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3. Государство. Гражданское общество. Право : монография / А.Г. Чернявский, Л.Ю. Грудцына, Д.А. Пашенцев ; под ред. д-ра юрид. наук, проф. А.Г. Чернявского. — МОСКВА: : ИНФРА-М, 2017. — 342 с.
4. Гегель Георг Вильгельм Фридрих. Философия права. Серия: Великие мыслители МОСКВА: Мир книги 2009. - 464с.
УДК 612.67
Muminova G.A.
Andijan State Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan city THE USE OF NEW PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING
Abstract: This article discusses the use of new pedagogical technologies in the teaching of chemistry.
Keywords: pedagogy, technology, teaching, chemistry, method
The organization of chemistry training in the system of secondary vocational education has its own characteristics. The use of modern pedagogical technologies, the introduction of developmental education largely determines the level of the teacher's creative approach to the lesson, the effectiveness of the results achieved. The teacher acquires a new role - the role of the organizer of independent cognitive, research, creative activity of students. He should help them independently acquire the necessary knowledge, critically interpret the information received and use it to solve life problems. In the process of teaching chemistry in NGOs, it is imperative to take into account: the low level of training for first-year students, the fact that students come from different schools where they studied according to programs and textbooks, that chemistry as a subject must have a professional focus, that the preparation of a competent specialist requires great attention to the development of skills of independent work. A teacher who uses modern pedagogical technologies in his work should know that the technology of teaching chemistry is a special kind of methodology that provides for: an elaborate model of the educational process; specially methodically converted chemical content; system of methods and means of teaching chemistry. For any learning technology, specific content processing and a new organization of the educational process are typical. Among the various areas of new pedagogical technologies, I use the following: "learning in cooperation", a project method, an individual and differentiated approach to learning, integrated learning, play activities, the use of information technologies. I have been using lessons in small groups for a long time. Students like to learn new roles, learn to help each
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other. When solving a problem next to you, comrades, who can be asked if I did not understand something. I use this method when studying the topic "Theory of the Structure of Organic Substances by A. M. Butlerov." I give students cards with tasks. I assign the responsible. The task is given one per group, as a result, each student must know the answers to all questions, that is, be able to write structural formulas, write isomers, and know the basic principles of the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances. Evaluation is given to each student. Independent work on a problem becomes an absolutely familiar and priority activity. Individual independent work - this is the dialectical relationship of the cognitive process when learning in collaboration. Also in my work I use differentiated learning, which is the most important means of improving the results of the learning process and involves both individual and group activity of students. For repetition and consolidation of the material studied, I select multilevel assignments, decide with strong students tasks of increased complexity, and offer homework creative reports, reports, presentations as homework. I also practice multi-choice tests, multi-level tests. Integrated training. The integration of two academic disciplines in chemistry and biology allows solving the problems of environmental education. Environmental education is acquiring special significance today. Its role is not only to ensure environmental literacy, but also in the formation of ecological culture and moral responsibility in relation to nature.
The combined approach removes the monotony of the lesson and allows you to maintain interest in learning. I use various forms of integrated lessons: seminars, conferences, lectures, credit classes. An interdisciplinary lesson was held together with a physics teacher on the topic: "Bell, bell and ringing bells." Of great interest are the mini-messages of students on the topic "Chemistry and our health", "Chemistry in our life". Integration in education is closely related to the professional orientation of the lessons. Students should understand that the knowledge gained in chemistry classes is directly related to the chosen profession and will be used in production activities in the future. For this I use special tasks and questions. Regularly using the lessons of chemistry games or game moments, you can see that the game allows you to develop the creative abilities of students, provides additional information, encourages the intellect to search activity, destroys psychological inertia. The game in all its forms develops the independence of students, their creative abilities, activates cognitive activity, forms professional interest, helps to consolidate and deepen knowledge, develops logical thinking. You can conduct quizzes, games, such as: "Lucky Occasion", "Star Hour", "KVN", "Own game" both in the classroom and outside school hours. Students enjoy playing in them and sometimes reveal their abilities from a completely unexpected side. Depending on the objectives of the lesson, the game can be used in the development of skills, in the survey, in the synthesis of knowledge. Educational games must meet certain pedagogical requirements: be based on free creativity and independent activity of students; cause them positive emotions; take into account the age characteristics of students; include an element of competition between teams or individual participants. The structure of the
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educational process with the use of a didactic game has several stages: the creation of a game problem situation; the course of the game; summarizing its results; discussion of the course and results of the game, game actions and experiences of the participants. Interesting, as I think, is the experience of the project method, since it involves solving a significant problem involving, on the one hand, the use of various methods and means of training, and on the other, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, technology , technology, creative areas. Students choose a topic independently or prompted by a teacher, work on it, and then defend their work. The problem of improving the efficiency of the educational process can be solved using computer, communication and telecommunication technologies. In this case, the personal computer acts as a means of managing educational activities and performs an educational function. At present, in the learning process, the emphasis is not on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the armament of students with various skills, both general scientific and subject. As leaders, we can single out the most important for teaching chemistry skill groups: intellectual skills that have the greatest impact on personal development, as well as such groups of subject skills, such as experimental skills, the ability to solve chemical problems and the ability to use a computer. Software products on electronic media have great potential and provide opportunities: to use video and audio materials, which makes the content of the training course clearer, clearer, more entertaining; to accompany the educational material with dynamic drawings, that is, to consider what is being studied from various angles; simulate and explore patterns; illustrate a complex chemical experiment; conduct fast and effective student testing. We also participate in distance competitions and Olympiads.
Students are happy to do crafts, solve problems. Thus, the use of information technology allows not only to improve the quality of education and to generate students' interest in the subject, but also makes it possible to solve creative problems. Of course, the computer can not compete with the classical forms of chemical education. It means that computer technologies should be combined with traditional forms of studies, where knowledge is consolidated, and strength is increased.
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"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018