Научная статья на тему 'Methodological aspects of public-civic communication research'

Methodological aspects of public-civic communication research Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Zhukova Irina Vitalyevna

The specificity of public communication is that it means the exchange of messages between public authorities and other corporate (corporate) subjects with citizens and their public associations reflecting public information. Based on an integrated approach to the study of communicative phenomena and processes, the theory of communication can be based on the desired results, namely adequately reflecting the diversity and complexity of communicative reality, successfully developing, improving and constantly enriching new knowledge. It is this methodological approach that will allow systematizing the sourceof research and revealing individual methodological techniques used by scientists in the framework of their conceptual views, close to our scientific problem. Modern research in the field of state-public communication differs using a variety of methodologies. Institutional paradigm allows us to analyze and consider public-public communication as the stable communicative roles and functions of state institutions, state interests and state practices that serve to interact state institutions, political parties, elites and other sectors for the realization of their interests and the exercise of state power. Communicative interaction between state authorities and society is also a necessary sign of the establishment of state and administrative relations in the system of relations between state authorities and non-governmental organizations. Communicative interaction implies a certain correlation between real power and the legitimization of public policy. Logical methods, such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, definition and classification, observation and statistical analysis, etc., are used as general methods of studying the subject of communication interaction between public administration and civil society. They are the working mechanisms through which the theoretical The basics of research are embodied in reality, becoming a theory that works.

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Специфика публичного общения заключается в том, что оно означает обмен сообщениями между государственными органами и другими организационными (корпоративными) субъектами с гражданами и их общественными объединениями, отражающими публичную информацию. Основываясь на интегрированном подходе к изучению коммуникативных явлений и процессов, теория общения может базироваться на получении желаемых результатов, а именно адекватно отражать разнообразие и сложность коммуникативной реальности, успешно развиваться, совершенствоваться и постоянно обогащать новые знания. Именно этот методологический подход позволит систематизировать источник исследований и выявить отдельные методологические приемы, используемые учеными в рамках их концептуальных взглядов, близких к нашей научной проблемы. Современные исследования в области государственно-общественной коммуникации отличаются использованием различной методологии. Институциональная парадигма позволяет проанализировать и рассмотреть государственно-общественную коммуникацию как устойчивые коммуникативные роли и функции государственных институтов, государственных интересов и государственных практик, которые служат для взаимодействия государственных учреждений, политических партий, элит и других слоев для реализации своих интересов и осуществления государственной власти. Коммуникативное взаимодействие между органами государственной власти и обществом также есть необходимым признаком установления государственных и административных отношений в системе отношений между органами государственной власти и неправительственными организациями. Коммуникативное взаимодействие предполагает определенную корреляцию между реальной властью и легитимизацией общественной политики. В качестве общих методов исследования предмета коммуникационного взаимодействия между государственным управлением и гражданским обществом также используются логические методы, такие как индукция и дедукция, анализ и синтез, определение и классификация, наблюдение и статистический анализ и т. д. Они являются рабочими механизмами, благодаря которым теоретические основы исследования воплощаются в реальность, становятся теорией, которая работает.

Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological aspects of public-civic communication research»

UDC: 351

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-75-84

Zhukova Irina Vitalyevna,

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Executive Director of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Sciences in Public Administration, Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Management of the Educational Institution, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kiev, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Жукова 1рина Вталйвна, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, Виконавчий директор npe3udiï Всеукратсько1 асамблеï докторiв наук з державного управлтня, завiдувач ка-федри професшно1 освти та управлтня навчальним закладом, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610

Жукова Ирина Витальевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, заведующая кафедрой профессионального образования и управления учебным заведением, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фро-метовская, 2, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610


Abstract. The specificity of public communication is that it means the exchange of messages between public authorities and other corporate (corporate) subjects with citizens and their public associations reflecting public information.

Based on an integrated approach to the study of communicative phenomena and processes, the theory of communication can be based on the desired results, namely adequately reflecting the diversity and complexity of communicative reality, successfully developing, improving and constantly enriching new knowledge. It is this methodological approach that will allow systematizing the source

of research and revealing individual methodological techniques used by scientists in the framework of their conceptual views, close to our scientific problem. Modern research in the field of state-public communication differs using a variety of methodologies.

Institutional paradigm allows us to analyze and consider public-public communication as the stable communicative roles and functions of state institutions, state interests and state practices that serve to interact state institutions, political parties, elites and other sectors for the realization of their interests and the exercise of state power.

Communicative interaction between state authorities and society is also a necessary sign of the establishment of state and administrative relations in the system of relations between state authorities and non-governmental organizations. Communicative interaction implies a certain correlation between real power and the legitimization of public policy.

Logical methods, such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, definition and classification, observation and statistical analysis, etc., are used as general methods of studying the subject of communication interaction between public administration and civil society. They are the working mechanisms through which the theoretical The basics of research are embodied in reality, becoming a theory that works.

Keywords: communication interaction between public administration and civil society, state and public communication, communication theory, communicative roles of state institutes.


Анотащя. Специфша публiчного сшлкування полягае в тому, що воно означав обмш поввдомленнями мiж державними органами та шшими оргаш-зацшними (корпоративними) суб'ектами з громадянами та ïx громадськими об'еднаннями, що вщображають публiчну шформацш.

Грунтуючись на штегрованому пiдxодi до вивчення комушкативних явищ i процеав, теорiя спiлкування може базуватися на отриманш бажаних ре-зультатiв, а саме адекватно вщображати рiзноманiтнiсть i складшсть кому-нiкативноï реальностi, усшшно розвиватися, вдосконалюватися i постiйно збагачувати новi знання. Саме цей методолопчний пiдxiд дозволить система-тизувати джерело дослщжень i виявити окремi методолопчш прийоми, що використовуються вченими в рамках ïx концептуальних поглядiв, близьких до нашо!' науково!' проблеми. Сучасш дослiдження в сферi державно-громад-сько!' комунiкацiï вiдрiзняються використанням рiзноманiтноï методологи.

1нституцшна парадигма дозволяе проаналiзувати та розглянути держав-но-громадську комунiкацiю як стшю комунiкативнi ролi та функци держав-них iнститутiв, державних штереав i державних практик, якi служать для взаемоди державних установ, полггичних партiй, елiт та iншиx верств для реалiзацiï сво'1'х iнтересiв та здшснення державно!' влади.

Комушкативна взаeмодiя мiж органами державно! влади та сустльством також е необхщною ознакою встановлення державних та адмшютративних вiдносин у системi вiдносин мiж органами державно! влади та неурядовими оргашзащями. Комунiкативна взаeмодiя передбачае певну корелящю мiж реальною владою та легiтимiзацieю громадсько! полiтики.

В якост загальних методiв дослiдження предмета комушкацшно! взае-модi! мiж державним управлшням i громадянським суспiльством також ви-користовуються логiчнi методи, такi як шдукщя i дедукцiя, аналiз i синтез, визначення та класифiкацiя, спостереження i статистичний аналiз i т. д. Вони е робочими мехашзмами, завдяки яким теоретичш засади дослвдження втiлюються в реальнiсть, стають теорieю, яка працюе.

Ключовi слова: комушкацшна взаeмодiя мiж державним управлшням i громадянським суспiльством, державно-громадська комунiкацiя, теорiя спiлкування, комунiкативнi ролi державних шститупв.


Аннотация. Специфика публичного общения заключается в том, что оно означает обмен сообщениями между государственными органами и другими организационными (корпоративными) субъектами с гражданами и их общественными объединениями, отражающими публичную информацию.

Основываясь на интегрированном подходе к изучению коммуникативных явлений и процессов, теория общения может базироваться на получении желаемых результатов, а именно адекватно отражать разнообразие и сложность коммуникативной реальности, успешно развиваться, совершенствоваться и постоянно обогащать новые знания. Именно этот методологический подход позволит систематизировать источник исследований и выявить отдельные методологические приемы, используемые учеными в рамках их концептуальных взглядов, близких к нашей научной проблемы. Современные исследования в области государственно-общественной коммуникации отличаются использованием различной методологии.

Институциональная парадигма позволяет проанализировать и рассмотреть государственно-общественную коммуникацию как устойчивые коммуникативные роли и функции государственных институтов, государственных интересов и государственных практик, которые служат для взаимодействия государственных учреждений, политических партий, элит и других слоев для реализации своих интересов и осуществления государственной власти.

Коммуникативное взаимодействие между органами государственной власти и обществом также есть необходимым признаком установления государственных и административных отношений в системе отношений между органами государственной власти и неправительственными организациями. Коммуникативное взаимодействие предполагает определенную корреляцию между реальной властью и легитимизацией общественной политики.

В качестве общих методов исследования предмета коммуникационного взаимодействия между государственным управлением и гражданским обществом также используются логические методы, такие как индукция и дедукция, анализ и синтез, определение и классификация, наблюдение и статистический анализ и т. д. Они являются рабочими механизмами, благодаря которым теоретические основы исследования воплощаются в реальность, становятся теорией, которая работает.

Ключевые слова: коммуникационная взаимодействие между государственным управлением и гражданским обществом, государственно-общественная коммуникация, теория общения, коммуникативные роли государственных институтов.

Thesis statement. The study of communication processes in public administration is one of the relevant scientific issues, because, under modern conditions, communication is an integral part of any form of public relations, and in particular, the establishment of partnership between the state, local authorities and the public.

Nowadays in Ukraine, the role and responsibility of the state for improving the standard of living and social opportunities for citizens is improving. At the same time, our history shows that the lack of objective, effective and mutually beneficial social relations can lead, in the future, to high social tensions, conflicts, unpredictability of events. The severity of the problem is also associated with the high dynamism of information processes precisely at the intersection of interaction between organizations and the public, the search for new communication links and methods of social management, which contribute to ensuring efficient interaction between government and society for the identification and meeting the interests and needs of different social groups. [1, p. 33-39].

Analysis of recent publications on

the issue and identifying unresolved parts of a common problem. The re-vitalization of research on the implementation of Ukraine's European integration path is a reflection of the globalization processes that are taking place in the sphere of establishing communicative interaction between state bodies and the public. Trends in the development of government and public communication in the context of globalization are covered in the publications of some authors. These findings are a manifestation of the impact of globalization on the integration processes of the interaction of different elements of government with regard to the use of worldwide knowledge and experience.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the methodology of the study of state and public communication and the peculiarities of formation of communicative interaction between state bodies and the public.

Outline of the main research material. Modern systems of public administration function under the conditions of complication of political communication and diversification

of technologies of communicative interaction. As the number of objects in the political process increases, the quality of their interconnection also increases. This is due to both the growth of sources of information and the improvement of technical equipment of the authorities and citizens. In such circumstances, the readiness and ability of public authorities to use effective mechanisms of interaction with the public, both directly (with the participation of public organizations) and indirectly (through the media), becomes particularly important. That is, the key to effective public administration in post-industrial society should be a communicative policy of the state that will facilitate the exercise of functional powers of public authorities and the establishment of effective forms of interaction with civil society institutions. This aspect of communication with the public in the public administration is so-called public communication. The peculiarity of public communication is that it means the exchange of messages between public authorities and other organizational (corporate) entities with citizens and their public associations that display public information. That is, public communication involves subject and object interaction, where the subject is public authorities and various corporate organizations, and the object is the public. In this context, in our opinion, it is necessary to improve the mechanism of regulating the process of information exchange, in particular, by substantiating the implementation of the principle of partnership interaction, which provides not only informing the population, but also establishing effective feedback, con-

ducting appropriate educational work, rendering public supervision over the activity of public and local authorities [1, p. 33-39].

The main tasks of communication with the public are to provide public support for the actions of the government, which is achieved by: increasing the level of public trust in public institutions; implementation of a unified state communication policy by creating a system of influence on public opinion; forming and maintaining effective public feedback to monitor the situation and evaluate the results of their work; establishment of cooperation with public organizations in order to inform the public about the implemented policy and to create and maintain a positive image of the authorities.

Using a systematic approach to communication work will provide a specific type of communication that occurs in the process of interaction between government and civil society in terms of expression and protection of citizens' rights, freedoms and interests [2, p. 81-82]. A common method of research is comparative and historical, which makes it possible to determine the trends of the analyzed phenomenon. But, in any case, the basic condition for applying this method must be the existence of a common base on which the objects differ.

Logical methods such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, definition and classification, observation and statistical analysis, etc. are also used as general methods for investigating the subject of communication interaction between public administration and civil society. These are schemes according to which the foun-

dations of the study translate into reality, become a theory that works.

Research methods contribute to: processing of the received data, definition and interpretation of dependencies of indicators of quantitative and qualitative analyzes. A special place in the system of research methods is the content analysis of the legal framework. The data obtained through content analysis show the situation and opportunities for improving the communication interaction between government and civil society [3, p. 110-113]. The analysis of the structure of state and public communication stimulates the choice of such element as political behavior. The sociocultural approach to the theory of political communication reveals the essence of the phenomenon that interests us in the system "politics-communication-society-culture" and introduces the idea of socio-cultural definition of politics as a whole. The sociocultural perspective on the study of political communications views culture, its elements, categories and values as a major factor in political activity and mechanisms of interaction. This approach involves focusing on the trends, mechanisms and interconnections of political, social and spiritual principles of political communication


The above methods are the ones that are most widely used in communication theory. It should be noted, however, that each method is not used separately, but only in combination with others. As a result, the end result is largely determined by how well and effectively the intuitive potential of the individual interconnection methods is utilized.

In fact, the term "public communication" means all existing lines of communication in the community in the part that helps a person to participate in understanding and solving problems of public will manifestation. Without discussing a specific conceptual apparatus, we note that in this case, as I. M. Dzialoszynski states, by public communications, we mean a system of communication networks (channels) that provide [5, p. 50]:

• connection of persons with nonprofit, non-governmental, public organizations;

• connection between different civil society institutions (non-profit, nongovernmental, public, etc.);

• communication with civil society as a whole;

• the possibility of participation of individuals and civil society in the development, discussion and decision-making of economic, political, social and other issues, i.e. in the field of public policy.

Information exchange on the implementation and protection of human and citizen's rights takes place between all components of the social system (see Figure).

These communications are made in the form of communication as an exchange of messages, which capture knowledge, thoughts, ideas, values, archetypes, emotional states, programs of activities of the parties, etc.

Communicative interaction between public authorities and the public is an important element in building a dialogue between the state and civil society, including the dissemination of certain information in society. It is aimed at safeguarding and respecting

(Public administration system

People (citizens, voters)

Non-governmental organizations)


The process of information exchange between individuals in the social system

the rights and freedoms of citizens. Moreover, communicative interaction becomes possible only against the absence of the communication barriers that traditionally exist in the system of interaction between government and society. The proof of this interpretation is the classical postulate of G. Tard: "Societies are the result of systemic interaction; they live as long as certain forms of interaction progress in them, and they progress through communication" [6, p. 179]. Thus, communicative interaction between public authorities and the public is an important feature of the efficiency of the functioning of the public administration system. According to G. Tard, it should be borne in mind that communicative interaction is a liberal restructuring tool in public administration that promotes the modernization of state power through decentralization.

Communicative activity in public administration has several blocks [7, p. 17-18]. Firstly, it is a block that addresses the following components: ensuring transparency of public authorities; high level of responsibility for preparation and implementation of management decisions; the provision of services through the creation of a transparent civil service personnel management system; increasing the attention and responsibility of public administration entities for the results

of their activities; the political impartiality of public administration in the performance of their professional responsibilities. Secondly, it is a block on more precise requirements for communicative activity, which is traced in: certain, outlined principles and principles of interaction between public administration and civil society, which also require objective information of citizens about the activities of government bodies; levels of professionalism in the preparation of public administration decisions and services; in the process of ensuring the confidentiality of information obtained in the performance of duties by public authorities.

Thirdly, it concerns the improvement of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state and governmental tasks and functions by the subjects, in particular: information and personnel support for the fulfilment of the goals of the state body; conducting a public assessment of the results of the activity of a public authority through the involvement of specially trained experts and questioning of citizens in order to determine the level of satisfaction of their needs for services; conducting content analysis of the media regarding the evaluation of the activity of state bodies; study of citizens' evaluation of the order of provision of services and their quality; a periodic "hotline" to identify problems encoun-

tered when providing services; holding public hearings; adherence to professional ethics by public authorities [7, p. 17-18].

Fourthly, it is possible to control the need for communication activities to address tasks related to transparency and accountability of public administration: to inform the public about the activities and instruments of public authorities; creation of conditions for interaction between public authorities and the public; involvement of the population in the discussion and evaluation of the programs of activity of state bodies; initiating public reporting procedures for government agencies and heads; reporting on the performance of government bodies and heads; reporting on the accountability of public authorities and other service providers.

Fifthly, in the context of the profes-sionalization of the subjects of public administration decisions, the following elements are clearly distinguished: communication skills; negotiation skills.

Sixthly, problems of communication activity are related to: the procedure of providing public services; regulation of requirements of professional ethics of civil servants; establishing the procedure for providing public services; improvement of regulation of requirements to professional ethics of civil servants [7, p. 17-18].

The Russian researcher V. Konetska most carefully approached the interpretation of the communicative system as a phenomenon. By her definition, it is a "functionally oriented set of heterogeneous communication means that are interrelated by linguistic and non-linguistic factors of communication in

a relatively cohesive unity. The multiplicity of communication systems is conditioned by their purpose, diversity of communication means and ways of their actualization" [8].

The author also provided criteria that determine the peculiarities of communication systems [8]:

1) purpose of the system (what information is communicated and to whom it is addressed);

2) choice of communication means;

3) channels of transmission and perception of information and ways of sharing it (natural and artificial).

Based on these criteria, the scientist distinguishes between natural and artificial communication systems. Natural systems include those that use the communicative means of natural language: words, phrases, sentences, as well as gestures, facial expressions, body movements that have national peculiarities. Artificial systems are those that use constructed (often verbal-based) or borrowed from different fields of knowledge, symbols, formulas, graphs, signs to denote links and relations between elements.

V. I. Burenko distinguishes between three main categories that classify levels of social and communicative interaction: social (characterizing relations between subjects of sociopolitical activity), public (associative) (characterizing relations between public organizations, unions, production structures, etc.) and personal (peculiar to small groups and private interests). According to the scientist, at all these levels "power is institutionalized, formalized into specialized structures and positions are formed in the established hierarchy of posts" [9, p. 24].

Conclusions. In the framework of this study, an analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of communication and its resource impact on the improvement of public life and public administration was carried out, according to which it was possible to formulate basic provisions that reveal the content of the goal of the research. In the context of modern social development and improvement of the functioning of national systems of public administration, a strategically important element is a communicative policy aimed at ensuring democratic forms of interaction between public authorities and civil society. In this context, attention should be paid to the understanding of civil society as an institutional structure that reflects a certain type of communicative interaction between the state and the citizen. This interaction is possible only through voluntary relations on the issues of public administration, that is, civil society itself.

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