Quvvatova M.H.
Termiz Davlat Pedadogoka institute o'qituvchi
Abdurahmonova D.N.
Termiz Davlat Pedadogoka instituti maktabgacha ta'limyo'nalishi 1-kurs magistranti
Annotatsiya. Mazkur maqolada maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarda kechadigan ayrim bilish jarayonlari ya'ni sezgi,idrok,taffakur,hissiyot kabi jarayonlar va ularda boradigan psixologik o 'zgarishlar yuzasidan qilinadigan ishlar haqida ma'lumotlar keltirilgan.Bundan tashaqari bilish jarayonlarini rivojlantirishning bir qancha usullaridan foydalanish borasidagi muhim masalalar ham keltirilgan.Bugungi kunda maktabgacha talim tarbiyalanuvchilarining intellektual salohiyatini rivojlantirish dolzarb masalalardan biri hisoblanadi.Shuningdek,intelektual salohiyatini shakllantirishning samarali usullarini ishlab chiqish borasidagi ayrim masalalar keltirib o 'tilgan.
Kalit so'zlar; Sezgi, idrok, taffakur, hissiyot, muommoli vaziyatlar, psixologik, rivojlanish, intelektual salohiyat.
Kuvvatova M. H.
of the Termez State Pedagogical Institute Abdurakhmanova D.N. 1st year undergraduate Termez State Pedagogical Institute direction of preschool education
Annotation. This article provides information about some of the cognitive processes occurring in preschool children, namely, processes such as intuition, perception, thinking, emotions, as well as psychological changes occurring in them.In addition, important issues related to the use of several methods for the development of cognitive processes are listed.Today, one of the urgent issues is the development of the intellectual potential ofpreschoolers.As well as the development of effective methods for the formation of intellectual potential, some questions were raised.
Keywords; intuition, perception, thinking, emotions, behavioral situations, psychological, development, intellectual abilities.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev on September 30, 2017 PF5198 - decree of the Republic of Azerbaijan "on measures to radically improve the organization and management system of preschool educational activities" was adopted, which included further expansion of state and non-state branches of preschool educational institutions, creation of conditions for the formation of a healthy competitive environment between state and non-state preschool educational institutions, introduction of new forms of preschool educational institutions, The main goal is to ensure the effective organization of the activities of the Ministry of preschool education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In children of Preschool Development age, development is high and accelerated in all areas of cognitive processes.Because the child will have acquired and must have acquired about 70% of the knowledge that he must acquire during his life from birth until he enters the age of 5 years.This is achieved mainly by the child's study of the objects around him,his interest in the environment,his attitude towards them.During this period, the child will be in a strange interest in any object or phenomenon unfamiliar to him.At the same time especially when distinguishing colors and the main features of them in some processes associated with it, these interests increase even more.These processes seem like a universal phenomenon for them.During this period, the correct answer by the educator to their questions in relation to the child is an important factor in the further formation of intellectual potential and imagination in them, not only by the educator, but also by parents, a rational answer to the child.Interest in children occurs primarily through intuition,sees,touches with his hand,and begins to perceive.
Naturally this process, the phenomenon begins to awaken strangers and interest in them.This will definitely cause interest and questions. This process begins to motivate the child to reflect on himself. A child's taffakur has a positive effect on the psychological and physiological development that takes place in it.Any event or event,unfamiliar objects do not always have a positive effect on the child. It is in such situations that we can face treatment situations. The extent to which the character of the educator creativeness has developed is especially evident when dealing with such treatment situations,in processes such as giving the child the right direction the right information
Important indicators in the development of cognitive processes of preschool children should always be in control of the educator lozim.Va at the level of any change in these indicators should be carried out directly with parents.Intuition-the external and internal environment of an individual is the perception of changes through various organs of taste in systems such as vision,hearing,tam cognition,body intuition,smell cognition.The child is faced with different circumstances in the preschool organization, which is studying until he gets out of school.He tries to taffakur himself until he has reached his senses.First place ensuring the socialization of children brings the child to the surface his lightness in the process of communication, that is, he can freely ask the educator about anything and phenomenon that is abstract to him.This means that children need to form an environment in which they are not afraid to ask and their feelings of reluctance are
overcome.The correct formation of the world of the child taffakur guarantees that the information given to him is more simple to convey in accordance with his age, and their structure in a way closer to the appearance of the game will be more effective.
Of course any activity during the transition to work taking into account the age possibilities of children is one of the most important tasks in the formation of pisichic cognitive processes in them.Especially these processes ensure that the result expected to be carried out in a playful way is effective. A.P.Usova said: "to properly organize the life and activities of children is to educate them properly. The play form of child rearing is therefore effective in that a child in the play does not learn to live, but lives his own life". The right choice of games is also important.
For the effective development of cognitive abilities in preschool children aged 4-5 years, in accordance with their personal interests
• games to determine the connection of objects with each other (for example, find the missing element in the mosaic)
• • games to compare the shapes of objects (compare Cube and ball, find similarities and differences)
• games to compare the sizes and lengths of objects
• games with pictures for comparison (find the same things, find the differences)
• games for spatial thinking (determine who is behind, who is ahead, who is right and left in the picture)
• games to connect points to a picture, find a way out of the maze
• games to form the ability to agree on horse and quality
• color learning games
In the development of cognitive processes in children 5-7 years old, it is carried out in a slightly complicated order from the existing games above.At this age, the development of the cognitive abilities of a preschool child is largely consistent with the goal of implementation through experience and experiments. The child should learn to draw conclusions, as well as predict certain results. It is for the purpose of teaching such skills to a child that such lessons should be carried out. In addition, at this age, Games aimed at finding non-standard solutions and the manifestation of creative abilities are very useful. Especially in connection with the formation of basic moral values in a child, during this period it is very useful to show him films or cartoons that promote certain values. The same applies to science books. Practical use of cognitive tasks in educational gaming activities as a means of shaping the intellectual abilities and skills of preschool children V.V.Ageyeva, I.Y.Lerner, T.V.Napolnova, V.G.Occupies one of the leading places in the works of the Razumovsky. The term "cognitive task" is used when the process of cognition has a relatively independent purpose. In cognitive activity, various tasks are distinguished: sensory, mnemonic, speech and mental.The defining role of thought in cognition has led to a more narrow meaning of the concept of "Duty". Depending on what and how she expresses in the preschool age period, they try to
convey how she perceives reality in the universe, the originality of her memory, imagination and thinking, the tassurotes and knowledge she receives from the universe through pictures. In conclusion, the cognitive task is to increase the cognitive activity of preschool children, to achieve an increase in the level of worldview formation based on certain recommendations, to teach educators to independent, creative thinking, to a deeper understanding of the essence of the issues under study. The child acquires the skills of entering the competition through actions with things from the age of 1 to 3 years.Along with this, the game serves as the most important tool in the development and improvement of the child's movements.We know that the game is a real life for the child because the life of the child is closely related to the game.
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