DOI httpsu
UDC: 351
Marusina ülena Sergeyevna,
postgraduate of the Departmen Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro-metivska, 2, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524 Марусша Олена Сергивна, астрантка кафедри публiчного адмШ-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, e-mail: marusina@
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524 Марусина Елена Сергеевна,
аспирантка кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524
Annotation. The article is devoted to the actual problems of theoretical substantiation of the essence of the new educational policy in the XXI century. The analysis of key aspects of radical reorganization of such a policy in the world and in modern Ukraine is underway. Attention is drawn to the essence of the new educational policy for modern Ukraine in accordance with the world and national transformational processes. It is proved that from the world, European educational policy, the practice of its realization should creatively take all the most valuable — the democratization of education, the autonomy of educational institutions, the participation of the public in the implementation of educational policy. Another is the model of education in Ukraine in terms of specialties, specializations: it is entirely determined by the nature of economic and economic development, that is, the system of market economy. The same applies to the spiritual and educational processes in the education system, directly in separate educational institutions. In Ukraine we have our own large, progressive and
interesting models and the experience of pedagogical, educational work in various educational institutions, and therefore it is not necessary to take blindly the experience of other countries: we are still forming some kind of faceless, cosmic, general civilization personality — the human being of the world, as they say, — the own, Ukrainian citizen, who, above all, should have inherent, in addition to general human, purely national traits and character. Without them, by the way, the young citizen is not able to creatively perceive and use in his life and activities the best human values and samples.It was emphasized that in foreign theories of the new educational policy two main points can be seen that should be taken into account when developing such a policy in Ukraine:
a) update the educational process in all parts of education;
b) changes in technologies and mechanisms of education management;
Although both aspects are important for the state (government) as the main
subject of the new educational policy in Ukraine, it is nevertheless concluded that the former is more in the authority of the institution itself, and the latter is directly under the jurisdiction of the state.
Keywords: education; new educational policy; innovative character of education; state administration education.
Анотащя. Порушено актуальш проблеми теоретичного обгрунтування сутносп ново!' осв^ньо!' полгтики у ХХ1 ст. Проаналiзовано ключовi аспекти радикально!' перебудови тако!' политики у свт й сучаснш Украшь Звертаеть-ся увага на суть ново!' осв^ньо!' политики для сучасно!' Украши ввдповщно до св^ових i нащональних трансформацшних процеав. Доведено, що 3Í свгго-во'1', европейсько!' осв^ньо!' политики, практики ïï реалiзацiï слвд творчо взяти все найщншше: демократизацш освiти, автономiзацiю навчальних закладiв, участь громадськосп в реалiзацiï освiтньоï пол^ики. 1нша справа — модель осв™ в Украïнi щодо спецiальностей, спецiалiзацiй: вона цiлком визнача-еться характером економшо-господарського розвитку, тобто системою рин-кового господарювання. Це стосуеться i духовно-виховних процеав в систе-мi освiти, безпосередньо в окремих навчальних закладах. Украша мае власнi прогресивш й цiкавi моделi, а також великий досвщ педагогiчноï, виховно!' роботи в рiзних закладах освiти. Отже, слшо переймати досвiд iнших краш не слiд: формуемо все ж не якусь безлику, космiчну, загальноцившзацшну особистiсть, — людину свiту, як кажуть, — а власного, украшського грома-дянина, якому насамперед мають бути притаманнi, крiм загальнолюдських, суто нащональш риси i характер. Без них, до реч^ молодий громадянин не в змозi творчо сприйняти i використовувати у своему жита i дiяльностi крашд загальнолюдськi щнносл i зразки. Пiдкреслено, що в зарубiжних теорiях ново!' освгшьо!' полiтики проглядаються два основних моменти, як слiд було б враховувати i при розробщ тако!' политики в Украïнi:
а) оновлення навчально-виховного процесу в уах ланках освгги;
б) змши в технолопях i механiзмах управлiння сферою осв™.
Хоча обидва аспекти важливi для держави (влади) як основного суб'екта ново! осв^ньо! полiтики в Украшк перше — бiльше належить до повнова-жень самого навчального закладу, а друге — безпосередньо знаходиться у ввданш держави.
Ключовi слова: освта; нова освiтня пол^ика; iнновацiйний характер освiти; державне управлшня освiтою.
Аннотация. Затронуты актуальные проблемы теоритического обоснования сущности новой образовательной политики в ХХ1 в. Анализируются ключевых аспекты радикальной перестройки такой политики в мире и в современной Украине. Обращено внимание на сущность новой образовательной политики для современной Украины в соответствии с мировими и национальным трансформационными процесами. Доказано, что из мировой, европейской образовательной политики, практики ее реализации следует взять все наиболее ценное: демократизацию образования, автономизацию учебных заведений, участие общественности в реализации образовательной политики. Другое дело — модель образования в Украине относительно специальностей, специализаций: она всецело определяется характером еконо-мико-хозяйственного развития, т. е. системой рыночного хозяйствования. То же самое касается и духовно-воспитательных процессов в системе образования, непосредственно в отдельных учебных заведениях. Украина имеет собственные, прогрессивные и интересные модели, а также большой опыт педагогической, воспитательной работы в разных заведениях образования, а поэтому слепо перенимать опыт других стран не следует: формируем все же не какую-то безликую, космическую, общецивилизационную личность, — человека мира, как говорят, — а собственного, украинского гражданина, которому прежде всего должны быть присущи, кроме общечеловеческих, сугубо национальные черты и характер. Без них, кстати, молодой гражданин не в состоянии творчески воспринять и использовать в своей жизни и деятельности лучшие общечеловеческие ценности и образцы. Подчеркнуто, что в зарубежных теориях новой образовательной политики просматриваются два основных момента, которые следовало бы учитывать и при разработке такой политики в Украине:
а) обновление учебно-воспитательного процесса во всех звеньях образования;
б) изменения в технологиях и механизмах управления сферой образования.
Оба аспекта важны для государства (власти) как основного субъекта новой образовательной политики в Украине: первое больше относится к пол-
номочиям самого учебного заведения, а второе непосредственно находится во ведении государства.
Ключевые слова: образование, новая образовательная политика, инновационный характер образования, государственное управление образованием.
Formulation of the problem. Education in the modern world from the end of the twentieth century began to radically transform. The dominant factors causing such processes were globalization, informatization, intensive market transformations, various innovation and other processes, especially, which manifest themselves in the post-industrial societies that are turning into the information state. The above and other processes have put forward qualitatively new tasks before education, besides science and education have also begun to acquire more and more the qualities of a product, and not just the basis, the factor of education, professional training of a person, the formation of personality. The above demanded a substantial rethinking of the essence of the educational policy, as the most important component of the state social policy, and, ultimately, of public administration in such a sphere of public life as education.
Analysis of the state of scientific development of issues related to educational policy allows you to: a) comprehend and clarify the essence of the development of education; b) understand the state and needs of improving the state policy in education and the problems of the practical implementation of such a policy.
The proclamation of independence of Ukraine, the creation of a fundamentally new statehood (the formation of
a political system, a political regime), the formation of market economics, the formation of fundamentally different, as previously, relations between the state and civil society and others, required a fundamentally new way to build an educational sphere.
A new paradigm of the educational policy in modern Ukraine is now being studied in detail by specialists in various fields of knowledge, among which the theoretical and practical developments of such scholars as V. An-drushchenko, N. Golovaty, O. Demy-anchuk, V. Zhuravsky, G. Kasyanov, V. Kirichuk, V. Korsak, V. Kremen, V. Nikitin, S. Nikolaenko, V. Savelyev, I. Semenets-Orlova, T.Finikov, G. Sh-chokin and others.
Most researchers of this issue emphasize that the need to develop a new educational policy for Ukraine is due to a number of the following objective circumstances [1]:
inconsistencies in many criteria of education in Ukraine with the contemporary challenges of the globalization, informatization and democratization, development and the needs of a market economy;
lack of innovation in the functioning of modern education, which is the subject of deep development of such well-known foreign scientists like M. Albert, V. Avseev, M. Weber, E. Durkheim, M. Mescon, T. Serjo-
vanni, P. Scott, D. Soros, F. Fillipov, A. Khutorskaya, M. Yavorskaya and others. As Ukrainian researcher A. No-vitskaya put it figuratively, "The state education policy is formed without taking into account the analytical models of the political science, and the formulated political perspectives of education are situational, are taken without taking public opinion" [2, p. 114].
slow restructuring of the state administration of education provided to educational institutions of greater autonomy, the democratization of the process of training and education of a person (citizen), and others. As noted by the well-known Finnish expert in the field of education P. Salberg, "school reform is a complex and slow process, and haste destroys it" [3, p. 137]. This also applies to higher education.
Objectives of the article. The task is to analyze, isolate and characterize the main problems of the formation of a new educational policy in the countries of the world and mainly in the modern Ukraine, paying attention to what really determines the need for a new educational policy, what should be its main outlines and specificity, what complicates developing and implementing of such policies and how these difficulties could be avoided. It is equally important to decide on which samples are global, European, etc. the new educational policy in Ukraine should be implemented.
Presentation of the main material. Educational policy is: "a) the system of social relations between the state and the subjects of the provision of educational services; b) purposeful strategy of the state to create favourable conditions for the development of the educational
institutions and the education system as a whole, ensuring an appropriate level of educational activity" [4, p. 538].
The models of the educational policy in different countries, although they take into account international practice and national educational aspects, are different. If you try to highlight the most notable priorities in such a policy in general, they concern:
• comprehensive improvement of the quality and effectiveness of training and education as a holistic, formative personality process;
• ensuring maximum accessibility of education, educational services as one of the most important human rights (of an individual);
• increasing the efficiency of funds allocated by the state to education, etc.
Since the policy in education is not just declared, but is also appropriately listed in the country, for its substantive analysis one should take into account primarily the Constitution, Laws, Government decisions of the highest executive bodies of the state in the field of education (ministries, departments).
According to the state of education in the world, in most countries, trends related to investment development and the restructuring of education have come to the fore. "The historical changes that have taken place in the society in recent decades," writes V. Andrush-chenko, "require innovative development of the education, that is, the development of the educational system that would ensure its movement in step with the times, with the answer to the challenges that the present and future epochs form" [5, p. 231].
Under the innovative nature of the educational policy we understand:
a) adequate education response to the social needs of the individual and society; b) innovative nature of learning (new educational technologies, techniques, procedures); c) new relationships of educational institutions and much more. "The progressive information society," the Ukrainian researcher I. Semenets-Orlova notes appropriately, "very quickly set a number of new requirements for the national educational systems regarding the skills and abilities that a person must possess in the XXI century. ...The recipient of education has evolved from a passive consumer of information into an active, inventive creator of new knowledge and technologies." [6, p. 41]. Thus, the educational policy should maximally promote the search, development, introduction of the newest technologies, methods, techniques of teaching, so that a person maximally develops the ability to independently and constantly replenish his knowledge. In many countries, the new education policies are built on the principles and objectives of "Lifelong learning", and countries such as Japan, for example, in educational policy set the task to provide higher education to the entire adult population.
The subjects of the new educational policy in most countries are the state, the executive authorities, etc. However, this is not always the case. For example, in the USA the right to education actually occurs and is guaranteed by the power of individual states (the US Constitution does not mention education at all). In modern Ukraine, on the contrary, the main subject of the educational policy is the state, the highest authorities. It should also be
recalled that the constitutional rights to education (Article 53) in Ukraine actually do not correspond to reality. "The state," written down in the Constitution of Ukraine, "ensures the availability and free of charge (our underscore — O. M.) of preschool, complete general secondary, vocational, higher education in state and municipal educational institutions." [7, p. 22]. In reality, it does not exist.
It should be emphasized that in foreign theories of the new educational policy two main points can be seen that should be taken into account when developing such a policy in Ukraine:
• renewal of the educational process at all levels of education;
• changes in technologies and mechanisms of the education management.
Although both aspects are important for the state (government) as the main subject of the new educational policy in Ukraine, it should still be said that the former is more in the authority of the educational institution itself, and the latter is directly under the jurisdiction of the state.
Parents, the public, and the civil society in general should have a significantly greater attitude to Ukraine's new educational policy. For example, in the educational policy of England these aspects of education, professional training of a person occupy almost the dominant place [8]. Here not only parents take an active part in teaching the children, but also there are various virtual interscholastic communities, associations of teachers, etc.
Conclusions and prospects for further research.
In the theoretical and methodological terms, it is obvious that the forma-
tion and practical implementation of the educational policy in Ukraine — a society, a country that is radically transformed — requires a specific interdisciplinary study of its essence and patterns, identifying new internal relationships between the subjects of such a policy, its external determinations. The problem of introducing into practical activity of the government bodies in the state, directly in educational institutions at all levels of more sophisticated modern methodologies and methods of analyzing educational policy clearly arises [8].
There are many acute problems in the state educational policy, however, the problem of the state standards in education is initial and quite important. Firstly, such standards are not very well developed in accordance with the needs of the society. For example, the number of specialists in many professions is far from the actual labour market, and in a number of specialties there is generally an overproduction of specialists. As A. Novitskaya writes, "in Ukraine, the state continues to consider itself an arbiter of the quality of education and does not allow education to develop in accordance with the requirements of the consumer — individuals and institutions, regional characteristics" [2, p. 121]. The problem of the regional-territorial placement of the educational institutions of different levels in Ukraine also looks similarly. Thus, historically, that system, for example, of higher educational institutions, which does not justify itself. Here you can add the problem of the departmental subordination of the dis-advantaged categories of universities to "their" ministry (health protection,
certain technical universities, military educational institutions, etc.).
For the years of Ukraine's independence the educators, state officials, and the public tried to formulate and then practically implement in several fairly interesting and valuable documents of national weight, such as, for example, the State National Program "Education" (Ukraine XXI century), the National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine in the XXI Century and others. However, such programs have not really been implemented.
Separately, it looks like a block of such problems that should answer the question of how to be in the formation of a new educational policy in the modern Ukraine with international, directly European experience in the implementation of such a policy.
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