UDK 303.4.02
Xakimov D.A.
Namangan Engineering-Technical Institute Uzbekistan, Namangan city INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION SYSTEM
Annotation: This article focuses on the role of innovative ideas in community development, in particular its impact on education development and ongoing reforms in education in our country.
Keywords: community, education, innovation, idea, reform.
Any people, or any nation, have a sense of great aspirations, noble aspirations, confidence in the future, bright days, and great goals. The goals and objectives influence the ideological and ideological processes in society. Because there is a certain idea in every target. In short, whatever purpose it seeks, understands, and defines social activity, whether it's personal or community, national or universal, no matter what. It is the idea that mobilizes the society to a specific purpose. In the idea of society, the people's specific goals and interests develop in mutual communication. Everything has its own beginning and intuition. The ideas also have their own "life". They can also become a historical memory when they appear in a certain place and time, make a contribution to the development of society, take the place of the mind and heart of the people, live their lives, and lose their power and power. In the process of modernization and integration, the idea of an outdated idea in the community is replaced by certain innovative ideas. This is a natural occurrence. Because, as time goes by, every minute, people's consciousness, lifestyle, and outlook change. Man has always been interested in news. That's exactly what you are trying to do with this news is to create great ideas. Innovative activity of the teacher plays an important role in providing young people with motivation, realization and practical application of the novelty.
Educating a well-thought-out, intellectually-minded, educated person requires careful attention to younger attitudes in education, the use of modern contributing means to ensure the interdisciplinary communication of education and to create new ideas and perceptions in the person's minds and minds.
In our country, a special attention is paid to the enhancement of the role of higher education in the further perfection of the education system, the implementation of scientific achievements in practice, training of healthy minded specialists, raising the qualification of the personnel and ensuring the stability of the economy. The use of non-traditional methods of teaching in the field of social, humanitarian sciences in higher education is a result of the psychological satisfaction of its work as a direct participant of intensive debate and logical solutions arising in the course of creative thinking, expansion of dialogue, It is important for the body to be formed. Until new information in the learning process is aligned with current concepts and experiences in the student, it is enhanced by
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com
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its perception, analysis, and evaluation.
Today, our developing country puts new demands on pedagogical person. On the one hand, the attention is paid to young people and they are provided with the necessary conditions, while modern pedagogues are required to use innovative learning based on foreign experience, to increase the effectiveness of the lesson, and to use new teaching methods in the classroom.
An issue raised to the level of state policy that embodies the innovative ideas of every member of society. In particular, in the five priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, the Movement Strategy focuses on the promotion of research and innovation activities, the creation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements, specialized scientific and experimental laboratories under the universities and research institutes, technology centers and technoparks.
In particular, the announcement of the year 2018 as the year of support for entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies has made a great contribution to the development of innovative environment in the education system. Various scientific and practical conferences, international experiences exchanges, conferences and scholar meetings aimed at implementing joint perspective plans of higher education institutions and various competitions are organized regularly in order to expand the scope of work in this area, to broaden scientific researches and speed up economic development. For example, the Innovative Idea Contest has been an important step towards the realization of the innovative idea of young people in order to identify, support and encourage talented children among the students of the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Ministry of Public Education and the Youth Union. The main objectives of this competition are:
- meaningful organization of leisure time for the students, to instill in their mind the diligence, innovative thinking, the initial training and skills of vocational training;
- organize the study of technical facilities and computer technologies in accordance with the perspective directions of development of science and technology integration among pupils and to develop technical creativity among them. The holding of such competitions contributes to the development of young people's innovative activities, their application to the world, and to the world. At the same time, during the direct dialogue with the people of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the regions of the country every year, the President has acknowledged that the President of the country has the potential for the restoration of the scientific potential of the entire region, the effective use of intellectual potential in ensuring the complex development of the regions, and the wide involvement of young people in scientific research. tasks are defined. In the implementation of these tasks, the focus of scientific research on the real problems of social and economic spheres, ensuring the integration of science and industry, and in turn, the creation of mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of scientific and technological developments of scientists by the industrial enterprises is crucial
Formation of the personality of the spiritually mature person, the formation
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com
of the intellectual potential of the student, the upbringing of the mature personality will be firstly evaluated by the specific purposes determined in the educational process. The age-old progress of today's information requires that young people of tomorrow have the right pupils who can independently evaluate themselves in a variety of troublesome circumstances, have the independent thinking, and use their mental and spiritual potential for the sake of high endeavors. This is determined by the level of humanistic attributes, ethical traits, and literary creative activity that are incorporated into the educational process that is properly organized and impeccably created. Creative activity is to bring innovative ideas that are compatible with the global education system.
Thus, the innovative idea not only determines the development prospects of the education system, but also plays an important role in the process of integration and modernization in all areas of society.
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2. Фарходжонова Н. Ф. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ УРОВНЕ //Инновационные тенденции, социально-экономические и правовые проблемы взаимодействия в международном пространстве. - 2016. - С. 58-61.
УДК 547.668
Xolboyev Yu.
Inoqov T.K. Andijan state medical Institute Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan N,N1-POLIMETILEN BIS MORFOLILO UREA AS A STIMULANT
Abstract: The proposed article refers to the organic chemical synthesis of the bis-urea morpholine derivative as a growth promoter.
Keywords: urea, salt, acid
The closest analogue in structure and properties is piperidine sol-4- [para-chlorophenoxy butine acid as a cotton growth stimulator. The indicated substance piperidine salt (PS) of 4- [para-chlorophenoxy] -2-butynic acid is obtained: first, a Grignard reagent, then p-chlorophenol propargyl ester is added. The reaction mass is heated for 1.5 hours and cooled, the emitted carbon dioxide is passed through for 2 hours, then washed with an alkali solution, the alkaline solution is acidified, filtered and dried. Again, piperidine is added to the reaction mass in ether; a piperidine salt of 4- [para-chlorophenoxy] -2-butinoic acid forms a precipitate.
However, the synthesis of this substance is very difficult, due to the high toxicity of propargyl chloride involved in the synthesis, as well as its inaccessibility, since this substance is a scarce imported raw material. In addition,
"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com