QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: AN ASPECT OF STATE REGULATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
quality of education / state management of quality / state regulation of quality / standards of higher education / качество образования / государственное управление качеством / государственное регулирование качества / стандарты высшего образования.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Semenets-Orlova Innaandriivna, Hrabovenko Natalia Valeriivna

The article examines the problem of education quality assurance in the conditions of its mass character increasing. It is emphasized that quality management should become the matter of a modern higher educational institution management. The system of external quality assurance should be an organic continuation of the mechanisms of internal quality assurance created by higher education institutions, in accordance with the principle of autonomy of higher education institutions. The main powers of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) have been defined, which has become an important body for public management of educational changes in higher education with expanded regulatory and control functions in the field of quality assurance, previously performed by the state. These are, in particular, issues of accreditation of educational institutions and educational programs, certification of scientific personnel, accreditation of specialized scientific councils. It is emphasized that the strategic activities of state structures for quality management of higher education are: updating the accreditation process and other procedures for determining the quality of education; modernization of the quality of higher education; formation of standards of higher education with a focus on the needs of students and employers; improving the quality of training of applicants for scientific degrees by creating conditions for effective research activities; promoting academic integrity. The main normative documents that regulate the quality of higher education in Ukraine are evaluated. It is determined that the multilevel management model protects the national education system from the mechanical conception of it as a complex of external to society elements, contributes to the socio-cultural specificity of educational activities. This helps to harmonize the tasks of ensuring the quality end result of the higher education institution functioning and the goal of effectively utilizing the full potential of higher education as an object of public administration in the content of public administration. Therefore, the model of state participation in higher education is being transformed from a managerial one into a supportive one.

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Исследована проблема качества образования в условиях его масовизации. Отмечено, что управление качеством должно стать нарративом управления современной высшей школой. Система гарантий качества должно быть органичным продолжением созданных высшими учебными заведениями механизмов внутреннего обеспечения качества в соответствии с принципом их автономии. Определены основные полномочия Национального агентства по обеспечению качества высшего образования, которое стало важным органом публичного управления образовательными изменениями в высшем образовании с расширенными регуляторными и контрольными функциями в сфере обеспечения качества, которые ранее выполняло государство. Это, в частности, вопросы аккредитации учебных заведений и образовательных программ, аттестация научных кадров, аккредитация специализированных ученых советов. Подчеркнуто, что стратегическими направлениями деятельности государственных структур по управлению качеством высшего образования является: обновление процесса аккредитации и других процедур определения качества образования; модернизация качества высшего образования; формирование стандартов высшего образования с ориентацией на потребности студентов и работодателей; повышение качества подготовки соискателей научных степеней путем создания условий для эффективной исследовательской деятельности; содействие академической честности. Дана оценка основным нормативным документам, которые регулируют качество высшего образования в Украине. Определено, что модель многоуровневого управления защищает национальную образовательную систему от механического представления о ней как комплексе внешних к обществу элементов, способствует учету социокультурной специфики образовательной деятельности. Это помогает гармоничному сочетанию в сфере государственного управления задач обеспечения качественного конечного результата функционирования высшей школы и (над) задачи эффективного использования всего потенциала высшего образования как объекта управления в общественных целях. Поэтому модель участия государства в сфере высшего образования из руководящей трансформируется в поддерживающую.


UDC 351:37


Semenets-Orlova InnaAndriivna,

Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: 098-556-03-78, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid. org/0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова 1нна Андрпвна, доктор наук з державного управлгння, доцент, професор кафедри публичного адмг-тстрування, Мгжрегюнальна Академы управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометгвська, 2, тел.: 098-556-03-78, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid. org/0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, профессор кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: 098-556-03-78, e-mail: innaorlova@ ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9227-7426

Hrabovenko Natalia Valeriivna,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, docent, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (050) 158 92 22, e-mail: [email protected]; https://orcid.Org/0000-0001-8896-1292 Грабовенко Натал1я Валерпвна,

кандидат педагоггчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри публичного адмтктрування, Мгжрегюнальна Академгя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометгвська, 2, тел.: 050-158-92-22, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8896-1292

Грабовенко Наталья Валериевна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: 050-158-92-22, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-8896-1292


Abstract. The article examines the problem of education quality assurance in the conditions of its mass character increasing. It is emphasized that quality management should become the matter of a modern higher educational institution management. The system of external quality assurance should be an organic continuation of the mechanisms of internal quality assurance created by higher education institutions, in accordance with the principle of autonomy of higher education institutions. The main powers of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) have been defined, which has become an important body for public management of educational changes in higher education with expanded regulatory and control functions in the field of quality assurance, previously performed by the state. These are, in particular, issues of accreditation of educational institutions and educational programs, certification of scientific personnel, accreditation of specialized scientific councils. It is emphasized that the strategic activities of state structures for quality management of higher education are: updating the accreditation process and other procedures for determining the quality of education; modernization of the quality of higher education; formation of standards of higher education with a focus on the needs of students and employers; improving the quality of training of applicants for scientific degrees by creating conditions for effective research activities; promoting academic integrity. The main normative documents that regulate the quality of higher education in Ukraine are evaluated. It is determined that the multilevel management model protects the national education system from the mechanical conception of it as a complex of external to society elements, contributes to the socio-cultural specificity of educational activities. This helps to harmonize the tasks of ensuring the quality end result of the higher education institution functioning and the goal of effectively utilizing the full potential of higher education as an object of public administration in the content of public administration. Therefore, the model of state participation in higher education is being transformed from a managerial one into a supportive one.

Keywords: quality of education, state management of quality, state regulation of quality, standards of higher education.


Анотащя. Дослвджено проблему забезпечення якосп освпи в умовах ïï ма-C0BÎ3a^ï. Наголошено, що управлшня яюстю мае стати наративом управлш-ня сучасною вищою школою. Система зовшшнього забезпечення якосп мае бути оргашчним продовженням створених закладами вищо'1' освпи мехашз-мiв внутршнього забезпечення якосп, вщповщно до принципу ïx автономи.

Визначено основш повноваження Нащонального агентства iз забезпечення якостi вищо! освiти, яке стало важливим органом публiчного управлшня освпшми змiнами на ланцi вищо! освiти iз розширеними регуляторними та контрольними функщями у сферi забезпечення якосп вищо! освiти, якi ви-конувала ранiше держава. Це, зокрема, питання акредитаци закладiв освiти та освпшх програм, атестацiя наукових кадрiв, акредитацiя спецiалiзованих вчених рад. Шдкреслено, що стратегiчними напрямами дiяльностi держав-них структур з управлiння яюстю вищо! освiти е: оновлення процесу акредитаци та шших процедур визначення якосп освпи; модершзащя якосп вищо! освiти; формування стандартiв вищо! освiти з орiентацiею на потреби студенпв i роботодавцiв; пiдвищення якосп шдготовки здобувачiв наукових ступенiв шляхом створення умов для ефективно! дослщницько! дiяльностi; сприяння академiчнiй доброчесностi. Надана оцшка основним нормативним документам, яю регулюють якiсть вищо! освiти в Украшь Визначено, що модель багаторiвневого врядування убезпечуе нацiональну освпню систему вiд механiчного уявлення про не! як комплекс зовшшшх до сусшльства елемен-тiв, сприяе врахуванню соцiокультурноí специфiки освiтньоí дiяльностi. Це допомагае гармоншному поеднанню у змюп державного управлiння завдань забезпечення яюсного кiнцевого результату функцiонування вищо! школи та (над) завдання ефективного використання усього потенщалу вищо! освiти як об'екта управлшня у сусшльних щлях. Вiдтак модель участi держави у сферi вищо! освiти з керiвноí трансформуеться у пiдтримуючу.

Ключовi слова: яисть освiти, державне управлiння яюстю, державне ре-гулювання якостi, стандарти вищо! освiти.


Аннотация. Исследована проблема качества образования в условиях его масовизации. Отмечено, что управление качеством должно стать наррати-вом управления современной высшей школой. Система гарантий качества должно быть органичным продолжением созданных высшими учебными заведениями механизмов внутреннего обеспечения качества в соответствии с принципом их автономии. Определены основные полномочия Национального агентства по обеспечению качества высшего образования, которое стало важным органом публичного управления образовательными изменениями в высшем образовании с расширенными регуляторными и контрольными функциями в сфере обеспечения качества, которые ранее выполняло государство. Это, в частности, вопросы аккредитации учебных заведений и образовательных программ, аттестация научных кадров, аккредитация специализированных ученых советов. Подчеркнуто, что стратегическими направлениями деятельности государственных структур по управлению качеством высшего образования является: обновление процесса аккредитации и других процедур определения качества образования; модернизация качест-

ва высшего образования; формирование стандартов высшего образования с ориентацией на потребности студентов и работодателей; повышение качества подготовки соискателей научных степеней путем создания условий для эффективной исследовательской деятельности; содействие академической честности. Дана оценка основным нормативным документам, которые регулируют качество высшего образования в Украине. Определено, что модель многоуровневого управления защищает национальную образовательную систему от механического представления о ней как комплексе внешних к обществу элементов, способствует учету социокультурной специфики образовательной деятельности. Это помогает гармоничному сочетанию в сфере государственного управления задач обеспечения качественного конечного результата функционирования высшей школы и (над) задачи эффективного использования всего потенциала высшего образования как объекта управления в общественных целях. Поэтому модель участия государства в сфере высшего образования из руководящей трансформируется в поддерживающую.

Ключевые слова: качество образования, государственное управление качеством, государственное регулирование качества, стандарты высшего образования.

Formulation of the problem. The

quality assurance activities of the European Higher Education Area are based on two related goals: accountability and improvement, which together build confidence in the activities of the higher education institution. Accountability means being able to measure the basic parameters of a higher education institution's activities, which contributes to the legitimization of effective practices in quality activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of quality assurance in higher education has become many domestic scientists' research subject. According to I. Kapralo-va, public administration in higher education should have social protection mechanisms capable of ensuring the guarantees of access to high-quality education based on the implementation

of the of higher education basic principle as a public good [1, p. 8]. V. Bykov submits, that the need to respond to human needs and societal challenges affirms a new educational paradigm in society, which is about ensuring equal access to high-quality education for all those who have desire, necessity and opportunity to learn throughout life [2, p.18].

According to T.O. Lukina, firstly, education quality management must ensure the quality of all parameters of the educational process and educational preparation of a higher education institution graduate, as a final result of the education system activity, meeting its educational needs. Secondly, it should ensure the most efficient use of investment and resources as well as the effective functioning of the education system as a social system [3, p. 945].

According to T. Skiba, the tendency to increase the differentiation of higher education institutions by the quality of their educational services is noticeable in Ukraine. At present, there is an increasing demand for national higher education systems made by public authorities, employers, graduates of higher education institutions and society in general, which can be seen in the activities of various institutions that translate the interests of external entities into the higher education system. Moreover, the value of autonomy for higher educational institutions themselves lies in the ability of the institution to determine its own direction of activity without excessive interference by the state [4, p. 183].

The purpose of the article is to identify the basic principles of quality assurance in higher education as a direction of public administration in the field of education.

Outline of the main research material. The fifth section of the law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" is devoted to ensuring the quality of education. According to Article 16, paragraph 1, the quality assurance system of higher education in Ukraine consists of: 1) a system of providing higher education institutions with the quality of educational activity and the quality of higher education (internal quality assurance system); 2) systems of external quality assurance of the educational activity of higher education institutions and the quality of higher education; 3) quality assurance systems of the National Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency and independent institutions for the evaluation and quality assurance of higher education.

Formation of the modern configuration of the external quality assurance system in higher education in Ukraine began in the 1990s and, in particular, was regulated by the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" (1991, 1996) and "On Scientific and Technical Activities" (1991). Appropriate approaches to the process of quality assurance in higher education were systematized in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" adopted on January 17, 2002 (expired on 06/09/2014). The mechanisms of external quality assurance in higher education in these documents were licensing and accreditation procedures. The function of external quality assurance (in the form of attestation and getting of scientific degrees) of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification was actually provided by the Higher Accreditation Commission of Ukraine established by the Presidential Decree of 25.02.1992. This institution was abolished on December 9, 2010, and the Certifying Commission of the relevant ministry is entrusted with the appropriate functions.

According to the principles of the autonomy of educational institutions and the requirements of the Bologna process, the primary responsibility for the quality of higher education rests with each individual higher educational institution (the institution is granted autonomy), and the possibility to check the quality of the education system within a national framework should be provided. The proclaimed autonomy of educational institutions of Ukraine and the provision of high quality educational services require for a long time supporting measures of continuous

innovation activity of higher educational institutions, encouragement of initiative at the level of the institution, groups of institutions [5].

In accordance with ISO 8402-86, the quality system consists of the institutional framework, responsibility, procedures, processes and resources that ensure the overall quality management. The basic requirement for the establishment of the European Higher Education Area is to improve the quality and relevance of education. The authors of state standard of technical conditions ISO 9000: 2007 define the following principles of quality management [6, p. 93]: 1) orientation to customer expectations (in the case of higher education, the state, society, business communities, or individual consumers need to be specified); 2) leadership that implies unity and broad involvement in achieving the goals of the team; 3) process approach (managing activities and resources as a process); 5) systematic approach to management (management of interconnected processes); 6) continuous improvement of all activities; 7) decision-making is evidence-based (based on extensive empirical data that updates educational statistics as a tool for annual assessment of a higher educational institution).

Today, the implementation of the European Higher Education Area activities, the realization of the academic mobility right has several obstacles, in particular, socio-economic instability in Ukraine. In the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021, it is stated that the development of education should take a preventive and continuous character, respond flexibly to the world processes

and tendencies of the Ukrainian society development. High quality education is a determining factor in ensuring a sustainable democratic development of society.

A fundamentally new stage in the external quality assurance system development in higher education in Ukraine began with the adoption of the new Law on Higher Education on July 1, 2014. The development of new higher education standards should be a strategic priority that would ensure the reforming of the national higher education system in accordance with the principles of the European Higher Education Area. However, according to the Government's Mid-Term Priority Action Plan for 2020, as at 1 January 2017, only 102 higher education standards were developed at the bachelor's and 28 at the master's levels, and none had been formally yet approved. It is planned that by 2020 125 bachelor's degree standards, 127 master's degree standards and 117 PhD levels will be developed and approved.

According to article 10 of the Law on Higher Education, the standard of higher education is a set of requirements for the content and results of the educational activity of higher education institutions and scientific institutions for each higher education level within each specialty. Standards are developed for each level of higher education within each specialty in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and are used to determine and evaluate the quality of content and results of educational activities of higher educational institutions (scientific institutions). Based on the educational program, the autonomy of the higher

educational institution involves the development of its curriculum and the introduction of specialization within the licensed specialization for each specialty. Higher education standards for each specialty are developed by the central executive authority in the field of education and science, taking into account the proposals of sectorial state bodies to which the institutions of higher education belong, and branch associations of employers' organizations and approve them in agreement with the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.

The National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance is a permanent collegial body authorized to implement public policy in the field of quality assurance in higher education (Article 17). Among the main competencies of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance is the formation of requirements for the quality assurance system of higher education, the development of regulations on the accreditation of educational programs and its implementation; coordination of educational standards and higher education standards developed for each specialty by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; formation of criteria for the educational activity quality assessment; development of requirements for the level of scientific qualification of those, who obtain scientific degrees; development of regulations on accreditation of specialized scientific councils; accreditation of independent quality assessment and quality assurance institutions; participation in the procedure established by law in the formation of indicators of the state order for the training of spe-

cialists from higher education at higher education levels and specialties, taking into account the medium-term forecast of the need for specialists in the labor market; preparation and promulgation of the annual report on the quality of higher education in Ukraine and its compliance with the tasks of sustainable innovative development of society (Article 18) [7].

According to the law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance is called upon to replace the Accreditation Commission, which has the competence to monitor the observance of state educational standards. The Agency is an important body for public management of educational change at the higher education level [8]. The National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, as a collegial body, has assumed a large part of the regulatory and supervisory functions in the field of higher education quality previously performed by the state. These include, in particular, the issues of accreditation of educational institutions and educational programs, certification of scientific personnel, accreditation of specialized scientific councils.

Within the terms of reference of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance there is also a direction related to the accreditation of independent assessment institutions and quality assurance of higher education, that is, non-governmental organizations (agencies, institutions, bureaus), which, according to the legislation, can assess the educational program, learning outcomes for development the recommendations of highly educational institution in organizing the system of

quality assurance of higher education and submitting proposals to the National Agency for accreditation of the educational program [7].

Among the strategic directions of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance activities by 2020 are: updating the accreditation process and other procedures for recognizing the education quality; modernization of quality assurance of higher education; formation of higher education standards with a focus on the needs of its recipients and employers; ensuring the training quality for scientific degree recipients by creating the conditions for effective research activities; academic integrity promotion.

According to European standards, the external quality assurance system should be a continuation of the internal quality assurance mechanisms established by the highly educational institutions, in accordance with the principle of their autonomy. The pursuit of the national highly educational institution to comply with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" on the creation of an effective internal assessment of the education quality, including the definition of principles and procedures for the higher education quality assurance, should be highly appreciated; monitoring, reviewing educational programs; annual evaluation of higher education applicants, scientific workers and teachers; ensuring professional development of the scientific-pedagogical staff; providing the necessary resources to organize the educational process; prevention and detection of academic plagiarism, etc. Today, the issue of creating ways to help ensure the continued functioning of internal and exter-

nal quality assurance systems in higher education is of primary importance.

External quality assessment should meet the achievement of higher education goals, agreed with the main stakeholders, be valid and open, be carried out by independent experts and clear criteria. European standards [9] focus on the need to develop a well-defined public quality assurance policy as a component of strategic management. In the national realities, it is essential that students more actively participate in education quality assessment. Another issue is to ensure a high level of professional competence of the scientific-pedagogical staff, which for a number of national highly educational institutions is transformed into formal ratings and "redirection" of responsibility for providing professional development to teachers.

According to S. Moroz, involvement of the scientific-pedagogical staff and students in the higher education quality management process is a powerful tool that can, on the one hand, improve the standards of providing educational services by national highly educational institution, as well as enhance the effectiveness the State orders for training of specialists with higher education [6, p. 94]. Moreover, adherence to the principle of involving scientific and pedagogical staff and students in higher education quality management can only provide a tangible result when each participant of the process will have the opportunity to influence the development of the highly educational institutions development strategy, as well as periodically participate in the implementation of higher education quality control.

Quality assurance, in the terms of the international quality standard (ISO 9000), requires the development of a set of planned and systematic activities that need to be undertaken to give higher education shareholders the assurance that educational products and services meet certain quality requirements. The concept of "quality" covers those characteristics of products and services that are associated with the ability to meet certain social and personal needs according to their purpose. Thus, in order to improve the quality of higher education and training, it is necessary to provide for assessing the quality of specialists and comparing their results with some standard, i.e. standards, system of certification criteria.

The task of the state is to assist the highly educational institution in building such quality assurance systems that could guarantee the quality of professionals required by customers. This problem remains relevant because the graduates' requirements for education determine the goals of the educational process. The higher educational institution activity in the direction of providing "the quality of graduating students" should be considered successful if it provides educational services and training which: meet the well-defined needs of "higher education shareholders" (in terms of the International Quality Standard of the ISO 9000 series); meet the requirements of the labor market; meet higher education standards; do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine; are offered to every member of society at competitive prices.

In today's fast-changing world, a highly educational institution which is under intense transformations is both

an object and a subject of change. European educational policy theorists emphasize the need to further enhance the subjectivity of higher educational institutions, teachers and students as active and responsible participants in the change process around the world. However, this should be facilitated by the state. An educational change aimed at improving the quality of education will have the greatest prospects of being realized if the sources of the necessary resources for its implementation are clearly identified, transparent, open, and understandable to all [11].

According to S. Shevchenko, the quality of higher education is not only the availability of professional knowledge, but also the nature and level of education in general, organizational culture, role and functional readiness of highly educational institution graduate to professional activity, his ability to recognize and understand diverse problems, their rational and creative solution [12]. The problem of education quality in Ukraine is of particular socio-economic and prospect-oriented importance.

Based on the analysis of progressive foreign experience, we can identify the following principles of an effective system of education's state regulation:

1) Clarity, perspicuity and legitimacy of the national education system development purpose;

2) Long-term strategic planning and implementation of education development programs;

3) Active creation and activity of education quality assessment collegial bodies;

4) a broad collegial approach to managing education and ensuring its

interaction with the economy and the public on this basis.

Regulation is the part of the management process and is one of its functions that is closely linked to the functions of planning and organization, as well as way to achieve the objectives.

Conclusion. Quality management should be the narrative of modern highly educational institutions governance. In the process of forming the model of public administration in modern Ukraine, in addition to the above mentioned features, the innovative aspect should be also taken into account (it mainly affects the quality of education in its management) and the regional factor of education.

All European countries are now more interested in controlling the quality and development of higher education through the organization of effective governance in highly educational institutions, gradually expanding their autonomy as well as areas of responsibility. In practice, this is reflected in the creation and development of structures that mediate between the state and highly educational institutions. Data on the level and quality of education are playing an increasing role in investment decisions.


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