Научная статья на тему 'Conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization'

Conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
civilization / universalization / society / safety / politics / federal laws / interactions and interconnections / culture / education / health / science / Russian values / international climate / intercultural space / problems / contradictions / regularities / conditions / peculiarities / factors / civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing of youth / motives / needs / orientation / youngsters / self-organization / self-education / self-upbringing / self-realization / personality / aims / objectives / approaches / functions / ways / methods / algorithms / directions of upbringing.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nikolay I. Kalakov, Sergey D. Neverkovich

In terms of the upbringing structure modernization and culture, public health, education and science development in Russia the following values become the priority: health, knowledge, love for native land, justice, self-sufficiency, traditional family, patriotism, peace and others. In order to achieve this strategic aim, it is necessary to develop the system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in cross-cultural space. Material. The article considers great problems of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization, taking into account international situation. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing. Results. The problems and contradiction in the system of society upbringing and development are considered; the peculiarities, factors and conditions of culture, education, public health and science development in cross-cultural space are mentioned; the created conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth is directed at an integral, harmonious development of a personality and the development peak of society universalization achievement; the following problems are discussed: crime rate, social strain decrease and the level of personality’s stress resistance, discipline, education, literacy, professionalism increase; the approaches to motivational-axiological needs development in spiritual-moral, intellectual, physical and professional transformation of a personality are revealed; the tendencies, laws, approaches and integrated directions of youth upbringing are revealed: spiritual-moral, political, family, physical, labor, juridical, ecological, economic, civic, patriotic, professionaltaking into account the influencing factors and peculiarities; strategic aims, objectives and functions of upbringing are substantiated: statuspositional, integral-forming, developing, information-communicative, motivationalmobilizing, intensifying, screening, preventive-re-educating, projecting; the main ways, methods and algorithms of upbringing are revealed; in general the conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth during lifelong learning is substantiated. Conclusion. Taking into account the regularities of civilized integrated prognostic upbringing work should be realize by means of offering the block of interdisciplinary principles, methods, forms and means. It is important to provide a system combination of traditional and innovative upbringing principles, which are mentioned in terms of the revealed interdisciplinary regularities, demonstrated in modern practice of state creation and the life of the definite collective and a person.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization»

THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), Volume 13 No.1 2018 _ISSN 2588-008X ISSN 2588-0225

Ajibua M. A. - Director of Sports, Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, Ondo State,


Dominic O. L. - Ph.D., Lecturer in the Department of Human Kinetics, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

For Citations: Ibraheem T.O., Ajibua M.A., Dominic O. L. Quantification of Leisure-Time Physical Activity of Undergraduate Students in South-west, Nigeria, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2018, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 54-60. DOI 10/14526/01_2018_285

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_286


Nikolay I. Kalakov - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor «Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces Named After Peter the Great» Ministry of Defense of

the Russian Federation, 8, Karbyshev str., Balashikha, 143900, Russia Sergey D. Neverkovich - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, the Member of the Russian Academy of


Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. In terms of the upbringing structure modernization and culture, public health, education and science development in Russia the following values become the priority: health, knowledge, love for native land, justice, self-sufficiency, traditional family, patriotism, peace and others. In order to achieve this strategic aim, it is necessary to develop the system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in cross-cultural space. Material. The article considers great problems of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization, taking into account international situation. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing. Results. The problems and contradiction in the system of society upbringing and development are considered; the peculiarities, factors and conditions of culture, education, public health and science development in cross-cultural space are mentioned; the created conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth is directed at an integral, harmonious development of a personality and the development peak of society universalization achievement; the following problems are discussed: crime rate, social strain decrease and the level of personality's stress resistance, discipline, education, literacy, professionalism increase; the approaches to motivational-axiological needs development in spiritualmoral, intellectual, physical and professional transformation of a personality are revealed; the tendencies, laws, approaches and integrated directions of youth upbringing are revealed: spiritualmoral, political, family, physical, labor, juridical, ecological, economic, civic, patriotic, professional-taking into account the influencing factors and peculiarities; strategic aims, objectives and functions

THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), Volume 13 No.1 2018 _ISSN 2588-008X ISSN 2588-0225

of upbringing are substantiated: status- positional, integral-forming, developing, information-communicative, motivational- mobilizing, intensifying, screening, preventive-re-educating, projecting; the main ways, methods and algorithms of upbringing are revealed; in general the conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth during lifelong learning is substantiated. Conclusion. Taking into account the regularities of civilized integrated prognostic upbringing work should be realize by means of offering the block of interdisciplinary principles, methods, forms and means. It is important to provide a system combination of traditional and innovative upbringing principles, which are mentioned in terms of the revealed interdisciplinary regularities, demonstrated in modern practice of state creation and the life of the definite collective and a person. Keywords: civilization, universalization, society, safety, politics, federal laws, interactions and interconnections, culture, education, health, science, Russian values, international climate, intercultural space, problems, contradictions, regularities, conditions, peculiarities, factors, civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing of youth, motives, needs, orientation, youngsters, self-organization, self-education, self-upbringing, self-realization, personality; aims, objectives, approaches, functions, ways, methods, algorithms, directions of upbringing.

System analysis of the situation, which we can see at all borders of Russia with other states, shows the tendencies in its development, which are unfavorable for the interests and safety of Russia. An important role here belongs to scientists and the representatives of force structures, which are able to solve the problem of international terrorism in terms of great migration process, create the theory and methodology of opposition and counteraction.

Nowadays Russia has some difficulties and faces real threat to economic and military-political interests of the state, its military and national safety. It is important to mention that any war causes victims, injuries, death.

Nowadays Russian force structures undergo great transformation, which are caused by a range of factors: violation of the formed in the world system of strategic stability; the character of military peril change; new tendencies of militant actions, changes in economic and social life of society.

Russia in the future should present the unity of people, integrity and strength of state borders, sovereignty, independency, a powerful scientific-technical, economic, personnel and military potential.

It appears, that in the XXI century a strategic aim of Russia is, first of all, peace preservation in the whole world and own formation as a great, powerful state with inexhaustible national potential, natural resources and a great authority at the

International level; secondly, the peaks of society universalization achievement in the world.

In terms of the upbringing structure modernization and culture, public health, education and science development in Russia the following values become the priority: health, knowledge, love for native land, justice, self-sufficiency, traditional family, patriotism, peace and others.

In order to achieve this strategic aim it is necessary to develop the system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in cross-cultural space.

When basic values and universal ideas in the sphere of politics, culture, education, public health, science penetrate deeply into a person's conscious and the subconscious mind, they become his ideas and it leads to the definite characteristics of his spiritualmoral, intellectual, physical and personalprofessional potential formation.

Step-by-step prognostic development of society by means of evolutional way depends on the following:

-geopolitical, political, juridical, social-economic, ecological system of the state;

-spiritual-moral, psychic,

psychological, physical and material condition of people;

-the conditions creation for the upbringing, education and prognostic, stress-resistant development among youth;

- civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing and development peak of society universalization achievement, taking into account national-religious, territorial, climatic, cultural, professional, gender, individual and other characteristics.

It is necessary to define general and special regularities of society development in intercultural space. General regularities of society development are understood as steady, recurring and significant connections of social-political, social-economic, juridical process, the realization of which helps to achieve the demanded results in development of people and collectives.

Present reality proves that in a continuous social-economic process we can define interdisciplinary regularities (philosophic, economic, political, social and sociological). In accordance with mentioned above regularities managers of different levels should create necessary conditions for universalization development peaks achievement in state system.

When created universal ideas, ideologies, theories, methodologies of interdisciplinary global science on civilizational basis penetrate deeply into a person's conscious and the subconscious mind, they become his belief and it leads to the definite characteristics of his spiritualmoral, physical, personal-professional image and socially important values, personal prognostic abilities, motivational- axiological needs formation in spiritual, physical, intellectual, professional transformation of a personality.

In terms of migration processes activation and international terrorism, information-psychological war development in the world important becomes the problem of civilized-integrated prognostic approach to youth upbringing (political, juridical, civic-patriotic, economic, ecological, physical, family, professional) taking into consideration different characteristics and the influencing factors.

Civilized-integrated prognostic

upbringing is the future prediction and the subjects of upbringing involvement into the system of the basis values of the definite stage

of social development through the achievements of the world and native culture, education, public health, science and engineering.

Crisis in the political, social-economic, juridical systems, society destabilization and layering lead to changes in environment perception and ethical values of children and teen-agers; the following notions as "labor, honor, conscience, human dignity", "civic duty", "personal responsibility" and "patriotism and culture" lose their significance.

The level of morality; desire to take part in social, political life or at least show interest decrease and some people deliberately avoid working, military service and want to live abroad, some betray their country.

Nowadays the problem of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youngsters (political, family, juridical, physical, patriotic, economic, ecological, labor), youth purposefulness and activity is very urgent at the state level. In case of system-integrated upbringing youngsters gain basic values and love for native land, which is seen by the examples of heroic past, present and the future of this country.

Unfortunately, "rakish nineties", the years of spiritual basis disruption, a powerful state dissipation, time of wars, cruel international conflicts, economic and political crises destroyed juridical, physical, family, ecological, labor and military-patriotic upbringing. Since going to a new social-economic system Russia went through social values system change, the motives of activity material consideration, social and career success strengthening, that is to say, "consumer's" or "deficiental" motives strengthening (A.R. Fonarev). At the same time, self-education, self-development motivation, creativity motivation, socially-useful activity motivation ("developing" or "existential" motives A. Maslow) become secondary. Changes in motives, needs and aims influenced political, juridical self-consciousness of a personality and a future "Self' image formation of a future generation in intercultural space. A future "Self' image formation as psychological-pedagogical,

acmeological source of integral, harmonious personality development is especially important during preadult age that is why it is important how this motive, need, orientation and strategic aims, connected with this image, will provide further self-organization, self-education, self-development and self-upbringing of a personality in the system of continuous education.

Integration processes revival at a new social-economic base, political situation stabilization in our countries, national and juridical self-conscience increase led to a new increase of patriotic mood in the system of education, public health, culture and science.

In modern Russian multinational society prevail humanistic, spiritual-moral, patriotic, family and, in general, basic Russian values in terms of multipolar world formation.

Nowadays Russian structures of education, culture, public health and science are at the stage of great transformations caused by several factors: violation of the formed in the world system of strategic stability; the character of threats change; new tendencies in the ways and means of geopolitical struggle development; changes in economic and social life of society. In terms of the state ideology absence the main aims of the Russian state politics in the sphere of prognostic upbringing and science, culture and sport development are the following: nation sanitation, harmonious upbringing of a healthy, physically strong generation, a healthy life style among population formation (Federal target-oriented program "Physical culture and sport development in the Russian Federation during 2006-2015").

According to A.M. Stolyarenko, really brought up person is not a person, who knows how to conduct oneself, but a person, who can't behave the other way. He underlines that the aim of upbringing is such kind of mannerliness formation and the objectives are its components formation [12].

The latter defines the existence of an interconnected, interdependent complex of different kinds of upbringing (political, juridical, economic, spiritual-moral, physical) in the system of prognostic upbringing integrated into this complete system. P.I.

Pidkasistyi underlines that the regularity in any scientific discipline reflects objective, that is independent of the process subjects significant connections, which, as a rule, appear and are demonstrated independent of the fact whether they are known or not, taken into consideration or not [11]. That is why spiritual-moral, patriotic, juridical and economic upbringing together with physical, personal-professional development should be based on social-political, social-economic, social-juridical, social-ecological, scientific-technical, military-political position in social and state system.

The latter defines the existence of interconnected, interdependent, mutually added complex of different kinds of upbringing, in the system of a continuous civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing, integrated into a complete system.

Crisis changes in all spheres of society demand safety, personality upbringing, family and society development provision. The citizen of Russia upbringing in terms of society and state system reformation is completely reasonable and is considered the priority activity orientation at all levels of management.

The following fundamental contradictions exist:

- there comes to a head a disruption between psychic, intellectual, technical abilities of a person and his physical state, spiritual-moral level;

- contradiction between the next generation development provision, which depends on spiritual-moral, intellectual and physical potential of Russian society, and the necessity to understand the aim of the international and Russian culture, education, science and modern art, sport of different countries in intercultural space.

The level of spiritual-moral, psychophysiological, physical, material state of youth increase is achieved during a continuous system upbringing, education and is an important condition for culture, education and science development.

Qualitatively new state of a system upbringing activity is directed at the complex of problems, contradictions solution, the laws and regularities keeping, new reality support and conditioned by them principles of civilized and

prognostic approach in upbringing and education. It will correspond with the interests of society and needs of youth. A continuous civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing as a system presents a range of interconnected, interdependent elements, which are united in order to achieve strategic aims and objectives, connected with society development formation and prediction in the state system. A continuous civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing organization in educational, cultural, sports and practical activity is reflected in the components of the upbringing system: aims, objectives, regularities, content, principles, methods, means, forms, models and results.

The aims of a civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing of youth are directed at the peaks of society universalization development achievement and in the system of a continuous education have specific -historical character. They are always specific not only for the definite epoch, but also for the definite military-political, social-economic, juridical, educational and cultural systems and institutes of state. The main aims and objectives of upbringing citizens are formed in legislative acts of the Russian Federation and are specified in the Strategy of upbringing development in the Russian Federation till 2025 and other normative documents of state bodies.

Civilized-integrated prognostic

upbringing is the process of a complete, harmonious personality development and formation as the range of bioenergetic, psychophysiological, psychological-

pedagogical, acmeological and socially important characteristics.

The essence and objectives of the civilized-integrated upbringing strategy among youth prognostic improvement during a continuous education are in the range of characteristics provision to personality's mannerliness:

- harmonious and integral-oriented prognostic development of a personality (as a future family man, citizen-patriot, professional), taking into account the influencing factors, conditions, individual and other peculiarities;

- socially-oriented attitude to a healthy life style, people, labor and responsibility in a family, collective, etc.;

- aspiration for spiritual-moral, physical and creative activity, directed at stress resistance, self-organization, self-development and self-realization;

- self-affirmation, self-containment while following the Constitution, laws, morality and etc.;

- civic consciousness, patriotism, love for family, collective, Motherland;

- diligence, humanism, democracy, cultural-ecological attitude to nature and health;

- harmonious formation of a personality's adaptive and prognostic skills to realize spiritual identification;

- motivational-axiological needs development in spiritual-moral, intellectual, physical and professional transformation of a personality.

During the strategic aims and objectives achievement, the system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing development, in the process of a continuous education, different managers' functions are realized.

The main functions, in our opinion, are the following:

1. Prognostic function. It develops prognostic thinking, intuition and provides the ability to predict, make rational decisions and act quickly.

2. Status-positional function. It provides understanding by the personnel, collective a legal social-political, social-economic, juridical, ecological state, role and place, the range of functional objectives, responsibilities, duties as the main subjects of labor and vitally important strategies.

3. Integral-forming and developing function. Forming function provides the image of the present and the future world view and scientific worldview, ideas, beliefs formation. Developing function provides personality development (adaptive, spiritualmoral, intellectual, physical, professional, prognostic potential), positive motivation, responsible attitude to own duties realization,

culture of thinking, speech, behavior, communication realization.

4. Information-communicative function. It conditions an active influence of system upbringing on the process of cognition and self-cognition in the collective and also development of the range of important interconnections and interactions inside it.

5. Motivational-mobilizing and activating functions. Motivational-mobilizing function means social-economic, psychological-pedagogical, acmeological, juridical conditions creation, which stimulate the subjects of educational, scientific and industrial labor to fulfill productively duties and social-axiological functions in a collective. An activating function means activating the role of integrated upbringing, in a single and integral state of everyday educational, scientific and industrial labor.

6. Screening and preventative-re-educating function means predicting personality development in a collective, preventing and elimination of undesirable behavior, predicting deviating behavior, negative qualities and characteristics of a subject overcoming in order to form spiritual-moral, intellectual, physical, professional and social-axiological features.

7. Projecting function means the model and technologies of civilized-integrated prognostic personality and collective upbringing development, taking into account the specificity of activity and situation in order to achieve political, juridical, psychological, physical, information, economic, ecological and professional culture on spiritual-moral base and on the basis of the most important world, Russian and ethnic values.

The directors of different level should realize civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing systematically and together with social institutes, state bodies, families and other subjects of upbringing during a continuous education, taking into consideration the influencing factors and conditions.

In civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing process the following subjects interact dialectically: the director, subordinates, families, collective and others.

The effectiveness of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing development depends on the following:

- if the heads of different levels know the laws, regularities, mechanisms, principles, methods, technologies of prognostic upbringing, education and personality development;

- system-scientific knowledge of the theory of prediction and management;

- the ability to make anticipatory decision and find optimal ways of spiritualmoral, intellectual, physical, professional values of collectives, formation and development in difficult social-economic conditions.

Intellectual, physical, spiritual-moral qualities and also material values formation and integral development is a dialectic process. In order to penetrate into it and direct it rationally it is necessary to see significant and insignificant connections between bioenergetic, psychophysiological,

psychological and social phenomena and also the factors, which influence them during upbringing interactions and complex influences.

It is necessary to reveal in this process the tendency of personality image formation, development and change, new characteristics appearance, the basic values, qualities and old ones replacement, struggle against old habit and beliefs. It is impossible to realize the essence of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing during continuous education in social and state system and realize an effective upbringing and developing activity not taking into account global prognostic science. The system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth development is directed at evolutional way of society universalization peaks achievement in terms of country safety provision.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, we can define general and specific regularities of upbringing during the process of continuous education. General regularities of continuous upbringing are understood as steady, recurring and the most important connections of the upbringing process, the realization of which helps to

achieve demanded effective results in culture development of people and collectives and have an upbringing influence on the whole structure of professional and social activity. Their influences are demonstrated in essential characteristics of this phenomenon. Ideological-theoretical base characteristics of civilized-integrated prognostic personality upbringing will be incomplete if we don't take into account the peculiarities of the activity, which is conditioned by the demands of an autonomous safety provision, energy supply, heat supply, water supply, food products of smart towns and new technique, technology, practice, needs for the peaks of society universalization achievement. In civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing the following general regularities are defined:

- conditionality of continuous prognostic spiritual-moral, intellectual, physical upbringing by concrete-historical factors, conditions of life in the past, present and the future of the country in the world;

- planned character of the inner and outer activity and personality orientation during the process of upbringing, taking into account the influencing factors and conditions; system-integral character of upbringing;

- upbringing, education and an integral, harmonious personality development unity in state system.

Let's consider interdisciplinary regularities:

- conditionality of the strategic, tactical aims and multifunctional prognostic objectives of the upbringing work by constitutional, ideological, ethical, moral-psychological guiding lines and positions, juridical, cultural, scientific framework in different spheres in intercultural space;

- correspondence of a standard, model, algorithm, technology of upbringing in the system of continuous education with the demands of normative documents, scientific-methodical recommendations, programs and plans of the definite collective;

- an optimal strengthening of a prognostic technological component in social subjects-collective's formation;

— desire formation among youth to express oneself actively in educational, scientific, professional activity and personal development;

— dependence of the upbringing results not only on educational, upbringing, scientific, sports-mass, cultural-educational activity, but also on real conditions creation of interaction with the surrounding intercultural environment, taking into account the influencing factors.

Another kind of regularities is presented by pedagogical regularities:

— the results of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing depend on target mindset and a complex content of materials, created on the basis of achievements of the world and Russian culture, education and science;

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— on interdisciplinary principles, methods, forms, means of youth involvement into educational-upbringing, scientific-educational, sports-mass, cultural-educational and professional activity;

— effectiveness of upbringing during teaching depends on number and quality of anticipatory thinking, intuition, gained skills, practical creative experience development;

— upbringing effectiveness during the process of teaching depends on the level of spiritual, psychic and physical state, on the level of culture, intellectual, adaptive potential of environment and increases owing to research-analytical, prognostic and physical activity and tension, caused by competition;

— upbringing effectiveness depends on the level of educational-upbringing, scientific-educational, sports-mass, cultural-educational and industrial processes organization and management, taking into account Handling and Safety Advice, hygiene standards, nutrition, labor and rest regimen;

— upbringing effectiveness depends on the level of a personality's general culture, self-organization, self-upbringing, self-development with the orientation to the results achievement in present and the future;

— the results of upbringing during the process of education depend on the strategy of

behavior, moral-psychological steadiness and a personality's readiness to fulfill the future professional activity and in general readiness to serve Motherland;

— on the development level of adaptive, prognostic abilities of a personality to fulfill physical, intellectual and psychic loads;

— on motivational-axiological needs in spiritual, physical and professional transformation of a personality and etc.

In accordance with mentioned above regularities the director (an organizer, a teacher, a trainer, a kindergartener) of a continuous upbringing process should provide necessary conditions in educational, scientific and practical activity of youth in the sphere of the future activity for more effective upbringing, education and development of a personality. It means a complex of needs satisfaction of youth. For this purpose, upbringing, educational, organizational providing measures integration is necessary.

A personality realizes system principles relative to society and state: self-upbringing, self-education, self-development, personal freedom, responsibility, duty, honor, which provide effective realization of own needs, potentialities, interests, provide the opportunity of an adequate self-development, social and personal-professional career at different levels.

Family and society realize system principles relative to a personality and state: cohesiveness, orderliness, readiness, patriotism, openness, kindness, mutual support, mutual respect, mutual responsibility, which provide active participation of the citizen, together with state institutions, in the upbringing system development during the process of continuous education.

In this connection it is necessary to take into account civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing regularities on the basis of interdisciplinary approaches and principles. It is important to provide system combination of traditional approaches, principles of upbringing with innovative ones (situational, prognostic, axiological, multicultural), which are considered in terms of the revealed

interdisciplinary regularities, demonstrated in present practice of state creation and life of the definite collective and a person.

There is an integrated system of medical-biol ogi cal, psychological-

pedagogical, acmeological methods of upbringing, the classification of which reveals their main aims.

First of all, the methods of influencing conscious and subconscious mind are the following: explanation, persuasion using words, persuasion with the help of experience, example, self-upbringing, self-suggestion, self-reflexion.

The main ways of persuasion using words include explanation, substantiation, refutation, dialogue.

Complex means of persuasion using words include the following: logic arguments, numbers and facts, examples, episodes of activity, reference to documents and authority figures; proving the ideas by means of visual aids and audio, being guided by public opinion and others.

The main ways of persuasion using words and actions are based on personal experience of a person and on the experience of a family, group, collective and other people.

Complex means of persuasion are the following: deeds, actions of people, actions of a teacher; current facts, events of social, sports, cultural life and nature; a personality's actions comparison with the actions of other people, in objective estimation of which educate is sure; scientific, cultural, technical achievements and examples of work demonstration and etc. A belief can be the base for being sure when making decisions during a subject's extreme activity.

Psychological-pedagogical and

acmeological conditions of a successful and effective persuasion include the following: personal assurance, connection with life, culture, physical and professional activity; distinctness, clarity, visualization, argumentativeness; professional competence, culture, emotional-volitional steadiness and etc.; taking into account the characteristics of audience, psychological, physical and

professional readiness of students, cadets and etc.;

The methods of behavior habits creation include the following: following the example, taking part in mutual work, exercise, trainings in a correct action, help in fulfilling an action, training, making demands, reminding, warning, enforcement and etc.

The methods of demanded behavior stimulation include the following: rivalry, competition, support, prospects

demonstration, trust advancing, demanding, approval, encouragement, disapproving, criticism, self-criticism, self-suggestion, punishment and also available for understanding behavior stereotypes training and their acceptance at different levels of personality development.

Each method has its own integrated complex methodical techniques.

System integrated methods of upbringing present difficult actions, which provide geopolitical, political, integral-psychological, pedagogical and social-economic measures application.

Effectiveness criteria of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing are the following:

— strategic, tactical upbringing aims achievement, which are connected with an integral and harmonious personality formation among youth, collective unity, which is seen in moral-psychological, spiritual-moral, physical state and the results of educational-psychological activity;

— prognostic upbringing work correspondence with the objective laws and regularities of upbringing, social-economic, juridical, sanitary-hygienic, ecological norms, solved objectives and needs of people;

— an optimal character of prognostic upbringing activity and the effectiveness of complex upbringing events, which means its productive model correspondence with the algorithm and technology;

— the level of professional mastery, culture and art of prognostic upbringing activity director, his personal role in the complete upbringing process organization, in educational-upbringing, scientific-

educational, sports-mass, cultural-educational problems solution.

Taking into account the effectiveness conditions of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing and its objective estimation in accordance with the mentioned criteria help to achieve high results in upbringing during the process of continuous education. In real practice it will provide the correspondence between a system upbringing work at the establishment and new solved objectives in professional sphere.

The algorithm of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing activity shows the succession of the following factors and conditions:

- real state analysis and estimation, contradictions revelation in an integral upbringing process, prediction and the ways of their solution determination;

- planning on the basis of the effective upbringing measures prediction (short-term, medium-term) and their realization in order to achieve the demanded upbringing influence, taking into account the influencing factors and conditions;

- conditions creation for an effective prognostic upbringing in the system of continuous education;

- monitoring, estimation and scientific prediction of the upbringing activity results and a system civilized integrated prognostic upbringing process correction.

A harmonious, integral personality development depends directly on the effectiveness of this process at all previous age, professional, cultural levels of individual, personal and subjective-activity-based characteristics formation of a developing person in a family, collective, scientific-educational, cultural, sport systems, where he studied and was brought up.

The main directions according to which system measures should be realized (geopolitical, political, juridical, social, economic, ecological), youth, families should be provided with help in order to decrease law-breaking, are the following:

- the system of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing and youth development improvement (management, organization,

content, activity of different educational establishments improvement);

- laws creation, which are directed at youth protection and law-breaking prevention;

- juridical and psychological help to young people in the questions of an effective use of juridical norms and laws;

- the most important world, Russian and ethnic values formation on spiritual-moral base, conditions creation for education, medical help, sport and tourism, housing improvement, getting a job;

- social-psychological and psychological-pedagogical help and support given to young people and families, general and professional culture formation, taking into consideration territorial, climatic, national-religious, gender and other peculiarities.

Taking into account the regularities of civilized integrated prognostic upbringing work should be realize by means of offering the block of interdisciplinary principles, methods, forms and means. It is important to provide a system combination of traditional and innovative upbringing principles, which are mentioned in terms of the revealed interdisciplinary regularities, demonstrated in modern practice of state creation and the life of the definite collective and a person.


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Author's information:

Nikolay I. Kalakov — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor «Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces Named After Peter the Great» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 8, Karbyshev str., Balashikha, 143900, Russia

Sergey D. Neverkovich - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, the Member of the Russian Academy of Education Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), 4, Sireneviy boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Kalakov N.I., Neverkovich S.D. Conception of civilized-integrated prognostic upbringing among youth in order to achieve the development peak of the Russian society universalization, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2018, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 60-70. DOI 10/14526/01 2018 286

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_287


Luydmila V. Moiseeva - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor

Ural State Pedagogical University, House 26, Kosmonavtov ave., Ekaterinburg, 620027, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Alexsandr E. Piratinskiy - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin, House 19, Mira str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Evgeniay M. Deynega - Graduate Student Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Policy Institute "Ural Federal University", House 19, Mira str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

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