Научная статья на тему 'Methodological basis of an optimal period of time determination during the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management'

Methodological basis of an optimal period of time determination during the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
strategic management / physical culture and sport / higher educational establishment / professional mastery

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Albert R. Baymurzin, Tatyana A. Baymurzina, Sergey D. Neverkovich

During recent ten years many higher educational establishments, including physical culture and sport higher educational establishments, try to create and use the strategies of development or management in their activity. There appears the following question: For what period is it reasonable to create the strategy of development or the strategy of higher educational establishment management? Materials. The article presents methodological basis of the time period determination, which is necessary for the conception realization of higher educational establishment strategic management in the sphere of physical culture and sport. Methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, system approach, questionnaire survey, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In order to answer the set question, the collective of authors held a sociological survey, within the following time period: since 2008-2018. As a result of this survey we got the information, which is necessary for methodological basis formation of physical culture higher educational establishment strategic management. On the basis of this information we can come to the following conclusion: in order to model effectively further development of physical culture and sport sphere, realize state personnel policy, the strategy of higher educational establishments in physical culture and sport sphere, it is necessary to create the strategy minimum for 10 or 15 years. By this time period since the beginning of studying specialists start to realize their creative potential, using the gained at a higher educational establishment professional competency and transforming physical culture and sport sphere, taking into account the standards of education, formed at a higher educational establishment. Conclusion. It is possible to realize the strategy for 10-15 only using a conceptual approach. Each physical culture and sport higher educational establishment should create the conception of a strategic management and on its basis form the programs of conception realization according to different directions of activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological basis of an optimal period of time determination during the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-95-100

Methodological basis of an optimal period of time determination during the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational

establishment management

Albert R. Baymurzin1*, Tatyana A. Baymurzina2, Sergey D. Neverkovich2

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]* 2Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, ORCID: 0000-0003-1292-2734, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. During recent ten years many higher educational establishments, including physical culture and sport higher educational establishments, try to create and use the strategies of development or management in their activity. There appears the following question: For what period is it reasonable to create the strategy of development or the strategy of higher educational establishment management? Materials. The article presents methodological basis of the time period determination, which is necessary for the conception realization of higher educational establishment strategic management in the sphere of physical culture and sport. Methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, system approach, questionnaire survey, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In order to answer the set question, the collective of authors held a sociological survey, within the following time period: since 2008-2018. As a result of this survey we got the information, which is necessary for methodological basis formation of physical culture higher educational establishment strategic management. On the basis of this information we can come to the following conclusion: in order to model effectively further development of physical culture and sport sphere, realize state personnel policy, the strategy of higher educational establishments in physical culture and sport sphere, it is necessary to create the strategy minimum for 10 or 15 years. By this time period since the beginning of studying specialists start to realize their creative potential, using the gained at a higher educational establishment professional competency and transforming physical culture and sport sphere, taking into account the standards of education, formed at a higher educational establishment. Conclusion. It is possible to realize the strategy for 10-15 only using a conceptual approach. Each physical culture and sport higher educational establishment should create the conception of a strategic management and on its basis form the programs of conception realization according to different directions of activity.

Keywords: strategic management, physical culture and sport, higher educational establishment, professional mastery.

For citation: Albert R. Baymurzin, Tatyana A. Baymurzina, Sergey D. Neverkovich. Methodological basis of an optimal period of time determination during the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2018; 13 (4): 78-82. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-95-100


During recent ten years many higher educational establishments, including physical culture and sport higher educational establishments, try to create and use the strategies of development or management in their activity. There appears the following question: For what period is it reasonable to create the strategy of development or the strategy of higher educational establishment management? In most cases specialists, who create the strategy of physical culture higher educational establishment development, take into consideration 5-year period, as in most commercial organizations all over the world strategies are created for 5-year period. One more substantiation is used: the head of a higher educational establishment (vice-chancellor), as a rule, is chosen for 5 years, that is why in his electoral program of higher educational establishment strategic development this period is mentioned.

The aim of the research: to create and methodologically substantiate an optimal period of time, which is necessary for the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational

establishment strategic management.

The objectives of the research:

1. To define the time period, which is necessary for the specialists' professional mastery formation, after graduating from physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

2. Methodologically substantiate an optimal time period, necessary for the conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment strategic management.

Research methods:

- system approach;

- questionnaire survey;

- methods of mathematical statistics.

Results and Discussion

The strategies of organizations can be of two kinds:

1. Conceptual strategies. They include the conceptions of development and conception of strategic management. These documents present the main directions of higher educational establishment activity, resources of the establishment, which are included into the activity, the planned results of conception realization. More often they are created by administrative and teaching stuff of a higher educational establishment, have block structure, reveal the main directions of higher educational establishment activity (educational, scientific, personnel, household, investment and etc.). Each block of the conceptual strategy is realized through the corresponding program, which includes the following: the plan of the work,

organizational, material-technical, financial and staff resources, people in charge and etc. [1]

Pre-election strategies. Are usually presented by the candidates, who want to get the place of a vice-chancellor or his team. These documents are something average between the conception and a program, as they contain both conceptual moments, which determine the direction of a higher educational establishment development, and the program of realization according to the defined directions of the work [2].

There appears the following question: was the orienting point of 5 years chosen correctly during the strategy creation of physical culture higher educational establishment development?

In order to answer this question, the collective of authors realized a sociological research, since 2008 till 2018. The teachers, who realize "Physical culture" program at higher educational establishments, took part in the research (candidates and Ph.D.) - 62 people, trainers and physical culture teachers at comprehensive schools - 65 people. All participants of the research were older than 40 and they had started their professional activity right after their graduation from physical culture higher educational establishment or from physical culture faculty of a pedagogical higher educational establishment. In their opinion, they achieved a high level of pedagogical mastery in professional activity.

Sociological research was directed toward receiving the information, necessary for methodological basis formation of strategic physical culture higher educational establishment management and the elements of the future professional activity modeling among the graduates of physical culture higher educational establishment [4, 5].

The collective of authors was interested in the following questions (each participant of the research had to analyze his own personal experience and, on its basis, answer the set questions):

1. How much time is it necessary for you, as physical culture higher educational establishment graduate, to achieve professional mastery level?

2. How much time was it necessary for you to transfer from the reproductive level of professional objectives solution to creative, reformative level of the initial professional mastery?

3. How do you estimate professional training level of a higher educational establishment graduate at the initial stage of career in relation to the level of professional mastery, achieved at the present


The estimation was held according to ioo-point scale. Pictures 1-3 present the research results._

14 12


6 -





Time, necessary for profession a I mastery achieveme nt

I the average value according to sampling

l Teachers of higher educational estbalishments

"eache rs of shools and traîne rs

Picture 1 - Time, (years) necessary for higher educational establishment graduate in order to achieve _professional mastery_

10 9


7 "-

■ the average value according to sampling

■ Teachers of highe re ducat ¡one establishments

Teachers of schools and trainers

Picture 2 - Time, (years) necessary for physical culture higher educational establishment graduate in order to transfer from a reproductive level of professional objectives solution to creative, reformative level

of the initial professional mastery

According to the results of the held sociological research we come to the following conclusion: Picture 1 shows that most graduates of physical culture higher educational establishments achieve the level of professional mastery in the average in 11,2 years, teachers of higher educational establishments achieve it later, as they study at postgraduate course and at the institution of doctoral candidacy. During this period and further they are active reformers of physical culture and sport sphere through the processes of creative endeavor.

Time, necessary for the transfer from the reproductive level to the stage of initia professional mastery

100 90 00 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


52,1 4B,3

The level of professional training of higher e durational establish me nt graduate

the average value according to sampling

"eachers of higher educational establishments

"cache rs of schools and trainers

Picture 3 - The level (percentage level) of professional training as a higher educational establishment graduate at the initial stage of career in relation to the level of the achieved professional mastery

According to picture 2 physical culture higher education establishment graduate transfers from the reproductive level of professional objectives solution to creative, reformative level of professional mastery in the average in 5,4 years after University graduation. The first career achievements of young specialists happen during this period: most young specialists start to realize their creative potential, using gained at a higher educational establishment professional competency.

Picture 3 shows the average value of professional training level as a higher educational establishment graduate at the initial level of career, which is 52,1% of a personal professional mastery level, achieved by a specialist during professional activity. It proves the idea that the second part of professional knowledge, skills and abilities a specialist gains during self-education and self-realization in professional activity. A higher educational establishment has a great potential in qualification improvement and a young specialist formation, but only if doesn't lose connection with him.


New educational standards FSES (federal state educational standard) 3++ help higher educational establishments to form independently professional competencies of graduates, taking into account the needs of physical culture and sport sphere. As a result of the held sociological research we got the information, which is necessary for methodological basis formation of physical culture higher educational establishment strategic management. On the basis of this information we can come to the following conclusions:

1. In order to model effectively further development of physical culture and sport sphere, realize state personnel policy, the strategy of higher educational establishments in physical culture and sport sphere, it is necessary to create the strategy minimum for 10 or 15 years. By this time period since the beginning of studying specialists start to realize their creative potential, using the gained at a higher educational establishment professional competency and transforming physical culture and sport sphere, taking into account the standards of education, formed at a higher educational establishment.

2. It is possible to realize the strategy for 10-15 only using a conceptual approach. Each physical culture and sport higher educational establishment should create the conception of a strategic management. On the basis of this conception create the programs of conception realization according to different directions of activity.


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2. Baymurzin A.R., Bleer A.N., Neverkovich S.D. Pedagogical systems organization, control and management in the sphere of physical culture, sport and tourism. Metodologicheskie problem obchej I sportivnoj pedagogiki: materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, 28-30 oktabrya 200gg. Ministerstvo sporta, turizma I molodezhnoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii, Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet fizicheskoj kul'tury, sporta I turizma. Moscow. 2009: 4-13 (In Russ.).

3. Katrin Andre, Filip Mess. 5th interdisciplinary DVS Expert Workshop: "Sport Science in the Future Field of Workspace Health Management. Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport. 2018; 34(5): 246-246.

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5. Ari Kim. Understanding Sport Management: International Perspectives. International journal of sport communication. 2018; 11(2): 291-292.

6. Megan B. Shreffler, Samuel H. Schmidt, James Werner. Sales Training in Career Preparation: An Examination of Sales Curricula. Sport management education journal. 2018; 12(1): 15-25.

7. Neverkovich S.D. Game projection of the integral forms of professional activity. 6-ya Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya psihologov fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta "Rudikovskie chteniya", 7-10 iyunya 20i0g.: materialy. Ministerstvo sporta, turizma I molodezhnoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii, Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet fizicheskoj kul'tury, sporta I turizma, Rossijskaya Associaciya psihologov fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta. Moscow. 2010: 27-29 (In Russ.).

Submitted: 19.09.2018

Albert R. Baymurzin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Russian State Social University, str. Vilgelma Pika, House 4 block 1, Moscow, Russia, 129226, e-mail: [email protected]*

Tatyana A. Baymurzina - Lecturer, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, str. Sirenevyj Bulvar, House 4, Moscow, Russia, 105122, e-mail: [email protected] Sergey D. Neverkovich - doctor of pedagogics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, str. Sirenevyj Bulvar, House 4, Moscow, Russia, 105122, e-mail: [email protected]

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