Nasimova N.K. doctoral student Bukhara State University
Annotation. Today, working with a unique methodical, pedagogical, psychological preparation in improving the content of preschool education has become the norm of the time. Because the improvement of the content of preschool education is a broad concept, and its effective implementation requires the condition of the building of the preschool educational organization, the participation of teachers-pedagogues, assistant educators, parents and children in the educational process should be innovative. requires. The article provides information about the role of games in the development of basic competencies of preschool children.
Keywords: Competence approach, child, competence, developmental centers, basic competence, didactic game, education.
Enriching the quantity and quality of pedagogical-psychological, methodological, fiction literature, suitable and specific literature for each age group in the process of a competency-based approach based on the "State requirements for the development of children of primary and preschool age" and "The First Step". "The state curriculum is also an important issue. The organization of educational and developmental play centers that encourage children to think while playing, the involvement of parents and the public in coordinating their activities and other similar factors increase the content of preschool education.
Over the past short time, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the preschool education system in 2017-2021", "Measures to radically improve the management of the preschool education system", "On the organization of activities of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan", as well as "Programs for further improving the preschool education system for 2017-2021" and on the basis of the "Road Map" for further development, unprecedented work is being carried out. improving the preschool education system in the republic. The economic power of each country and the rise in the level of social and spiritual life are determined by the competitiveness of the education system and the development of science.
Therefore, in the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the priority is to radically improve the education sector, improve the quality of education, form a generation with intellectual potential, physical fitness, and in-depth training in specific sciences. The objectives were to train qualified personnel for various sectors of the economy, and it was planned
to create an education system that could ultimately meet the requirements of today's era.
In order to achieve the quality and efficiency of pre-school education, it is important to organize meaningful and interesting daily activities of children, use their free time effectively, determine their abilities and bring a creative approach to the process accordingly. Adapting the activities and resources for children to the needs of children and society is an appropriate process. For this reason, the competency approach in pre-school education is an important issue.
Competency approach in preschool education means preparing children for use in familiar or unfamiliar situations encountered in everyday life through knowledge acquired in educational organizations. Competency approach to education of preschool children is to prepare the growing child's personality for life, mastering the moral standards and values necessary for solving important life issues, communicating with other people, "I" in it provides preparation for the formation of methods of activity related to the construction of the image.
Preschool education lays the foundation for the development of the child's basic competencies. It develops in later stages of education and throughout life. The state curriculum is based on the competency approach. It is aimed to develop the competencies formed in various children's activities during the pre-school education and upbringing period.
Competence is the totality of a child's knowledge, skills, abilities and values.
A literate child can mobilize and apply his knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific situation, achieve his goals and solve age-appropriate tasks at each stage of development.
Competency approach in education of preschool children is aimed at forming children's ability to effectively respond to cognitive needs, problems and opportunities, developing moral norms and values, communicating with other people, personal ("I" concept) includes the formation of
Basic competences of a child of preschool age (6-7 years old).
• Communicative.
• Social.
• Personal (building the concept of "I").
• Knowing.
The child's competencies are determined in the following areas of child development:
• physical development and formation of a healthy lifestyle;
• socio-emotional development;
• speech, communication, reading and writing skills;
• development of cognitive process;
• creative development.
It is known that the game occupies the main place in the activity of a child who first steps on the threshold of a preschool educational organization. The game
is their favorite pastime, and they try to combine any activity with the game. Therefore, a skilled educator allows to increase the efficiency of the educational process by using it for the purpose, without squeezing their favorite pastime - the game.
Play is an integral part of a child's life. Through the game, the child gets acquainted with the environment, natural phenomena, landscapes, objects, plants, animals.
Didactic game is a method of education that matches the age characteristics and mental abilities of preschool children. An experienced educator uses this game to mix inactive children into a team, to carry out various plans and tasks without fear. A didactic game is a practical activity for children, because in it children use the knowledge they have acquired during training. From this point of view, didactic game strengthens children's intellectual activities, creates living conditions for them to use the knowledge they have acquired in various ways.
Didactic games can be organized in different ways. Dolls, toys, pictures and handouts, various geometric shapes can also be used.
According to the purpose of didactic games, it includes 4 factors: 1. Task of the game. 2. Movement of the game. 3. The rule of the game. 4. The end of the game.
In the modern conditions of the reform of the preschool education system, the status of the educator is changing radically, his educational functions, accordingly, his professional and pedagogical competence, and the requirements of his professional skill level are changing. Today, in the modern system of upbringing and development of a preschool child, a creative and skilled teacher is required, who is able to develop the skills of mobilizing his personal potential.
In conclusion, it should be said that currently didactic games play a special role in the development of basic competencies of preschool children. The correct and effective use of didactic games aimed at expanding the worldview of children educated in preschool educational organizations, strengthening their knowledge, forming their creative thinking, and expanding their imagination is an important tool in forming the necessary abilities of children.
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