Научная статья на тему 'Human resources management in transforming economy'

Human resources management in transforming economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
human resources / management / innovative work / human capital / motivational management / economic transformation. / человеческие ресурсы / управление / инновационный труд / человеческий капитал / мо- тивационный менеджмент / трансформация экономики.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sher M. L., Opryshko E. L., Shevchenko O. P., Mironov L. V.

In the article, the authors reviewed the ways of effective human resource management, various approaches to the assessment of labor productivity, as well as factors affecting the performance of employees in a continuously transforming digital economy and changes in modern society.

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В статье авторы рассмотрели способы эффективного управления человеческими ресурсами, различные подходы к оценке производительности труда, а также факторы, влияющие на работоспособность сотрудников, в условиях непрерывно трансформирующей цифровой экономики и изменений в современном обществе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Human resources management in transforming economy»


PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES / <<Ш1ШетУМ~^©УГМа1>>#Щ31)),2©]]9

УДК 331.101; 331.104

Шер Марина Леонидовна

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, с.н.с. (кандидат наук) Российский государственный университет правосудия Северо-Кавказский филиал, Краснодар Опрышко Елена Леонидовна кандидат экономических наук, доцент Российский государственный университет правосудия, Северо-Кавказский филиал, Краснодар Шевченко Ольга Павловна кандидат экономических наук, доцент Кубанский государственный аграрный университет им. И. Т. Трубилина

Краснодар Миронов Леонид Валерьевич магистрант

Кубанский государственный университет, Краснодар DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-10314 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИМИ РЕСУРСАМИ В ТРАНСФОРМИРУЮЩЕЙСЯ


Sher M.L.

PhD Economic Sciences, docent, Associate Professor of the economics department, SKFFGBOU VO "Russian State University of Justice", Krasnodar

Opryshko E.L.

PhD Economics, senior lecturer of the economics department SKF FGBOU VO «Russian state university of justice», Krasnodar

Shevchenko O.P. PhD Economics, docent, Kuban State Agrarian University. I. T. Trubilina

Mironov L.V. 2-ndyear master degree student FGBOU VO "Kuban State University", Krasnodar



В статье авторы рассмотрели способы эффективного управления человеческими ресурсами, различные подходы к оценке производительности труда, а также факторы, влияющие на работоспособность сотрудников, в условиях непрерывно трансформирующей цифровой экономики и изменений в современном обществе. Abstract.

In the article, the authors reviewed the ways of effective human resource management, various approaches to the assessment of labor productivity, as well as factors affecting the performance of employees in a continuously transforming digital economy and changes in modern society.

Ключевые слова: человеческие ресурсы, управление, инновационный труд, человеческий капитал, мо-тивационный менеджмент, трансформация экономики.

Key words: human resources, management, innovative work, human capital, motivational management, economic transformation.

The last decades are characterized by large-scale economic and social transformations, both in Russia and around the world. This is particularly acute at the stage of economic transformation, characterized as a constant process of changes in the economic activities of society, the causes of which are the development of technology and technology, and changes in the system of values, norms and rules of behavior, that is, changes in the culture of society.

A transformation of this magnitude, which is taking place now in Russia, is not only a transformation of the economy, but a transformation of the type of culture, as any transformation is carried out by people with

an established system of values, rules and norms of behavior, traditions and customs of management that cannot be the object of arbitrary design.

In human nature, the need to work from the very beginning is laid down as a necessary and natural condition of existence, therefore labor is the basis of human activity and development. The roots of human resource management go deep into the history of society. Even the first representatives of the human race, united in tribal communities, daily solved the problems of using their own very limited physical and intellectual resources, faced issues of division of labor, labor motivation and discipline.

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In general, labor can be defined as an objectively inherent sphere of activity for a person to transform the natural, material and intellectual resources he possesses into a product necessary for personal or social consumption.

By definition, A. Marshall, labor is «any mental and physical effort made partially or wholly to achieve any result, not counting the satisfaction received directly from the work done and most people work much more than if they worked only because of the immediate satisfaction gained from labor» [4, p. 124].

In turn, A. Smith established that the annual work of each nation represents all the necessities of life and the wealth of the people consists not in money, gold and silver, but in more or less quantity of the product produced. A. Smith formulated a very important position that in social production people are guided by personal goals. The natural desire of people to increase their well-being is such a powerful incentive that, if left unchecked, it can lead society to prosperity. In his study, he examined the motivations for the behavior of an "abstract person" who later received the definition of "economic person" in the literature. Smith derived the category of the "invisible hand" that controls a complex economic organism, the interaction of people producing the products necessary for society and concludes that there is no need to prevent people from being entrepreneurial, choosing the nature of their work, because «if a person increases his wealth with his skill, thrift, the state will also grow rich». [8].

Economic science, its classics traditionally paid much attention to determining the place of a person in the system of economic relations and, above all, in the process of producing life benefits, their distribution and consumption. It has long been established that the entire production process is based on certain human activities and, in various types of human activities, two components of labor can be distinguished, which are present in different proportions. The first of these components characterizes work performed according to a given technology, instruction, or scheme, when the performer does not introduce any elements of novelty or own creativity into it and is called regulated. [2, p.150]. An example of an activity in which a regulated component predominates is the execution of production operations on a conveyor with a certain rhythm. Consequently, in this case we are not talking about the abilities of the worker, but about the objective possibilities of their realization. Not only unskilled physical labor, but also, in particular, the activity of an official can be regulated, if it comes down only to blindly carrying out instructions. Therefore, both physical and mental labor can be regulated.

The second component characterizes work aimed at creating new spiritual or material benefits, as well as new production methods. This type of work is called innovative, creative [2, p.187]. It is generally accepted that the work of inventors, rationalizers, scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, etc., is predominantly creative.

The need to single out two components of labor is objectively determined by the fundamental differences in their influence on the formation of enterprise income

and the national income of the country.

An activity containing elements of novelty, rationalization and creativity is much more effective for increasing the welfare of the people than purely performing work according to a given technology. However, in our opinion, regulated labor remains a very important component of social production, ensuring its stability in the economic, social and moral aspects. The result of innovative, creative work directly depends on the abilities of this type of creativity and activity oriented in the relevant direction. For the conditions of creative activity are also necessary levels of health, morality, education, professionalism.

Thus, all types of human activity can be divided into components, each of which is important for the results of labor and, therefore, traditional for economics is the problem of creating conditions for the development of human characteristics (qualities) that positively affect productivity.

From the point of view of Slobodsky A., any work activity of a person includes three main components that cannot be perceived separately, but form internal relations characterizing its development:

- an activity based on a motive that plays a stimulating role;

- an act or action, the purpose of which is subject to a conscious presentation of the result; as a result, labor is purposeful and plays an orienting role;

- operation, the subject of which is a method of performing an action, which is a specific task, performed in accordance with technological processes and working methods [6].

From the considered presentation it follows that when analyzing the concept of «labor» it is necessary to distinguish two main aspects: content and motives. The first is the human effort to transform the resources of nature, and, in the broadest sense of the word, the resources of nature include not only the earth, its bowels, water, air, but also the physical and intellectual abilities of man, which are part of nature. The second is the forces that motivate a person to work. «Labor is a conscious, energy-intensive, universally recognized expedient activity of a person, people, requiring application of efforts, implementation of work; one of the four main factors of production» [7].

In other words, labor is a purposeful, motivating activity of transforming natural resources into material, intellectual and spiritual benefits, carried out and (or) controlled by a person, either by coercion (administrative, economic), or by inner motivation, or both.

Currently, a lot of attention is paid to determining the place and role of a person in the system of economic relations, such concepts as "human resources", "human capital", "personnel", "labor potential", etc. that have passed a long path of evolutionary development and characterized by a variety of conceptual approaches, methods and tools of research.

In the conditions of reforming the economy, "human resource" should reflect the economic feasibility of investment in a person, the development of his skills, skills, abilities, etc., which constitute human capital.

Speaking about human resource management, from the point of view of the theory of "human capital"


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we can argue that any costs per person are not necessarily production costs, but can be considered as investments. And the difference between "human resources" and other types of resources (material, technological, financial) lies in the fact that they never really belong to the enterprise, even if they get as close as possible to the appropriation of this resource through management, labor costs, and training. The main stages of the formation and development of human capital are implemented in the system of human resource management at the level of various institutional entities.

In modern conditions, it is human capital, not factories, equipment and industrial reserves that are the cornerstone of competitiveness, economic growth and the efficiency of human capital, the degree of benefit from its use is due to the free action of the subject, his individual interests and preferences, his material and moral interest, responsibility, worldview, general level of culture, and above all economic.

It was in this connection that A.Pechcay and others. The members of the Club of Rome believed that in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, the main efforts should be focused not only on the development of human abilities, but on the "human revolution", designed to radically renew and even replace values and motivations new ones, thanks to which they will find goals and meaning, all other processes will culminate. [5, p.229]

In this regard, any state, regardless of social and political orientation, should strive to purposefully influence the development of human resources, since, as an object of management, human resources at the national or regional scale are both producers and consumers of material and spiritual benefits.

According to Peter Drucker, the historical success of nations is 80% determined not by natural resources, not by economic basis or technology, or even by the talent of the people, but by the efficiency of human resource management. This is why some countries are progressing while others are not. [3].

Consequently, one of the most important features of the transformation of the Russian economy should be a fundamental change in the essence and significance of human resources as a new force of social progress. It is the person as a producer and consumer who should be assigned a central role in the socio-economic development of the country, which will make it possible to create and develop a new mechanism of labor motivation, a new system of labor relations at the present stage of economic development.

In the conditions of market economy transformation, the role of the human factor is extremely actualized, the optimization of the use of which is one of the tasks of effective management. Under the human factor, the authors means the potential capabilities of a person (cognitive, intellectual, motivational, personal, etc., which under certain conditions become real.

The components of the human factor characterize the rethinking of the role of man in the aspect of social production, the understanding of the fact that it is a qualified worker, and not a new technique and technology that are key factors for the survival of organizations in the competitive struggle and their adaptation to the

new economic environment. This implies a broad interpretation of the socio-economic aspect of human activity, makes it possible to take a new approach to the consideration of the human resource management system, to determine and understand the lead role of an individual in ensuring the effectiveness and innovative receptivity of an organization.

It is believed that the primary needs of the employee in modern society are mainly satisfied, therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the realization of human potential. To do this, the human resource management system must be structured in such a way as to meet the needs of employees in conjunction with the needs of self-expression and self-affirmation. In other words, following F. Herzberg, special attention should be paid to the factors of the content of the work, regarding the monetary remuneration according to the results of labor as "hygienic" factors, ensuring no dissatisfaction [3].

The meaningful meaning of the term "labor potential" corresponds, in our opinion, to the characteristics of existing, but not yet realized, capabilities and abilities of human resources, a kind of their latent reserve. They can turn into reality if there is a need for these abilities, a change in the nature and content of work, a more rational placement of personnel with regard to professionally qualified requirements, planning and implementation of a career, etc..

According to Western experts [1, p.144], people realize in their work only 5 to 15% of their labor potential and there are three main factors that affect human resources in an organization:

* the hierarchical structure of the organization, where the main means of influence is the relationship of power - submission, pressure on a person from above through coercion, control over the distribution of material goods;

* culture, i.e. joint values, social norms, behavioral attitudes, which regulate the behavior of an individual, developed by a society, organization, group, force an individual to behave in this way and not otherwise without apparent compulsion;

* the market is a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, the balance of the interests of the seller and the buyer.

These impact factors are quite complex and on which of them priority is given, the shape of the economic and social situation in the organization depends.

Experience in the field of human resource management suggests that organizations can not function effectively unless they are constantly encouraged in specific people the ability and desire to work with greater efficiency.

Therefore, the effectiveness of human resource management often depends on the nature of business and human relations that have developed in the organization. They differ from the characteristics of production, working conditions and type of activity of the organization.

The complexity of human resource management is also determined by the fact that fundamental changes in working conditions, changes in the role of workers in

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achieving a wider range of results occur. Moreover, changes in working conditions are urgently needed at the present time due to major changes: new technologies, the formation of a global economic space and international competition, a new surge of social hopes and an increase in the level of education.

Formalized human resource management is rational, orients the manager to strict requirements and performs a mobilizing function, for it includes employees in the organization based on the necessary requirements and orders. In contrast, personalized is social, which implies democratic demands on the part of the manager, and on the part of employees, independence in solving business problems and, consequently, contributes to delegation of authority and efficiency in decision-making. Personalized management stimulates workers to high-performance work, affects the development of their abilities, creative potential and involves in self-organization.

In modern conditions, it is necessary, in our opinion, a new approach to human resource management, which combines both formalized and personalized management, that is, on the basis of mandatory compliance with production standards and technologies, contributes to the development of creativity, independence in work, increased individual responsibility, motivation and so on

Management through motivation relies on the study of the needs, interests, attitudes, personal goals of employees, as well as the possibility of integrating motivation with the production requirements and goals of the organization. Personnel policy with such a model is focused on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, on the implementation of social programs.

Motivational management is the construction of a management system based on priorities of motivation, based on the choice of an effective motivational model.

Frame management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and self-reliance of workers, increases the level of organization and communications in the organization, promotes the growth of job satisfaction and develops corporate leadership style.

Management based on delegation is an improved human resource management system. Under this management system, employees are transferred competencies, responsibility and certain rights to independently make decisions and implement them.

At the core of entrepreneurial management is the concept of intra-entrepreneurship, which has received

the name from two words: "entrepreneurship" - entre-preneurship and "intro" - internal. The essence of this concept lies in the development of entrepreneurial activity within the organization, which can be represented as a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and creators.

The concept of personnel management is interrelated with the formation and development of the personnel potential of the organization and is differentiated into the following categories:

- corporate management style (formation of personnel potential);

- business activity (development of personnel potential);

-economic activities (implementation of human resources).

For each specific position, the potential of personnel is recorded in professional qualification requirements or professiograms, which include the system of required qualities and the level of manifestation necessary to perform, necessary to perform the relevant functions, vesting and responsibility.

The concept of staffing capacity, or personnel capacity, is associated with departments and organization as a whole. The category "personnel potential" is not identical to the category "personnel", as personnel is understood as the totality of workers in different professions and specialties, the level of their training and education. This concept includes not only the personnel itself, but also a certain level of joint capabilities of personnel to achieve a given goal.

The category "personnel potential" implies consideration of personnel as active elements of an organization, in contrast to the term "human resources", which equates workers to other types of resources. This emphasizes that the main thing in an organization is not the potentials of individual workers, but its unified personnel potential, as, for example, the main thing in the system is not the elements themselves, but the interaction between them, therefore, personnel potential is inextricably linked to the personnel policy of the organization.

In modern society, in conditions of tough competition, it is necessary to use a more powerful, promising and efficient resource than technology and equipment, which can only be a person with his creative and physical potential, the ability not only to reproduce his workforce, but also to develop himself. Staff - the main asset of the organization [9].



Picture 1. Modern trends of HR management.

Exploring the modern aspects of the personnel management paradigm and modern approaches to the formation of organizational structures of HR management, shown at picture 1, we can conclude that in modern science and management practice there is a constant process of improving, updating and searching for new approaches, concepts, ideas in management of human resources as a key and strategic resource for business organizations, companies, enterprises and business structures. The choice of one or another management model is influenced by the type of business, the corporate strategy and culture, and the organizational environment. A model that successfully operates in one organization may not be at all effective for another.

In our opinion, a reflection of the efficiency of building the functioning of the HR management service is the activity of the staff aimed at achieving professional results. In this aspect, the current direction is the consideration of the scientific organization of assessment and analysis of the activities of personnel of companies and business structures.

List of references

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