Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-01/ Дата публикации: 28.02.2021 УДК 372.881.111.1
Д. В. Агальцова, Н. С. Ильющенко
Применение технологии WebQuest в процессе преподавания профессионального английского языка (на примере Marketing Mix Model WebQuest)
Сегодня главной задачей преподавателей стал поиск образовательных технологий, направленных не только на усвоение обучающимися определенной суммы знаний, но и на развитие их личностных, созидательных и познавательных способностей. Одной из концепций, позволяющих поддерживать такой баланс при обучении профессиональному английскому языку, является проведение интерактивных занятий в сети Интернет с использованием технологии WebQuest в университетах и высших учебных заведениях.
На основе веб-квеста «Marketing Mix Model WebQuest» на факультете «Социальных наук и массовых коммуникаций» в Финансовом университете при правительстве РФ была проведена серия интерактивных занятий в рамках дисциплины «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» в 2 группах (контрольной и экспериментальной) по 22 студента в каждой. Целью исследования было определить эффективность использования веб-квеста «Marketing Mix Model WebQuest» в процессе обучения профессиональной английской терминологии. В рамках применения технологии WebQuest, студентам экспериментальной группы была предложена проектная деятельность по изучению "Marketing Mix Model", которая включала в себя ряд интерактивных заданий на аудирование, работу с лексикой и письмо.
Результаты проверочной работы по теме "Marketing Mix Model" и расчет критерия t-Стьюдента показали, что экспериментальная группа справилась с работой лучше контрольной. Среднее значение составило 74,32 баллов в контрольной группе и 81.95 баллов в экспериментальной. Эмпирическое значение t-критерия Стьюдента - 3.94. Уровень значимости p < 0,001. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что внедрение модели Marketing Mix Model WebQuest способствовало более интенсивному участию в процессе обучения обучающихся, что позволило повысить эффективность восприятия и запоминания учебного материала, а также использовать интерактивную среду обучения для решения профессиональных задач, что особенно актуально для преподавания профессионального иностранного языка.
Ключевые слова: технология WebQuest, интерактивные занятия, профессиональная терминология, современные технические средства
Ссылка для цитирования:
Агальцова Д. В., Ильющенко Н. С. Применение технологии WebQuest в процессе преподавания профессионального английского языка (на примере Marketing Mix Model WebQuest) // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 1 (49). С. 440-449. doi: 10.32744/ pse.2021.1.30
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-01/ Accepted: 25 January 2021 Published: 28 February 2021
D. V. Agaltsova, N. S. Ilyuschenko
Applying Marketing Mix Model WebQuest in professional English teaching
Today, a serious problem of teachers has been the search for educational technologies aimed not only at assimilating students a certain amount of knowledge, but also at developing their personal, creative and cognitive abilities. One of the concepts that allow teachers to maintain such a balance in teaching professional English in universities and higher education institutions proved to be the WebQuest interactive activities on the Internet with the help of Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology.
Based on the "Marketing Mix Model WebQuest", a series of interactive lessons in the framework of the course 'English for professional purposes' was conducted in 2 groups (control and experimental) of 22 students each at the faculty of "Social Sciences and Mass Communications" in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to teach the students professional English terminology and topics through interactive activities on the Internet. Using WebQuest technology, students were asked to listen to foreign speech, adapt it in accordance with their level of perception, adjust the sound speed by breaking phrases into separate words and comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words.
The results of the study and t-Student criterion calculation showed that the experimental group did better than the control one. Mean value of control group came up to 74,32 points whereas of experimental group - to 81,95 points. The significance level of t-Student test made p < 0,001. The results obtained indicate that the implementation of Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology facilitated a more intensive participation in the learning process of students, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material, as well as to use an interactive learning environment to solve professional problems, which is especially important for teaching a professional foreign language.
Keywords: WebQuest technology, interactive activities, professional terminology, modern technical means
For Reference:
Agaltsova, D. V., & Ilyuschenko, N. S. (2021). Applying Marketing Mix Model WebQuest in professional English teaching. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 49 (1), 440-449. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.1.30
here is no doubt that foreign languages are one of the priority subjects in modern higher education. Without the knowledge of foreign languages, it's impossible to be a professional in any field as one should keep track of the modern learning approaches and achievements. A characteristic feature of the present stage of teaching languages is motivation of students through digitization of modern gadgets. Teachers are looking for more favorable conditions for practicing learners' language skills and selecting the teaching methods that would allow everyone to identify the sphere of his or her interest and reveal imagination and creativity.
The introduction of new information technologies is attracting an increasing number of digitalization supporters. Technology has become an integral part of students' learning and lives. Interactive methods represent not only modern technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process of the XXI century.
Nowadays great attention is paid to the foreign language learning process, many methods are being developed. One of the main directions of using information and communication technology (ICT) when teaching foreign languages in universities is the implementation of their didactic capabilities which helps to carry out automated control and self-control of learning results, computer visualization of foreign language information by the visual representation of lexical, grammatical and phonetic material, immediate feedback between the learner and the learning tool in an interactive foreign-language dialogue in the process of forming significant skills to carry out informational tasks for the collection, storage, transmission and replication of educational foreign-language information; develop speech activity competence (reading, speaking, listening and writing) [7].
At the same time, it should be noted that the use of various ICT tools provides an opportunity to simultaneously influence different channels of perception by using text, graphics, sound and animation which facilitates the assimilation of educational material, intensifies the learning process, frees up learning time for self-study and independent study of educational foreign language material, etc.
Today interactive games and WebQuests are known to be one of the most effective ways of learning languages. Interactive learning is incredibly effective because each student is actively participating in the game, namely the process of cognition. An interactive technique allows to make the learning process livelier and exiting for both the teacher and the student. Interestingly, it is impossible for one participant in the educational process to dominate another. WebQuest involves an interactive game with a large number of fascinating challenging tasks, logical puzzles and tests, in which there are elements of risk and the spirit of competition. There is no doubt that WebQuest helps students establish successful teamwork, create mutual cooperation, distribution of duties and interchangeability. The example of this kind of activity was organized by authors with junior year students of "Social Sciences and Mass Communications" in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is one of the most popular analyses under Marketing Analytics which helps organizations estimate the effects spent on different forms of advertising (TV, Radio, Print, Online Ads, etc.) as well as other factors (competition, inflation, unemployment, etc.) on sales. That is why it is learned in almost all curriculums with this specialty. The main idea in MMM use is learning how to develop a strategy that
will increase the perceived value of the product and increase the company's long-term profit. This can be achieved with optimizing their marketing investments spent in different marketing mediums (both online and offline). And in spite of many attempts to modernize MMM since it was developed in 1949. Its use is a problem in business research nowadays. And that is why specialists that can provide MMM services are in demand.
Modern research emphasizes the need to use ICT tools in the process of organizing and conducting WebQuests, which allow to improve the competence of a future professional, who in turn will allow specialists to remain competitive in a rapidly changing informational environment [7; 17].
_Theoretical background
Our research suggests that the implementation of Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology in foreign language learning process provides successful results in professional English studying through a more complex and in-depth process learning in an informational and educational environment.
Quite often the plot of WebQuests echoes the plot of popular films and books, so that participants can easily plunge into the necessary atmosphere. From fun interactive lessons to virtual tours, today there are many interesting technical tools that can be used in learning languages. The introduction of these innovations in the curriculum will not only help students learn English, but will increase their motivation to learn.
Interactive technology in the educational process as a concept has appeared relatively recently. A major role in this was played by computer games of the Quest genre, the main idea of which was to search for solutions to logical problems by interacting with the surrounding environment.
The English word Quest means "search, subject of searches, search for adventures", which in folklore was a trip of characters to a specific goal through logical chains of decisions and overcoming numerous obstacles. As a rule, the heroes during their wanderings met various characters who either helped them or interfered (The Labours of Hercules, the Myth of Perseus, etc.). Modern educational quests are aimed at studying certain grammatical and lexical topics in a playful way.
A WebQuest, which was originally created by Bernie Dodge, a professor of educational technology at the University of San Diego (USA) and Tom March, an English teacher at the California Poweway School, is an "inquiry-oriented" lesson on the web. It was "designed to support the learners' levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation". March introduced the definition of a WebQuest as a "research activity in which part or all of the information that students interact with comes from resources on the Internet ..." [5].
Dodge's definition has been refined over the years and adapted to various disciplines. Professor Philip Benz (the owner of the site for students and teachers of the English Multiverse) describes WebQuest as follows: "WebQuest is a constructivist approach to learning. Students not only collect and systematize the information that they found on the Internet, they focus their activities on the specific goal that they are given, often associated with one or more roles modeled for adult professions" [2].
Since 1995, Dodge and March have been structuring a new type of training activity, along with the development of key attributes of WebQuests, as one of the strategies for successfully integrating Internet resources into the educational process. The authors' goal
was to develop critical thinking skills, student motivation, excitement in a match game. It is the process of the game, whether it be a computer or real life, that has become the starting point, which has become very popular in pedagogy [5]. Since Bernie Dodge developed his model in 1995, many teachers have contributed to both theory and practice of WebQuest.
The structure of WebQuests has undergone significant changes and is now being developed in accordance with the needs and learning styles of a specific target group. Quests can be used at different levels of training in the educational process. They can cover a single topic, the entire academic subject, and can be interdisciplinary. The advantage of quest lessons is the use of active teaching methods. It can be designed for both group and individual work.
The main advantages of using WebQuest technology in teaching foreign languages in higher education are as follows:
• Work in the information and communication environment. WebQuests are organized by teachers, aimed at using foreign languages as a means of communication. Performing tasks, students work with foreign language information: search, selection, translation (if necessary), analysis of educational information, which is of particular interest for learning a foreign language in the framework of the discipline "Foreign language in professional activity", since language training takes place in the process of identifying, discussing and solving professional problems in a foreign language.
• Work in a team. One of the necessary conditions for conducting WebQuests is the need for all students to participate in it, work in groups, and within these groups, certain roles or tasks are provided for each of the participants, due to which students have a higher level of responsibility for the quality of the task performed, which contributes to the motivation of learning.
• Creative work. The purpose of a WebQuest is never limited to finding information. Due to various non-standard tasks, the solution of which does not imply the presence of correct or incorrect answers, students learn how to process and present information: how to create a presentation, video, how to present information in the form of infographics, dictionary cloud, etc. Some tasks in the WebQuest require participants to find creative answers to problems. Thus, WebQuests can serve as a means of teaching creativity through various tasks.
• Working with information. Search, selection, analysis, transformation, storage, archiving, transfer of various types of information - all these tasks are faced by students as part of the WebQuest tasks.
• Training motivation. Students participating in WebQuests become more motivated, which is valuable not only because they will be encouraged to do their part, but also because most WebQuests are centered around topical issues that occur in the world, dedicated to solving professional problems. The use of information sources, Internet resources instead of textbooks also helps, as does the fact that the distribution of roles and tasks among the participants depends on the success of each member.
Thus, the WebQuest technology proves to be universal in the process of teaching foreign languages in higher education and can be used to develop the competence of future specialists in the field of independent cognitive activity, based on the assimilation of ways to acquire knowledge and skills from various sources; involves the presence of new, diverse forms of creative work with different types of information, which is especially necessary in the modern world.
_Materials and Methods
In our research we used the six essential components of the Marketing Mix Model WebQuest:
Introduction: This stage is normally used to introduce the overall theme of the WebQuest. It involves giving background information on the topic and, in the language learning context, often introduces key vocabulary and concepts which learners will need to understand in order to complete the tasks involved. Within the first stage "Introduction" the students were presented the overall theme of the WebQuest, that was on Marketing Mix Model. It meant giving background information on the topic and, in the language learning context, introducing key vocabulary and concepts which learners had to study to complete the tasks.
Task: The Task section of the WebQuest explains clearly and precisely what the learners will have to do as they work their way through the WebQuest. The task should be motivating and interesting for the learners, and should be firmly anchored in a real-life situation. The "Task section" of our WebQuest explained clearly and precisely what the students had to do as they had worked their way through the WebQuest. They developed their own topic answering coherently to the given commission. They searched for information on the successful presentations and to design a Power Point presentation in which they were to show the theoretical basis of the four Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) in Marketing Mix Model. They had to argue their work within 8 minutes maximum and each member of the group made its own contribution during the exposition. Then the students studied the following questions:
1. What the Marketing Mix is;
2. How it works;
3. The impact of variables on Marketing Mix Models.
Process: The Process stage of a WebQuest guides the learners through a set of activities and research tasks, using a set of pre-defined resources. These resources - in the case of a WebQuest - are predominately web-based and are usually presented in clickable form within the task document (it's important to bear in mind that it's much easier to click on a link than to type it in with any degree of accuracy). In the case of a language-based WebQuest, the Process stage of the WebQuest may introduce (or recycle) lexical areas or grammatical points which are essential to the Task. 4 Ps are the four main elements of MMM have been studied by the students. Also the students were working with the MMM and its three stages: pre-planning stage (this stage includes analysis of historical data such as sales, expenses for all past advertising campaigns, and ROI); planning stage (this stage consists of predicting and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts; results tracking stage (this stage involved the students in tracking the effectiveness of all marketing variables, modeling spending scenarios). The Process stage of the WebQuests will usually have one or sometimes several "products" which the learners are expected to present at the end. These "products" will often form the basis of the Evaluation stage (see below).
The Resources: The Resources are the websites learners will use to complete the task. Providing resources for your students will help focus the exercise on processing information instead of just locating it. These resources are pre-selected (by the instructor) for the learner so attention can be focused on the topic. Also provide information as to how to organize information that they will gather. It is good to incorporate the resources within the process
section where they will be needed. Some offline resources (texts, maps, and face to face interactions with knowledgeable people) may be included as well. In the MMM WebQuest students used "Complete guide to marketing mix modeling" (https://www.listendata. com/2019/09/marketing-mix-modeling.html) and other resources.
Evaluation: The Evaluation measures the results of the activity. This stage can involve learners in self-evaluation, comparing and contrasting what they have produced with other learners and giving feedback on what they feel they have learnt, achieved, etc. It will also involve teacher evaluation of the same products, and good WebQuest will give guidance to the teacher for this particular part of the process [1]. During the "Process section" of our WebQuest, the students studied the given information, searched for extra information, developed the presentations to show their results. The multiple-choice test was made up of 25 questions; each single right answer made 0.4 points. The arithmetic mean of the marks of the above mentioned assessments was the students' final score.
Conclusion: The Conclusion sums up the activity for learners to reflect on what they have accomplished and encourages them to discuss possible extensions. The teacher may wish to use the conclusion section to suggest questions for debriefing the entire class. In the "Conclusion section" the students learned about Marketing Mix and business decisions through the WebQuest. They read and explored how products, price, promotion and place co-worked to determine the success of business. Moreover, they got acquainted with the following topics: 'What makes presentations successful' and 'How develop successful presentations'.
The objective of our research consists in using the WebQuest technology to study professional English in higher universities. On this basis, the research aims to teach the students professional terminology and topics in English through interactive activities on the Internet. For our analysis, we created and conducted a Marketing Mix Model WebQuest at the faculty of "Social Sciences and Mass Communications" in the framework of discipline "English for professional purposes" in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation to study professional English.
The analysis of the research carried out in the series of classes "Advertising and Public Relations" in the discipline 'English for professional purposes' revealed that there are differences in the results of students in the experimental group (EG) in which the classes were conducted in accordance with the Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology and in the control group (CG) in which the Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology was not used. A series of classes was held in groups of linguistic translators with 22 students each. All grades for tasks were set according to a 100-point system in the following ranges: >85 excellent, 75-84 good, 65-74 satisfactory, <65 unsatisfactory. Student distribution by points: Control Group (CG): 2 students showed the result of <65 points, 10 students made 6574 points, 9 students made 75-84 points and 1 student reached a total of >85.
Experimental Group (EG): nobody showed the result of <65 points, 4 students made 65-74 points, 11 students made 75-84 and 7 students reached a total of >85. The results of
the study and t-Student criterion calculation showed that the experimental group did better than the control one. Mean value of control group came up to 74,32 points whereas of experimental group - to 81,95 points. The significance level of t-Student test made < 0,001.
The development of Web-quest technology proved to be a long and complicated process. Firstly, when working on the study of a topic, the teacher uses extensive information from the Internet on a specific theme. And here is the main problem of all the courses concerning not only WebQuest development, but the course on professional English as well. The main problem of teaching professional English as a subject matter is that the teacher should be a professional in this particular area, but also should have a perfect command of English and specific terminology in this particular area. That is why much attention should be paid to the content, which must be actual, reliable and valid. Secondly, when working on a WebQuest, a student can choose the most convenient pace to complete the task, which will not depend on individual work or work in a team. Thirdly, WebQuests are held in such circumstances that the students have to search for additional information on the topic, but within certain limits set by the teacher. And this feature of WebQuests allows to use the information which had been prepared and "controlled" by the teacher to prevent the possibility of using sites with unconfirmed, false or biased information.
The information presented in multimedia form has other properties than the one given in textbooks. It is not focused on learning and understanding, but only on forming an image that does not have a structure. In addition, we can come across various forms of information on the Internet that are intertwined and affect the human psyche with the help of specific effects: combinations of colors, sounds and symbols. Another problem is that the information on the Internet is presented in different genres, styles, has a different orientation address, and the same facts are interpreted differently. "Only a subject specialist can evaluate the information on a thematic site and decide whether it can be used in the educational process or not" [5, p. 97]. The teacher also selects Internet resources, focusing on different levels of the language training of students. Evaluating the results of a WebQuest has a number of criteria that allow to include an assessment of not only language knowledge, but also communication skills, which is a Central task in teaching a foreign language (the ability to clearly express your thoughts, lead a discussion, work in a team, etc.).
The key advantage of implementing Marketing Mix Model WebQuests in the educational process is to encourage students into independent analytical and creative thinking, involving them in an objective assessment of their own results and the results of their colleagues. Besides, the results of the students' work during our WebQuest conducting can be used by them in their future professional activities. WebQuests are not only an innovative method of teaching and controlling the knowledge obtained by the teacher, but also a new method of obtaining (or, more precisely, "getting") knowledge by students. Here, the teacher acts as an assistant, who predominantly directs the independent creative process of finding answers to the questions posed in the WebQuest. Such questions are similar to a "skeleton" of a WebQuest's implementation. Consequently, making a good WebQuest requires time and high professionalism. Having developed a series of WebQuests for specific courses, the teacher will be able to use them further in the following years, not only saving time, but also making the learning and control process present-day, fun and rewarding [2, p. 24].
This paper provided a new scientific approach to the solution of one of the most complex problems of present stage of teaching professional English language through interactive activities on the Internet. In our research Marketing Mix Model WebQuest has been created and implemented in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation for the junior-year students in the faculty of "Advertising and Public Relations" to study professional terminology and topics in the framework of the course 'English for professional purposes'.
The results of the study and t-Student criterion calculation showed that the experimental group did better than the control one. WebQuest technology helped not only to improve the learners' educational skills and the perception of educational material, it stimulated self-cognitive activities to become more resourceful and insightful. The use of the Marketing Mix Model WebQuest technology contributed to increasing the efficiency of learning material, had a beneficial effect on the process of teaching a foreign language in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education.
WebQuests help students to establish successful teamwork, ensure interchangeability, create mutual cooperation and distribution of duties. The implementation of the WebQuest technology provides considerable progress in professional English studying through a more complex and in-depth process learning in information and education environment.
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Информация об авторах Агальцова Дарья Владиславовна
(Россия, Москва) Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8892-2437 Scopus ID: 57202629637
Ильющенко Наталья Степановна
(Россия, Москва) Кандидат филологических наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков Школа-студия МХАТ E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8204-6867 Scopus ID: 57206889634
Information about the authors
Daria V. Agaltsova
(Russia Moscow) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8892-2437 Scopus ID:57202629637
Natalia S. Ilyuschenko
(Russia Moscow) PhD in Philology, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Moscow Art Theater School E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8204-6867 Scopus ID: 57206889634