позволяют нам рассматривать готовность педагогов ДОО к проектированию образовательной профориентационной среды как личностное качество, включающее комплекс профессиональных, знаний, умений и навыков, поддающихся критериальной оценке. Что дает снование рассматривать данный вид готовности с позиции личностно-ориентированной парадигмы в качестве важнейшей образовательной компетенции профессионала. Необходимо также отметить, что в современных условиях любая структура, в том числе личностная структура готовности педагогов ДОО к проектированию образовательной профориентационной среды, трансформируется, совершенствуется и изучается, в связи с чем, дальнейшим направлением нашей деятельности является определение диагностического инструментария по выявлению описанных ранее компонентов.
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UDC 378.172
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education «Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University» (Magnitogorsk); candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Akmanova Zoya Sergeyevna
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education «Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University» (Magnitogorsk)
Annotation. The article deals with the actual methods of teaching English to computer science and economics students. The authors consider in detail the essence of interactive teaching methods and their place in the system of modern teaching English methods. During the study the authors used the theoretical analysis method of scientific and methodical literature, methods of generalization, synthesis and comparison. It was found that the most effective methods of interactive learning in higher education are: business and simulation games, the method of cases, the method of role-playing, the method of projects. The rules and requirements for the organization of interactive lessons are described. The results of the study confirm the important role of interactive methods in the process of learning English. The researched methods can be used in the organization of students' learning process of both technical and humanities specialties.
Key words: communication skills, technical university student, professional image, general professional competences, technical university, professional English language.
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются актуальные методики обучения английскому языку студентов обучающихся по специальности «информатика и экономика». Авторы подробно рассматривают сущность интерактивных методов обучения, которые и их место в системе современных методов обучения английскому языку. В ходе исследования авторами использовался метод теоретического анализа научной и методической литературы, методы обобщения, синтеза и сравнения. Установлено, что наиболее эффективными методами интерактивного обучения в высшей школе выступают: деловая и имитационные игры, метод кейсов, метод ролевой игры, метод проектов. Описаны правила и требования для организации интерактивных занятий. Результаты исследования подтверждают важную роль использования интерактивных методов в процессе обучения английскому языку. Исследуемые методы могут быть использованы при организации процесса обучения студентов как технических, так и гуманитарных специальностей.
Ключевые слова: интерактивные методы, метод кейсов, игровые методы, работа в группах, командная работа, имитационные игры, студенты направления «информатика и экономика», английский язык.
Introduction. In today's rapidly changing world, with its transforming technologies and demands on workers, one cannot get a profession once and for the entire life, such a specialist will be in little demand in the market, will not be able to join the work collective of a modern enterprise, and his/her career trajectory will be limited to one workplace and a position corresponding to the narrow specialization he/she has mastered in the university. Changing the vector of the educational process from knowledge-based approach to practice-oriented approach to the results of the educational process inevitably led to the problem of learning technologies and methods, which will achieve this practice-oriented approach.
Active and interactive forms and methods of learning play a primary role in achieving these goals. The tasks of the university today are to teach students to learn, to be flexible in the educational field and in their professional environment. Employers value communication and analytical skills, teamwork, technical skills and work etiquette in employees. Such a specialist will not only quickly join any workforce, but also quickly learn any functionality necessary in the given conditions, and this qualitatively affects the work of the organization and its final profit.
The purpose of the article. The purpose of this research work is to consider and analyze the actual interactive methods of teaching English to computer science and economics students, identify the essence of interactive teaching methods and their place in the system of modern methods of teaching English and determine the most effective methods of interactive teaching English in higher education.
Presentation of the main material of the article. Higher education institutions, knowing and understanding these trends, pay more attention to the formation of students' flexible skills, but most often it occurs in the humanities disciplines cycle, without reference to professional activities. In turn, most of the professional disciplines are taught using traditional teaching methods and teachers rely on the methods of individual work of students, which leads to a kind of dissonance: the student knows and understands the need to form communication skills, their necessity in the modern community, but does not know how to apply them in the work environment, because they do not practice them in practice. Thus, in the educational process of the university, in the study of the English language should appear such tactics and strategies that will allow students to actively interact with each other, work in a team, cooperate in the implementation of tasks, be active and independent in decision-making and learn how to apply communicative skills in the work environment. This can be achieved by using interactive teaching methods in the process of professional training.
Interactive methods of training in the educational process are based on dialogue forms of interaction between students and teachers, so professional competence students receive through live communication and exchange of professional ideas with each other in English. This will allow computer science and economics students to enrich the social and professional experience, to establish interpersonal communication within the student group, to awaken interest in learning, to develop independence in decision-making. Interactive teaching methods are most consistent with a student-centered approach, since they involve collective co-learning, collaborative learning, teamwork, and both the student and the teacher are subjects of the educational process [1].
The teacher more often acts only as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the group and the creator of the conditions for student initiative. Interactive learning is based on the students' own experience, their direct interaction with the area of mastered English communication skills and professional experience. Learning with the use of interactive educational technologies implies some logic of the educational process that is different from the usual one: not from the theory to practice, but from the formation of new experience to its theoretical understanding through application.
It should be noted that there are requirements and principles of organization for conducting lessons in an interactive form, such as: a lesson is a common work where all participants are equal regardless of age, social status, experience, place of work. All participants in the classes have the right to their own opinion on any issue. The work done in an interactive format in the classroom is not a guide to action, but information for reflection. Getting started with interactive tasks, you need to familiarize yourself with the algorithm for its implementation. The first stage is the preparation of the lesson. The curator or teacher selects a topic, situation, defines definitions, be sure to pay attention to the fact that all terms, concepts, etc. must be understood by all students in the same way. The teacher also selects a specific form of interactive lesson that can be effective for working with this topic in this group.
When developing an interactive lesson, we recommend that you pay special attention to the following points: the participants in the lesson, the choice of topic, the age of the participants, their interests, future specialty, the time frame for the lesson, whether classes on this topic were held in this student group before, the interest of the group in this lesson. Implementing an interactive lesson, the following conditions must be observed: the goal of the lesson must be clearly defined, handouts prepared, technical equipment provided, participants identified, main questions identified, their sequence, practical examples from life selected. The things which should be prepared for each lesson are: clarification of the problems to be solved, the designation of the prospects for the implementation of the acquired knowledge, the definition of a practical block [11].
Handouts are also prepared in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the interactive lesson, which include a curriculum, handouts adapted to the student audience, the materials must be structured and it is possible to use graphs, illustrations, diagrams, symbols. There is a great variety of interactive teaching methods, and classifying them can be divided into three types: training, game and discussion methods. Since training methods require special training and qualification of a psychologist from a teacher, we will not consider them in detail in this paper, let's dwell on game and discussion methods.
The most effective interactive methods of education in professional training of students in "informatics and economics" are business and simulation games, business games are models of professional situations, and the task of students is to find new ways to solve them in a dense dialog interaction with each other. Business game allows replacing the work on abstract training tasks by the solution of quasi-professional tasks. The application of various simulation and business games in the process of professional training allows informatics and economics students to form a collective opinion in students, to develop communicative abilities, skills of professional communication, productive interaction and cooperation, ability to work in a team.
The Russian educational system has already come close to implementing innovative technologies and methods in the educational process on a wide scale, one of which is the case-method. Case-method is an innovative method of teaching in higher education institution which takes into account all peculiarities of the "Foreign language" subject and forms necessary knowledge, abilities and skills. The case-method is aimed at solving a certain problem, but this problem is not given in a ready-made form, but is formulated by the teacher, based on the conditions of a real learning situation, which allows the teacher-professional to determine the problem when organizing the process of teaching a language aspect or type of communication.
The introduction of the case method into the educational process contributes to the acquisition of students' group work skills in cooperation and interaction, with the opportunity to express and defend their positions in the group [5]. The main sources of teaching and learning case-study is the process of teaching foreign languages and by the degree of impact of the main sources are practical reflecting absolutely real life situations, teaching or task - training and research focused on the implementation of research activities. Case method as a component of the content of methodological competence is a method for training language students to organize the process of mastering a foreign language, because it allows to form the ability to analyze the situation, plan the strategy and make decisions, develop skills for creative teaching, constructing the logic of teaching and educational processes, solving difficulties and problems, the methods of independent and mobile pedagogical solutions. Case is a real or close to real situation describing some professional problem, the aim of students, working in a group, to analyze it, to determine the essence of the problem, to offer variants of solution and to choose the best of the presented ones. The method of cases allows informatics and economics students to develop critical and creative thinking of students, the ability to plan, organize the activities of all participants of the creative group [7].
Working in small groups as an interactive teaching method contributes to the improvement of students' skills in business communication, cooperation, cohesion, allows you to identify potential leaders and develop leadership qualities among students in a group. In the course of work, all students of a small group take part in joint activities, set goals and objectives, independently choose methods and ways to solve them, analyze the results obtained. The teacher's role is advisory, and he also acts as an expert in evaluating the decisions made by the group. One example of the application of interactive methods in an English class for computer science and economics students is a small group image-making activity.
The professional activity of creating an image that has specified properties as well as transforming an existing image in order to achieve the goals set forth is called image-making. Imagemaking is a series of deliberately constructed behaviors". By shaping their image as a form of self-presentation, students work in small groups and develop an image model about presenting themselves to other collaborators [6]. Students create conditions for managing the impression of themselves to other people through various behavioral strategies leading to the presentation of their external image to other people needed in specific professional and social situations. The student to whom the image is created will be referred to as the person being imaged. The recipient of the image is the subject for whom the image is created and in the perception of whom it exists. If the image is created for a social group, such a group
is called the audience of the image. In the course of applying interactive image-making methods, students successfully form a universally applicable pattern in English [3].
The project method of teaching has received the greatest distribution in universities at the moment. A student project is a set of actions organized by a teacher and developed by students, which, in the process of implementation, lead to a finished product, with its further public defense. The project method allows students to share their knowledge, integrate it from various subject areas, put it into practice and transform it taking into account the specifics of the project [9]. This contributes to the accumulation of professional experience of students. The more relevant and developed the project is, the more chances it has for subsequent implementation. In this method, students independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources; learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems; acquire communication skills by working in different groups; develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, communicate); develop systems thinking. The implemented student projects indicate a high level of training at the university and a high level of development of a number of competencies in a graduate, which makes him more attractive to employers.
Conclusions. In order to successfully introduce interactive teaching methods in the professional training of informatics and economics students, it is necessary to follow some rules and requirements concerning the organization of lessons at university, to implement interactive teaching methods, all students should be immersed in the learning process; it is necessary to competently immerse students in interactive lessons, using specialized warm-ups and inclusion techniques; for maximum effectiveness of interactive lessons the student group should be followed.
It should be taken into account that the effectiveness of interactive lessons will be reduced if some students are not prepared for interactive interactions, with the presence of a sense of constraint and insecurity, lack of motivation to solve the tasks set. To increase the effectiveness of lessons all participants should know the content and specificity of the proposed tasks, developed a strategy of action leading to a high result. Interactive lessons do not fully reflect real working conditions; therefore, faced with specific labor difficulties in life, students may experience a lack of time and knowledge to solve them. A large amount of time spent on certain tasks, the uneven distribution of the load among students and at different stages of work, can lead to a loss of interest for some students and distraction of attention.
To prevent these shortcomings, it is necessary to monitor the readiness of the subjects of the educational process to use interactive methods, their possession of communicative competencies, knowledge of the technology of conducting interactive lessons, and the level of professional training. The condition for effective learning is a combination of traditional intensive teaching methods with the use of a number of modern interactive methods in teaching practice, which focus on the personality of the student, a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other.
Interactive lessons contribute to the development of students' communication skills, stimulate interest in teamwork, develop critical thinking and analytical skills, and develop an active life position. Thus, in the context of the development of an industrial society and interactive relationships, the transition to the format of the information society, which makes it possible to implement such relationships, it is important to effectively use interactive teaching methods that will prepare qualified, competitive, educated, intellectually developed specialists.
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