states that Western Iran and Azerbaijan's mayor, Mironshoh Mirzo, have been dismissed for refusing to pay attention to public affairs and some of his surroundings have been sentenced to imprisonment. Prince of Persia Pirmuhammad Sultan was dismissed from office for allowing slavery during the seven-year war (1399-1404). As a result of the introduction of such policies in the state policy, stability, peace and calm in the country are decisive, which, in turn, was a great characteristic of the justice of Nakshbandiya, which has led to the development of society and society. It should be noted that until the time of Amir Temur the Uzbek statehood passed 100 years of development. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the period of the Amir Temur period is based on a certain tradition, experience, lessons, laws.
1. Tojikhanov U. Saidov A. Theory of Legal Culture. T.1. - T .: Publishing house of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 1998, p. 176-179.
2. Temur rules. - T .: Publishing house of Gafur Gulyam. 1996.
УДК 330.45
Abidova D.M. Teacher academician lyceum Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent city MOODLE - FREE TRAINING CONTROL SYSTEM Annotation: The article considers the method of distance education using the Moodle system.
Keywords: Distance education, educational standards, training programs, Moodle, graphics, multimedia, video
Абидова Д.М. Преподаватель академического лицея Ташкентский Педиатрический Медицинский Институт
Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Аннотация: В статье рассмотрен способ дистанционного образования с помощью системы Moodle.
Ключевые слова: Дистанционное образование, образовательные стандарты, учебные программы, Moodle, графика, мультимедиа, видео.
Computer and information technology is an integral part of our life, especially in education. Each teacher knows the importance of the scientific organization of labor, which opens up broad prospects for increasing the effectiveness of any activity, for achieving the set goal in the most rational way. One of the most important principles of the scientific organization of labor is the principle of optimization, the introduction of this principle applies the minimum necessary actions. "State educational standards and curricula of Uzbekistan should be integrated and meet educational standards and programs of developed countries of
"Мировая наука" №12(21) 2018
the world, otherwise one cannot speak about any quality of education ... And only with this, it is possible to train highly qualified competitive personnel meeting all the requirements of world education standards and recognition of our diplomas as developed States of the world ... In the educational process it is also necessary to introduce modular and distance systems emy training "- Islam Karimov. Currently, distance learning has become an integral part of the education system. One of the distance learning technologies is the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment Moodle (English Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). The system implements the philosophy of "pedagogy of social constructionism" and is focused primarily on the organization of interaction between the teacher and students, although it is also suitable for organizing traditional distance learning courses, as well as supporting full-time education. The great advantage is the distribution of the system under the GPL license (English General Public License - license for free software), which allows, without violating the copyrights, to freely use, distribute and upgrade the system. Moodle is a free learning management system, focused primarily on the organization of interaction between the teacher and students, although it is also suitable for organizing traditional distance learning courses, as well as supporting full-time education. Using Moodle, the teacher can create courses, filling them with content in the form of texts, auxiliary files, presentations, questionnaires, etc. To use Moodle, it is enough to have a web browser, which makes the use of this learning environment convenient for both the teacher and the trainees. According to the results of the students' assignments, the teacher can give marks and comments. Thus, Moodle is also the center for creating educational material and ensuring interactive interaction between participants in the educational process. Moodle belongs to the class LMS (Learning Management System) - learning management systems. Moodle is used in more than 30,000 educational institutions around the world and translated into almost 80 languages. Moodle gives you the opportunity to design, create and furthermanage the resources of the information and educational environment. The system has a convenient intuitive interface. The teacher independently, resorting only to the help of the help system, can create an electronic course and manage its work. You can insert tables, charts, graphics, video. The teacher may, at his discretion, use both thematic and calendar course structuring. When thematic structuring course is divided into sections by topic. With calendar structuring, each week of the course is presented as a separate section, such structuring is convenient for distance learning and allows students to plan their educational work properly. It is very easy to add various elements to an electronic course: lecture, task, forum, glossary, wiki, chat, etc. For each e-course there is a convenient page to view the latest changes in the course. Thus, LMS Moodle provides the teacher with an extensive toolkit for presenting educational and methodological materials for the course, conducting theoretical and practical classes, and organizing educational activities both individually and as a group. Oriented to distance education, the Moodle learning management system has a large set of communication tools. This is not only e-mail and the exchange of attachments with the teacher, but also a forum
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №12(21) 2018
(general news on the main page of the program, as well as various private forums), chat, private messaging, blogging.
Moodle has a multifunctional test module. Since the main form of knowledge control in distance learning is testing, LMS Moodle has extensive tools for creating tests and conducting training and control testing. Several types of questions are supported in test tasks (multiple choice, matching, true / false, short answers, essays, etc.). Moodle provides many features that facilitate the processing of tests. You can set the assessment scale, when the teacher adjusts the test tasks after the students pass the test, there is a mechanism for semi-automatic conversion of results.From the above, we can conclude that the choice of optimal teaching methods is one of the central moments of the optimization of the educational process.
1. "National training program. Tashkent, IX session of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, August 29, 1997
2. Anisimov A.M. Work in the system of distance learning Moodle [Electronic resource]. Tutorial. - Kharkov: KNAME, 2009. more
UDK 611.2
Axmedova Gulchexra Mamajonovna
Urmonova Maftuna Salimovna
Ferghana region medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city COMPREHENSIVE RADIATION DIAGNOSIS OF RESPIRATORY
Annotation: This article covers x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI and radionuclide studies of the respiratory organs, the features of their holding in children, as well as X-ray diagnostics of common respiratory system diseases. Key words: X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound, respiratory system diseases.
Modern x-ray examination as the most important method for studying the morphological and functional state of the respiratory organs in normal and pathological conditions has been universally recognized. There are several methods of investigation, combined into the following groups:
1. The main method is radiography.
2. Additional methods - roentgenoscopy, tomography, lateroscopy, laterography, trochoscopy, superexposed roentgenograms, fluorography, X-ray.
3. Special methods - bronchography, angiopulmonography, mediastinography, diagnostic pneumothorax, fistulography.
X-ray semiotics of lung diseases Composed of 9 syndromes:
1. Extensive darkening of the pulmonary field;
2. Limited darkening of the pulmonary field;
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №12(21) 2018