Научная статья на тему 'Psycho-emotional climate of the organization as the most important condition for corporative culture formation at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment'

Psycho-emotional climate of the organization as the most important condition for corporative culture formation at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
psychological climate / psycho-emotional state / strategic management / corporate culture / physical culture and sport higher educational establishment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Albert A. Baymurzin

During different kinds of activity fulfillment each personality is in this or that psycho-emotional state. Collective is the community of people, who fulfill definite kind of activity in terms of organization, where each person projects own personal psycho-emotional state of the whole department and collective in general. As a result of the collective interaction during general problems solution psycho-emotional states of separate people can be neutralized by other members of the collective. In this case the effect of neutralization or the effect of resonance appears. Psycho-emotional state of the collective control is an important condition for an effective collective management at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment. Materials. The article presents conditions for a positive psycho-emotional climate of an organization formation as the main component for corporative culture of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment. Methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, system analysis, comparative analysis, documents analysis. Results. We defined the main factors, which influence positive mood of organization formation, by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment: the degree of workers’ satisfaction with own labor results, stage of life cycle in an organization, the level of corporate culture development in an organization. Conclusion. The results of the held research show that a positive psycho-emotional climate of the organization formation (mood of organization) is an important managerial objective during the strategy of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management creation and realization. It helps to achieve a new level of highly-qualified personnel training.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psycho-emotional climate of the organization as the most important condition for corporative culture formation at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-116-120

Psycho-emotional climate of the organization as the most important condition for corporative culture formation at physical culture and sport

higher educational establishment

Albert A. Baymurzin*

Russian State Social University, Russia, Moscow [email protected]*

Abstract: During different kinds of activity fulfillment each personality is in this or that psycho-emotional state. Collective is the community of people, who fulfill definite kind of activity in terms of organization, where each person projects own personal psycho-emotional state of the whole department and collective in general. As a result of the collective interaction during general problems solution psycho-emotional states of separate people can be neutralized by other members of the collective. In this case the effect of neutralization or the effect of resonance appears. Psycho-emotional state of the collective control is an important condition for an effective collective management at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment. Materials. The article presents conditions for a positive psycho-emotional climate of an organization formation as the main component for corporative culture of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment. Methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, system analysis, comparative analysis, documents analysis. Results. We defined the main factors, which influence positive mood of organization formation, by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment: the degree of workers' satisfaction with own labor results, stage of life cycle in an organization, the level of corporate culture development in an organization. Conclusion. The results of the held research show that a positive psycho-emotional climate of the organization formation (mood of organization) is an important managerial objective during the strategy of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management creation and realization. It helps to achieve a new level of highly-qualified personnel training.

Keywords: psychological climate, psycho-emotional state, strategic management, corporate culture, physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

For citation: Albert A. Baymurzin*. Psycho-emotional climate of the organization as the most important condition for corporative culture formation at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2018; 13 (4): 95-98. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-201813-4-95-100

During different kinds of activity fulfillment (labor, household, sports activity and etc.) each personality is in this or that psycho-emotional state. Psycho-emotional state is an integral characteristic of psychic activity within the definite time period [4]. This state can be both positive (joy, happiness, optimism) and negative (fear, anger, irritation). Collective as the community of people, who fulfill definite kind of activity in terms of organization (in our case- physical culture higher educational establishment), projects own personal psycho-emotional state on psycho-emotional state of the whole department and collective in general. As a result of the collective interaction during general problems solution psycho-emotional states of separate people can be neutralized by other members of the collective. In this case the effect of neutralization or the effect of resonance appears. Psycho-emotional state of the collective control is an important condition for an effective collective management at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

The aim ofthe research : to define the conditions for psyсho-emotional climate of the organization formation by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

The objectives of the research:

1. To define methodical basis of psycho-emotional climate of an organization creation by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

Professional Education

1. To define the conditions, which influence positive psycho-emotional climate of an organization formation by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment.

Materials and Methods

System analysis, comparative analysis, documents analysis.

During collective work in an organization there appears interaction between the members of labor collective. This interaction can have vertical character (between the boss and a worker) and horizontal character (between the workers of one or different structural departments) [3,5] (picture 1).


Picture 1 - Interaction between the workers in an organization

As a result of this interaction psycho-emotional climate of an organization is formed. It includes psycho-emotional state of each organization member, which forms psycho-emotional state of each department of an organization and psycho-emotional state of the departments forms psycho-emotional climate in an organization. Steady state of psycho-emotional climate in an organization is called the mood of organization [2]. The mood of organization is a composite psycho-emotional state of the collective members, reflected by so called psycho-emotional climate in an organization creation.

How to manage effectively psycho-emotional climate of an organization? How to create a steady positive mood in an organization?

An effective control over psycho-emotional state of a labor collective, department and a separate personality is possible. Management is realized through the mechanisms of corporate culture formation in an organization. Corporate culture is a methodological and technological instrument of the organization aims transfer through the mechanism of strategic introduction into personal, important aims of each worker, in order to make him understand the significance of own labor in terms of general-organizational aims and objectives realization. Creative labor of each organization member gives a synergic effect, increasing the efforts of each person in general aim of the organization achievement. Each member of the organization comes into psycho-emotional resonance with other members of labor collective, increasing the effect of labor interaction. All this makes a specialist fulfill his functions at a maximum possible level, solve the set problems and have the satisfaction of own activity results, labor of the colleagues and organization in general. Corporative culture is one of the basic parts of an effective conception realization of physical culture and sport higher educational

establishment strategic management [1].

Collective mood is more steady, it doesn't change quickly in contrast to individual mood, that is why it is more difficult to create collective mood [2,4]. The result of this is the process of collective mood transfer to higher educational establishment students and graduates through psycho-emotional state of staff and first of all the state of administrative-managerial and teaching staff.

During the period of studying at physical culture and sport higher educational establishment students' steady psycho-emotional state, knowledge, skills, abilities and professional competencies are formed. Moreover, in this psycho-emotional state a future specialist starts his labor activity, being the translator of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment corporative culture, where he studies [6].

We will define the main factors, which influence positive mood of organization formation, by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment:

• The degree of satisfaction with the results of own activity, which is stated by salary, the prospects of career growth, importance of the fulfilled work, time and resources expenditures, collective interaction and etc.

• The stage of an organization life cycle. The stage of growth and development is characterized by a high psycho-emotional increase; the stage of stabilization is characterized by positive psycho-emotional state preservation, the stage of stagnation and regress is characterized by negative psycho-emotional state. Methodology and technology of strategic management helps to form closed cycle of organization development: the stage of growth transfers into the stage of stabilization, at the stage of stabilization new reserves for the next stage are formed. That is why psycho-emotional climate (mood of the organization) can stay positive for a long time period [7,8].

• The level of corporate culture development in an organization. Corporate culture is a methodological and technological instrument of the organization aims transfer through the mechanism of strategic introduction into personal, important aims of each worker, in order to make him understand the significance of own labor in terms of general-organizational aims and objectives realization.


• Psycho-emotional climate is the condition for synergetic interaction between the members of a labor collective and the result of more effective set problems solution by each worker, structural department and organization in general.

• The main condition, which influences positive psycho-emotional climate of an organization formation, by the example of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment is the following: a person's satisfaction with the results of own activity, the stages of an organization life cycle and the level of corporative culture development.


The results of the held research show that a positive psycho-emotional climate of the organization formation (mood of organization) is an important managerial objective during the strategy of physical culture and sport higher educational establishment management creation and realization. It helps to achieve a new level of highly-qualified personnel training.


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Submitted: 31.10.2018 Author's information:

Albert R. Baymurzin* - Candidate of pedagogics, Russian State Social University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, Vilgelm Pik str., House 4, Block 1, e-mail: [email protected]*

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