UDC 067.38.772-42
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-198-205
Marusina ülena Sergeyevna,
postgraduate of the Departmen Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, tel.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524
Марусша Олена Сергивна,
асшрантка кафедри публгчного адмШ-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524
Марусина Елена Сергеевна,
аспирантка кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524
Abstract. The main innovative aspects of management of modern higher education, which are caused by the transition of societies from post-industrial to informational status, are analysed. The article substantiates the provisions concerning: a) the nature and specifics of radical modernization of education in general and higher education directly; b) the role and significance of innovations in the management of institution of higher education; c) new approaches to the formation of public administration in the development of higher education; d) human dimension in the transformation of higher education and its management. It is noted that innovation changes in higher education are ambiguous and can be classified by such a system: a) by the real level of novelty; b) on the peculiarity of their implementation (one-time, systemic, diffuse, etc.); c) in the state of imple-
mentation successful or completed, incomplete, etc.). The emphasis is on the fact that there are many different theories of the development of education in general and higher education directly: the theory of selective development; theory of resource membership; theory of structural and situational development; the theory of neoinstitutional development; phenomenological theory and others. The thesis on state administration of higher education as an organized independent part of the overall process of public administration is substantiated, which includes the development, adoption and practical recommendation of organizational, coordinating, regulatory, motivational, controlling influence on the system of higher education, its development and progressive functioning. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the process of analysing the innovative aspects of the development of higher education three possible theoretical and methodological approaches are used: functional, technological, theoretical. It is substantiated that there is every reason to point out that "development of education" is a much wider, voluminous process than simply "updating of education", because because of it education acquires qualitatively new features. The same applies to the term "modernization of education", or the term "education update", under which we most likely have to see some aspects of education.
Keywords: education, higher education, innovations in the education system, innovative components of the transformation of modern higher education.
Анотащя. Аналiзуються основш шновацшш аспекти управлшня сучас-ною вищою осв^ою, що зумовлеш переходом сустльств вщ постшдустр^ ального до шформацшного стану. Обгрунтовуються положення, що стосу-ються: а) характеру i специфши радикально! модершзаци осв™ загалом та вищо! освгги, безпосередньо; б) роль i значення шновацш в управлшш ЗВО; в) новi шдходи до формування державного управлшня розвитком вищо! осв^и; г) людський вимiр у трансформаци вищо! осв™ та управлiння нею. Зазначаеться, що iнновацiйнi змiни у вищш освiтi мають неоднозначний характер i можуть класифiкуватися за такою системою: а) за реальним рiвнем новизни; б) за особливютю !х здiйснення (разовi, системнi, дифузнi тощо); в) за станом впровадження (усшшш або завершенi, незавершенi i т. ш.). Робиться акцент на тому, що юнуе чимало рiзних теорш розвитку освiти в цiлому i вищо! освiти, безпосередньо: теорiя селективного розвитку; теорiя ресурсно! належностi; теорiя структурно-ситуативного розвитку; теорiя нео-шституцшного розвитку; феноменологiчна теорiя та ш. Обгрунтовуеться теза щодо державного управлшня вищою осв^ою як оргашзовано! самостiйно! частини загального процесу державного управлшня, яке включае розробку, прийняття та практичну рекомендащю органiзацiйних, координацшних, ре-гулюючих, мотивацiйних, контролюючих впливiв на систему вищо! освiти, !!
розвиток та прогресивне функцюнування. Звертаеться увага на те, що в про-цесi аналiзу iнновацiйних аспектiв розвитку вищо! освiти використовуеться три можливих теоретико-методолопчних пiдходи: функцiональний, техно-лопчний, теоретичний. Обгрунтовано, що "розвиток осв™" — це набагато ширший, об'емний процес, шж просто "оновлення освгги", оскiльки завдяки йому освiта набувае яюсно нових ознак. Те ж саме стосуеться i термiна "мо-дернiзацiя освiти", або термiна "оновлення освгги", пiд якими, скорiше маемо вбачати окремi аспекти освiти.
Ключовi слова: освiта, вища освiта, шноваци в системi освiти, шновацш-ш складовi трансформаци сучасно! вищо! освiти.
Аннотация. Анализируются основные инновационные аспекты управления современным высшим образованием, которые обусловлены переходом обществ от постиндустриального к информационному состоянию. Обосновываются положения, которые касаются: а) характера и специфики радикальной модернизации образования в целом и высшего образования непосредственно; б) роль и значение инноваций в управлении высшими учебными заведениями; в) новые подходы к формированию государственного управления развитием высшего образования; г) человеческий фактор в трансформации высшего образования и управления им. Указывается на то, что инновационные изменения в высшем образовании имеют неоднозначный характер и могут классифицироваться по такой системе: а) по реальным уровням новизны; б) по особенности их осуществления (разовые, системные, диффузные и т. п.); в) по состоянию внедрения (успешные или завершенные, незавершенные и т. д.). Делается акцент на том, что существует немало различных теорий развития образования в целом и высшего образования непосредственно: теория селективного развития; теория ресурсной принадлежности; теория структурно-ситуативного развития; теория неоинституционного развития; феноменологическая теория и другие. Обосновывается тезис относительно государственного управления высшим образованием как организованной самостоятельной частью общего процесса государственного управления, которое включает разработку, принятие и практическую реализацию организационных, координационных, регулирующих, мотиваци-онных, контролирующих воздействий на систему высшего образования, его развитие и прогрессивное функционирование. Обращается внимание на то, что в процессе анализа инновационных аспектов развития высшего образования используется три возможных теоретико-методологических подхода: функциональный, технологический, теоретический. Обосновано, что "развитие образования" — это более широкий, объемный процесс, чем просто "обновления образования", поскольку благодаря ему образование приобретает
качественно новые признаки. То же самое касается и термина "модернизация образования", или термина "обновления образования", под которыми скорее всего имеем видеть отдельные аспекты образования.
Ключевые слова: образование, высшее образование, инновации в системе образования, инновационные составляющие трансформации современного высшего образования.
The relevance of this problem is
substantiated by the irreversibility of the actual revolutionary nature of the transformations inherent in modern education in general and higher education. In our opinion, the transition from the so-called "knowledge" higher education to "activity" education dominates due to the variety of problems existing here, as well as qualitative aspects. As noted by the OECD Secretary General A. Shliahter, the world economy pays you more for what you know, because Google knows everything. It pays you for what you can do with what you know. Among all aspects of the radical transformation of higher education, its management, especially management of the state, in the modern era of transition to information societies, innovations took one of the prominent places. What they are substantiated by, what they are, what their specificity as to the higher education is, what are innovative tools and technologies, what is the peculiarity of their use — the list of such questions can be continued. In general, there is a real need for a more substantive understanding and theoretical study of these and other issues and problems, which significantly exacerbates the relevance of this problem.
Degree of scientific development of the designated problem. The issues of innovative development and innova-
tive management of higher education were studied in detail and are now being developed by foreign scientists such as N. Barber, N. N. Bennett, K. Robinson, M. Fullan, M. Yavorska, and domestic (Ukrainian) V. Andrushchenko, N. Boychenko, M. Hanson, M. Holo-vatyi, L. Danilenko, S. Kalashnikova, V. Kremen, V. Lugovyi, Yu. Molchano-va, N. Protasova, A. Symenets-Orlova, A. Struieva, S., Semeniuk, S. Terepysh-chyi, B. Chiyhevsky, M. Shevchenko and others. We draw attention to the fact that the issues of political and legal changes in the countries, which actively affect the development of higher education, organizational and managerial aspects, through which the functioning of higher education is improved, occupy a prominent place in the special works on this topic. However, the nature of the innovative components of the development of higher education and its management, using innovation, primarily by such a major subject as the state, remain much less developed.
The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze the main innovative aspects of public administration of modern higher education adequately to the peculiarities of its development and social transformation.
Presentation of the main material. Obviously, we should start with a fairly
clear definition of the essence, meaning, content of the radical changes taking place in modern higher education, including in Ukraine today.
"Development of education", according to the definition of the Ukrainian researcher I. Semenets-Orlova — is "irreversible, vector of changes in education, major update for a transition to qualitative new state with new educational interests, goals, content, structure, institutional mechanisms, with simultaneous removal of obsolete attributes of educational organizations, that outlived its functional load: a complex process of interaction between the progressive and regressive components of education with a priority of progress" [9, p. 69]. As you can see, among the components of this ambiguous process, the "political and managerial mechanisms" occupy a prominent place. Such mechanisms include the following main ones: a) state policy in the field of education; b) state management of education; c) organizational and managerial mechanisms.
At the same time, there is every reason to point out that "the development of education" is a much broader, voluminous process than just "the renewal of education", because thanks to it education gains qualitatively new features. The same applies to the term "modernization of education", or the term "renewal of education", under which some aspects of education are likely to be seen.
Changes, innovations in higher education have different and ambiguous character, concerning their essential features. So, the American researcher M. Hanson identifies three main types of change: planned, sudden and evolu-
tionary [2, p. 313-314]. The planned changes are in advance thought over, to a certain extent predictable changes, in advance understandable for the participants of the management process. Sudden changes are less expected and therefore they are not always meaningful and effective. Evolutionary changes, as a rule, are the most causal, logical, although the results obtained from their implementation are not always sufficiently justified. N. Henson who was already cited, distinguished also so-called forced changes that are not always ex-pected-productive.
It is appropriate to classify changes in higher education according to the following system: a) changes in the level of their novelty. They can be critical (radical) and less significant (secondary), and sometimes even tenured;
b) changes of feature implementation (one-time, systemic, diffuse, etc.);
c) changes of the state of implementation (successful or completed; unfinished) and the like.
Educational changes, reforms now take place in fact in most societies, but not everywhere they give the desired effect. M. Fullan, in particular, points out that the success of reforms can be estimated by the formula: E = ISA. In this formula, E is the coefficient of efficiency of the system; M is the motivation of the system to reforms; C is the ability to reforms; A — support, designed to a certain responsibility [12; 13]. In this case, the remark of I. Semenets-Orlova is appropriate to in the context that "the experience of developed countries showed that the educational sector has progressed simultaneously with the political changes in management that have led to economic competitiveness,
transparency and the welfare of society" [9, p. 9]. This conclusion is quite true of higher education in the former and modern Ukraine.
There are many different theories of the development of education in general. Among them the most popular are the following ones: the theory of selective development (H. Aldrich, M. Hannan); the theory of resource supplies (G. Selensik); theory of structural-situation (P. Yadurens); the neoinstitutional development theory (J. Mayer); phenomenological theory (B. Heinings). However, there is every reason to agree with the S. Terpyshch-nyi, who believes that "in the postindustrial (information) era decreases the possibility of precise calculation procedural aspects of the educational changes, it becomes less clear what the optimization measures for this system should be implemented at a specific point in time" [10, p. 9]. These theories should be taken into account when analyzing innovation processes in higher education.
In the education system there are three main subjects — the person (the individual), the state, the society, which should now be actually equal partners, and therefore the management of education, including above, should have a state-public character. This is the basis not only for the democratization of education, but also for its further intensive innovative development.
State education management, in our opinion, is an organized independent part of the overall process of public administration, which includes development, adoption and practical recommendation of organizational, coordination, regulatory, motivational,
controlling impacts on the system of higher education, its development and progressive functioning. Tools, levers, incentives, and methods by which the state affects education and its functioning, development, improvement constitute a state management system in education [3, p. 5].
Many specialists in the field of education management use the term "management of innovation and educational activities". So I. Semenets-Orlova understands under this term "the instrumental branch of modern management, including administrative-regulatory, organizational, economic and socio-psychological forms and methods for efficient updates of training highly qualified specialists" [9, p. 70]. We can agree with this.
When talking about innovation in education as a general, we use one of the three main approaches to understanding its essential features:
a) functional approach. This refers to a purposeful change, through which education acquires a fundamentally new state (A. Prigozhyn);
b) technological approach. We are talking about certain technological and economic actions, the process of activity;
c) theoretical approach. Innovation is a purposeful, science-based managed process that involves the solution of a specific problem (j. Soros) [1].
Innovation in education is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon: (what we call innovation). So, according to the well-known Ukrainian teacher V. Kremin, there are more than 100 different definitions of innovation [11]. Let us remember that according to the Law of Ukraine "On innovation activity",
innovations mean actions that significantly improve any sphere, production, etc [4]. At the same time, we draw attention to the fact that the human dimension of higher education — despite the technologies, organizational foundations, and innovations — has been and remains decisive for the sphere of higher education, no matter what country it is reformed in. The role of man, a leader in the reform of education was investigated and is being investigated by V. Andrushchenko, N. Bennetti, M. Barber, M. Holovatyi, D. Gopkina, V. Kremen and many other scientists in the world and in modern Ukraine.
Many scientists, in particular in Ukraine — M. Bahatchenko, L. Daniy-enko, S. Kalashnikova, A. Sbruieva and others determine, — I. Semenets-Orlo-va writes, the phenomenon of leadership in education as a new management paradigm [9, p. 159].
Among the many problems of management of modern education, let us highlight the problem of training of heads of education. N. Protasov and Yu. Molchanova say not only on the direction of the consistent improvement of knowledge, but also on the development of the personal sphere of managers, motivation of continuous professional self-improvement and self-education [7, p. 216-217].
Summary. Innovative development of higher education, its radical transformation adequately to the needs of social progress of societies is the objectively-natural phenomenon. At the same time, such transformations require changes in the system of public administration of higher education, changes in the management of higher education directly on innovative principles. A
deeper rethinking of these problems will make it possible to choose and effectively use for this purpose newer, more progressive methods, methods, technologies that are being developed in societies of transition, the information state, in which the Ukrainian society today is.
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