikel'noi and others; certain provisions of public administration G. Balykhin, A. Bochkareva, V. Grabovsky, L. Danilenko, I. Dovbysh, A. Zaichenko, M. Komarnitsky, Maslov, V. Lugovoy, A. Onats, A. Pastovensky,
T. Shamov; the theory of adaptive management and grounded models of state public administration by G. Elnikova. Aspects of effective management in the conditions of state-public and public-state management of the IGSE were considered to one degree or another in scientific works covering: the content of the professional activity of the leader (A. Derkach, M. Dyachenko, G. Elnikova, A. Zhuravlev, Yu. Zabro-din, L. Kalinina, E. Klimov, A. Leon-tiev, A. Nikiforov, V. Novikov, N. Protasova, G. Fedorov, etc.) innovative activities aimed at the development of the educational system (N. Vasilenko, L. Vaschenko, L. Danilenko, V. Zazvya-ginsky, I. Zimnyaya, V. Kirillov, L. Mitina, V. Mosolov, V. Slastotin, V. Slo-bodchikov, etc.) requirements for the professional competence and culture of the leader (V. Andreev, V. Eronin, Yu. Konarzhevskiy, V. Krichevsky, A. Maron, R. Shakurov, V. Shepel and others) ways of solving the problem of managing the development of IGSE and the professional competence of a leader (V. Zvereva, L. Kalinina, V. Lazarev, T. Orlova, L. Plakhova, P. Tretyakov, A. Shamova) theoretical and methodological foundations, p Development of managerial professional and didactic competence of managers (V. Bondar, L. V. Vashchenko, V. Maslov, N. Klokar, N. Nichkalo, V. Oleinik, A. Onats, I. Osadchiy, A. Pometun, N. Pobirchenko, N. Protasova, L. Pa-rashchenko, V. Sidorenko, S. Sysoeva, T. Sorochan).
Purpose of the article — to justify the theoretical foundations of democratic models of state public administration and state-public education management.
Presentation of the basic material.
The search for democratic models of state and public administration refers to alternative ways of widely involving the public in the educational and management process in the context of public administration. The research of S. Krysiuk is devoted to the conceptual foundations of the development of state and public education management. State public administration (according to S. Krysiuk) is a public administration that ensures maximum participation of citizens in the development of strategic directions for the development of education. The scientist views it as an open, democratic model of government, where the means of state influence are organically combined with public administration. As a type of social management in a democratic society, it obeys its general laws [1-14; 8].
S. Shevchenko defines state and public administration as a dynamic formation — a system of mutually agreed legal, economic, social, organizational and political processes, means, methods, levers, procedures, methods of purposeful impact of public administration bodies in education, scientific, professional and public circles on the quality of the system education and its result [14].
A. Zaichenko believes that state and public administration is not sufficiently institutionalized, because its real impact and functional ability are low. Public educational structures do not influence the processes, since they do not have the appropriate powers (for example, boards of trustees, parental committees, etc.) [5].
V. Bochkarev defines state and public administration as the activity of
subjects of state and public administration, as the integration of three areas of work: democratization of the activities of government bodies and education management; development of self-governing educational associations, unions, councils, etc.; organization of public education authorities, in which all segments of the population involved in educational activities will be represented [1]. The ways of combining public and state management of educational institutions are reflected in the models developed by G. Elnikova [4].
In particular, the model of structural and social support assumes the presence of a corresponding social structure and its resources at each level of the subordinate vertical of management of the IGSE. Its main task is to carry out an independent examination of the state of this area of education and conduct a dialogue with the authorities to balance the interests of the public and the relevant government bodies. The result is a balance between the demands and resources of the state and the demands of citizens [4].
The model of information and public support provides that state authorities, together with public non-profit organizations and educational institutions, organize counter flows of information. From top to bottom comes determination on information (normative-legal and social-value) from bottom to top — pretentious (reaction of performers, the public to deterministic information). At each stage of management, an adaptive structural unit is created, coordinating the counter flows of information and determining the vector of advantages [4].
In the model of subordination-intermediate partnership, vertical su-
bordination relations are very dynamic. The public is involved in the tasks, and the relationship is temporarily transformed into a partnership. Horizontal connections are extended at the time of the task. After reaching each partial goal, the created team dissolves and the vertical is renewed. The main purpose of the model is to create a mechanism of subordination-partnership relations in order to ensure mutual adaptation and achieve common advantages in operation [4].
A. Marchak analyzes the development of socially oriented education management. Publicly directed education management is a kind of flexible management, which involves involving the public in management decisions at different levels of the management vertical (from the Ministry of Education and Science to the student), establishing a mobile balance between society's demands and providing educational services IGSE to achieve maximum results. education, development of the territorial community. The task of socially oriented management of health care is to ensure the adaptation and coordination of the content of the educational process in health care with the educational needs of citizens. Under such management, the vector of influence changes from the bottom up, which creates conditions for the natural development of the child in the educational process of health, meeting the educational and cultural needs of the population (community). That is, such management can be considered public-state [11].
According to S. Korolyuk, in Ukraine, public administration is essentially public, although it has many
declarative features. She believes that an essential feature characterizing the transition from public to public education is the creation of non-governmental structures that expand the ability of schools to choose the ways of their resource provision (centers of educational technologies, resource centers, funds, etc.). It highlights the following features of public administration: general management of governmental and non-governmental organizations in the management of educational projects, public administration decisions with mandatory approval of the draft decision with the public, delegation of powers to structures representing the interests of certain groups. It defines public administration as a managerial activity carried out by civil society structures — voluntarily formed associations, associations and organizations of citizens implementing public education policy on the basis of democratic procedures of self-government and co-government.
The system of public administration of education includes: participants in the educational process, their governing bodies and public administration of education, the regulatory framework governing the activities of the subjects of public administration of the procedure, and the mechanisms of their interaction.
At the heart of public administration is the idea of an active role in ensuring the functioning, preservation and development of the school not only government agencies but also the public. The society is the initiator of various projects that contribute to the development of the school and the community [7].
We share the opinion of S. Koro-lyuk that for the implementation of public administration in Ukraine it is necessary to create real conditions, including: improving the regulatory framework, developing various ways and methods of activating community members, awareness of the benefits of co-management with the active participation of the community by the leaders educational environment of Institutional Report. Based on the SWOT analysis, we concluded that both types of government (state-public or public-state) in education provide for coordinated interaction between the state and society in fulfilling educational tasks, the ability to jointly effectively influence educational policy, making managerial decisions, existence of equal access to quality education. Both types of interaction are related, but differ in what structure (the state or the public) dominates in it: if the state, then such management will be state-public, if the public self-governing structures — public-state [2, 6; 12; 13].
In the context of the development of democracy and the expansion of co-management, the educational institution is doomed to close cooperation with public organizations and local communities. It can be really constructive partnership and real interaction in solving problems. Leaders, teachers, student government, and representatives of public structures should be prepared for this. This is possible due to scientifically grounded effective organizational mechanisms and technologies that eliminate the state monopoly on education and promote the transformation of schools from a state institution into a social institution in
the interests of the individual, society, and the state. The fulfilment of certain tasks requires serious preparation and readiness to work in the conditions of public administration from the head of the IGSE [3].
He must be able to analyse the interaction of the educational processes themselves, coordinate the organizational mechanisms of public administration and implement them in practice; be able to develop the conceptual foundations of their design and provide the procedural and substantive foundations of organizational mechanisms, master the technologies of their implementation; know the procedures and methods of modelling, procedures for introducing public administration into practice and provide scientific and methodological support for this process.
In scientific works, and this is confirmed by our research, it is noted that the development of public administration in education and an educational institution has many limitations and risks, many of which are due to stereotypes in the thinking of most subjects of education and representatives of society. These risks may include [9, 10]:
• striving to build vertical hierarchical relations with individuals and organizations for the powerful leaders;
• the danger of understanding public-state management interaction as strengthening the positions of one of the parties in the interests of others or as a new redistribution of the current management functions. There is a danger of "fragmentation" of civil society in the face of pressing social problems and the risk of the interests of groups that seek to achieve corporate, factio-
nal realization of their own interests at the expense of other interest groups.
Output. So, based on a detailed analysis of scientific works and practical experience, we concluded that the effectiveness of public administration is possible subject to the strengthening and use of the capabilities and potential of each of the parties, the connection between them for the development of general and managerial potential in the industry as a whole and in the general educational institution in in particular, as well as a significant revision of the range of necessary management functions.
In the context of the democratization of society, this problem seems to be especially important and filled with new content, since the modern IGSE is a complex organization that unites teachers and student collectives, unions and associations of adults and children. In a democratic environment of an educational institution, each of the collectives and associations has the right to self-government, to independently resolve their issues, to satisfy the needs and interests in the educational process. The transition to a qualitatively new stable state of the education system as a whole, the introduction of public administration through the self-determination and self-development of different individuals, groups, communities, social and educational institutions are impossible without democracy, the public and state nature of intra-school management.
The priority of social goals, organizational and personal values, a person and a team is at the center of the organization and management processes. These are unconditional and indispu-
table principles for every head of the IGSE. At the same time, his task is to use various management tools and create organizational and psychological conditions that will have a mobilizing, stimulating, organizing, developing influence on all participants in the educational process in general and on each participant in particular.
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