Научная статья на тему 'Socially oriented human resource policy as the main tool of forming an effective system of human resource management'

Socially oriented human resource policy as the main tool of forming an effective system of human resource management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Saktaganova Gulmira Sovetovna, Gribincha Diana Georgievna, Smailova Didar Omurzakovna, Amrenova Galiya Kapparovna

The manuscript is discussing the socially oriented human resource policy as the main tool of forming an effective system of human resource management. The main goal of the socially-oriented human resource policy is forming an effective system of personnel management that is based on social guarantees and social assistance. Satisfying social needs of employees and creating favorable work conditions assists in forming a desire in employees to ensure their own contribution in this system. This, in turn, leads to retention of the existing staff, and attracting new employees, satisfaction from work, maximum level of realization of employees’ abilities, providing growth of efficiency, improving effectiveness and quality of labor of employees, improving the proficiency of employees. The social services and guarantees provided serve as financial support for new employees, allow to create a favorable climate in the organization which is a stimulus for the professional development of employees, their career. We have performed an analysis of a study on an example of “L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University”. We would suggest creating a social security or compensatory set of benefits to provide assistance for employees in order to help them solve their social welfare issues, in order to socially protect employees and increase income for the enterprise employees. Based on the research performed it is possible to conclude that a socially oriented human resource policy will assist in attracting and maintaining employees who are competitive and valuable for the organization, stimulating and forming a loyal attitude to the organization, as well as stimulate effective work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Socially oriented human resource policy as the main tool of forming an effective system of human resource management»

Экономика труда

DOI 10.26726/2305-4484-2017-2-72-78


старший преподаватель, магистр РГП «Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева»,

e-mail: [email protected]


старший преподаватель, магистр РГП «Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева»,

e-mail: [email protected]


старший преподаватель, магистр РГП «Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева»,

e-mail: [email protected]


старший преподаватель РГП «Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева»,

e-mail: [email protected]


Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена социально ориентированная кадровая политика как основной инструмент формирования эффективной системы управления персоналом. Главной целью социально ориентированной кадровой политики является формирование эффективной системы управления персоналом, которая основывается на социальных гарантиях и социальной помощи. Удовлетворение социальных потребностей работников и создание благоприятных условий работы способствуют появлению стремления у работников обеспечивать свой вклад в данную систему. Что, в свою очередь, приводит к сохранению существующего персонала и привлечению новых работников, удовлетворенности трудом, максимальной реализации работниками своих способностей и возможностей, обеспечению роста производительности, повышению эффективности и качества труда работников, повышению квалификации работников. Предоставляемые социальные услуги и гарантии служат материальной поддержкой для новых работников, позволяют создать благоприятный климат в организации, что является стимулом для профессионального развития работников, их карьеры. Проведен анализ исследования на примере «Евразийского Национального университета имени Л. Н. Гумилева». Для оказания помощи работникам в решении социально-бытовых проблем, для социальной защиты работников и увеличения доходов работников предприятия в качестве рекомендации предложила бы сформировать социальный или компенсационный пакет. На основе проведенного исследования можно сделать вывод о том, что социально ориентированная кадровая политика будет способствовать привлечению и удержанию компетентных и нужных организации работников, стимулированию и патриотическому отношению к организации, а также эффективной работе.

Ключевые слова: управление персоналом, стратегия, эффективность, материальное и моральное стимулирование, мотивация персоналом, адаптация персонала, организация, кадровая политика, социальная политика.


Senior Lecturer, Master of RSE "L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University",

e-mail: [email protected]


Senior Lecturer, Master of RSE "L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University",

e-mail: [email protected]


Senior Lecturer, Master of RSE "L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University",

e-mail: [email protected]


Senior Lecturer of RSE "L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University",

e-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The manuscript is discussing the socially oriented human resource policy as the main tool of forming an effective system of human resource management.

The main goal of the socially-oriented human resource policy is forming an effective system of personnel management that is based on social guarantees and social assistance. Satisfying social needs of employees and creating favorable work conditions assists in forming a desire in employees to ensure their own contribution in this system. This, in turn, leads to retention of the existing staff, and attracting new employees, satisfaction from work, maximum level of realization of employees' abilities, providing growth of efficiency, improving effectiveness and quality of labor of employees, improving the proficiency of employees. The social services and guarantees provided serve as financial support for new employees, allow to create a favorable climate in the organization which is a stimulus for the professional development of employees, their career. We have performed an analysis of a study on an example of "L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University". We would suggest creating a social security or compensatory set of benefits to provide assistance for employees in order to help them solve their social welfare issues, in order to socially protect employees and increase income for the enterprise employees. Based on the research performed it is possible to conclude that a socially oriented human resource policy will assist in attracting and maintaining employees who are competitive and valuable for the organization, stimulating and forming a loyal attitude to the organization, as well as stimulate effective work. Keywords: personnel management, a strategy, effectiveness, financial and moral stimulation, motivation of personnel, adaptation of personnel, an organization, a human resource policy, a social policy

Introduction. Today in the conditions of growth of the competition and global crises, personnel management can reach the efficiency only if it embodies the principles of strategic management taking into account monitoring of a situation in the future [1, page 114]. Application of a strategic approach in the field of personnel management is required from a management of all levels of understanding not only modern motivation of workers, but also the prospects of its possible development depending on a condition of the market environment and those conditions in which people in several years can live. The purpose of strategic management by personnel is to provide the coordinated and adequate condition of the external environment forming of labor capacity of the organization.

The essence of a strategic approach consists in forming of the stable long-term line item directed to the solution of effective objectives taking into account changes of the external environment.

Now in connection with application of the strategic approach to personnel management, the role of social policy increased in world practice of management. For the development of socially oriented personnel policy, it is necessary to create conditions including on tax benefits which would give the chance of the organization to keep the objects of a social infrastructure necessary for reproduction

and development of personnel potential [2, page 90].

The following can act as the main directions of socially oriented personnel policy: the activities directed to preserving personnel potential, skilled workers, their professional mobility;

- employment of workers;

- stimulation of workers to advanced training, the organization and forming of intra organizational training of personnel;

- participation in social security and insurance;

- ensuring social protection of personnel;

- activities in the field of work and the social and labor relations, including payment and labor protection.

Interrelations of personnel and social policy is that employers and administrations of the organization participate in employment of personnel which can promote increase in the income of the worker, growth of its professional level and labor potential. In social policy the significant role is given to social security which can be considered as material security of workers and rendering social services. Social security includes various benefits, pensions, compensation payments, and provision of free or partially paid medical care, social privileges.

Social privileges and employees privileges can be postponed (conditional) and direct. Pensions, insurance premiums, payment of sick leave notes belong to conditional privileges and privileges [3]. The attachment for the worker of the personal computer or machine can be an example of direct privileges. Social privileges are the following:

- the pension schemes financed by means of the contribution granting the right to the guaranteed income for the worker in case of his exit to pension;

- privileges which increase personal security of the worker concerning a disease, incidents, staff reduction;

- the privileges satisfying personal needs of the worker: the days off, care of children, assistance to strengthening of health and to rest;

- privileges on financial assistance: the credits, the help and a discount for training, the membership fees in clubs;

- provision of the machine and gasoline at the expense of the organization, etc. For example, employees and faculty of the Gumilev Eurasian National university can spend vacation at a sports camp of university in Zerenda village in the summer. Annually, the administration of higher education institution and trade-union committee together with the center of youth policy visit 2 orphanages and give them feasible help. Veterans of the Second World War and work, pensioners of university always are under the care of labor union. The sports contest «Cheerfulness and Health» on which the trade-union committee gives charitable help is held to the winter and summer periods among PPS and the staff of university.

During the summer period, the 30 % discount for sanatorium treatment is provided to employees, also children of teachers and employees have an opportunity to spend vacation at summer camps at a discount 50 %.

- Salary

- Level of housing availability

- Working conditions

-Interpersonal relationship and microclimate in a work team -Policy of the company and administration

Figure 1. Structure of hygiene factors www.rppe.ru

Note: It is constituted by the author according to a source [4].

According to Dmitriyenko G. A. in F.Gertsberg's theory, it is necessary to introduce some amendments in the list of integrative hygiene factors. In particular, the factor «the extent of the direct work supervision» makes a sense to replace with a factor «degree of housing security» [4, page 158].

Indicators of the salary and degree of housing security act as key factors. Consider also the relations with chiefs, colleagues, subordinates causing favorable or in different degrees adverse psychological climate in groups and between them.

The use of this model allows to reveal, in absolutely unambiguous way, the final efficiency of carrying out social policy on that impact that renders the actions planned in respect of social development of labor collective on workers. So that the regulation and quality assurance of labor life of the worker depends on the level pursued social policy in this company.

Hygiene factors exert a great influence on satisfaction with work and quality of labor life of personnel at the entities.

The level of development of social services determines a provision of the organization in the labor market. If the organization creates to the personnel favorable conditions, for example, provide to the personnel considerable amount of social services, then it will profitable differ from other organizations. Thereby, more opportunities for implementation by workers of capabilities and their effective work are represented.

As it was told above, in Gertsberg's theory the factor «extent of direct supervision behind work» was replaced with a factor «degree of housing security» [4, page 158]. Results. Corporate housing programmes exists in many companies. Consider the housing programme of provision of housing at the Gumilev Eurasian National University (figure 2).

Figure 2. Housing programme of provision of housing at the Gumilev Eurasian National University.

Note. It is made by the author according to a source.

This program provides two directions. Within the integrated management program with human resources the entity is affected by the corporate social policy possessing external competitiveness and internal justice. Today, employees in the sphere of education have the sharp need for housing, and decrease in work performance because of dissatisfaction with housing conditions. Therefore, creation and implementation in practice of such corporate housing programmes at the entities of Kazakhstan is especially urgent [5].

The close interrelation between satisfaction with work, hygiene factors, social and personnel policy is observed. Personnel policy shall be directed to a demand and rational use of capabilities and professionalism of workers [6, page 104].

Social policy acts as a necessary condition for workers to fulfill the capabilities and opportunities that promotes increase in degree of satisfaction with work; and provides, thereby, a contribution of workers to work of the organization.

Social policy in the organization can be more effective if the provided social services reflect specifics of organization activity, the mode and labor protection, transport availability of a workplace. The mechanism of interaction of social and personnel policy on the basis of influence of hygiene factors on satisfaction with work is given in the figure 3.

Figure 3. Mechanism ofInteraction of Social and Personnel Policy on the basis of influence of hygiene factors on satisfaction with work.

The note. Is constituted by the author according to a source [6, 7].

Strong social and personnel policy acts to the major factors on stabilization of the social and labor relations in the companies, increases in motivation, a gain in productivity and quality of work of personnel, preserving and involvement of highly qualified specialists. The principles of management are created on the basis of social and personnel policy [8]. Figure 3 demonstrates that it is visible that the satisfaction of workers' social needs and creating favorable conditions of work promote emergence of aspiration in workers to provide the contribution to this system. This in turn leads to preserving the existing personnel and involvement of new workers, satisfaction with work, the maximum implementation by workers of the capabilities and opportunities, providing a gain in productivity, increase in efficiency and quality of work of workers, to advanced training of workers [9, 10].

The sphere of social guarantees is always an important component in case of assessment of satisfaction with work and own workplace. In case of assessment of degree of satisfaction with own workplace for poll of workers it is recommended to use a form of the questionnaire which is given in table 1.

Name Important for you (in % of interviewees) In %

Satisfied Rather satisfied Rather dissatisfied Dissatisfied

l.Social payments and benefits

2.Provision of housing

3. Catering services

4.Provision of sanatorium vouchers

5.Sport facilities

6.Assurance of physical examination

7.Organization of corporate holiday celebrations

8.New Year's children gifts provision

Note: Created by the author

According the results of this questioning, it is possible to determine the most significant parameter of social security and degree of satisfaction with this parameter. The result of this research allows to reveal problems; and to reduce dissatisfaction level by means of employee involvement to additional bonuses provided by the organization. An increase in the income of employees of the entity as the recommendation would suggest to create a benefits or compensation package to assist workers in the solution of social household problems, for social protection of workers. Proceeding from needs of personnel, various options of a compensation packet are constituted following the results of a year [11,12]. Approximate options of a compensation packet for the entity of the Gumilev Eurasian national university depending on qualification and length of service of personnel are provided in table 2.

№ Name Leaders Specialists Other workers

Less than 5 years More than 5 years Less than 5 years More than 5 years Less than 5 years More than 5 years

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 Ensuring physical examination + + + + + +

2 Provision of sanatorium vouchers + + + + + + +

3 Provision of soft credits + + + + + +

4 One-time payments on important vital events (a wedding, anniversaries, a funeral) + + + + + +

5 One-time financial support to the worker's family + + + + + +

6 Compensation of additional training of employees + + + + + +

7 Compensation of expensive treatment of a serious illness of close family members + + + + + +

8 Provision of free tickets + + + + + +

9 Compensation in case of lease of housing

10 Provision of the business car + +

11 Provision of more comfortable working conditions + +

12 Valuable presents on anniversaries + + +

Notes: 1. The table is made by the author; 2. Figure 1,2 designate number of option of a compensation package, less than 5 years and more 5 years - duration of length of service; 3. The symbol + indicates existence of this privilege in a compensation package

Compensation packet options are developed with identical cost, but with different fillings for provision of the choice by the employee [13,14].

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Findings. On the basis of the conducted research, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the social oriented personnel policy will promote attraction and deduction competent and necessary to employee organization, stimulation and the patriotic relation to the organization, and also effective work.

Provision of a packet is directed to compensation of certain investments from employees in increase in efficiency of functioning of the organization. Considering the aforementioned, social, transport, housing-and-municipal, medical, and educational services can be provided to workers by the organization, provide them with free or partially paid vouchers in sanatoria and rest houses, subscriptions to the gym.

The provided social services and guarantees serve as material support for new workers, allow to create favorable climate in the organization that are an incentive for professional development of workers, their career.

Thus, a main goal of socially oriented personnel policy is forming of an effective personnel management system which is based on social guarantees and the public assistance. In turn, it promotes rapprochement of interests of the worker with interests of the organization in achievement of high performance of work and increase in production efficiency. Socially oriented personnel policy considers each worker as the personality having a various needs and interests.


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