Научная статья на тему 'Human resource management features in service field'

Human resource management features in service field Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
economic / service / labor / high productivity / personnel / management

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gvedashvili Naira

The necessity of improving the human resource management in service fields set in this article. The issue is presented in a new way. In particular, it is stated that staff is a combination of personalities but each person has individual characteristics and the unified method of their management cannot be implemented. The same applies to their study. They should measure and control studies which they need themselves. Personnel management features of the service enterprise lie in the fact that operating management is closely related to personnel management. From the outset this system is projected so that all operations of delivery service require from supplier personality the different set of skills. These skills in staff differ not only by studies but also are different naturally (genetically).Someone likes to serve other people personally (for example makes manicure and pedicure) but some people cannot stand this kind of work and are oriented not on people, but on subjects (for example shoes and clothes repairman and others). And etc. There is important to note in papers, that before this latest years old methods where used for the management of human resources in service sector, namely it was not assigned as leading factor, selforganization and self — management where not encouraged in staff activities, the labor features according to the service role (front office) where not studied and many other factors. These innovations have already been established abroad; also it should begin in Georgia. First of all here as well as abroad each worker of the enterprise must become a part of its capital — the part of a human capital. American specialists are started to talk about the value of human capital. Article cites an important conclusion of the study conducted in the United States: As well is managed the staff of service enterprise, better is the quality of service they ensure for customers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Human resource management features in service field»

Section 4. Management

enterprises) is the nontrivial aim ofreindustrialization process management and its tempos.

Usually, there are two sources for needed measures:

• Creation of resource and its distribution correspondent to aim of reindustrialization and to the program, which aggregate the development program of sectors and directions of activities in joint document or/and act;

• Redistribution of available resources through economic system institutional modification, notably through modified taxes; formation of debit part of budget; withdrawal of resources from extractive industry and services sphere (labour potential) to the development of processing industry.

The synergy of these two basic sources allows to develop the target programs for industrial systems together with extension of relationships between public and private enterprises.

State target development programs must follow the criteria of confront the costs and benefits. Thus, the assessment of effectiveness acts as the major project criteria, including the process of consideration of programs and kind of economic and industrial policy.

Coherence of all kind of policies plays the main role for solving any problems in industrial sectors development due to monetary and budgeting policies must be based on development of macro aggregates and thus due to ability to solve the problems of development. Hence, it is impossible to realize the program of industrial regeneration with representing the robust monetary restrictions and economy demonetization. Thus, this approach has to be taken into account within the formation of aims for socio-economic and strategic development of Uzbekistan.


1. Major trends and indicators of economic and social development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for years of independence (1990-2010.) And the forecast for 2011-2015. Statistical collection (2011). Tashkent - “Uzbekistan” - 36 pages.

2. http://www.stat.uz/uz/rows/364

3. Khrustalev E. Y., Khrustalyov O. E. (2014). Methodology and tools integrated assessment, restructuring and integration knowledge-intensive industries//The economic analysis: theory and practice. # 1.

4. Tsyganov S. A., Rudtskaya E. R., Khrustalyov E. J. (2013). Principles of construction strategy ofinnova-tive development of the Russian economy//The economic analysis: theory and practice. # 41.

5. National Innovation System of Uzbekistan: assessment of potential and effectiveness (2011). P. 49. UNDP project, Tashkent.

Gvedashvili Naira, Associate Professor of Management Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University

E-mail: [email protected]

Human resource management features in service field

Abstract: The necessity of improving the human resource management in service fields set in this article. The issue is presented in a new way. In particular, it is stated that staff is a combination of personalities but each person has individual characteristics and the unified method of their management cannot be implemented. The same applies to their study. They should measure and control studies which they need themselves. Personnel management features of the service enterprise lie in the fact that operating management is closely related to personnel management. From the outset this system is projected so that all operations of delivery service require from supplier personality the different set of skills. These skills in staff differ not only by studies but also are different naturally


Human resource management features in service field

(genetically).Someone likes to serve other people personally (for example makes manicure and pedicure) but some people cannot stand this kind of work and are oriented not on people, but on subjects (for example shoes and clothes repairman and others). And etc.

There is important to note in papers, that before this latest years old methods where used for the management of human resources in service sector, namely it was not assigned as leading factor, self- organization and self — management where not encouraged in staff activities, the labor features according to the service role (front office) where not studied and many other factors. These innovations have already been established abroad; also it should begin in Georgia. First of all here as well as abroad each worker of the enterprise must become a part of its capital — the part of a human capital. American specialists are started to talk about the value of human capital.

Article cites an important conclusion of the study conducted in the United States: As well is managed the staff of service enterprise, better is the quality of service they ensure for customers.

Keywords: economic, service, labor, high productivity, personnel, management.

In the western countries the term “Human resource Management” has gradually replaced the term “Staff Management”. Where a person is being considered as the most important element of organization capital and also expenses for this person (salary, training costs) are considered as a special investment.

This time the service field managers unanimously agree that skilled, experienced workers are company’s major assets. Despite of that, some organizations pay less attention to rising of worker’s qualification but more to advertising. That’s why the main goal of management is resolving problems connected with Staff management. [2, 151]

The word — Personnel is Latin origin and it means the main staff of the composition of organization. The composition of the personnel in the organization is different; the reason is their natural and acquired characteristics (age, sex, education, profession and etc.)

As for the service (Eng. Service -service, serve) — Special type of human activity, which is oriented on satisfying demands of user (client) providing service.

This definition shows that we can single out three main aspects of understanding of the nature of the service — Demand, service, activity. (Draft#!) [4, 33].

Draft. 1. Aspects of understanding of the nature of the service

Service includes information, aducation, health care, wares repairment, personal service and etc. It is characterized by: [3, 12].

1. Storage Inability (according to its non-material nature);

2. Indivisibility with the source (simultaneous performance of production and service);

3. Short duration (After some time it will be finished);

4. The ability of assessments of the service after it’s finished.

5. Inability of service quality control.

One of the characteristics of postindustrial economics is the fast development of service field. In leading foreign countries material production, compared with preceding growth of the services sector first of all is reflected in prevalence Of the share of services in the total volume of gross domestic product.

Service sector branches are being grown not only in size, but they have swallowed up all free places of industry, agriculture and etc.


Section 4. Management

The today’s economics is built on service sector. It supports the economics:

The added value created by service firms, is more than the added value of manufacturers, the most part of service sector enterprises are hightech, service field ensures the high productivity of labor and etc.

Due to the reasons listed above the issue of the labor resources — the personnel management has moved to front and has become a paramount.

At present the personnel has become a strategic resource and now it is clear that personnel is not something like “Faceless mass” and that it is the complex of personalities (“persons”) and each one has its own individual properties and requirements.

If before the results of the activities of enterprise workers where determined by other resource which they consumed (machine tools) nowadays the situation has been changed diametrically.

The effectiveness of enterprise work depends on people [1, 4]. Especially it is visible In service field, because the success of work depends on skills, knowledge, handicrafts, politeness of staff. This is the field where the service is provided directly for customer (for example service in beauty salon) or to his property (automobile). In both cases the client may attend the work process and personally evaluates the quality of work which is provided by personnel. Exactly on this evaluation depends if the customer would become the permanent client of the enterprise or move to other.

To prevent this, the service enterprises personnel need appropriate management. Enterprises personnel managers should know that they do not manage labor resource but — personnel resource. In comparison these two concepts the personal factor plays a major role. People are personalities. While they associate in one group, team under their own will, but they have physiological, psychological, ergonomical and other characteristics and they are not going to forget that.

Therefore at the moment in personnel management in the foreground is the social paradigm. In postindustrial society this new approach to personnel management is based on: [1, 5].

• Changes in labor content, which is caused by implementation qualitatively of new technologies

(regarding to that the slogan of IBM: “Machine is working person is thinking”);

• Development of labor organization team;

• Global competition on labor market, which raised up the requirements for workers;

• Experience ofJapanese companies which economic success is achieved by human personnel. And others.

It is necessary to acknowledge, that this latest years old methods where used for the management of human resources in service sector, namely it was not assigned as leading factor, self- organization and self— management where not encouraged in staff activities, the labor features according to the service role (front office) where not studied and many other factors.

These innovations have already been established abroad; also it should begin in Georgia. First of all here as well as abroad each worker of the enterprise must become a part of its capital — the part of a human capital. American specialists are started to talk about the value of human capital.

American scientists divide human capital in two parts:

1. General universal knowledge of people and skills which they can use everywhere;

2. Special skills and knowledge which they can use only on place of employment.

The service enterprise for the first must make the formation of human personnel — the human capital. For that the enterprise must work out appropriate policy and implement it to life. Three departments are responsible for that In enterprise, thos are: [1, 8].

1. Personnel management department;

2. Social management department;

3. The department of developing standards;

The Personnel management department is in

charge ofplanning worker’s demands, choose them, to arrange their positional adaptation, trainings, qualification, professional development, internal career move.

The social block is in charge of creation the appropriate labor conditions, form healthy social and psychological climate, to establish social partnership with employee, organize the salaries.

The department of developing standards according to its name is in charge of creating passports for


Human resource management features in service field

workplaces, set work schedules and regulations, instructions and other. Also the specificity of service enterprise in personnel management lies in following: The operation management is closely connected with personnel management.

Personnel management features of the service enterprise lie in the fact that operating management is closely related to personnel management. From the outset this system is projected so that all operations of delivery service require from supplier personality the different set ofskills. These skills in staff differ not only by studies but also are different naturally (genetically). Someone likes to serve other people personally (for example makes manicure and pedicure) but some people cannot stand this kind of work and are oriented not on people, but on subjects (for example shoes and clothes repairman and others). And etc.

This characteristics must be took into account and subject oriented personnel should be work on subjects and person oriented- on people.

There are people for whom it is difficult to communicate personally with customers, in this case if such person is high professional, he should be employed but on low contact positions (contacting with customers by phone or e-mail).

The general directors of service enterprise should remember when they manage personnel in a correct way, in this case the service which is provided by such staff would be appreciated positively by customers. This means that for the personnel his role in the enterprise is correctly chose and the service which this worker carries out is expressed. Such studies where held in USA Banks and was proven [5, 423].

While determination the number of personnel, service enterprise should be also oriented on

temporary workers and non-contracted employee. The 80% of companies in USA are using temporary workers service [1, 13].

Also the central question in service enterprise personnel management is to improve training and education programs.

To make the effective personnel management there is important for the personnel manager to supervise:

Employee flow rate and absenteeism;

Time which is necessary for change the dismissed personnel;

Competitor’s positions — salaries, bonus, carrier move and other.

The business carrier management in service field is the system of measurement of organization, planning, motivation control by worker’s service. This is implemented by HR department. The carrier gram is the career management foundation. It is being established for 5-10 years. It contains the responsibilities of company administration and employees. The first is liable to carry out horizontal and vertical carrier moves, second is liable to give this opportunity for administration by improving own coalification and professionalism. Service companies are striving to High labor productivity, trying to have stabile, carrier oriented creative staff.

Unfortunately but it is fact that small and medium service enterprises in Georgia does not have personal management department at all. However setting up these issues is very important as for the small and medium enterprises as well as for large enterprises. We hope that this flaw will be improved in short time.


1. Vesin V. R. HR Management. pg. М. 2008.

2. Gvedashvili N. G., Human resource management technology on modern stage. magazine. Economics and business. Tb., 2013.

3. Katamadze GGG., Katamadze D., Service Marketing. Tb., 2013.

4. Saak А. E. Pshenichnikh I. А., Management in social-cultural service and tourism. Kiev, Kharkov, Minsk 2007.

5. Schneider and D. E. Bowen, Employee and Customer Perceptions of Servict in Banks: Replication and Extension, Sournal of Applied Psycholgy 70 (August, 1985).


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