УДК 004
Khomidov M. E.
Rustamov M. M.
Goipov E. A.
Department of Biological Physics, Informatics
Medical Technology, ASMI Uzbekistan, Andijan
Annotation: Interactive teaching methods create didactic conditions for students to experience success situations in the learning process. They realize the creative potential of students, activate their cognitive activity. This article is a study of the methods of interactive learning and development of lessons using them in an informatics lesson.
Keywords: method, interactive method, didactics, dialogue, computer science
Currently, the modernization of the education system is underway, which opens up new horizons and learning opportunities. To the professional competence of teachers, new, increased requirements are beginning to be presented. The teacher is given the task of educating a fully developed, prepared for life and interaction in the modern information society personality. This problem can be solved only by that teacher who owns modern pedagogical and information technologies. At the heart of modern innovative technologies is student-centered learning. In the practice of teaching a foreign language, personality-oriented technologies are applied, which include interactive learning technology.The urgency of the problem today, the school is faced with the task of creating favorable conditions for the organization of educational activities in such a way as to provide personality-oriented learning with the greatest motivation for learning and the maximum preservation of the health of each child. One of the solutions to this problem is the widespread introduction of interactive teaching methods in the educational process.Interactive teaching methods. They are based on the process of game interaction, or the mechanism of interaction (translated from English means "interaction, impact"). Interactive methods are understood as a system of rules for the interaction of a teacher and students in the form of educational games and situations, providing pedagogically effective cognitive communication. The content of the interactive impact of teachers and students in the educational process in the school environment is a programmed educational material.A dialogue is a conversation of two or more persons. The main unit of dialogue is dialogic unity - a thematic union of several replicas, which is an exchange of views, each of which depends on the previous one. The so-called code of communication relationships affects the nature of the replicas. There are three main types of interaction of dialogue participants: dependence, cooperation and equality.
Any dialogue has its own structure: the beginning - the main part - the ending. The dimensions of the dialogue are theoretically unlimited, since its lower boundary
"Экономика и социум" №11(66) 2019
can be open. In practice, any dialogue has its ending. Dialogue is considered as the primary form of verbal communication, therefore, it has received its greatest distribution in the field of colloquial speech, but the dialogue is presented in scientific, journalistic, and official-business speech. Being the primary form of communication, dialogue is an unprepared, spontaneous type of speech. Even in a scientific, journalistic and official-business speech, with the possible preparation of replicas, the development of a dialogue will be spontaneous, since usually replicas - the interlocutor's reactions are unknown or unpredictable. For the dialogue to exist, on the one hand, a common information base of its participants is needed, and on the other hand, the initial minimum gap in the knowledge of the dialogue participants. Lack of information can adversely affect the productivity of dialogical speech. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the dialogue, the situation of communication, the role of interlocutors, the following main types of dialogues can be distinguished: household, business conversation, interview. Interactive ("Inter" is mutual, "act" is action) - involving interaction. Interactive learning is a way of learning, which is carried out as a result of joint activities of students. The interactive model of learning involves a wider interaction of students, it is aimed at the dominance of student activity in the learning process. As a result of interactive learning, almost all students are involved in the cognition process, there is a reflection on the knowledge and skills of students, each makes a special individual contribution to the overall activity, there is an exchange of ways of activity, as well as knowledge and ideas. An important condition for organizing interactive learning is to create an atmosphere of mutual support and friendliness. This allows students to more easily learn new knowledge. In addition, the cognitive activity itself develops, a transition to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation takes place.
Most scientists are inclined to understand interactive learning as a process of active interaction of students, the process of mutual learning (collective, group learning in collaboration). The teacher and student are equal, equal subjects of learning. This type of training helps to rethink knowledge as the main indicator of human education - they turn into a means of developing the personality of students. The role of skills to obtain and synthesize information from various sources is growing. Thus, interactive learning acts as a special form of organization of the educational process, in which there is a constant, active interaction of all its participants.
Interactive learning requires a different logic from the educational process: not from theory to practice, but from the formation of new experience to its theoretical understanding through use. The experience and knowledge of students become a source of their mutual learning. The main difference between interactive exercises and tasks from the usual ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at fixing already known material, but at learning new things. During interactive learning, students learn to communicate, think constructively, and make informed decisions. Interactive learning aims to create comfortable, close to professional activities, learning conditions under which each student feels his success, intellectual solvency and which will ensure the active interaction of
students among themselves. It excludes the dominance of one participant in the educational process over others, one thought over another. The special value of using interactive learning is that students learn to work effectively in a team. Participants in interactive training are able to conduct discussions, share achievements, collaborate, and independently develop training materials. Interactive learning encourages students to solve complex, topical issues. When students have the ability to control their own learning process, its importance increases. The ability to make choices and collaborate with others enhances their motivation. The result of the interaction during such training is not only the assimilation of knowledge, but also changes in one's own state, the degree of advancement in mastering subject-specific skills in relation to previous achievements. When students learn, interacting with each other, they feel emotional and intellectual support, which allows them to go beyond their current level of education [4].In modern pedagogical practice, several dozen new strategies, methods and teaching methods, including interactive ones, have been developed and applied. A modern teacher, regardless of the taught subject or educational discipline, must possess the necessary "arsenal" of interactive teaching methods and be able to use them in the educational process.
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