Научная статья на тему 'Methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of educational establishments'

Methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of educational establishments Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / pedagogical innovation / the content of education / unit of information / innovative pedagogical technique / innovative pedagogical technology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Albert R. Baymurzin

In the theory and practice of pedagogical research and pedagogical activity there are often concepts of innovative pedagogical technique or innovative pedagogical technology. Answers to questions about the nature of innovation in pedagogy, the criteria of innovation, the period of time during which the pedagogical technique or technology can be considered innovative, relate to the methodology of modern pedagogy and will allow many researchers to have a scientifically sound base in the development and improvement of pedagogical techniques and technologies, including in the field of physical culture and sports. Materials. The article deals with the methodological foundations of pedagogical innovations formation in the activities of educational institutions. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific literature, system analysis, comparative analysis. Conclusion. The methodological foundations of modern pedagogy are constantly being improved, which allows many progressive teachers and researchers to form a clear idea of the "pedagogical innovation" concept, the stages of its formation and implementation in the practice of educational institutions pedagogical activity, including the University of physical culture and sports.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of educational establishments»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-147-152

Methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of

educational establishments

Albert R. Baymurzin*

Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-2745-5630, [email protected]*

Abstract: In the theory and practice of pedagogical research and pedagogical activity there are often concepts of innovative pedagogical technique or innovative pedagogical technology. Answers to questions about the nature of innovation in pedagogy, the criteria of innovation, the period of time during which the pedagogical technique or technology can be considered innovative, relate to the methodology of modern pedagogy and will allow many researchers to have a scientifically sound base in the development and improvement of pedagogical techniques and technologies, including in the field of physical culture and sports. Materials. The article deals with the methodological foundations of pedagogical innovations formation in the activities of educational institutions. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific literature, system analysis, comparative analysis. Conclusion. The methodological foundations of modern pedagogy are constantly being improved, which allows many progressive teachers and researchers to form a clear idea of the "pedagogical innovation" concept, the stages of its formation and implementation in the practice of educational institutions pedagogical activity, including the University of physical culture and sports.

Keywords: innovation, pedagogical innovation, the content of education, unit of information, innovative pedagogical technique, innovative pedagogical technology.

For citation: Albert R. Baymurzin*. Methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of educational establishments. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(1): 127-131. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-147-152


In the theory and practice of pedagogical research works and pedagogical activity we often meet the following notions: innovative pedagogical methodology or innovative pedagogical technology. The following questions become urgent: What is innovation in pedagogics? What are the criteria of innovativeness? During which time period pedagogical methodology or technology can be considered innovative? These questions concern the methodology of modern pedagogics. They will let many research workers have scientifically substantiated base during pedagogical methodologies and technologies creation and improvement, including the sphere of physical culture and sport.

The aim of the research: to create and substantiate methodological basis of pedagogical innovations in the activity of educational establishments.

Materials and methods

Information sources analysis, system analysis, comparative analysis.

"Innovatio" is translated as "in the direction of changes" [1,2]. Innovation is novelty or something new. It increases greatly the effectiveness of the existing system [1,2,3]. Pedagogical innovation means novelties introduced into practice of pedagogical activity. It increases greatly the effectiveness of the existing pedagogical system or create new pedagogical system. Pedagogical innovations can function in terms of the existing pedagogical system (intrasystem pedagogical innovations) or demand totally new change, even new pedagogical system creation (non-system pedagogical innovations).

Let's define 4 groups of innovative changes. They influence pedagogical systems:

• innovations in education content;

• innovations in teaching means and methods;

• innovations in motivation, the structure and content of cogitative and thinking based processes change, which concern a personality or a group;

• innovations in controlling means, methods and content of education;

Content of education is the range of information units, which are formed in the definite purposeful system [3,4,5].

Information unit means images, ideas, notions, laws on the basis of which communication is realized. Communication is information exchange through sign-symbolic systems creation and use. It conditions the interaction of a person with the world and other people during different experience contexts synthesis. Information units are not identical concerning the volume and content. They form the base for the knowledge. It is formed during communication. Knowledge is the result of information units system notion in a person's mind achieved during communication. Abilities and skills are the qualitative levels of knowledge use in practical activity.

In education content it is necessary to define the following groups of information units:

• basic general cultural information units form a person's world view;

• basic professional information units form knowledge about the basis of professional activity;

• specialized professional information units form special professional knowledge;

• prognostics basic or professional information units form the researching base during new and existing basic and professional knowledge creation and improvement [4,6,7,8]. Innovative teaching means and methods. Means show the instrument and the method shows how. In teaching means are the units of the transferred information. Method means the ways of information units transfer.

Innovations in teaching means:

• new or updated basic general cultural, basic professional, special professional and prognostic information units;

new or updated sign- symbolic systems of

information coding and decoding. Innovations in teaching methods:

• new or updated ways of information transfer;

• different technical equipment uses, which facilitate the opportunity to transfer information in a time unit. It involved more senses into work. Innovations in motivation, the structure and content of intellective and intellect based processes change. They concern a personality or a group:

• psychological techniques or ways of influence on a student's personality. They increase the needs and motives in education getting;

• intellective processes improvement (senses, perceptions, notions, thinking, memory);

• teaching the techniques of image thinking formation (conceptual construct and terminology), the techniques of logic, general philosophic, general scientific and partial-scientific methods of work with information;

• teaching personality new psychological techniques of controlling conscious and unconscious processes in a person's psyche;

Innovations in education means, methods and content management is the use of the existing pedagogical means and methods in different combinations in terms of the existing or created system of education:

• the content of the used means, methods of information units and the ways of psychological influence change;

• hierarchy change (mutual subordination, mutual dependence) between means, methods, information units and the ways of psychological influence;

• functions change between the elements of the existing system or elements functions distribution of a new pedagogical system [9,10]. Taking into consideration the logic of this methodological research, it becomes clear that a pedagogical innovation can't exist forever. It takes the definite time period. A pedagogical innovation should go through the definite stages of formation. Picture 1 presents these stages.


Picture 1. Stages of pedagogical innovation formation

Pedagogical innovation goes through the following stages of formation:

Creation. A teacher of teachers group uses its creative potential for a new pedagogical methodology or technology creation or for the existing pedagogical technology improvement. There are innovative changes in one or several of four mentioned above groups. The cycle of a new pedagogical innovation creation is started (picture 2).

Introduction. Innovative changes come into conflict with the existing limits of the pedagogical system. That is whyintroduction process is necessary.

This process faces the definite stable organizational-managerial traditions. They were formed in terms of the existing pedagogical system. That is why innovative processes will be restrained. The most difficult objective at this stage is to overcome inertness of administrative and management personnel. They have been working in terms of the efficient pedagogical system. Many, even the most progressive pedagogical innovations, stop existing at this stage. If administrative and management personnel support pedagogical innovation the cycle of innovation introduction starts in terms of the pedagogical system, according to picture 2.

Picture 2. Universal cycle of the innovation stages.

Improvement. Only at this stage we can state that the pedagogical innovation was fully realized. The most difficult stage of introduction is over. This stage is dedicated to the results of introduction reflexion. On the basis of this stage aims, plans, resources, stages and results of work after another cycle are specified according to picture 2. We can come to the conclusion that innovative pedagogical methodology is formed. It is possible that a teacher or the pedagogical group of teachers doesn't want to replicate the created methodology. It is a secret (methodology of training military men or highly-qualified athletes), in this case the pedagogical innovation stays on the level of innovative pedagogical methodology. Pedagogical methodology is considered innovative till more improved methodology appears or till its results stop influencing pedagogical system development - there is stagnation or pedagogical system regress [11,12].

Replication. Innovative pedagogical methodology transfers to the level of technology only after replication stage: progressive experience spread among other teachers. During progressive experience spread the definite standardized procedures are defined: process chart, methodological recommendations, methodical manuals and other methodical literature. Also master classes and other events for progressive pedagogical experience transfer to other teachers in terms of qualification improvement, seminars and conferences concerning progressive pedagogical experience sharing.

Pedagogical technology is innovative only in two cases:

• Pedagogical technology is successfully replicated among other teachers. Its introduction results improve or change the existing pedagogical systems.

• A teacher or a group of teachers constantly improve the pedagogical technology in terms of the existing educational system.

As soon as pedagogical system, where innovative pedagogical technology is used, has stagnation, innovative potential is considered exhausted [5].


Methodological basis of modern pedagogics are constantly developing. It allows many progressive teachers and research workers form a clear notion of "pedagogical innovation", the stages of its formation and its introduction into pedagogical activity of an educational establishment. It includes physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.


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Author's information:

Albert R. Baymurzin - Candidate of Pedagogics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow, Russia, 129226, Wilhelm Pieck str., House 4, Block 1, e-mail: [email protected]

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