Muhammadiyeva F. T.
Termez State Pedagogical Institute
Annotation. In this article we can learn about the development of cognitive processes in preschoolers and what to pay more attention to in this development.
Key words: cognition, mental, cognitive, mental, intellectual, intuition, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech, imagination, emotion, will, etc.
Cognition - the process of psychic reflection, provides for the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge, interest in knowledge - the product of mental intellectual sensations, which is manifested as a person's need to know the tevarak-the surrounding world. In preschool children, the development of intuition, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech, fantasy, emotion and will is accelerated. The child cannot yet distinguish colors well from each other. It is advisable to give him toys, colored clothes, colored folk, boxes and similar toys that will help him know the difference in colors. Although preschool children are based on their conspicuous signs (color and shape) in the perception of various things, but cannot analyze in depth. Children of preschool age will have the ability to analytically perceive pictures with the help of adults. When children perceive pictures, adults should be taught to analyze them with different questions. In this, basically, children's attention:
1. To correctly perceive the content (plot) of the photo;
2. To correctly perceive the place of each described thing in the general view of the photo;
3. It is necessary to focus on the correct perception of the relationship between the described things.
Attention is a constant companion of any of our activities. Therefore, the importance of attention in a person's life is greater than benihoya. The attention of preschool children will be largely involuntary. The game is of great importance for the growth of voluntary attention in preschool children. During the game, children gather their attention in one place and, on their own initiative, advance certain goals.
The memory of a child at this age will go to improvement on the basis of new activities and new requirements that the child sets for himself. The memory of preschool children is characterized by being visual, figurative. The child is more dominated by involuntary memorization and involuntary recall. The child
will repeat the words without any meaning. But later, under the influence of adults, voluntary memorization also gradually begins to develop.
A three-year-old child is able to keep his impressions remembered for several months. Memory growth is facilitated by games, various activities, memorizing poetry, telling fairy tales and stories, and conducting observation work during walks. Children of this age can easily remember both new words and even words in foreign languages. But, although children easily remember the material, they do not understand the meaning of many well and find it difficult to use them in speech. The task of adults is not only to make children remember as many words and visions as possible, but to achieve the acquisition of various knowledge that is understandable, useful to them. Children use this kind of knowledge in their games, paintings, conversations with teachers or adults, knowledge that serves for their mental and moral growth.
The thinking of preschool children and its development has its own peculiarity. Thinking begins to develop very quickly during the preschool age of the child. The birth of questions about each area in preschool children testifies to the fact that their thinking is being activated. When a child cannot find an answer to his question or adults do not pay attention to his question, the curiosity in it begins to fade.
Usually, any thought process arises due to surprise, surprise from something and, as a result, the birth of various questions. Many parents and some caregivers, if the children ask more questions, «don't be too mahmudana» and «Where Did you learn such things», become rich. As a result, the child will kiss and try to understand as much as he knows. Some reluctant children do not ask any questions. Such children should also be asked questions by the adults themselves in various activities and trips, thereby activating them.
Any thinking usually begins with comparing, analyzing and synthesizing something. That is why we call this comparison, analysis and synthesis a contemplative process. Trips help to activate and develop the thought process in children. Children compare different things with each other on trips to nature, strive for analysis and synthesis.
Since adults are engaged in the cultivation of children's speech, they should not forget that children of preschool age in some cases cannot fully perceive their own speech qualities. In addition, the ability to distinguish complex speech sounds in children from each other is also a buladi, which has not yet been fully improved. One of the most important conditions for correcting language fluency is to speak fluent language, fully and correctly pronouncing it with a child. Therefore, it is advisable if the above mentioned recommendations are followed in the development of cognitive processes of preschool children.
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"Экономика и социум" №5(120)-1 2024